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I'm in the Federal Hill area now.

I think I know a gal that moved here on that WOW year. I can't remember her name but she moved several years back.

Kevlar- not thick, but it is keeping my basement wall standing. icon_smile.gif:)-->

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that shwing.

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Lindyhopper - icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Federal Hill's a great place now (not like when I came here as a Worm over the Whirled Ambassprofisher).

Are you going to MICA again or a different school?


Exxie, with all the WOWsers we've had in this state, how did they get missed?

I've got an idea: next time you're down this way, we'll go to their houses, knock on the doors and, when they open them, say we're Jeremiah's Witlesses. Then we'll sing, "All Along the Watchtower".

Well, I didn't say it was a good idea. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

Kevlar - not thick, just plain weird.

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Kevlar- Do you work at the Bass Pro Shop. haha I'm actually at Towson University now. This is the last semester then I fgraduate and become Mr. Mom.

Ex- my parents live in Catonsville and run a fellowship there. Maybe I can set your family up with them so they can get the Way experience, LOL. Sorry, just walkin the walk, you know. Ha!

I went to school for a year in Columbia at HCC. I've been all over the place here, as usual. What can I say I'm a mover and a shaker. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Lindyhopper- getting a little thicker every year and weirder every day.

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that shwing.

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Does anyone know Carol Ryan? That is her maiden name. Don't know her married name. She is from annapolis.

I knew her when I (briefly) lived in the Annapolis area. Like so many people from this area, I lost touch with them when they moved away and also when I left the Way. She and her mom and sisters were genuinely nice people. I hope she and her family are doing well.

Kevlar - Not thick, just impenetrable.

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Just for the record, I am originally from the Bladensburg/Hyattsville area near DC.

My daughter and I did most of our fellow shipping with TWI in the Baltimore area in Glen Burnie, circa 1985-1988. We lived in Glen Burnie about 6 years before moving to West Virginia.

Hi Kevlar! How's it been lately?

Just a thought...



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  • 2 weeks later...


I went to someone else's fellowship twice after you moved to Annapolis. Problem is, I don't remember who they were. I DO remember that they had just graduated Way Corps that year, and Glen Burnie was their first assignment. Things started getting really weird, so I stopped going altogether. I lost contact with you and everyone else after that.

I ran into Steve S. a few months later. He told me he and family were moving to the northern mid-west, but he didn't say if it was his decision or a Corps assignment.

Ann and I moved to Wheeling, WV in September 1990 (where I made the mistake of contacting TWI again - Super Dumb move), bought a house, and have been living here ever since, 'till last year anyway.

Jessica graduated college in 2000, a BA in theater arts. She has 2 boys, and is living just north of Wheeling with her husband.

Just catchin' up...



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  • 3 months later...

No, i took pfal when the first wave of wow's came through Annapolis. Carol, Annette, Dianne......Darlene and one more that went with Bob Fortner for awhile.

I left the way the first time from the 7th corps. I had a gut feeling then that lcm was out of control. I did not know he was out of fellowship until i returned to staff to help build the auditorium. I left after Dr. W. death and have been getting happier and more blessed.

Still live in the area. WAS best friends with Paul Brooks prior to my entering the way. Saw Chris Brooks several years ago. Paul had cut him off altogether. Paul has not spoken to me since leaving staff (in a hurry). Still talk with Annette the wow's husband Tom Cook. They are in Colorado.

Dianne the wow, married Carl from baltimore. Never heard anything more from them.

there's more if anyone is really intrestedd

Life is much to important to be taken seriously.

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Do you know who carol ryan is? That is her maiden name. I don't remember her married name. She was from annapolis. She has a mother that lived there that was also in twi. Carol was my wow sister in 1975. Thanks.

Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm looking for a very pretty black girl who I believe is named Cassandra (sp). She attended fellowship in the Baltimore area and is possibly still in twi. She dated a guy by the name of Skip Coleman who was once in the Baltimore area. I met them both at HQ's in 95-98. I believe that Skip was at HQ's and was put on TWI's spiritual probation during this time.

Can anyone help me in locating either one of these people? Thanks

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