well, as long as you're here, sisex, did you ever figure out how to get ahold of Judy Ridings? I sure would like to get in touch with her. She was best lady at my wedding. :)-->
Trefor has been so kind and helpful to me, I would never impose on him. Please remember I am from the South, and still consider imposition the most unforgivable of sins. ;)-->
sisex, haha, my mom would kill me for sure if I ever did that to anyone. Yet, if anybody ever walks in unannounced on her, well they get invited for dinner. :)-->
If I can convince my girlfriend from Wales to come along, I have a much better chance of being in your neck of the woods. You know how these things go though, I will be at the mercy of my hosts and hostesses.
But I figure, if it's meant to be, then it will be. Ya know?
What you need to do it to install a sense of hiraeth in her. That's the longing of the Welsh soul for its homeland when it has been away a long time. :)-->
He who knoweth the future also knoweth our itineries.
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Trefor Heywood
sure - sending you an email separately.
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Thanks, Trefor.
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little nosy me just getting here to say i love tref
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well, as long as you're here, sisex, did you ever figure out how to get ahold of Judy Ridings? I sure would like to get in touch with her. She was best lady at my wedding.
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Trefor Heywood
aww Ex! Love you too!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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no sis
oh and i love you and tref both !
will you get to meet ?
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Dear sisex
Trefor has been so kind and helpful to me, I would never impose on him. Please remember I am from the South, and still consider imposition the most unforgivable of sins.
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Trefor Heywood
Friends meeting friends is not an imposition
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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see sis, not an imposition at all (aren't you glad i nosied on in here
i'm a northerner and we just walk in unannounced (just kidding, my mom would kill me)
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Aw, Trefor, that is so sweet.
sisex, haha, my mom would kill me for sure if I ever did that to anyone. Yet, if anybody ever walks in unannounced on her, well they get invited for dinner.
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i think our moms are soul sisters too !
how did you do that pretty heart ?
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I sent you a private topic that tells you where to get the pretty heart.
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Trefor Heywood
OK ex - I will be happy to give you a few pointers for good places to see and if you happen to be passing close by that would be lovely!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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trefor you sweetie, you
If I can convince my girlfriend from Wales to come along, I have a much better chance of being in your neck of the woods. You know how these things go though, I will be at the mercy of my hosts and hostesses.
But I figure, if it's meant to be, then it will be. Ya know?
We could pray....
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Trefor Heywood
What you need to do it to install a sense of hiraeth in her. That's the longing of the Welsh soul for its homeland when it has been away a long time.
He who knoweth the future also knoweth our itineries.
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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your email in your profile didn't work
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