did i ever say i was in agreement with rocky ? seriously, did i ?
even if zix did read a series of posts making fun of him (why didn't he tell anyone else he didn't like them ? i just made fun of the reporting a thread thingy but i wasn't the only one. he's nice to tom strange for instance). i know i'm going back to pre-k shortly.
belittling his efforts ? i don't know. i might think it's not worth the effort but i wouldn't say to him i don't like him
quote:In your second quote, the point of that analogy is that even if you weren't entirely blameless in whatever happened between you and Wierwille, you were also not at fault, meaning that you have every right, morally at least, to tell the world what a scum Wierwille was, and you don't have to be perfect yourself in order to be justified in your complaint against him.
well, i think i get that. i don't have to be perfect to say what happened to me. it still seems extreme here for my mind to grasp. maybe because it was such an extreme hurtful thing for me.
quote:Honestly, do you think Rocky is justified in his relentless complaints against Pawtucket and other posters here?
NO i don't. i didn't know i said otherwise
i'll be back. i'm having problems with my computer. sowwy.
i'm back as you can see. also i think i'm starting to sound like galen. let me read what i've written so far, okay ? now i sound like mike
[This message was edited by excathedra on March 06, 2004 at 19:27.]
Excie - Everybody likes to be liked, and most of us feel bad if somebody says they don't "particularly like us". It's a shame that Zixar selected your name out of the list of recent posters to use as an example to illustrate his point.
Because of things in my background, I am very aware of people pulling strings, collectively and individually to set up circumstances around me to fall the way they intended. I was in the midst of a war, and I knew it.
That's over now, but the memory reminds me that I was very careful about what I said and did around folks I didn't know well...or....those with a background or list of activities that were significantly different from mine JUST because it was important for me to NOT appear to form alliances just for the sake of support. I hope I wrote that in a way that it can be understood. The situation was highly polarized between myself and one or 2 others against another small (in number) but very powerful (in effect) group whose intents were 180 degrees apart from mine (ours).
(whew - seem like forever writing that - but there IS a reason for it)
The reason I wrote it out like that is, during that particular war-type situation, I would have said something similar to what Zixar said to you...NOT to put you down, but to be sure that everyone who came along could NOT mistake my statements or actions as one who was "proselytizing" for a cause.
I definitely understand why you get what you "get" out of it, but I think, in this case, you are making more out of it than is really there.
actually krys i think he might be the one making more out of what is really there
quote:The reason I wrote it out like that is, during that particular war-type situation, I would have said something similar to what Zixar said to you...
Yes, ExCathy I think this is a war. I wasn't aware of its beginning or who started what...I have know idea about that. But what I see now is as if we're in a WWII movie and Zix in in the submarine trying to evade the enemy, the big boat on the surface tossing depth charges.
No matter what the sub does.....it's only a matter of time until those depth charges get thrown overboard and start shaking things up again. And whenever the sub tries to launch a torpedo it either narrowly misses, or otherwise seems to be of no avail.
And I don't think Zixar is rude, I think he's short in his answers because he's so tired of all this krapp.
quote:Let it be known, I like Excat, I don't particularly like Zix, and ya know what? It doesn't matter one bit! I don't know either one of them personally and they may be totally df in person.
i was so busy laughing about your wretched life, that i missed this....
let it be known, that in real life, you would like me more !!!!!!
I just wonder if winning the war is so important that we can afford to not be concerned that our brothers and sisters may be a casuality of the battle?
:D--> I expect I would like you in real life Excat, heck, if simonZ likes you, you gotta be allright. oh wait, when I last saw him, he was just a lad starting to grow hair, but I am sure he turned out allright.
A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.
I have no idea what started it, or who, if anyone bears the fault alone....but at the present time, it is like Rocky has his radar out full force searching for Zix (who seems to not want to engage....but will if provoked) in the sub.
Whenever he thinks he may be close enough, it seems like Rocky lobs the debth charges out hoping to shake the sub apart. Zixar seems to be maneuvering for a position to stay out of the fracus if he can, but yet remain close enough to launch a defensive torpedo if all else fails. That's how I think about it now.
And it seems to me that Rocky doesn't care who gets hurt with fallout, but that Zixar in the main is trying to prevent it.
I don't like it. It's wrong to keep badgering Pawtucket to try to wear him down. It's wrong for Rocky to call Zix every name in the book.
If you get yourself banned from the (sometimes) volatile Political forum, you don't go trying to stir up some volatility somewhere else. That's wrong too.
I'm not inside Rocky's mind so I can't immagine what he's thinking....but from where I sit, it seems he likes to stir up trouble as a means of communicating with or debating somebody intelligent who has something he's willing to stand up for. I don't think Rocky's pozzzezzed, I think he lives for the thrill of the chase if he can start one up.
And I also think it's very harmful to the forums as a whole. He doesn't seem to want to listen to reason, or abide by the rules...so I guess the only thing left is to ignore him, as if he were a troll. [at this point, that's what I think Zixar is doing but Rocky seems relentless in his persuit]
this I find interesting, krys....isn't it interesting how we can witness the same thing but see different sides of it? I do anyways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
Cause there are a lot of people on this board who could probably give a rat's behind if Zix likes them or not. He could have used any one of them in his analogy or even better, not singled out an individual at all.
BUT of all people he chose Excathedra. Probably not any kind of intentional harm meant, most likely just sort of not well thought out.
Excathedra has got to be the kindest, most gentle and caring person I have ever come across on the internet, perhaps even in "face to face life". She is very sensitive, not only in her only feelings but in how she feels about and deals with others. She is extremely careful to try not to cause pain to others.
It would have been a really really great thing if that kindness had been returned to her.
Instead, she became another casualty of a stupid and profitless war. How many more casualties will there be before there is a cease fire?
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
The reason he chose Excathedra was that he knew she had a history of bad blood with vpw and that most posters also know this.
He was discussing it in THAT context of apology...not because she was being singled out.
Here is his entire post from March 3 (page 7 of this thread):
quote: excathedra: How about this one, then? If Wierwille were alive today, do you think he would at least owe you an apology for what he did to you? More to the point, how would you respond if someone basically told you "Ok, you've made your point about VPW, but I'm sure you were partly to blame, too, so shut up about him already"?
The point is that there are things that should not be dismissed solely on the basis of the participants' personalities. I don't particularly like you, excathedra, but I don't think you're exaggerating or overstating your abuse by VPW, either. It's too late for you to get any sort of recompense for his deplorable behavior out of him, since he's long since dead.
Rocky's still alive, still here, and still smugly unapologetic, the latter of which owes thanks in no small part to the panty-bunched "....ing match" clique. C'est la guerre. I think Pawtucket deserves better treatment than he's gotten here, and I'm amazed that that sentiment isn't apparently shared by many of this thread's posters.
Rocky has succeeded in stirring up trouble to the point where we begin to fight amongst ourselves.
We are looking over every jot and tittle because he didn't like being banned from the Policical Forum - so he started some potentially volatile thread over here.
He fanned the flames....and guess who hasn't posted in several pages while he watches us tear each other and ourselves to shreds over things we take out of context....and we start hurling our own rocks.
Meanwhile back at his "desert ranch" he's probably laffing his .... off at what he managed to do again.
I love these forums. I love what they stand for. And I love you guys....but I'm getting older by the second...and my days are numbered anyway.
I'm not wasting any more energy here. I'm not going to take part, nor stand by and let the rest of you rip the heart out these forums (even though I know that's your intention)...but it will happen unless everybody stops it....but we can't stop it, because when we see stuff that's wrong, we cannot let it slip by when it happens again and again and again untill we are all nauseous from it.
If I remember correctly - One of the things that God hates is One who sow's dischord among the brethren, and I believe that Rocky is doing that, furthermore I believe he's doing in intentionally for his own purposes.
Elect a new shaver for THE - and let my butterfly go to the highest bidder.
I don't have so many days left to my life that I can sit here and watch while this thread continues like this ad nauseum.
"As much as lieth in you - live peaceably with thine neighbor"
"In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, my servants, ye have done it unto me"
Krys -- I am hoping that when you said "I'm outta here", you meant this thread, and not the GSCafe site.
I will no longer respond to this thread either, but will rather pray for Rocky (who has actually asked for it in the prayer room), and not "fuel the flames" by answering questions that "stroke" a few folks egos.
You are right. Life is too short. Let us spend our brief "moments" here on earth wisely. Amen! :)-->
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okay, this may take me a minute, laleo
did i ever say i was in agreement with rocky ? seriously, did i ?
even if zix did read a series of posts making fun of him (why didn't he tell anyone else he didn't like them ? i just made fun of the reporting a thread thingy but i wasn't the only one. he's nice to tom strange for instance). i know i'm going back to pre-k shortly.
belittling his efforts ? i don't know. i might think it's not worth the effort but i wouldn't say to him i don't like him
well, i think i get that. i don't have to be perfect to say what happened to me. it still seems extreme here for my mind to grasp. maybe because it was such an extreme hurtful thing for me.
NO i don't. i didn't know i said otherwise
i'll be back. i'm having problems with my computer. sowwy.
i'm back as you can see. also i think i'm starting to sound like galen. let me read what i've written so far, okay ? now i sound like mike
[This message was edited by excathedra on March 06, 2004 at 19:27.]
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okay i read what i wrote and it makes me tired
i'll talk to you later
ok ?
not trying to avoid
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ps. no offense to galen or mike. i just felt like i adapted a new style, that's all
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Dear Sweet excathedra-
"no offense to galen or mike. i just felt like i adapted a new style, that's all"
??? !!! ???
Thank you.
No offense taken.
Really I sound a lot like Mike? Cool. (Great minds must travel on a seperate plane, together).
In which case, welcome on-board to our plane of thought, where we travel on to that un-discovered country.
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this is a waste of time
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Excie - Everybody likes to be liked, and most of us feel bad if somebody says they don't "particularly like us". It's a shame that Zixar selected your name out of the list of recent posters to use as an example to illustrate his point.
Because of things in my background, I am very aware of people pulling strings, collectively and individually to set up circumstances around me to fall the way they intended. I was in the midst of a war, and I knew it.
That's over now, but the memory reminds me that I was very careful about what I said and did around folks I didn't know well...or....those with a background or list of activities that were significantly different from mine JUST because it was important for me to NOT appear to form alliances just for the sake of support. I hope I wrote that in a way that it can be understood. The situation was highly polarized between myself and one or 2 others against another small (in number) but very powerful (in effect) group whose intents were 180 degrees apart from mine (ours).
(whew - seem like forever writing that - but there IS a reason for it)
The reason I wrote it out like that is, during that particular war-type situation, I would have said something similar to what Zixar said to you...NOT to put you down, but to be sure that everyone who came along could NOT mistake my statements or actions as one who was "proselytizing" for a cause.
I definitely understand why you get what you "get" out of it, but I think, in this case, you are making more out of it than is really there.
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actually krys i think he might be the one making more out of what is really there
is this thread a war-type thing ?Link to comment
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one more thing, galen i particularly love you
and parsley you're probably right
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just to let you know krys, i've read your post a few times to see where i went wrong
i think part of what you say is right and makes sense
and i think the other part of me thinks zixar is rude
i gotta get outta here
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Gosh, I wish my life lacked so much drama that I would be forced to create it here.
Shut up already, all you gaylord fockers!
Love ya Ex...thanks...
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Yes, ExCathy I think this is a war. I wasn't aware of its beginning or who started what...I have know idea about that. But what I see now is as if we're in a WWII movie and Zix in in the submarine trying to evade the enemy, the big boat on the surface tossing depth charges.
No matter what the sub does.....it's only a matter of time until those depth charges get thrown overboard and start shaking things up again. And whenever the sub tries to launch a torpedo it either narrowly misses, or otherwise seems to be of no avail.
And I don't think Zixar is rude, I think he's short in his answers because he's so tired of all this krapp.
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So not to fight with you krys but you are saying that zix is the innocent in all this and rocky is the enemy?
I'm sorry just trying to figure out your analogy.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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krys i don't understand your war analogy and this time i'm not going back to read it
karmic you took the words right of my mouth, for real
and even if zixar is tired of krapp, he's still rude according to me and i'm right
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let it be known, that in real life, you would like me more !!!!!!
just ask my old longtime bud, simonzelotes
and i think i would feel the same about you
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I just wonder if winning the war is so important that we can afford to not be concerned that our brothers and sisters may be a casuality of the battle?
Don't wanna judge nobody, don't wanna be judged,
Don't wanna touch nobody,don't wanna be touched.
Don't wanna hurt nobody,don't wanna be hurt
Don't wanna treat nobody like they was dirt.
Don't wanna burn nobody,don't wanna be burned,
Don't wanna learn from nobody, what I gotta unlearn.
Don't wanna cheat nobody, don't wanna be cheated,
Don't wanna defeat nobody, if they already been defeated.
But if you do right to me baby,
I'll do right to you too.
Ya got to do unto others
Like you'd have them, do unto you.
(Bob Dylan)
Without Coffee I Would Have No Personality At All.
[This message was edited by WhiteDove on March 06, 2004 at 23:03.]
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i love dylan and you too dove
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A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.
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I love you excie!!!
Mini me
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Right on White Dove.
About my war analogy:
I have no idea what started it, or who, if anyone bears the fault alone....but at the present time, it is like Rocky has his radar out full force searching for Zix (who seems to not want to engage....but will if provoked) in the sub.
Whenever he thinks he may be close enough, it seems like Rocky lobs the debth charges out hoping to shake the sub apart. Zixar seems to be maneuvering for a position to stay out of the fracus if he can, but yet remain close enough to launch a defensive torpedo if all else fails. That's how I think about it now.
And it seems to me that Rocky doesn't care who gets hurt with fallout, but that Zixar in the main is trying to prevent it.
I don't like it. It's wrong to keep badgering Pawtucket to try to wear him down. It's wrong for Rocky to call Zix every name in the book.
If you get yourself banned from the (sometimes) volatile Political forum, you don't go trying to stir up some volatility somewhere else. That's wrong too.
I'm not inside Rocky's mind so I can't immagine what he's thinking....but from where I sit, it seems he likes to stir up trouble as a means of communicating with or debating somebody intelligent who has something he's willing to stand up for. I don't think Rocky's pozzzezzed, I think he lives for the thrill of the chase if he can start one up.
And I also think it's very harmful to the forums as a whole. He doesn't seem to want to listen to reason, or abide by the rules...so I guess the only thing left is to ignore him, as if he were a troll. [at this point, that's what I think Zixar is doing but Rocky seems relentless in his persuit]
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this I find interesting, krys....isn't it interesting how we can witness the same thing but see different sides of it? I do anyways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Ya know why Zix went overboard in his analogy?
Cause there are a lot of people on this board who could probably give a rat's behind if Zix likes them or not. He could have used any one of them in his analogy or even better, not singled out an individual at all.
BUT of all people he chose Excathedra. Probably not any kind of intentional harm meant, most likely just sort of not well thought out.
Excathedra has got to be the kindest, most gentle and caring person I have ever come across on the internet, perhaps even in "face to face life". She is very sensitive, not only in her only feelings but in how she feels about and deals with others. She is extremely careful to try not to cause pain to others.
It would have been a really really great thing if that kindness had been returned to her.
Instead, she became another casualty of a stupid and profitless war. How many more casualties will there be before there is a cease fire?
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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The reason he chose Excathedra was that he knew she had a history of bad blood with vpw and that most posters also know this.
He was discussing it in THAT context of apology...not because she was being singled out.
Here is his entire post from March 3 (page 7 of this thread):
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Look at us!
Look at what we are doing!
Rocky has succeeded in stirring up trouble to the point where we begin to fight amongst ourselves.
We are looking over every jot and tittle because he didn't like being banned from the Policical Forum - so he started some potentially volatile thread over here.
He fanned the flames....and guess who hasn't posted in several pages while he watches us tear each other and ourselves to shreds over things we take out of context....and we start hurling our own rocks.
Meanwhile back at his "desert ranch" he's probably laffing his .... off at what he managed to do again.
I love these forums. I love what they stand for. And I love you guys....but I'm getting older by the second...and my days are numbered anyway.
I'm not wasting any more energy here. I'm not going to take part, nor stand by and let the rest of you rip the heart out these forums (even though I know that's your intention)...but it will happen unless everybody stops it....but we can't stop it, because when we see stuff that's wrong, we cannot let it slip by when it happens again and again and again untill we are all nauseous from it.
If I remember correctly - One of the things that God hates is One who sow's dischord among the brethren, and I believe that Rocky is doing that, furthermore I believe he's doing in intentionally for his own purposes.
Elect a new shaver for THE - and let my butterfly go to the highest bidder.
I don't have so many days left to my life that I can sit here and watch while this thread continues like this ad nauseum.
"As much as lieth in you - live peaceably with thine neighbor"
"In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, my servants, ye have done it unto me"
I'm outta here
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Krys -- I am hoping that when you said "I'm outta here", you meant this thread, and not the GSCafe site.
I will no longer respond to this thread either, but will rather pray for Rocky (who has actually asked for it in the prayer room), and not "fuel the flames" by answering questions that "stroke" a few folks egos.
You are right. Life is too short. Let us spend our brief "moments" here on earth wisely. Amen!
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