Linda, I like and respect you very much, too. Always have. And I also appreciate that you explain your views, rather than responding with what amounts to nothing more than a dig, however funny it's supposed to be. I'm not sure why you prefer the terminology "taking sides" to "alliance," but I'll go with your term then. When enough people have taken one side, joining together in an organized effort to trivialize or minimize the concerns of another person, they sometimes become very nasty about it, usually under the guise of humor, or even helpfulness. Like on this thread. Hence, my description: "nasty alliance." It wasn't a vague allusion. It was in direct response to this thread. I have no idea if QQ meant the same thing, and don't even remember offhand when he used the term, or who he was referring to. Ask him.
I sure wasn't alluding to any "behind the scenes intrigue," intriguing as that idea may be. I like and respect Pawtucket, too, and I have no reason to believe he's orchestrating any sort of conspiracy against any poster here. I wonder why Rocky keeps making that accusation, even though it's been pointed out to him emphatically and repeatedly that no such conspiracy against him exists. There is, however, an open conspiracy against Zixar right now. A group of you are ganging up on him to shut him up. I don't know if it's in a misguided attempt to make peace, or what, but I think it's arrogant and condescending to decide for him which of his concerns are or are not worth pursuing. I could understand it better if Zixar was in some sort of a fury, but he isn't. He's making reasonable points, which for whatever reason a group of you have decided aren't worth considering. But instead of leaving the thread alone to die of natural causes, you continue to post, with no other intent (as far as I can tell) than to demean him.
In your first post on this thread, I think you may have unintentionally misrepresented Pawtucket's opinion, especially when it comes to disputes with Rocky. He has repeatedly asked that these disputes be settled privately, which is why he WANTS people to alert him. And he made every effort to settle this one privately, too, until Rocky (once again) dragged it into the public forum, with unfounded accusations, if not outright lies. I hope this thread stays alive until these problems with Rocky reach some sort of a resolution. It's gone on long enough.
It must be awfully convenient to treat fact and context so malleably, Rocky. Even if any of that were actually true, exactly how would any of it justify what you did, though?
How did YOU get appointed to the position of THE person to whom we must all justify our thoughts?
We posted at the same time Laleo, but I don't see where you get this from:
quote:There is, however, an open conspiracy against Zixar right now. A group of you are ganging up on him to shut him up.
I see people responding to Zixar's posts.
And I wanted it to die because I thought all had been said that needed to be said. That's just my opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are entitled to yours.
As Zixar was quick to point out, I don't get to decide that. Big deal. I explain myself (or not) you explain yourself (or not).
It's only a freaking forum in cyberspace...
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
I don't get where you're coming from either, so I guess the feeling is mutual. If you've said all that you've needed or wanted to say, then why are you still here? Others will also stop posting when they are done with what they have to say.
Your post at 12:08 above is about the most absurd contrivance I've seen on this site.
First, this thread, past the post where Pawtucket restored my access to a political forum is something that Zixar is primarily responsible for preventing from dying.
Second, there is no conspiracy on this thread, or any behind the scenes that I have either any awareness of or participation in - to silence zixar.
On the contrary, those disagreeing with zixar have specifically addressed his comments and avoided judging him. Something I don't share in, but that's ok.
For someone who throws about big words generally used only by mental health professionals, your post seems to be a declaration as reality of something that apparently exists only in your mind. What's the best word for that?
quote:I hope this thread stays alive until these problems with Rocky reach some sort of a resolution.
Why? what difference does it make whether it's settled or not, or whether it's settled in a public forum or not? Do you honestly think you or anyone else here is going to change who Rocky is? If you can do that, or know someone who can, I want to talk with you!
quote:It's gone on long enough.
Ya know what? I think that's what a lot of us feel like... oh! you didn't mean this thread! ...but it's our choice to come in here or not... to respond or not...
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
It must be awfully convenient to treat fact and context so malleably, Rocky. Even if any of that were actually true, exactly how would any of it justify what you did, though?
How did YOU get appointed to the position of THE person to whom we must all justify our thoughts?
Rocky: Thanks for illustrating my first sentence with yet another ridiculous example of that bizarre distortion filter of yours. This has nothing to do with thoughts, Rocky. If you'd even bother to re-read what you quoted from me, the word doesn't even appear, nor is their any implied hint of such. It has everything to do with actions, notably your boorish behavior towards pretty much anyone who doesn't agree with you by now, but Pawtucket in particular.
As for your assertion that I'm the sole arbiter of what's justifiable, that's just laughable. You want to turn this into a personal fight between the two us so that people will dismiss it as a " match". Yet, if I got hit by a bus today, I'd wager you wouldn't even have time to celebrate before someone else here took you to task. The facts are clear, and they are not on your side, Rocky.
-- You were banned from the Political Forums ENTIRELY because of your own actions, not anyone else's.
-- You tried to circumvent that ban by posting a political article on the Open forum, which did not succeed.
-- Only then did you start THIS thread, in which you made baseless accusations against the moderators, as well as against me, and indirectly against QamiQazi, as well.
-- When Pawtucket informed you exactly "who took your thread" and returned access to it to you, you lost interest in it, but apparently not the sniping it looks like you were trolling for in the first place.
What makes you think that you're above accountability? If not to me, then to the others on this site that you've either directly assaulted or directly offended by those attacks?
Once again, you are taking my name in vain, if you refuse to stop, I will have to start our own 8 page thread disputing your use of my good name...NOW QUIT!!! ;)-->
(Tongue placed firmly in cheek...)
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
'' a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
Don't worry if Zixar doesn't like you. I like you enough to more than make up for it!
I think where you and I differ is in your idea that there's an "organized" effort to gang up on Zixar. In any discussion, X number of people might agree and Y number of people might disagree. What's organized about that?
Even my more casual "taking sides" terminology doesn't accurately describe what's happened in this discussion. I didn't see anyone saying, "hear, hear!" when Rocky made his outrageous accusations against Pawtucket. I wasn't the only one who said he was over the line. Were we conspiring against him? No, no more than anyone's conspiring against Zixar.
I agree with you in that I don't for a second believe Paw has masterminded or been sucked into some conspiracy against Rocky. Nor do I think Paw's actions have been "capricious" and whatever the heck else Rocky said they were. But I'm sure as heck not conspiring with anyone against anyone.
My intent has not been to demean Zixar or anyone else. My intent has been to state my opinions, and my view on all this is simple:
I think Rocky was wrong. I said so.
I think Zixar was wrong. I said so.
That doesn't mean (as Zixar and someone else indicated earlier in the thread) that I consider it a wash, that no one's at fault. It means I think they were both at fault.
I'm scratching my head at one thing you said. How did I misrepresent Paw's opinion in my first post? My best guess is that you're referring to: "My idea of the alert button is that it's there so we [can] point out something really offensive, in case the busy admin/moderators might have missed it. It's not the switch on a freekin' tattle-tale machine"
I wasn't representing his opinion at all. I was merely expressing mine, and it hasn't changed. Paw might jump into this thread and say, "No, Linda, you're wrong. I'm happy to get as many complaints as people want to give me. Bring 'em on!" Then I'll say to myself, "wrong again!"
Quick! Can anybody here, w/o looking at the now-long-abandoned thread that was the initial topic of this thread, tell us what the topic of that now-dead thread was about?
Looks like it wasn't that important after all. But arguing about it sure is. :D-->
Here endeth Lesson 5334 of internet posting.
My own secret sign-off ====v,
Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations.
Linda: I agree with others who have said that having a seven page thread over a missing post is ridiculous. But what amazes me about it isn't that Zixar reported the thread (he was doing what Paw asked him to do, which is to keep disputes out of the public forum), but the lack of anger from GreaseSpot in general over the disrespect Rocky has shown to Pawtucket, other posters, and the site itself. Tom said above, "It's only a freaking forum in cyberspace," so for him at least these things don't matter. The reason why it should matter to anyone who cares anything about this place is that this forum won't survive without some amount of respect for either the administrator, the purpose of this site, or the rules. Rocky has no regard for any of it.
Maybe one of these days some of you will figure out what the common denominator is in these disputes. It isn't Zixar, and it isn't QamiQazi, as much as people might like to blame them. They just won't put up with it, and I guess amid all that noise, the point is somehow lost, and somehow that makes them guilty, too. Fine. But once they have either been removed, or removed themselves, as targets, Rocky will find another, and another, and another, until he wears us all down. Any poster who comes on these boards without some respect for someone or something on this site will only cause harm. It surprises me that you don't recognize that and give the blame to the one who deserves it.
I would have expected you to be more vocal about this, Linda. Rocky started this thread to publicly embarrass Pawtucket, and humiliate anyone else who doesn't agree with him. Why put up with it or excuse it?
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Linda, I like and respect you very much, too. Always have. And I also appreciate that you explain your views, rather than responding with what amounts to nothing more than a dig, however funny it's supposed to be. I'm not sure why you prefer the terminology "taking sides" to "alliance," but I'll go with your term then. When enough people have taken one side, joining together in an organized effort to trivialize or minimize the concerns of another person, they sometimes become very nasty about it, usually under the guise of humor, or even helpfulness. Like on this thread. Hence, my description: "nasty alliance." It wasn't a vague allusion. It was in direct response to this thread. I have no idea if QQ meant the same thing, and don't even remember offhand when he used the term, or who he was referring to. Ask him.
I sure wasn't alluding to any "behind the scenes intrigue," intriguing as that idea may be. I like and respect Pawtucket, too, and I have no reason to believe he's orchestrating any sort of conspiracy against any poster here. I wonder why Rocky keeps making that accusation, even though it's been pointed out to him emphatically and repeatedly that no such conspiracy against him exists. There is, however, an open conspiracy against Zixar right now. A group of you are ganging up on him to shut him up. I don't know if it's in a misguided attempt to make peace, or what, but I think it's arrogant and condescending to decide for him which of his concerns are or are not worth pursuing. I could understand it better if Zixar was in some sort of a fury, but he isn't. He's making reasonable points, which for whatever reason a group of you have decided aren't worth considering. But instead of leaving the thread alone to die of natural causes, you continue to post, with no other intent (as far as I can tell) than to demean him.
In your first post on this thread, I think you may have unintentionally misrepresented Pawtucket's opinion, especially when it comes to disputes with Rocky. He has repeatedly asked that these disputes be settled privately, which is why he WANTS people to alert him. And he made every effort to settle this one privately, too, until Rocky (once again) dragged it into the public forum, with unfounded accusations, if not outright lies. I hope this thread stays alive until these problems with Rocky reach some sort of a resolution. It's gone on long enough.
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Radar darlin'...
I'll thumb wrastle ya for it!
I looooooooooooooove ya!!!!
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
'' a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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How did YOU get appointed to the position of THE person to whom we must all justify our thoughts?
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Tom Strange
We posted at the same time Laleo, but I don't see where you get this from:
I see people responding to Zixar's posts.And I wanted it to die because I thought all had been said that needed to be said. That's just my opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are entitled to yours.
As Zixar was quick to point out, I don't get to decide that. Big deal. I explain myself (or not) you explain yourself (or not).
It's only a freaking forum in cyberspace...
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
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I don't get where you're coming from either, so I guess the feeling is mutual. If you've said all that you've needed or wanted to say, then why are you still here? Others will also stop posting when they are done with what they have to say.
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Your post at 12:08 above is about the most absurd contrivance I've seen on this site.
First, this thread, past the post where Pawtucket restored my access to a political forum is something that Zixar is primarily responsible for preventing from dying.
Second, there is no conspiracy on this thread, or any behind the scenes that I have either any awareness of or participation in - to silence zixar.
On the contrary, those disagreeing with zixar have specifically addressed his comments and avoided judging him. Something I don't share in, but that's ok.
For someone who throws about big words generally used only by mental health professionals, your post seems to be a declaration as reality of something that apparently exists only in your mind. What's the best word for that?
I appreciate your kindness.
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Tom Strange
Laleo said:
Why? what difference does it make whether it's settled or not, or whether it's settled in a public forum or not? Do you honestly think you or anyone else here is going to change who Rocky is? If you can do that, or know someone who can, I want to talk with you! Ya know what? I think that's what a lot of us feel like... oh! you didn't mean this thread! ...but it's our choice to come in here or not... to respond or not...She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
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As for your assertion that I'm the sole arbiter of what's justifiable, that's just laughable. You want to turn this into a personal fight between the two us so that people will dismiss it as a " match". Yet, if I got hit by a bus today, I'd wager you wouldn't even have time to celebrate before someone else here took you to task. The facts are clear, and they are not on your side, Rocky.
-- You were banned from the Political Forums ENTIRELY because of your own actions, not anyone else's.
-- You tried to circumvent that ban by posting a political article on the Open forum, which did not succeed.
-- Only then did you start THIS thread, in which you made baseless accusations against the moderators, as well as against me, and indirectly against QamiQazi, as well.
-- When Pawtucket informed you exactly "who took your thread" and returned access to it to you, you lost interest in it, but apparently not the sniping it looks like you were trolling for in the first place.
What makes you think that you're above accountability? If not to me, then to the others on this site that you've either directly assaulted or directly offended by those attacks?
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Tom Strange
Zixar, you be careful today... look both ways before crossing!
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
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zixar, your post is just more self-justifying drivel.
You demand everyone cowtow to you.
If this isn't about you, but about Pawtucket, why is it that Pawtucket isn't expressing the same indignance?
You, sir, are a genuine enigma.
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A typical response by Rocky:
1. Dismiss everything by fiat.
2. Lie about the opponent.
3. Attempt misdirection to cover 1 & 2.
4. Make a closing remark, either ad hominem, a ridiculous non sequitur, or a little of both.
Example: (4 points, 4 sentences)
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and "the last word freak" award goes to....
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J0nny Ling0
No way!! This thread is now eight pages long!?
Aye carrumba...
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(Tongue placed firmly in cheek...)
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
'' a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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Linda Z
Don't worry if Zixar doesn't like you. I like you enough to more than make up for it!
I think where you and I differ is in your idea that there's an "organized" effort to gang up on Zixar. In any discussion, X number of people might agree and Y number of people might disagree. What's organized about that?
Even my more casual "taking sides" terminology doesn't accurately describe what's happened in this discussion. I didn't see anyone saying, "hear, hear!" when Rocky made his outrageous accusations against Pawtucket. I wasn't the only one who said he was over the line. Were we conspiring against him? No, no more than anyone's conspiring against Zixar.
I agree with you in that I don't for a second believe Paw has masterminded or been sucked into some conspiracy against Rocky. Nor do I think Paw's actions have been "capricious" and whatever the heck else Rocky said they were. But I'm sure as heck not conspiring with anyone against anyone.
My intent has not been to demean Zixar or anyone else. My intent has been to state my opinions, and my view on all this is simple:
I think Rocky was wrong. I said so.
I think Zixar was wrong. I said so.
That doesn't mean (as Zixar and someone else indicated earlier in the thread) that I consider it a wash, that no one's at fault. It means I think they were both at fault.
I'm scratching my head at one thing you said. How did I misrepresent Paw's opinion in my first post? My best guess is that you're referring to: "My idea of the alert button is that it's there so we [can] point out something really offensive, in case the busy admin/moderators might have missed it. It's not the switch on a freekin' tattle-tale machine"
I wasn't representing his opinion at all. I was merely expressing mine, and it hasn't changed. Paw might jump into this thread and say, "No, Linda, you're wrong. I'm happy to get as many complaints as people want to give me. Bring 'em on!" Then I'll say to myself, "wrong again!"
Linda Z
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Linda Z
Doggone it, JesusFreaky, if you'd typed a lot more or a lot slower, you could have won the "last word freak" award. Pleaaaaase someone say something!
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In line, in line, it's all in a line. My ducks are all in a row.
They do not change, they do not move. They have nowhere to go.
James Taylor
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Linda Z
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never mind
[This message was edited by excathedra on March 03, 2004 at 20:37.]
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, ...
Quick! Can anybody here, w/o looking at the now-long-abandoned thread that was the initial topic of this thread, tell us what the topic of that now-dead thread was about?
Looks like it wasn't that important after all. But arguing about it sure is.
Here endeth Lesson 5334 of internet posting.
My own secret sign-off ====v,
Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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never never mind
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Linda: I agree with others who have said that having a seven page thread over a missing post is ridiculous. But what amazes me about it isn't that Zixar reported the thread (he was doing what Paw asked him to do, which is to keep disputes out of the public forum), but the lack of anger from GreaseSpot in general over the disrespect Rocky has shown to Pawtucket, other posters, and the site itself. Tom said above, "It's only a freaking forum in cyberspace," so for him at least these things don't matter. The reason why it should matter to anyone who cares anything about this place is that this forum won't survive without some amount of respect for either the administrator, the purpose of this site, or the rules. Rocky has no regard for any of it.
Maybe one of these days some of you will figure out what the common denominator is in these disputes. It isn't Zixar, and it isn't QamiQazi, as much as people might like to blame them. They just won't put up with it, and I guess amid all that noise, the point is somehow lost, and somehow that makes them guilty, too. Fine. But once they have either been removed, or removed themselves, as targets, Rocky will find another, and another, and another, until he wears us all down. Any poster who comes on these boards without some respect for someone or something on this site will only cause harm. It surprises me that you don't recognize that and give the blame to the one who deserves it.
I would have expected you to be more vocal about this, Linda. Rocky started this thread to publicly embarrass Pawtucket, and humiliate anyone else who doesn't agree with him. Why put up with it or excuse it?
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i'm sorry how i came across
i didn't mean to make light or fun of anyone
sometimes i don't know how to put myself in other people's shoes
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You wrote a good post before, excathedra. I'm not sure why you deleted it, but I thought it was very honest and added a lot to this thread.
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