Going back to your first post...Whom did you attack,or harrass?...All of us...Saying you've been silenced in the "church"...So you're calling greasespot a church?...Shame on you...I am deeply offended..I'm gonna squeal on you...I don'd go to no damn church.....do I? -->
I moved that where it belonged and where you had access.
You have been given a place to air this whole thing out in private and won't do it. I think that you just love to complain. And that you love to publicly put people on trial.
Since you have now made this public, why don't you at least be honest about the reasons. You haven't been thusfar. You throw about phrases such as "the evil one"; "the hateful one" and "coward" concerning QQ, Zixar and myself. I can't speak for the others, but I have given you EVERY opportunity to join in the community, but you choose to be the persecuted one. That is the choice that you made. And now you advertise it readily whenever you can. You are harassing ME now. I don't usually do anything about that since it comes with the position. But you have done it to others and YOU have been allowed to "get away" with much more than others on this board and I have protected that information and will continue to do so.
quote:I don't agree with everything Pawtucket does, but if I received the number of complaints he seems to have, I might start banning both frequent complainers and complainees, or else just shut the whole place down. Fair? Maybe not, but who the heck would want to jump in the middle of a bunch of squabbles all the time?
Long Gone sums it up pretty well. You are one of the highest maintenance posters I've ever had. Fair or not, I have to draw lines. I set up rules that seem to satisfy the majority of posters here. You had chances to discuss your concerns, but chose to complain later instead.
I am done publicly dealing with you. This thread is the last place I am going to tolerate your complaints. Fair or not that is the way it is going to be.
At the time I posted the thread at question, I did NOT have access to any political forum here.
At the time I posted THIS thread, I did not have access to any political forum here.
THIS is the FIRST place I have read you stating what you have practiced: that you refuse to tolerate complaints... at least from me.
Fair or not, that's the way it's going to be. At least NOW you have stated the rules. However, since it applies only to me, it is still ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS.
I will check the profile, but if I have access to a political forum here, it is because someone with administrator rights changed it within the last hour.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
Speaking politics in an open forum carries risk..do you accept this risk? if so...don't be surprised to wake up and find your flapper enlarged like this fidos.
And "airing this out privately" meant having a private topic with Pawtucket bringing his very articulate friend Pamsandiego in to try to convince me that what was going on wasn't what was going on.
Ganging up on me privately is a more fair description of your attempt.
And let's be candid (read HONEST): high maintenance means I refuse to be intimidated, at the same time as I don't get the same favored treatment given to QQ and Zixar.
I'm done with this too, for now. But telling me that I am not being honest is far from the truth.
I'm the one that's out in the open about this... and I did not ask anyone here to advocate for me.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
Now the most telling thing here is that Zixar acknowledged "reporting" my thread.
"Telling" of what, precisely? That I won't let you accuse Pawtucket of something I did?
I have consistently stated my take on why I have been banned.
And no one really seems to care THAT you were banned, let alone demand why.
The rationale I was given stemmed from my reporting posts that were "not attacks".
No one said that your Goldwater post was an attack, Rocky. It was, however, a cheap contravention of your restrictions for past bad behavior. If you get thrown out of a bar for smoking, you can't just walk into the restaurant section, light up, then cry foul. You knew it, you broke it anyway, and now you're squealing like a pig over it. Whom do you think you are fooling?
Here we have an admission that one of those who gets favored treatment from Pawtucket does what Pawtucket told me pi$$ed him off, even though what I had done did not violate the forum rules in any way, so how will this be handled by Pawtucket?
This is a flat-out lie. In the first place, I don't get any sort of favored treatment from Pawtucket, no matter what it may please you to believe. I've been banned before for what I thought were trivialities, too, but Pawtucket made his point very clear to me. Why can't you take the same hint? Again, you violated the spirit of the discipline leveled against you for your previous tantrums--that you cannot be trusted with political debates unmoderated because of your penchant to take everything as a personal affront, no matter how slight--and tried to do an end-run around the rules you so loudly squawk about. Let me say this to you again: THIS SITE DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU, ME, OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL.
Well, I have my hunch, but will refrain for now from saying what that hunch is.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
The truth in your eyes, and the truth in everyone else's are not always identical, Rocky. Yet, if you still believe yourself to be some sort of "martyr for the Truth", then pay the penalty for what you risked, and shut up about it. Anything else is just hypocritical.
Ganging up on you privately? Geez, Rocky... the administrator of this site invited you - AND the other administrator (me) - to discuss your concerns privately. If you believe that getting a chance to talk to us constitutes "ganging up" you may think you're being honest, but you're very misguided.
We asked you there to stop complaining. It's been repeated here. Feel free to consider it an arbitrary rule - it's as good a reason as any from the point of view you've locked yourself into. It has certainly become an administrative necessity.
Hey Pebbles..at least I always was upfront with you and direct on how I felt about your arrogant condescending way of dealing with everyone that disagrees with your partisen political views. You've jumped from one cult TWI to another DNC. It's as if you are so entrenched in believing that there is truth in politics. YIKES.. thats an oxymoron.
Ganging up on you privately? Geez, Rocky... the administrator of this site invited you - AND the other administrator (me) - to discuss your concerns privately. If you believe that getting a chance to talk to us constitutes "ganging up" you may think you're being honest, but you're very misguided.
We asked you there to stop complaining. It's been repeated here. Feel free to consider it an arbitrary rule - it's as good a reason as any from the point of view you've locked yourself into. It has certainly become an administrative necessity.
considering your demands that I stop telling the truth to be inviting me to tell you my concerns is completely disingenuous.
There is no other fair way to describe it than that your two ganged up on me privately to tell me to stop.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
No, I don't think you do get it, Rocky. There isn't any grand conspiracy against you, you're just acting like a total jerk. For pity's sake, pout somewhere else, why don't you?
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Sorry Rocky I was just trying out those thingys on the bottom of post. Lovey Dovey
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?s=9716057...a&ul=4846073735
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Sister Dove! Step away from the buttons... Don't Touch.
Without Coffee I Would Have No Personality At All.
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Going back to your first post...Whom did you attack,or harrass?...All of us...Saying you've been silenced in the "church"...So you're calling greasespot a church?...Shame on you...I am deeply offended..I'm gonna squeal on you...I don'd go to no damn church.....do I?
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You have access to the political light forum.
I moved that where it belonged and where you had access.
You have been given a place to air this whole thing out in private and won't do it. I think that you just love to complain. And that you love to publicly put people on trial.
Since you have now made this public, why don't you at least be honest about the reasons. You haven't been thusfar. You throw about phrases such as "the evil one"; "the hateful one" and "coward" concerning QQ, Zixar and myself. I can't speak for the others, but I have given you EVERY opportunity to join in the community, but you choose to be the persecuted one. That is the choice that you made. And now you advertise it readily whenever you can. You are harassing ME now. I don't usually do anything about that since it comes with the position. But you have done it to others and YOU have been allowed to "get away" with much more than others on this board and I have protected that information and will continue to do so.
Long Gone sums it up pretty well. You are one of the highest maintenance posters I've ever had. Fair or not, I have to draw lines. I set up rules that seem to satisfy the majority of posters here. You had chances to discuss your concerns, but chose to complain later instead.
I am done publicly dealing with you. This thread is the last place I am going to tolerate your complaints. Fair or not that is the way it is going to be.
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At the time I posted the thread at question, I did NOT have access to any political forum here.
At the time I posted THIS thread, I did not have access to any political forum here.
THIS is the FIRST place I have read you stating what you have practiced: that you refuse to tolerate complaints... at least from me.
Fair or not, that's the way it's going to be. At least NOW you have stated the rules. However, since it applies only to me, it is still ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS.
I will check the profile, but if I have access to a political forum here, it is because someone with administrator rights changed it within the last hour.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Hills Bro
Speaking politics in an open forum carries risk..do you accept this risk? if so...don't be surprised to wake up and find your flapper enlarged like this fidos.
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And "airing this out privately" meant having a private topic with Pawtucket bringing his very articulate friend Pamsandiego in to try to convince me that what was going on wasn't what was going on.
Ganging up on me privately is a more fair description of your attempt.
And let's be candid (read HONEST): high maintenance means I refuse to be intimidated, at the same time as I don't get the same favored treatment given to QQ and Zixar.
I'm done with this too, for now. But telling me that I am not being honest is far from the truth.
I'm the one that's out in the open about this... and I did not ask anyone here to advocate for me.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Ganging up on you privately? Geez, Rocky... the administrator of this site invited you - AND the other administrator (me) - to discuss your concerns privately. If you believe that getting a chance to talk to us constitutes "ganging up" you may think you're being honest, but you're very misguided.
We asked you there to stop complaining. It's been repeated here. Feel free to consider it an arbitrary rule - it's as good a reason as any from the point of view you've locked yourself into. It has certainly become an administrative necessity.
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Hills Bro
Hey Pebbles..at least I always was upfront with you and direct on how I felt about your arrogant condescending way of dealing with everyone that disagrees with your partisen political views. You've jumped from one cult TWI to another DNC. It's as if you are so entrenched in believing that there is truth in politics. YIKES.. thats an oxymoron.
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Tom Strange
everybody step back from the keyboard... now, take your mouse and go vote in my poll on "nose hair"...
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again... Rocky, you are a piece of work.
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considering your demands that I stop telling the truth to be inviting me to tell you my concerns is completely disingenuous.
There is no other fair way to describe it than that your two ganged up on me privately to tell me to stop.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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And in case no one has noticed, this has turned into a public ganging up on me.
Not by Pawtucket, in this case.
and btw, Simon -- next time, please wear your tie to church!
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Like I said. Point of view. Locked. Oh well.
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Well, at least the violins are pretty...
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Really? I'm neither a "member" nor have any such association.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Hills Bro
Really? I'm neither a "member" nor have any such association
Really? HAHAHA!! and I've got a 20 inch penis.
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Well, BRAGGING to me about that isn't going to do you any good.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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I have never seen such a case of toxic self-absorption.
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ok, i get it... you guys can continue to pile it on and I can't say anything about it... i get it.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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No, I don't think you do get it, Rocky. There isn't any grand conspiracy against you, you're just acting like a total jerk. For pity's sake, pout somewhere else, why don't you?
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Tom Strange
have you all voted over at the "nose hairs" thread yet?
myseestorEx posted a lovely picture there...
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Yes, Tom. Thanks for your unique insight.
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