Rocky: I reported your post. You acknowledged that it should have gone in the Politics forums to start with, but you posted it here anyway. Regardless of whether one thinks Barry Goldwater was a saint or a son of a bitch, political topics tend to start heated arguments--not healthy discussion. The Open forum should be a place where arguments aren't automatically a given, like the political forums. One might argue that threads like the Same-sex marriage threads should have gone into Politics instead, but that one, as an exception, has had a lot of food for thought instead of mere fuel for a fire.
Just FYI, though, no one has been attacking you at all in the Political Forums since you got yourself banned from them, so I don't know where you got that idea.
I can't speak for anyone else, but continuing to accuse Pawtucket of cowardice doesn't help your position, nor do your frequent attempts at some sort of posting martyrdom, the latest being your new signature. You can point fingers all you like, but the only one keeping you in the doghouse right now is you.
And, notice very carefully, that NOTHING in this post is in any way an attack.
Rock! When I first saw the BG thing here I said to myself:
"self, that sure sounds political, but people are putting stuff in the wrong place all of the time, the threads generally get moved if they're not broad enough to cover different areas"
so... I didn't really think anything of it when it got moved over there...
now, as I've read your post at the top here, I have a question:
Did you put it in this forum, knowing it was political, just because you couldn't post over there?
If not, then no harm, no foul.
If so, then you didn't get away with it.
Either way, why be upset that it got moved over there? It is a political thread after all...
And I love ya bro, but I don't think there was anything evil about Paw moving it over to the political area when you can't post there... i.e."taking your thread away from you"... it was political and that's where it should've probably gone, now... if we can just get him to move some of these other ones... :D-->
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
Rock! When I first saw the BG thing here I said to myself:
"self, that sure sounds political, but people are putting stuff in the wrong place all of the time, the threads generally get moved if they're not broad enough to cover different areas"
so... I didn't really think anything of it when it got moved over there...
now, as I've read your post at the top here, I have a question:
Did you put it in this forum, knowing it was political, just because you couldn't post over there?
If not, then no harm, no foul.
If so, then you didn't get away with it.
Either way, why be upset that it got moved over there? It is a political thread after all...
And I love ya bro, but I don't think there was anything evil about Paw moving it over to the political area when you can't post there... i.e."taking your thread away from you"... it was political and that's where it should've probably gone, now... if we can just get him to move some of these other ones... :D-->
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
Now the most telling thing here is that Zixar acknowledged "reporting" my thread.
I have consistently stated my take on why I have been banned.
The rationale I was given stemmed from my reporting posts that were "not attacks".
Here we have an admission that one of those who gets favored treatment from Pawtucket does what Pawtucket told me pi$$ed him off, even though what I had done did not violate the forum rules in any way, so how will this be handled by Pawtucket?
Well, I have my hunch, but will refrain for now from saying what that hunch is.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
I know this is the "Open" forum... and where generally all topics could come to live... BUT... if there is a specific forum set up for threads of a specific nature... wouldn't that be where they would go?
Don't go around screaming at me... your thread is not the first to be moved and probably won't be the last... and BTW... what is your answer to my question? Hmmmm????
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
but myseestorEx... if he knew he was "banned" from the Political stuff... I don't know why... I haven't been there in a while till last night... and he knows that threads get relocated occasionally (sp?) here... why be upset?
Without knowing whether he was trying to be sneaky about it or not, I'd tend to think that his reaction would be "RATS! they moved it!"... not a bunch of shouting...
that's all, and you know, he is my brother and I do love him (though not in that way)
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
Your perspective on this makes absolutely no sense and misses the issues and the point.
There is nothing "sneaky" about posting a legitimate topic for discussion where it's available for me to do so.
There is EVERYTHING - ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS about what happened to my discussion.
I'm not going to rehash any more of the detail of the history than I have, but Wacky and Excie have simply and in nonconfrontational ways stated what the real issue is.
Banning me from political forums here because of someone else's refusal to follow rules, and the forum owner refusing to enforce compliance does not justify limiting me from talking about legitimate issues for discussion.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
whatever man... I'm not gonna fight you about this... I didn't miss their point, I just figured that you, knowing that threads get relocated, knew there was a risk of that happening...
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
If I were in charge of this site, I would do things a little differently, but I don't know if pawtucket has really done anything wrong with how he's handled it, if he has more information than I do.
As far as restricting people from forums and such, I probably would have temporarily banned quite a few people, including the majority that post to the political forums, myself included.
As far as the Rocky Vs. QamiQazi thing goes, I'm not sure what is up with that. I do think that Rocky deserves at least a warning, if not a temporary ban for two or three comments made over time. However, I would have disabled the QQ account altogether, which may have happened as I haven't seen him around for a while.
My point of view is that it's ok to have someone around that discusses things normally and attacks once in a while in the heat of the moment. It's another to have someone who can't discuss something without turning it into an argument or finding ways to make other people mad. That's just a troll. Rocky isn't a troll, and he can provide some pretty good conversation, but he's been a bit angry as of late for various reasons. When I get too angry, I try to leave the threads alone that I would be mad about, and if that doesn't work, I take a break from the site.
In Rocky's specific case, I think that if I were him I'd leave and start my own TWI related site. I've thought about it anyway, because I'd like to leave no topic taboo, not protect people's names, and allow profanity. I'd also probably change the focus from being TWI specific to cults in general and make the different forums for different cults.
Still, all of that is no slight against pawtucket, just that I would do some things differently. I do think that Rocky has a point, but I think it's more of a result of pawtucket not being public with his enforcement of the rules. I can understand why Rocky would be frustrated though, especially now after his thread is moved to a forum he can't see.
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Hey Rocky you might wanna check the Politics Forum your thread is there. Now about that finders fee....
Without Coffee I Would Have No Personality At All.
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Hi Rocky
I am not sure put it could been move here
Politics Decaffeinated
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you love, grace, joy and peace
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thanks, but I've been silenced for other people refusing to comply with the rules.
I have been banned from both politics threads, specifically for other people refusing to comply with the rules.
Apparently so that I can be attacked with impunity.
Cowardice, simply cowardice.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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that's weird, your thread got moved to a place you can't go ?
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here's the last post from pawtucket
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Tom Strange
sorry bro... but... that's funny!
This is not the political forum
Is it the prophecy forum?
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Rocky: I reported your post. You acknowledged that it should have gone in the Politics forums to start with, but you posted it here anyway. Regardless of whether one thinks Barry Goldwater was a saint or a son of a bitch, political topics tend to start heated arguments--not healthy discussion. The Open forum should be a place where arguments aren't automatically a given, like the political forums. One might argue that threads like the Same-sex marriage threads should have gone into Politics instead, but that one, as an exception, has had a lot of food for thought instead of mere fuel for a fire.
Just FYI, though, no one has been attacking you at all in the Political Forums since you got yourself banned from them, so I don't know where you got that idea.
I can't speak for anyone else, but continuing to accuse Pawtucket of cowardice doesn't help your position, nor do your frequent attempts at some sort of posting martyrdom, the latest being your new signature. You can point fingers all you like, but the only one keeping you in the doghouse right now is you.
And, notice very carefully, that NOTHING in this post is in any way an attack.
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Wacky Funster have a point there...put in a place where you are banned from going? Ouch!!!
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Tom Strange
Rock! When I first saw the BG thing here I said to myself:
"self, that sure sounds political, but people are putting stuff in the wrong place all of the time, the threads generally get moved if they're not broad enough to cover different areas"
so... I didn't really think anything of it when it got moved over there...
now, as I've read your post at the top here, I have a question:
Did you put it in this forum, knowing it was political, just because you couldn't post over there?
If not, then no harm, no foul.
If so, then you didn't get away with it.
Either way, why be upset that it got moved over there? It is a political thread after all...
And I love ya bro, but I don't think there was anything evil about Paw moving it over to the political area when you can't post there... i.e."taking your thread away from you"... it was political and that's where it should've probably gone, now... if we can just get him to move some of these other ones...
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Well, Zixar,
You said you reported my post. Why was that? Did I attack you?
This is the OPEN forum.
Cowardice is cowardice and it continues here.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Wacky Funster
"Either way, why be upset that it got moved over there? It is a political thread after all..."
Well, is he gonna respond to people and reap the benefits of what people say when he can't read the thread???
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Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Now the most telling thing here is that Zixar acknowledged "reporting" my thread.
I have consistently stated my take on why I have been banned.
The rationale I was given stemmed from my reporting posts that were "not attacks".
Here we have an admission that one of those who gets favored treatment from Pawtucket does what Pawtucket told me pi$$ed him off, even though what I had done did not violate the forum rules in any way, so how will this be handled by Pawtucket?
Well, I have my hunch, but will refrain for now from saying what that hunch is.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Tom Strange
Rocky! No need to SHOUT!
I know this is the "Open" forum... and where generally all topics could come to live... BUT... if there is a specific forum set up for threads of a specific nature... wouldn't that be where they would go?
Don't go around screaming at me... your thread is not the first to be moved and probably won't be the last... and BTW... what is your answer to my question? Hmmmm????
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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the point is, for rocky, it's as good as deleted
i can't believe you guys report each other
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So Tom, are you privy to stated rules that everyone is is not?
whether Pawtucket's actions or intents are evil is not relevant.
In the realm of deciding on things like this (judicial type actions), Pawtucket's actions are correctly labeled ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS.
That is because the actions are independent from the stated rules and done for reasons contrary to fairness.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Tom Strange
but myseestorEx... if he knew he was "banned" from the Political stuff... I don't know why... I haven't been there in a while till last night... and he knows that threads get relocated occasionally (sp?) here... why be upset?
Without knowing whether he was trying to be sneaky about it or not, I'd tend to think that his reaction would be "RATS! they moved it!"... not a bunch of shouting...
that's all, and you know, he is my brother and I do love him (though not in that way)
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Tom Strange
RockDude! you posted my question, didn't answer it, and asked me some question about rules I might be "privy to"...???
Where are you coming from, lighten up, you don't have to fight the world... or me...
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Hi Rocky
I have had my post move put I ask Paw once in private and then I drop it
Maybe it you make peace with Paw your banne will be lifted off
But I do not know what is best to do maybe try to be more open minded
I have trouble with being open minded to at times too
But I learn to write things as by personal views and no one elst has to think the same
If my views are said to be wrong I let them think what they will or that is what I try to do
I can not tell you what to do
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you love, grace, joy and peace
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Mr. Strange,
Your perspective on this makes absolutely no sense and misses the issues and the point.
There is nothing "sneaky" about posting a legitimate topic for discussion where it's available for me to do so.
There is EVERYTHING - ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS about what happened to my discussion.
I'm not going to rehash any more of the detail of the history than I have, but Wacky and Excie have simply and in nonconfrontational ways stated what the real issue is.
Banning me from political forums here because of someone else's refusal to follow rules, and the forum owner refusing to enforce compliance does not justify limiting me from talking about legitimate issues for discussion.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Tom Strange
whatever man... I'm not gonna fight you about this... I didn't miss their point, I just figured that you, knowing that threads get relocated, knew there was a risk of that happening...
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Your kindness is so refreshing. Thank you.
Of course, I also do not always agree with you. But I think your kindness is very valuable.
As to my discussions, I also put my views out there and don't care if someone disagrees...
As to being open minded, well I consider opposing view points. I don't always change my mind, but I consider them.
Telling the truth carries risk. I accept that risk.
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Mister P-Mosh
If I were in charge of this site, I would do things a little differently, but I don't know if pawtucket has really done anything wrong with how he's handled it, if he has more information than I do.
As far as restricting people from forums and such, I probably would have temporarily banned quite a few people, including the majority that post to the political forums, myself included.
As far as the Rocky Vs. QamiQazi thing goes, I'm not sure what is up with that. I do think that Rocky deserves at least a warning, if not a temporary ban for two or three comments made over time. However, I would have disabled the QQ account altogether, which may have happened as I haven't seen him around for a while.
My point of view is that it's ok to have someone around that discusses things normally and attacks once in a while in the heat of the moment. It's another to have someone who can't discuss something without turning it into an argument or finding ways to make other people mad. That's just a troll. Rocky isn't a troll, and he can provide some pretty good conversation, but he's been a bit angry as of late for various reasons. When I get too angry, I try to leave the threads alone that I would be mad about, and if that doesn't work, I take a break from the site.
In Rocky's specific case, I think that if I were him I'd leave and start my own TWI related site. I've thought about it anyway, because I'd like to leave no topic taboo, not protect people's names, and allow profanity. I'd also probably change the focus from being TWI specific to cults in general and make the different forums for different cults.
Still, all of that is no slight against pawtucket, just that I would do some things differently. I do think that Rocky has a point, but I think it's more of a result of pawtucket not being public with his enforcement of the rules. I can understand why Rocky would be frustrated though, especially now after his thread is moved to a forum he can't see.
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Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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