Do you think Christ in you and the spirit in you are one in the same? I wonder this. I have God's spirit in me, and I have Christ in me. How the heck do I know what is speaking to me? Maybe they are one in the same...... Omigosh! Does that sound trinitarian??? Some how I don't get my panties in a bunch anymore in thinking like that.
I'm not real sure what to think doctrinally because I prefer to leave my beliefs open for correction, addition, removal, etc.
However, I do know that it doesn't really matter in the end, ya know? It's still all my mind and I have no way of proving otherwise. So I try not to worry about the hows and the makes me crazy trying to figure all that out...I just try to effectively use what's been given.
I feel that if I'm gonna talk about the bible then I'd better use the bible as the measuring stick for what I say about what's in the bible. So, the bible says that we have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Logistically, then, I think that it would be insanity to have 3 different entities running around in my head. IMO.
Here's the way I think of it. Jesus sent us the Comforter, the holy spirit. And it's the holy spirit that is in us that enables us to have a relationship with Jesus. He is Lord and Saviour and creating in me a new man that is conformed to his character. Jesus is doing the work in me, in my "inner man." That's why it's called "Christ in you the hope of glory." It's a figure to represented the relationship we have with him as Lord, and what he is doing in us.
I know this is a stretch if anyone has a waybrain hangover. And Wayfer, check your pt.
It's Jesus that is the head of the body, his church, who is at work within us to fulfill his will in the church. God gave him this position, because of his perfect obedience, and fulfillment of His (God's) will. We have to be able to have a working relationship with Jesus Christ and allow him to transform us, if we are going to be the person he wants us to be. The "power of the holy spirit" is the means by which he can do that. And that's how the holy spirit glorifies Jesus Christ.
And Wayfer, I'm not a trinitarian, but am not afraid to see Jesus as the One whom God has highly exalted, given a name above every name, etc. When we honor Jesus Christ, and exalt him as our Lord, we are doing what God wants us to do! It was his idea!
Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. :)-->
[This message was edited by ex10 on February 17, 2004 at 14:31.]
A few have specifically expressed function over form, most likely in reaction to my posts on the importance of form in understanding.
And that's cool. :)--> Let us reason together, soapboxes and all. :D-->
Maybe ask yourself, how can you seperate the two (in your will to nurture spiritual understanding)?
Are not a thing's functions determined and limited to its shape/s?
Can something in the shape of a nail drive a nail?
Can a 2x4 be driven into a 2x4 like a nail?
Are the functions of a form of being within and a form of being without not different?
What shape must a thing have in order for it to unite a sperm and an egg?
To gestate til birth?
To produce milk?
One form is an inert (sleeping) seed planted in the ground (so that it dies), that becomes a tree with many branches (once it is born from the ground).
The other is form of the earth and the wind and the rain and the streams and the sunlight that cause the thing to grow in the first place. No other forms of energy can or will do this. Father alone is nothing but Adam without Eve.
Which one is masculine?
Which one is feminine?
One helps the alpha meet the omega.
One is pure and simple and eternal and white hot divine (like a word).
One is diverse and broad and eternal and expansive (like wisdom).
Which form is the offspring?
Which form is the fatherer? ("mustard seed" that carries the little book - DNA))
Which form is the motherer? ("new clothes" that wrap around)
IMO, the role and understanding of gender and sexuality in spiritual matters is from the beginning, and when ignored, we become unaware of the full spectrum of life processes.
Which is fine.
Babes have no idea what gender their mother is when they are born.
All we really want and need is comfort, food and our questions answered, right?
An innocent and immature child (which is not bad, but a wonderful reality, right?) poo poos the idea that his own personal comforter ever had sex, cuz girls are icky. He shuns the idea that he was first a seed that came from the same place where he pees.
But a sign of spiritual maturity is when we learn the birds and the bees.
Or when we will to learn it.
When the kids is curious, the kid must be ready to know, right?
Ask and ye shall receive.
But take your time and think well.
The words of the questions are MORE important than the words of the answers.
Like making a wish on your birthday.
If you ask, you are ready.
But the new questions are often more frightening and/or hard to come by than the answers.
Function is determined by form, and form determines function.
Gender has both a distinct function and a distinct form.
Did not Jesus himself ask how one could understand spiritual development if they ignore earthly development?
IMO, if we think we need to rely on a book of greek words to understand the roles of sex, conception, birth, maturity and death, we are not much different than the guy Jesus was talking to about being born again. Which is ok, too.
We talk about the role and function of the body of Christ, and so are not the form and function of all body parts of the bride and groom intact in heaven?
Face it. Sex is happening within us and all around us.
The warm winds of spring rock and stimulates the branches of the tree to and fro until...
The forms (and functions) of life are above as they are below.
No big books required.
So step outside and see what forms relate to which roles.
This IS the word (logos) of God happening.
All of creation that we do see, comes first through a divine template that we cannot see.
Its not spiritual things resembles a tree,
but that a tree resembles spiritual things.
This thread, you guys, are too cool! :)-->
I really like the stuff about praying with emotion, raising hands, and addressing "inanimate" objects directly.
When Jesus, in the gospels, gave power and authority to first the twelve and then the 70 to heal the sick and cast out demoms and raise the dead, they were not just applyin' the law of believin', baby.
I believe the giver of Holy Spirit, Jesus, gave those 82 people what was available at that time.
(some form of Holy Spirit) upon them.
But nobody kicks out a devil spirit unless they got HS. Nobody heals the sick unless they got HS.
After Pentecost, Jesus even said that he would give the HS, obviously HS to a greater degree than what the 82 had.
Actually Sir Guess, you bring up a good point. The intimacy of the marriage relationship is to be an example of the "union" between Christ and his church. Which is made possible by the holy spirit.
Jesus Christ gives us eternal life, and the holy spirit also is the down payment of the eternal life he gives. I belong to him, he is mine and I am his. Just like in an intimate relationship, marriage in particular, we are one. I'm thinking out loud too, here. ;)-->
[This message was edited by ex10 on February 17, 2004 at 18:30.]
At first I wanted to give it an unqualified "yes" but now am thinking I should give it a qualified "probably so".
Dealing with folk at work, and those who are friends, who have had the "hurt" factor dealt into their hand can go either way. Whether or not they reach for the "lovely spiritual truths" depends on their will to ascend out of whatever depth they have descended to. Some are so scarred, they never rise above "Why Me?". Yet others are so scarred, they will reach for anything that offers hope.
So that is why I say "probably so". It really is up to individual's determination, and in my neck of the woods, not much "lovely spiritual truth" is being offered as an alternative :(-->
But as I said, very good question! Lots to chew on and think about there.
I pray that you can release all that hurt to Him in full on worship some day...the sooner the better, ;)--> He loves you sooooooooooo much and I do too. I pray for a supernatural healing of your sweet heart.
It's amazing to look at now and wonder how the heck I ever bought the bizarre dispensational notion that members of the spiritual church did not comprise the representation of "the Bride", a natural continuation of the same imagery used by the "Bridegroom" Jesus throughout the gospels.
Just a thought.
Now I'll go back to being absorbed into Mahler's Symphony No.2, the "Resurrection" symphony. Oh God I've been wanting this cd for awhile.
If those were only "derbil spurts" behind those composers then I will gladly worship them.
But there are angels inhabiting their symphonies as well.
serious question. if you have had bad things in your life when it comes to some of these concepts, is it harder to grasp lovely spiritual truth ?
For me...I have to answer an absolute YES!
What happened in my life is that I had (and still have in some ways) a blurred and twisted image of sexuality...
which blurred and twisted my image of marriage...
which blurred and twisted my image of the concept of bride/bridegroom...
which is what made twi's version of things more attractive to me because twi just removed the bride/bridegroom imagery altogether "from this administration".
Why duck, CW? Is not the godess also a part of the holy spirit/god/whatever name you choose to use?
Ever done any comparative studies on religion? Read any Joseph Campbell? If you do, you will be suprised to find there are numerous common themes throughout almost all religions, including a savior. It makes one realize how totally silly it is to let the few differences divide us so much when really we have so much in common.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
Aw, CW, you don't need to duck on this thread. We're just talking. I like hearing what everbody thinks. That's why I didn't wanna start this thread in the doctrinal section, so nobody feels the pressure to "be right." ;)-->
I'm not sure about the "goddess" thing, but I know I believe that God encompasses both genders. Even though I refer to Him as He, I don't think He is masculine exclusively. And I don't think the holy spirit has a gender either. :)-->
Me neither. I believe the HS has attributes of both genders. That's why (I think) God took out part of Adam and made Eve because before this occurred, Adam was both. By taking part of his attributes out and depositing them into another being, that made him cleave to Eve because he needed what she had in order for him to be whole.
(not intended to be a teaching, but I heard someone teach this one time and I think it makes sense)
CW, you are loved and you have the right to express yourself anyway you would like (at least to me). Ha!
Asked why he began studying Greek at age 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replied,"Well, my good sir, it's now or never!"
VP taught it for the purpose of moving the Word of God around the world. Receive the word with meekness, retain the Word with conviction. Release the Word with boldness. Oh boy, lets go WOW!!!
Is there more to this principle than meets the eye? Could this principle be applied to the receiving of the HS and the releasing of the HS?
I'm thinking about after the new birth realities.
We have this gift of HS. Now we feed the spirit via receiving the word of truth in our hearts and by building up the spirit, via praying in the spirit. We retain this supply in our inner man hearts. We release the spirit via the literal speaking it into reality. Of course, all God energised.
Jesus said, He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, "out of his belly shall flow (be spoken) rivers of living water"
(But this spake he of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive......."
VP made this fit LAHIAG concerning speaking in tongues......but did VP see the whole picture?
All nine evidences, do they operate like this?
It is interesting that it could be said that all nine evidences take place via a spoken word.
S.I.T. via speaking.....
interprete+prophecy.....via speaking
eyes+ears of the body...."Then Peter, Filled (to overflowing, the release) with HS, said......acts 4:8
But Paul, being grieved, turned and the spirit, I command thee.....come out of her...
Acts 16:18
Power evidences, Jesus said....If thou shalt say....unto the thou removed....producing miracles, releasing faith, releasing of gifts of healing.
It is also interesting that in the 50's, Oral Roberts healed thousands of multiple sicknesses; and he taught people, prior to the healing service, to learn how to release their faith, via taking an action (point of contact) and when he laid his hands on them, they both would, at the given time of contact (action) release their faith and the healing would take place.
I think you are right about receive, retain, release, and especially the point you made about boldness. I think another principle that applies when it comes to the workings of the holy spirit is, "He who hesitates is lost." :)-->
I've read your posts several times over, thinking about what you've said. It inspired me to read the first 5 or so chapters of Hebrews. It ocurred to me that Heb. 4:12 refers to the spoken Word as well as the written Word. The spoken word, whether it's what we receive from the Lord for ourselves, or what He has us speak to others, is so life-giving and powerful, and accomplishes the Lord's purposes when spoken with faith.
I think the "manifestations" of the spirit are they way in which Jesus Christ makes his presence known, and works through us to fulfill His will (which is always God's will.) I think part of the secret to getting consistent results is asking the Lord what he has in this situation or circumstance for this particular person, etc.
I think VPW was correct (or rather BG Leonard) in his teaching that it's "our operation of the God-given ability..." We choose to step out in faith, and take the appropriate action required. Check pt.
I hope this makes sense.
[This message was edited by ex10 on February 18, 2004 at 18:23.]
I have been thinking about breathing which is the action of the life of the soul because the in take of oxygen is what keeps the blood feed and working in the body
Now I read that there are types are breathing like the differ ways we breath from being at ease or doing task like running
Now I am sure some one est can explain it better but lets move on
Since the life of the soul is in the blood than the life of the spirit is in the blood of Christ Now since the body takes in oxygen and lets out carbon dioxide for plants
Then the spirit takes in truths for the life of the spirit and lets out the nine gifts of the spirit with help the soul life
Now if there are differ rates of soul breathing in and out So there must be differ rates of spiritual breathing
Then the spirit takes in truths for the life of the spirit and lets out the nine gifts of the spirit with help the soul life
I like this! It made me how breathing in is life and blessing for breathing out life and blessing from me?
Verrrry interesting.
quote:Now if there are differ rates of soul breathing in and out So there must be differ rates of spiritual breathing
This one really makes me think deep.
A woman in labor begins with long inhale/exhale breathing. When she gets to the really hard part, she pants (heee heee hooo...heee heee hooo...for those of you who would like to remember LOL).
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Do you think Christ in you and the spirit in you are one in the same? I wonder this. I have God's spirit in me, and I have Christ in me. How the heck do I know what is speaking to me? Maybe they are one in the same......
Omigosh! Does that sound trinitarian??? Some how I don't get my panties in a bunch anymore in thinking like that.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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I'm not real sure what to think doctrinally because I prefer to leave my beliefs open for correction, addition, removal, etc.
However, I do know that it doesn't really matter in the end, ya know? It's still all my mind and I have no way of proving otherwise. So I try not to worry about the hows and the makes me crazy trying to figure all that out...I just try to effectively use what's been given.
I feel that if I'm gonna talk about the bible then I'd better use the bible as the measuring stick for what I say about what's in the bible. So, the bible says that we have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Logistically, then, I think that it would be insanity to have 3 different entities running around in my head. IMO.
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Oh, the bible also says
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Here's the way I think of it. Jesus sent us the Comforter, the holy spirit. And it's the holy spirit that is in us that enables us to have a relationship with Jesus. He is Lord and Saviour and creating in me a new man that is conformed to his character. Jesus is doing the work in me, in my "inner man." That's why it's called "Christ in you the hope of glory." It's a figure to represented the relationship we have with him as Lord, and what he is doing in us.
I know this is a stretch if anyone has a waybrain hangover.
And Wayfer, check your pt.
It's Jesus that is the head of the body, his church, who is at work within us to fulfill his will in the church. God gave him this position, because of his perfect obedience, and fulfillment of His (God's) will. We have to be able to have a working relationship with Jesus Christ and allow him to transform us, if we are going to be the person he wants us to be. The "power of the holy spirit" is the means by which he can do that. And that's how the holy spirit glorifies Jesus Christ.
And Wayfer, I'm not a trinitarian, but am not afraid to see Jesus as the One whom God has highly exalted, given a name above every name, etc. When we honor Jesus Christ, and exalt him as our Lord, we are doing what God wants us to do! It was his idea!
Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.
[This message was edited by ex10 on February 17, 2004 at 14:31.]
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A few have specifically expressed function over form, most likely in reaction to my posts on the importance of form in understanding.
And that's cool.
:)--> Let us reason together, soapboxes and all.
Maybe ask yourself, how can you seperate the two (in your will to nurture spiritual understanding)?
Are not a thing's functions determined and limited to its shape/s?
Can something in the shape of a nail drive a nail?
Can a 2x4 be driven into a 2x4 like a nail?
Are the functions of a form of being within and a form of being without not different?
What shape must a thing have in order for it to unite a sperm and an egg?
To gestate til birth?
To produce milk?
One form is an inert (sleeping) seed planted in the ground (so that it dies), that becomes a tree with many branches (once it is born from the ground).
The other is form of the earth and the wind and the rain and the streams and the sunlight that cause the thing to grow in the first place. No other forms of energy can or will do this. Father alone is nothing but Adam without Eve.
Which one is masculine?
Which one is feminine?
One helps the alpha meet the omega.
One is pure and simple and eternal and white hot divine (like a word).
One is diverse and broad and eternal and expansive (like wisdom).
Which form is the offspring?
Which form is the fatherer? ("mustard seed" that carries the little book - DNA))
Which form is the motherer? ("new clothes" that wrap around)
IMO, the role and understanding of gender and sexuality in spiritual matters is from the beginning, and when ignored, we become unaware of the full spectrum of life processes.
Which is fine.
Babes have no idea what gender their mother is when they are born.
All we really want and need is comfort, food and our questions answered, right?
An innocent and immature child (which is not bad, but a wonderful reality, right?) poo poos the idea that his own personal comforter ever had sex, cuz girls are icky. He shuns the idea that he was first a seed that came from the same place where he pees.
But a sign of spiritual maturity is when we learn the birds and the bees.
Or when we will to learn it.
When the kids is curious, the kid must be ready to know, right?
Ask and ye shall receive.
But take your time and think well.
The words of the questions are MORE important than the words of the answers.
Like making a wish on your birthday.
If you ask, you are ready.
But the new questions are often more frightening and/or hard to come by than the answers.
Function is determined by form, and form determines function.
Gender has both a distinct function and a distinct form.
Did not Jesus himself ask how one could understand spiritual development if they ignore earthly development?
IMO, if we think we need to rely on a book of greek words to understand the roles of sex, conception, birth, maturity and death, we are not much different than the guy Jesus was talking to about being born again. Which is ok, too.
We talk about the role and function of the body of Christ, and so are not the form and function of all body parts of the bride and groom intact in heaven?
Face it. Sex is happening within us and all around us.
The warm winds of spring rock and stimulates the branches of the tree to and fro until...
The forms (and functions) of life are above as they are below.
No big books required.
So step outside and see what forms relate to which roles.
This IS the word (logos) of God happening.
All of creation that we do see, comes first through a divine template that we cannot see.
Its not spiritual things resembles a tree,
but that a tree resembles spiritual things.
This thread, you guys, are too cool!
I really like the stuff about praying with emotion, raising hands, and addressing "inanimate" objects directly.
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It's 40 degrees out today and the "s" word has been spoken now!
I feel a ritual or two coming on...
It's nakee time!!!!!!!!!!
TYVM sgalot!
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Those gospel 12 and 70 had to have something
When Jesus, in the gospels, gave power and authority to first the twelve and then the 70 to heal the sick and cast out demoms and raise the dead, they were not just applyin' the law of believin', baby.
I believe the giver of Holy Spirit, Jesus, gave those 82 people what was available at that time.
(some form of Holy Spirit) upon them.
But nobody kicks out a devil spirit unless they got HS. Nobody heals the sick unless they got HS.
After Pentecost, Jesus even said that he would give the HS, obviously HS to a greater degree than what the 82 had.
Just thinkin' outloud.......
More thinkin' outloud to come......
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Actually Sir Guess, you bring up a good point. The intimacy of the marriage relationship is to be an example of the "union" between Christ and his church. Which is made possible by the holy spirit.
Jesus Christ gives us eternal life, and the holy spirit also is the down payment of the eternal life he gives. I belong to him, he is mine and I am his. Just like in an intimate relationship, marriage in particular, we are one. I'm thinking out loud too, here.
[This message was edited by ex10 on February 17, 2004 at 18:30.]
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so much beauty here
serious question. if you have had bad things in your life when it comes to some of these concepts, is it harder to grasp lovely spiritual truth ??
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Maybe at first. Or for awhile.
Or maybe before you ever heard them.
But not once you knew to call them things like "beautiful."
Then its too late, my dearest E.
Cuz its already in the palm of your hand (i.e. "grasped").
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Ex --- now That is a good question!
At first I wanted to give it an unqualified "yes" but now am thinking I should give it a qualified "probably so".
Dealing with folk at work, and those who are friends, who have had the "hurt" factor dealt into their hand can go either way. Whether or not they reach for the "lovely spiritual truths" depends on their will to ascend out of whatever depth they have descended to. Some are so scarred, they never rise above "Why Me?". Yet others are so scarred, they will reach for anything that offers hope.
So that is why I say "probably so". It really is up to individual's determination, and in my neck of the woods, not much "lovely spiritual truth" is being offered as an alternative
But as I said, very good question! Lots to chew on and think about there.
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(((((((((Excathy)))))))))) my sweet friend...
I pray that you can release all that hurt to Him in full on worship some day...the sooner the better,
;)--> He loves you sooooooooooo much and I do too. I pray for a supernatural healing of your sweet heart.
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It's amazing to look at now and wonder how the heck I ever bought the bizarre dispensational notion that members of the spiritual church did not comprise the representation of "the Bride", a natural continuation of the same imagery used by the "Bridegroom" Jesus throughout the gospels.
Just a thought.
Now I'll go back to being absorbed into Mahler's Symphony No.2, the "Resurrection" symphony. Oh God I've been wanting this cd for awhile.
If those were only "derbil spurts" behind those composers then I will gladly worship them.
But there are angels inhabiting their symphonies as well.
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For me...I have to answer an absolute YES!
What happened in my life is that I had (and still have in some ways) a blurred and twisted image of sexuality...
which blurred and twisted my image of marriage...
which blurred and twisted my image of the concept of bride/bridegroom...
which is what made twi's version of things more attractive to me because twi just removed the bride/bridegroom imagery altogether "from this administration".
How did I begin to recover from all of that?
Quite frankly...
I learned about the goddess.
(Ducking now.)
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Why duck, CW? Is not the godess also a part of the holy spirit/god/whatever name you choose to use?
Ever done any comparative studies on religion? Read any Joseph Campbell? If you do, you will be suprised to find there are numerous common themes throughout almost all religions, including a savior. It makes one realize how totally silly it is to let the few differences divide us so much when really we have so much in common.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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Mornin' {{{{{Abi!}}}}}
I'm feeling a little rough this morning over another subject I guess I transferred that rough feeling from that thread to this one.
Nobody on this thread has given me cause to feel a need to duck.
Sigh. Going to get centered now. Probably shoulda done that first...
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Aw, CW, you don't need to duck on this thread. We're just talking. I like hearing what everbody thinks. That's why I didn't wanna start this thread in the doctrinal section, so nobody feels the pressure to "be right."
I'm not sure about the "goddess" thing, but I know I believe that God encompasses both genders. Even though I refer to Him as He, I don't think He is masculine exclusively. And I don't think the holy spirit has a gender either.
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Me neither. I believe the HS has attributes of both genders. That's why (I think) God took out part of Adam and made Eve because before this occurred, Adam was both. By taking part of his attributes out and depositing them into another being, that made him cleave to Eve because he needed what she had in order for him to be whole.
(not intended to be a teaching, but I heard someone teach this one time and I think it makes sense)
CW, you are loved and you have the right to express yourself anyway you would like (at least to me). Ha!
Asked why he began studying Greek at age 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replied,"Well, my good sir, it's now or never!"
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and sisex to answer your question, I think yes at first. But then once you get it, you get it better than anyone else.
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VP taught it for the purpose of moving the Word of God around the world. Receive the word with meekness, retain the Word with conviction. Release the Word with boldness. Oh boy, lets go WOW!!!
Is there more to this principle than meets the eye? Could this principle be applied to the receiving of the HS and the releasing of the HS?
I'm thinking about after the new birth realities.
We have this gift of HS. Now we feed the spirit via receiving the word of truth in our hearts and by building up the spirit, via praying in the spirit. We retain this supply in our inner man hearts. We release the spirit via the literal speaking it into reality. Of course, all God energised.
Jesus said, He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, "out of his belly shall flow (be spoken) rivers of living water"
(But this spake he of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive......."
VP made this fit LAHIAG concerning speaking in tongues......but did VP see the whole picture?
All nine evidences, do they operate like this?
It is interesting that it could be said that all nine evidences take place via a spoken word.
S.I.T. via speaking.....
interprete+prophecy.....via speaking
eyes+ears of the body...."Then Peter, Filled (to overflowing, the release) with HS, said......acts 4:8
But Paul, being grieved, turned and the spirit, I command thee.....come out of her...
Acts 16:18
Power evidences, Jesus said....If thou shalt say....unto the thou removed....producing miracles, releasing faith, releasing of gifts of healing.
It is also interesting that in the 50's, Oral Roberts healed thousands of multiple sicknesses; and he taught people, prior to the healing service, to learn how to release their faith, via taking an action (point of contact) and when he laid his hands on them, they both would, at the given time of contact (action) release their faith and the healing would take place.
Interesing stuff, this HS field
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Hi Cool Water
As we learn to walk we learn to hug and not fight
So Cool Water I send you a big loving hug
I tell you what you believe in your heart is your heart
With love Roy
Hi All
Just wanted to send her a hug because she has taught me alot and so has every one elst here
I say Thanks
With love and peace Roy
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Thank you, Roy for your kind words.
I think you are right about receive, retain, release, and especially the point you made about boldness. I think another principle that applies when it comes to the workings of the holy spirit is, "He who hesitates is lost."
I've read your posts several times over, thinking about what you've said. It inspired me to read the first 5 or so chapters of Hebrews. It ocurred to me that Heb. 4:12 refers to the spoken Word as well as the written Word. The spoken word, whether it's what we receive from the Lord for ourselves, or what He has us speak to others, is so life-giving and powerful, and accomplishes the Lord's purposes when spoken with faith.
I think the "manifestations" of the spirit are they way in which Jesus Christ makes his presence known, and works through us to fulfill His will (which is always God's will.) I think part of the secret to getting consistent results is asking the Lord what he has in this situation or circumstance for this particular person, etc.
I think VPW was correct (or rather BG Leonard) in his teaching that it's "our operation of the God-given ability..." We choose to step out in faith, and take the appropriate action required. Check pt.
I hope this makes sense.
[This message was edited by ex10 on February 18, 2004 at 18:23.]
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Hi All
I have been thinking about breathing which is the action of the life of the soul because the in take of oxygen is what keeps the blood feed and working in the body
Now I read that there are types are breathing like the differ ways we breath from being at ease or doing task like running
Now I am sure some one est can explain it better but lets move on
Since the life of the soul is in the blood than the life of the spirit is in the blood of Christ Now since the body takes in oxygen and lets out carbon dioxide for plants
Then the spirit takes in truths for the life of the spirit and lets out the nine gifts of the spirit with help the soul life
Now if there are differ rates of soul breathing in and out So there must be differ rates of spiritual breathing
Just thinking out loud some
With love and peace Roy
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I like this! It made me how breathing in is life and blessing for breathing out life and blessing from me?
Verrrry interesting.
This one really makes me think deep.
A woman in labor begins with long inhale/exhale breathing. When she gets to the really hard part, she pants (heee heee hooo...heee heee hooo...for those of you who would like to remember LOL).
Great out loud thinking, Roy!
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