but, in fairness I'll say that when I was involved in TWI-1, folks had the option not to tithe and still be around and get blessed. That happened to me for years.
Yeah Oldies, I was in twi 1 (and2) ...NOT doing it was always an option for me as well in all of the afore mentioned things ...but somehow, it always boiled down .... what twi/God said or allowing Satan a victory...
It seemed that I never had an option if I wanted to remain in Good standing with God....
I guess after that long convoluted post, I was really just trying to remember the scriptures used to enforce these actions.
Mal 3:7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept [them]. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?
Mal 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
Mal 3:9 Ye [are] cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, [even] this whole nation.
One of the things I'm enjoying the most about life without patriarchal dogma is that I determine how my life is going to be lived...not my husband, not "leadership", not anybody else.
The day I looked my husband in the eye and said, "Look, bubba, you've not been so good about running your own life, I'm taking mine back...and I don't give a flying f***** what 'the word' has to say about your so-called 'head of household', either."...well, that was day to remember!
excellent oldies, thankyou ...so they take these verses out of the ot...written to a different nation in a different era...and apply it to themselves saying GOD ALMIGHTY requires you to send US your money...so we eat ramen noodles for lunch every day...drive pos cars...and send our abundance to hq for utilization by God...and NOW we find out that twi over the years amassed MILLIONS....blew MILLIONS in the stock market .... wined dined and bought presents for their mistresses...etc bought airplanes motor cycles and buses...whew
Cool waters I remember eph 5 being wielded when I truly detested spouse during an argument....and at that time believing that I was REQUIRED to submit to sex in the midst of the anger...
Course I guess that was how hubby had been counceled was the way to resolve an argument.......
What about the verses that were applied to our parents and family that put them in the *unbeliever* catagory because thy didn`t stand with twi... therefor it was ok to treat them badly???
To heck with the verses about honoring our parents...
I know how you feel. I bought that doctrine of debils hogwash for way too long, too.
I was told that I should take the easy way out and plan a family when I had met a guy who was spiritual and committed enough for me. Guess what? It was 22 years before I began dating someone that I was in love with after that. I was told I could have children when I was ready. Guess what? That was a lie. I wanted to but didn't ever get pregnant again.
I remember finally seeing verses in the Word that said things about babies in the womb and that John the Baptist even leaped inside of Elizabeth when Mary showed up at their house. Yes, I realized then, in 2000, that I had done something terrible, and that I was the only one answering to God for it. Thank goodness, I believed God's forgiveness was there. The hardest person for me to forgive was ME...and I think I finally HAVE after all these years.
Still, Christmas time is especially hard when all of my friends are out buying presents for their kids. In someways, it feels like God hasn't forgiven me because I didn't get another chance to be a mom. But, I know that isn't scriptural, but the pain and the shame has to be dealt with on a daily basis until something breaks and then it's less frequent.
Still, I wonder what life would have been like had I gone to a compassionate person who would have guided me through the situation (which is what I was seeking) instead of convincing me that God didn't mind if I took the easy way out.
Please know that you are not the only one that I know of that was coerced with SCRIPTURE into an unwanted .... I want to say *procedure*even now after all of these years the word is hard say....
I also know of other twi women who were sterilized as well by that one harmless little operation....my heart aches for you all...
Please PLEASE do not think that God is punishing you....or my other friends...
If that was true....all of us who were bullied into that heartbreaking choice would have suffered the same fate....... I have heard of at least one woman dieing after being *counceled* into an abortion by her leadership..... I do not undertsand it...or why some of us suffered more than others....I just know that it isn`t about punishment or we all would suffer equally....
Maybe it was the differance between competant dr.s or not...or maybe whether a particular dr was having a bad day or not....
Anyway sure blows the theory outta the water about obediance to leadership always yeilds good consequences...
((((((((((((((fence))))))))))))) again I am SO sorry
Fence...you said taking the *easy* way out....It was so cut and dry wasn`t it???
You either were pleasing to God, honored for putting your commitment to God first, a real woman of God well pleasing in his sight......or you were spiritual slime who allowed her emotions to over rule her sense of duty....bound for destruction because of the idolotry of putting a bunch of paracitic cells first.
Even though you knew with all of your heart you didn`t want to do this.... It all boiled down to ...if you didn`t, you didn`t love God....it was never REALLY easy though was it?
And where do the tears come from after all these years? Boy, do they ever end?
With me, C.E., who is now, C.P., used the soft-sale technique. She brought up the idea, which SHOCKED me that a clergy's wife would think of such a thing because it had never entered my mind.
All I wanted was how to deal with the horror of the situation I found myself in and some comforting and guiding words. She sure guided my selfish little immature stressed-out- to-the-max heart, didn't she? Even though I wasn't a quick sale, I ended up buying it in the end. And, that was because I didn't want my parents to know.
But, if it isn't a person anyway, then why not?
Well, I hope that God can use me in someway to help others on some level and that someday I can truly get over it (probably not until I see my child in heaven). But, hopefully, it will get easier as time goes on.
No kidding cool waters... I gotta say in my spouses defense...he did not know that I had been *counceled* to ALWAYS submit.... never knew I didn`t feel like it was optional...He never shouted *submit damn you* It was just something I had been conditioned to believe was my duty...ugh it was so shamefull
The old *head of the household* teachings covered a multitude of sins didn`t they??... I never felt I had the right to stand up and demand that abusive behaviors cease... I could ask...I could pray ... I could reason...I could cry....but in the end....if he didn`t want to quit....oh well too bad so sad...God would *bless* me for my commitment....blech
To hell with the misery the kiddoes n I had to live with.....God woyuld honor my commitment...How sick
What he NEEDED was a two by four upside the head accompanied with the threat of his no longer submissive spouse leaving with his children if he did not cease and desist with the drinking....
When he was offered the two options...thankfully he was willing to quit the drinking and with that the abusive behavior dissappeared...I would hate to think where we would be today if I was still meekly submitting myself to that rediculous standard...
What is REALLY insans is....we were out of twi for over FIVE fricken years and I was still religiously adhering to their rediculous standards....
You know fence....I hope that you are right....I hope that we get a chance to apologise someday....(I cried too as I was typing my post and remembering)
I cried when remembering my dogs eyes and horses all over again...
Can you believe that we were told that GOD wanted/needed/demanded this of us???
I hope that leadership the ones we trusted...who used those scriptures to ensure the desired results....have a whole lot to answere for as well...
What does the bible say about folks who decietfully use scriptures or God to accomplish their own ends?
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 13:33.]
I was long gone before the reign of terror kicked in, so I was never asked to give up my pets, but there is something Godly about loving any creature with a soul, isn't there? I mean, that's what's supposed to separate us from wild animals, isn't it?
I'm so sorry about you doggie and horses. I will pray for God to heal that part of your heart too.
When I look at my dog, she is a pain in the a** part of the time and a loving treasure the rest. And, sometimes I'm tempted to want to find another home for her, but then I quickly remember how blessed I am to have her love. She's always the one to pick up on it when I'm having a bad day and she follows me around and tries to jump in my lap and just pesters me to say she loves me.
I really believe pets will be in heaven. After all, Jesus will come back riding a white horse, won't he?
[This message was edited by Don'tFenceMeIn on January 14, 2004 at 14:24.]
This is a tool that is still used by men that have left TWI. As much as they distant themselves from TWI and it's teachings, this is a tactic that is still held on dearly to by a lot of men. Especially if women still want to do "the word". From finances to sex this is a way to control.
All a man has to says is "Honey, gawd told me" this has to be.
Any man that uses this tactic on a woman should be ashamed of himself. A woman is not a slave and a wife should have equal say in all matters. We should progress beyond this neanderthal mentality.
Yes Onion eater... many men were cowardly bullies that LOVED using the authority given them by scripture to mistreat their wives...
However it wasn`t always just the men being abusive jerks......THATS what kills me ...many times they never HAD to demand it or bring the word into play due to the prior conditioning of us women.
We were taught at the womens advances, pre marriage counceling adv class etc...that God almighty IN his word said that we women were to submit be it husband or leadership...the degree to which we loved and respected God was dirctly determined by the alacrity in which you submitted to his word...ie spouse and leaders....many times my poor spouse never knew I had any objections because it never occured to me that i had any choice...
It shames me so...when I think of the miriade of times I swallowed my pride his my shame...stifled my desires and individuality to be pleasing to God...
You are so right about carrying the stupidity on even years after leaving twi ... a few years back...the spouse ordered a subscription for me to an ex way womens magazine....I had to cancel it...I kid you not, every ...and I mean EVERY artical in the foolish thing was about how to be pleasing to your spouse...how to find a man your spiritual equal outside of twi so that it wouldn`t be hard to submit....how to be virtuous...gawd...i wanted to pull my hair out....here we were all out of twi...but still using the same damn bible verses to enslave ourselves....and promote the same stupid behaviors...worst of all...How sick is that???It was WOMEN and they were STILL doing it to THEMSELVES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 15:08.]
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 15:29.]
So is it any different.... whether control over an individual is achieved by use of superior force... a weapon...or the scriptures?
Is it better or worse that God was weapon used to intimidate us into thievery?
We complied through fear of displeasing God... fear of not loving him fear of letting satan in to destroy us if we did not hand over our money...leave our homes on demand....destroy our unborn children.... succumb to the mog`s demands..... the crimes are numerous
If it had been done with a gun or a knife.... at LEAST we could have prosecuted...
Ok how about the families we know who were required to throw their rebellious children litterally out on the friggin STREETS!!!!
I kid you not I know a family who was faced with the kicking their sweet teenage daughter out to the curb like so much trash or risk being cast out of the household and God`s protection...a course which would bring death and destruction to the rest of the family.
Really the kid was a sweety....just wasn`t quite respectfull enough to the step dad or lc...
I am saddened to say that the parents though they didn`t want to....complied with the lc`s demand....they threw their DAUGHTER their flesh and blood out on the streets because the screws of the *word* were applied ...
Oldies....I wasn`t including everybody in my statement...but honestly....does it matter?
Does it really matter if it only happened to a percentage of us?
That it happened at all ... that it was a fricken policy ... is to be a condemnation for the ministry that utilized such a course of action ...one that was not only recomended but demanded of people to manipulate others in the desired direction is abominable
I am glad that it didn`t happen to you....but that it happened to any of us EVER is a travesty of what that bible was intended for...
Using it as a goad to enforce someone ELSES plans and desires is just plain wrong....bordering on criminal imo
Again, I think being manipulated by TWI, if one views it as such, is one's own perspective of how they viewed it then, and how they view it now. I don't think I ever allowed myself to be manipulated, at least to any great extent, and there's lots of folks like me. Here's what John Lynn said, which I tend to agree with:
quote:In regard to your involvement in The Way , you could choose to be a victim, but may I suggest that is not the best perspective. Frederick Douglas, a former slave and then an abolitionist in the time of the Civil War, once said, "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by those whom they oppress." I like to look at my time in The Way in a more positive sense. I want to "eat the fish and spit out the bones."
Yeah I have seen John Lynns letter....Spoken TRULY like a man who wants to justify and minimise the damage he inflicted on folks by him and an organization that he was intrumental in builing.
Of COURSE thats how he and the folks on the top of the food chain feel about those of us that were used and tossed aside when our usefullness exhausted .... to consider any other option to recognise THEIR guilt ...the pain THEY inflicted...the evil that THEY themselves visited upon others would lead to overwhelming guilt....
They can`t HANDLE the truth of the evilness of their actions...... so they have to lie to themselves and dismiss the damage .... the sometimes irreperable harm they inflicted on so many .... they have to put the blame on someone else... yeah thats right... they have to tell themselves that they bear no responsibility...that the victims are at fault for hurting ...just one more swipe at the person that they have treated badly...they have to believe that those hurt need to just *get over it* minimalise the damage in order to obsolve themselves of their enormous guilt...
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 18:56.]
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but, in fairness I'll say that when I was involved in TWI-1, folks had the option not to tithe and still be around and get blessed. That happened to me for years.
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Yeah Oldies, I was in twi 1 (and2) ...NOT doing it was always an option for me as well in all of the afore mentioned things ...but somehow, it always boiled down .... what twi/God said or allowing Satan a victory...
It seemed that I never had an option if I wanted to remain in Good standing with God....
I guess after that long convoluted post, I was really just trying to remember the scriptures used to enforce these actions.
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Mal 3:7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept [them]. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?
Mal 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
Mal 3:9 Ye [are] cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, [even] this whole nation.
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One of the things I'm enjoying the most about life without patriarchal dogma is that I determine how my life is going to be lived...not my husband, not "leadership", not anybody else.
The day I looked my husband in the eye and said, "Look, bubba, you've not been so good about running your own life, I'm taking mine back...and I don't give a flying f***** what 'the word' has to say about your so-called 'head of household', either."...well, that was day to remember!
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Now I get what's going on with you, OM...
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excellent oldies, thankyou ...so they take these verses out of the ot...written to a different nation in a different era...and apply it to themselves saying GOD ALMIGHTY requires you to send US your money...so we eat ramen noodles for lunch every day...drive pos cars...and send our abundance to hq for utilization by God...and NOW we find out that twi over the years amassed MILLIONS....blew MILLIONS in the stock market .... wined dined and bought presents for their mistresses...etc bought airplanes motor cycles and buses...whew
Ugh... Seems pretty transperant now...
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Cool waters I remember eph 5 being wielded when I truly detested spouse during an argument....and at that time believing that I was REQUIRED to submit to sex in the midst of the anger...
Course I guess that was how hubby had been counceled was the way to resolve an argument.......
Gawd I disgust myself.
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Dot Matrix
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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What about the verses that were applied to our parents and family that put them in the *unbeliever* catagory because thy didn`t stand with twi... therefor it was ok to treat them badly???
To heck with the verses about honoring our parents...
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I know how you feel. I bought that doctrine of debils hogwash for way too long, too.
I was told that I should take the easy way out and plan a family when I had met a guy who was spiritual and committed enough for me. Guess what? It was 22 years before I began dating someone that I was in love with after that. I was told I could have children when I was ready. Guess what? That was a lie. I wanted to but didn't ever get pregnant again.
I remember finally seeing verses in the Word that said things about babies in the womb and that John the Baptist even leaped inside of Elizabeth when Mary showed up at their house. Yes, I realized then, in 2000, that I had done something terrible, and that I was the only one answering to God for it. Thank goodness, I believed God's forgiveness was there. The hardest person for me to forgive was ME...and I think I finally HAVE after all these years.
Still, Christmas time is especially hard when all of my friends are out buying presents for their kids. In someways, it feels like God hasn't forgiven me because I didn't get another chance to be a mom. But, I know that isn't scriptural, but the pain and the shame has to be dealt with on a daily basis until something breaks and then it's less frequent.
Still, I wonder what life would have been like had I gone to a compassionate person who would have guided me through the situation (which is what I was seeking) instead of convincing me that God didn't mind if I took the easy way out.
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awww (((((((((((((Fence))))))))) damn I am sorry.
Please know that you are not the only one that I know of that was coerced with SCRIPTURE into an unwanted .... I want to say *procedure*even now after all of these years the word is hard say....
I also know of other twi women who were sterilized as well by that one harmless little operation....my heart aches for you all...
Please PLEASE do not think that God is punishing you....or my other friends...
If that was true....all of us who were bullied into that heartbreaking choice would have suffered the same fate....... I have heard of at least one woman dieing after being *counceled* into an abortion by her leadership..... I do not undertsand it...or why some of us suffered more than others....I just know that it isn`t about punishment or we all would suffer equally....
Maybe it was the differance between competant dr.s or not...or maybe whether a particular dr was having a bad day or not....
Anyway sure blows the theory outta the water about obediance to leadership always yeilds good consequences...
((((((((((((((fence))))))))))))) again I am SO sorry
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Oh jeeze, rascal, don't even get me started about using "the word" as a weapon to enforce sexual gratification...!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
There are no words...that kind of pain is a deep pain...
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Fence...you said taking the *easy* way out....It was so cut and dry wasn`t it???
You either were pleasing to God, honored for putting your commitment to God first, a real woman of God well pleasing in his sight......or you were spiritual slime who allowed her emotions to over rule her sense of duty....bound for destruction because of the idolotry of putting a bunch of paracitic cells first.
Even though you knew with all of your heart you didn`t want to do this.... It all boiled down to ...if you didn`t, you didn`t love God....it was never REALLY easy though was it?
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And where do the tears come from after all these years? Boy, do they ever end?
With me, C.E., who is now, C.P., used the soft-sale technique. She brought up the idea, which SHOCKED me that a clergy's wife would think of such a thing because it had never entered my mind.
All I wanted was how to deal with the horror of the situation I found myself in and some comforting and guiding words. She sure guided my selfish little immature stressed-out- to-the-max heart, didn't she? Even though I wasn't a quick sale, I ended up buying it in the end. And, that was because I didn't want my parents to know.
But, if it isn't a person anyway, then why not?
Well, I hope that God can use me in someway to help others on some level and that someday I can truly get over it (probably not until I see my child in heaven). But, hopefully, it will get easier as time goes on.
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No kidding cool waters... I gotta say in my spouses defense...he did not know that I had been *counceled* to ALWAYS submit.... never knew I didn`t feel like it was optional...He never shouted *submit damn you* It was just something I had been conditioned to believe was my duty...ugh it was so shamefull
The old *head of the household* teachings covered a multitude of sins didn`t they??... I never felt I had the right to stand up and demand that abusive behaviors cease... I could ask...I could pray ... I could reason...I could cry....but in the end....if he didn`t want to quit....oh well too bad so sad...God would *bless* me for my commitment....blech
To hell with the misery the kiddoes n I had to live with.....God woyuld honor my commitment...How sick
What he NEEDED was a two by four upside the head accompanied with the threat of his no longer submissive spouse leaving with his children if he did not cease and desist with the drinking....
When he was offered the two options...thankfully he was willing to quit the drinking and with that the abusive behavior dissappeared...I would hate to think where we would be today if I was still meekly submitting myself to that rediculous standard...
What is REALLY insans is....we were out of twi for over FIVE fricken years and I was still religiously adhering to their rediculous standards....
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You know fence....I hope that you are right....I hope that we get a chance to apologise someday....(I cried too as I was typing my post and remembering)
I cried when remembering my dogs eyes and horses all over again...
Can you believe that we were told that GOD wanted/needed/demanded this of us???
I hope that leadership the ones we trusted...who used those scriptures to ensure the desired results....have a whole lot to answere for as well...
What does the bible say about folks who decietfully use scriptures or God to accomplish their own ends?
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 13:33.]
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I was long gone before the reign of terror kicked in, so I was never asked to give up my pets, but there is something Godly about loving any creature with a soul, isn't there? I mean, that's what's supposed to separate us from wild animals, isn't it?
I'm so sorry about you doggie and horses. I will pray for God to heal that part of your heart too.
When I look at my dog, she is a pain in the a** part of the time and a loving treasure the rest. And, sometimes I'm tempted to want to find another home for her, but then I quickly remember how blessed I am to have her love. She's always the one to pick up on it when I'm having a bad day and she follows me around and tries to jump in my lap and just pesters me to say she loves me.
I really believe pets will be in heaven. After all, Jesus will come back riding a white horse, won't he?
[This message was edited by Don'tFenceMeIn on January 14, 2004 at 14:24.]
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This is a tool that is still used by men that have left TWI. As much as they distant themselves from TWI and it's teachings, this is a tactic that is still held on dearly to by a lot of men. Especially if women still want to do "the word". From finances to sex this is a way to control.
All a man has to says is "Honey, gawd told me" this has to be.
Any man that uses this tactic on a woman should be ashamed of himself. A woman is not a slave and a wife should have equal say in all matters. We should progress beyond this neanderthal mentality.
ps: I am a man.
Thus Sayeth "The OnionEater"
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Yes Onion eater... many men were cowardly bullies that LOVED using the authority given them by scripture to mistreat their wives...
However it wasn`t always just the men being abusive jerks......THATS what kills me ...many times they never HAD to demand it or bring the word into play due to the prior conditioning of us women.
We were taught at the womens advances, pre marriage counceling adv class etc...that God almighty IN his word said that we women were to submit be it husband or leadership...the degree to which we loved and respected God was dirctly determined by the alacrity in which you submitted to his word...ie spouse and leaders....many times my poor spouse never knew I had any objections because it never occured to me that i had any choice...
It shames me so...when I think of the miriade of times I swallowed my pride his my shame...stifled my desires and individuality to be pleasing to God...
You are so right about carrying the stupidity on even years after leaving twi ... a few years back...the spouse ordered a subscription for me to an ex way womens magazine....I had to cancel it...I kid you not, every ...and I mean EVERY artical in the foolish thing was about how to be pleasing to your spouse...how to find a man your spiritual equal outside of twi so that it wouldn`t be hard to submit....how to be virtuous...gawd...i wanted to pull my hair out....here we were all out of twi...but still using the same damn bible verses to enslave ourselves....and promote the same stupid behaviors...worst of all...How sick is that???It was WOMEN and they were STILL doing it to THEMSELVES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 15:08.]
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 15:29.]
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So is it any different.... whether control over an individual is achieved by use of superior force... a weapon...or the scriptures?
Is it better or worse that God was weapon used to intimidate us into thievery?
We complied through fear of displeasing God... fear of not loving him fear of letting satan in to destroy us if we did not hand over our money...leave our homes on demand....destroy our unborn children.... succumb to the mog`s demands..... the crimes are numerous
If it had been done with a gun or a knife.... at LEAST we could have prosecuted...
Ok how about the families we know who were required to throw their rebellious children litterally out on the friggin STREETS!!!!
I kid you not I know a family who was faced with the kicking their sweet teenage daughter out to the curb like so much trash or risk being cast out of the household and God`s protection...a course which would bring death and destruction to the rest of the family.
Really the kid was a sweety....just wasn`t quite respectfull enough to the step dad or lc...
I am saddened to say that the parents though they didn`t want to....complied with the lc`s demand....they threw their DAUGHTER their flesh and blood out on the streets because the screws of the *word* were applied ...
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I think this is too general a statement for everyone. Personally, for me, it doesn't apply. Experiences vary.
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Oldies....I wasn`t including everybody in my statement...but honestly....does it matter?
Does it really matter if it only happened to a percentage of us?
That it happened at all ... that it was a fricken policy ... is to be a condemnation for the ministry that utilized such a course of action ...one that was not only recomended but demanded of people to manipulate others in the desired direction is abominable
I am glad that it didn`t happen to you....but that it happened to any of us EVER is a travesty of what that bible was intended for...
Using it as a goad to enforce someone ELSES plans and desires is just plain wrong....bordering on criminal imo
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Again, I think being manipulated by TWI, if one views it as such, is one's own perspective of how they viewed it then, and how they view it now. I don't think I ever allowed myself to be manipulated, at least to any great extent, and there's lots of folks like me. Here's what John Lynn said, which I tend to agree with:
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Yeah I have seen John Lynns letter....Spoken TRULY like a man who wants to justify and minimise the damage he inflicted on folks by him and an organization that he was intrumental in builing.
Of COURSE thats how he and the folks on the top of the food chain feel about those of us that were used and tossed aside when our usefullness exhausted .... to consider any other option to recognise THEIR guilt ...the pain THEY inflicted...the evil that THEY themselves visited upon others would lead to overwhelming guilt....
They can`t HANDLE the truth of the evilness of their actions...... so they have to lie to themselves and dismiss the damage .... the sometimes irreperable harm they inflicted on so many .... they have to put the blame on someone else... yeah thats right... they have to tell themselves that they bear no responsibility...that the victims are at fault for hurting ...just one more swipe at the person that they have treated badly...they have to believe that those hurt need to just *get over it* minimalise the damage in order to obsolve themselves of their enormous guilt...
[This message was edited by rascal on January 14, 2004 at 18:56.]
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