I believe in unclean spirits and that people can be possessed by them because the bible says that both Paul and Jesus directly dealt with them. Trusting TWI to teach about them, though, is like trusting the 3 stooges to fix your plumbing.
I am possessed according to one region cordo who left in 2000. He told me that if I humbled myself to God that God would show me immediately everything about myself I needed to know and after that maybe I could come back, but until then he wasn't turning me loose on the household, no siree bob. He must've been Moe since he was a region cordo.
ya know I always got the impression that the folks said somone had devil spirits or was pozessed so they could be "better than" and the true God loved them more because they were "clean"
Wait a minute, hold on, Jesus Christ came to save sinners, Jesus said we are to serve and love one another. God loves His people .
Jesus will never forsake you.
The bible screams a different cure does it not?
I mean does it make any sense to you to be "more than a conquer" and then get away from any person with a problem or illness or thought that you do not agree with?
I think some in the way where afraid of Life I really do, afriad of deliverence ,afraid of meeting ad knowing Jesus christ face to face they may have spoke to devil spirits and never took action to Love the people God claims as His own children. what is the good in being a follower of christ then? to love only those who love you?
I think it was anit-christ working to make a feel good ministry that served self above all .
Well, I do not know too much about what the Bible sez ennymo, but I do know it sure does not tell all there is to know, which leaves it rather lacking in wholeness of the soul.
Ya see, when one like me has believed ITS entire context as TRUTH to the nth degree and then chewed up and expectorated like so much chaw, one like me tends to become extreemly wary ITS context ennyMOE or Larry or Curley or Shemp. In fact, Moe, Larry, Curley, Shemp have more integrity than the revealed written/spoken word of god, or three god's in one (of course that's not counting the two inside of ya... god in christ in you ... talk about multiple personalities!!!!! jeesh) :D--> "...wise guy eh?..."
Whoa Sir Roy, Anti Christ eh? That's a supreme title of pozzezzion if i ever heard of one. All i rec'd was leviathan/python. I am humbled.
When I stood up at a leaders meeting and calmly announced that I could no longer, in good conscience, follow the mandates of lcm, I "tendered my resignation" and walked out the door.
The following day, every wayfer in the branch was informed that I was possessed and to stay away from me. This was 1987. I was the first to walk away in my branch. Within 2 years, the entire branch had left twi and the very folks who announced my possession had joined the ranks of the Linda Blair for lunch bunch.
The one redeeming quality about lcm was that he made it quite easy for me to walk away. I couldn't believe that veepee had turned the reins over to such a buffoon.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
the TWI directory of HOw to spot a "possessed" person
1 Person fails to attend every funtion
2. person fails to arrive ten minutes early-(which is actually --on time-- but they can't set the start time ten miunutes earlier because then you would have to be 20 minutes early to be --on time)
3. Person fails to leap to feet in presence of leadership
4. Person questions ANY comment that comes from leaderships mouth.
5, If female-fails to leap to do husabnds bidding
6. POinting out ---at any time-- that what is being said about what the Bible says in no way correlates to what appears in black in white print in the Bible.
That's true Wordwolf...lcm was totally obedient to veepee. Nobody kissed the old mans a$$ like loy did. I also think that veepee picked him because of his "firey brand" of teaching. He could shout and intimidate...and veepee saw that as a great attribute. Whereas on the other hand, poor old Walter was too soft spoken and was passed over.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
I didn't buy that stuff hook, line and SiNkEr...which seems to be almost unforgetable stuff for those that did.
I did get mislead, but it was from my own sensibilities.
How's that for having spirits?
Really, The Way was overkill, A loose cannon if you let it penetrate your thinking will usually cause havoc.
We have brains to use...and are responsible to ourselves if we let anyone/thing abuse ourselves as adults.
Trust yourself.
There are a few smooth operators with hidden agendas around many corners we go about in this life ~ it doesn't mean anyone has to buy into it for even a short time.
I hope people get over such manipulations ~ and let their own consciences be their guide, instead of people...after all, adults don't need parents anymore to tell them what to think...or believe...at least the more wholesome one is...they don't.
GT>>>"I hope people get over such manipulations ~ and let their own consciences be their guide, instead of people...after all, adults don't need parents anymore to tell them what to think...or believe...at least the more wholesome one is...they don't. ">>>
Can you define your use of the word "parents", you have written many post on how you hate your family and it was or is so rough and emotional for you .
so I come from a different place maybe.
clearly honoring your parents is a good thing you enjoy your daughters accomplishments and love right? Acutaly "whole some people are the one able to have intimacy with family memebers and maintain a self .
Parents are able to help their children in life and vice versa life doesnt end when you turn 18 and family members know you the longest for sure.
I thank God for my friends and YES sometimes their biggest JOb is to TELL ME when Im not ok or right thinking or a little lost , what would I do without that in life? float about alone with a know it all do not need anyone attitude???
no way I love my peeps my relationships are what makes life so great!!!!
quote:When I stood up at a leaders meeting and calmly announced that I could no longer, in good conscience, follow the mandates of lcm, I "tendered my resignation" and walked out the door.
"Trusting TWI to teach about them, though, is like trusting the 3 stooges to fix your plumbing." Crack me up!
There was the accusation that women who were in abusive relationships had the spirit of masochism. (Wasn't that in the DWA class?) Talk about danged if you do or if you don't! If you left, God wasn't blessing you for submitting right or wrong, but if you stayed, you were possessed!
Telling the truth about dysfunctional families has nothing to do with HATE.
It can be liberating for an individual to ADMIT they experienced problems growing-up ~
There are very few people who haven't had some difficulties with their families at one time or another.
Those that haven't are very fortunate and probably the rarest of them all.
Am I different?
~ no.
Honest about it?
~ yes.
"Hate" is not an emotion that describes any feelings I have towards my family, or anyone elses' families (period) for that matter.
TRUTH be known (and it is to those that KNOW ME) I love my family very much but I have not always gotten along with all members at all times.
A hate experience (???)
I can honestly say I haven't experienced that negative emotion towards any member of my family (or anyone else for that matter)
...and I feel lucky that my heart is THAT intact and malice-free.
I may dislike certain experiences.
I have strong feelings regarding those that can and do act upon HATRED
(one of those is PITY)
..but where you are coming from in your depiction of MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES is totally off-base, and misleading, as in dishonest.
If you read over your posts on the GS, you have used the word HATE often when relating to others.
Since I already know that you do not
'get me' as well as you may think you do,
PERHAPS you have translated feelings YOU have experienced into those you think I have.
Good News ~
I don't hate (you or anyone else).
This type of erronious assumption on your part regarding myself and what relates to ME on a personal level is unacceptable behavior and beyond impolite
...and it appears like nothing more than another misunderstanding you have regarding me.
I find all of this very unneccessary.
Please leave me AND my family out of your postings in the future.
I have better things to do with my time then respond to posts regarding assumptions about my personal life...and perhaps the other posters here, as well, have much better things to read than presumptions brought about and err/aired in a public forum towards anyone.
I've been trying to stop rehashing my twi experience...so I avoided this thread...and now I wish I hadn't.
quote:Originally posted by Ginger Tea:
I hope people get over such manipulations ~ and let their own consciences be their guide, instead of people...after all, adults don't need parents anymore to tell them what to think...or believe...at least the more wholesome one is...they don't.
This is a statement that has often helped me see the path out of twi-think. (Gingie has tolerated my long phone calls so many times! to you my dear, sweet, funny, clear-headed friend!)
Why would being labeled "possessed" bother one unless one gave authority to the words, opinions and/or beliefs of one's labeler?
I know I was hurt when I first heard I was Possessed after I left TWI. It was the people that said it, people that I had considered my friends, that hurt and stung the most. Of course, I have never regretted leaving, I only regret my time "in" thank goodness it was short.
Sidenote to:
MJ, why did you say that to Ginger?
Honestly, your logic, or lack thereof, never makes sense to me. All she said is that adults do not need parents. I have a great relationship with my parents, but I don't need to go to them to make decisions. I am an adult. Leave it to you to use a simple word against Ginger. I have seen you do it time and time again.
She has never said she hated her parents or anyone else.
Even if she did, why bring it up? What does it have to do with the topic?
I do not use the word "hate" in my vocabulary unless "it" is really meant. "Hate" is a word reserved for a special purpose ones thoughts and should not be used lightly if ever at all.
In my most humble of opinion , the word "hate" is a word never to be considered. It is vile its thought and those that use "it" are surely unexperienced its thoughts.
It is a word so strong of thought to be aware some of its definition.
Main Entry: [1]hate
Pronunciation: 'hAt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kEdos care
Date: before 12th century
1 a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy : LOATHING
2 : an object of hatred
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on March 07, 2004 at 1:08.]
umm depends on what your discussing , I do not know what your comparing "alot" to I love alot more than I hate or dislike I would say. At least today and hopefully tommorrow. But I do hate and dislike some things as well.
I disliked maybe even hated the flat tire I had last week .
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Hi All
I once got labele the Anti Christ my a Way person
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you love, grace, joy and peace
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I believe in unclean spirits and that people can be possessed by them because the bible says that both Paul and Jesus directly dealt with them. Trusting TWI to teach about them, though, is like trusting the 3 stooges to fix your plumbing.
I am possessed according to one region cordo who left in 2000. He told me that if I humbled myself to God that God would show me immediately everything about myself I needed to know and after that maybe I could come back, but until then he wasn't turning me loose on the household, no siree bob. He must've been Moe since he was a region cordo.
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ya know I always got the impression that the folks said somone had devil spirits or was pozessed so they could be "better than" and the true God loved them more because they were "clean"
Wait a minute, hold on, Jesus Christ came to save sinners, Jesus said we are to serve and love one another. God loves His people .
Jesus will never forsake you.
The bible screams a different cure does it not?
I mean does it make any sense to you to be "more than a conquer" and then get away from any person with a problem or illness or thought that you do not agree with?
I think some in the way where afraid of Life I really do, afriad of deliverence ,afraid of meeting ad knowing Jesus christ face to face they may have spoke to devil spirits and never took action to Love the people God claims as His own children. what is the good in being a follower of christ then? to love only those who love you?
I think it was anit-christ working to make a feel good ministry that served self above all .
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Well, I do not know too much about what the Bible sez ennymo, but I do know it sure does not tell all there is to know, which leaves it rather lacking in wholeness of the soul.
Ya see, when one like me has believed ITS entire context as TRUTH to the nth degree and then chewed up and expectorated like so much chaw, one like me tends to become extreemly wary ITS context ennyMOE or Larry or Curley or Shemp. In fact, Moe, Larry, Curley, Shemp have more integrity than the revealed written/spoken word of god, or three god's in one (of course that's not counting the two inside of ya... god in christ in you ... talk about multiple personalities!!!!! jeesh)
:D--> "...wise guy eh?..." 
Whoa Sir Roy, Anti Christ eh? That's a supreme title of pozzezzion if i ever heard of one. All i rec'd was leviathan/python. I am humbled.
when hell is full, heaven is the back up
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When I stood up at a leaders meeting and calmly announced that I could no longer, in good conscience, follow the mandates of lcm, I "tendered my resignation" and walked out the door.
The following day, every wayfer in the branch was informed that I was possessed and to stay away from me. This was 1987. I was the first to walk away in my branch. Within 2 years, the entire branch had left twi and the very folks who announced my possession had joined the ranks of the Linda Blair for lunch bunch.
The one redeeming quality about lcm was that he made it quite easy for me to walk away. I couldn't believe that veepee had turned the reins over to such a buffoon.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
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the TWI directory of HOw to spot a "possessed" person
1 Person fails to attend every funtion
2. person fails to arrive ten minutes early-(which is actually --on time-- but they can't set the start time ten miunutes earlier because then you would have to be 20 minutes early to be --on time)
3. Person fails to leap to feet in presence of leadership
4. Person questions ANY comment that comes from leaderships mouth.
5, If female-fails to leap to do husabnds bidding
6. POinting out ---at any time-- that what is being said about what the Bible says in no way correlates to what appears in black in white print in the Bible.
Any others ???
(who Used to be Maure)
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It makes no sense if your criteria are Biblical or professional.
It makes a lot of sense if you're only choosing a successor on the
basis of blind loyalty to yourself.
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That's true Wordwolf...lcm was totally obedient to veepee. Nobody kissed the old mans a$$ like loy did. I also think that veepee picked him because of his "firey brand" of teaching. He could shout and intimidate...and veepee saw that as a great attribute. Whereas on the other hand, poor old Walter was too soft spoken and was passed over.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
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Ginger Tea
I didn't buy that stuff hook, line and SiNkEr...which seems to be almost unforgetable stuff for those that did.
I did get mislead, but it was from my own sensibilities.
How's that for having spirits?
Really, The Way was overkill, A loose cannon if you let it penetrate your thinking will usually cause havoc.
We have brains to use...and are responsible to ourselves if we let anyone/thing abuse ourselves as adults.
Trust yourself.
There are a few smooth operators with hidden agendas around many corners we go about in this life ~ it doesn't mean anyone has to buy into it for even a short time.
I hope people get over such manipulations ~ and let their own consciences be their guide, instead of people...after all, adults don't need parents anymore to tell them what to think...or believe...at least the more wholesome one is...they don't.
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GT>>>"I hope people get over such manipulations ~ and let their own consciences be their guide, instead of people...after all, adults don't need parents anymore to tell them what to think...or believe...at least the more wholesome one is...they don't. ">>>
GT,,, don't understand...
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Can you define your use of the word "parents", you have written many post on how you hate your family and it was or is so rough and emotional for you .
so I come from a different place maybe.
clearly honoring your parents is a good thing you enjoy your daughters accomplishments and love right? Acutaly "whole some people are the one able to have intimacy with family memebers and maintain a self .
Parents are able to help their children in life and vice versa life doesnt end when you turn 18 and family members know you the longest for sure.
I thank God for my friends and YES sometimes their biggest JOb is to TELL ME when Im not ok or right thinking or a little lost , what would I do without that in life? float about alone with a know it all do not need anyone attitude???
no way I love my peeps my relationships are what makes life so great!!!!
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Dot Matrix
I read that and wanted to stand and clap!
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Dear johniam,
"Trusting TWI to teach about them, though, is like trusting the 3 stooges to fix your plumbing." Crack me up!
There was the accusation that women who were in abusive relationships had the spirit of masochism. (Wasn't that in the DWA class?) Talk about danged if you do or if you don't! If you left, God wasn't blessing you for submitting right or wrong, but if you stayed, you were possessed!
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Ginger Tea
Telling the truth about dysfunctional families has nothing to do with HATE.
It can be liberating for an individual to ADMIT they experienced problems growing-up ~
There are very few people who haven't had some difficulties with their families at one time or another.
Those that haven't are very fortunate and probably the rarest of them all.
Am I different?
~ no.
Honest about it?
~ yes.
"Hate" is not an emotion that describes any feelings I have towards my family, or anyone elses' families (period) for that matter.
TRUTH be known (and it is to those that KNOW ME) I love my family very much but I have not always gotten along with all members at all times.
A hate experience (???)
I can honestly say I haven't experienced that negative emotion towards any member of my family (or anyone else for that matter)
...and I feel lucky that my heart is THAT intact and malice-free.
I may dislike certain experiences.
I have strong feelings regarding those that can and do act upon HATRED
(one of those is PITY)
..but where you are coming from in your depiction of MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES is totally off-base, and misleading, as in dishonest.
If you read over your posts on the GS, you have used the word HATE often when relating to others.
Since I already know that you do not
'get me' as well as you may think you do,
PERHAPS you have translated feelings YOU have experienced into those you think I have.
Good News ~
I don't hate (you or anyone else).
This type of erronious assumption on your part regarding myself and what relates to ME on a personal level is unacceptable behavior and beyond impolite
...and it appears like nothing more than another misunderstanding you have regarding me.
I find all of this very unneccessary.
Please leave me AND my family out of your postings in the future.
I have better things to do with my time then respond to posts regarding assumptions about my personal life...and perhaps the other posters here, as well, have much better things to read than presumptions brought about and err/aired in a public forum towards anyone.
Feel free NOT to respond.
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Lawdy, lawdy Ms McCordy!
I've been trying to stop rehashing my twi experience...so I avoided this thread...and now I wish I hadn't.
This is a statement that has often helped me see the path out of twi-think. (Gingie has tolerated my long phone calls so many times!
to you my dear, sweet, funny, clear-headed friend!)
Why would being labeled "possessed" bother one unless one gave authority to the words, opinions and/or beliefs of one's labeler?
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I live in the moment, because that is all of time together in one place...
are we talking rehab?
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Labels can hurt.
I know I was hurt when I first heard I was Possessed after I left TWI. It was the people that said it, people that I had considered my friends, that hurt and stung the most. Of course, I have never regretted leaving, I only regret my time "in" thank goodness it was short.
Sidenote to:
MJ, why did you say that to Ginger?
Honestly, your logic, or lack thereof, never makes sense to me. All she said is that adults do not need parents. I have a great relationship with my parents, but I don't need to go to them to make decisions. I am an adult. Leave it to you to use a simple word against Ginger. I have seen you do it time and time again.
She has never said she hated her parents or anyone else.
Even if she did, why bring it up? What does it have to do with the topic?
Let it go MJ, its getting old.
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I do not use the word "hate" in my vocabulary unless "it" is really meant. "Hate" is a word reserved for a special purpose ones thoughts and should not be used lightly if ever at all.
In my most humble of opinion , the word "hate" is a word never to be considered. It is vile its thought and those that use "it" are surely unexperienced its thoughts.
It is a word so strong of thought to be aware some of its definition.
Main Entry: [1]hate
Pronunciation: 'hAt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kEdos care
Date: before 12th century
1 a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy : LOATHING
2 : an object of hatred
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on March 07, 2004 at 1:08.]
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The bible uses it plenty .
I hate alot of things I think it is a word that has emtional ties like the word love very complex but not useless.
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you hate alot of things mj?
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... or you dislike alot of things????
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Do I hate or dislike alot of things?
umm depends on what your discussing , I do not know what your comparing "alot" to I love alot more than I hate or dislike I would say. At least today and hopefully tommorrow. But I do hate and dislike some things as well.
I disliked maybe even hated the flat tire I had last week .
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hate sucks
I enjoy a good flat tire the help that it brings
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