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Scott Peterson: Death!


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Yes! icon_cool.gif The sadist gets to fry. ... Well maybe not fry, but he'll get a chemical cocktail that will be quite terminal in its effects.

Anybody here think that that's justice served? Too much of a penalty? Too merciful?

Have at it, folks.

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Still.. I bet prison life is not all it is cracked up to be. The "general population" likely will have some "fun" with him. The isolation he would need would be for most part unbearable. Might be worse than death, who knows..

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I think it's a very fitting judgement and I wish that we would actually see the authorities follow through with the cocktail. I do think he needs to suffer a little while on death row first, though.

Steve!, check your PTs icon_smile.gif:)-->

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Part of me actually pities the guy. Death row would be a horrible existence. He'll be with such lovely people like Richard Allan Davis (Polly Klass's murderer) Richard Rameriz (sp?) (night

stalker) I mean it's gotta be your worst nightmare to have these people as your neighbors.

And I agree that he'll die of old age before he gets the needle. California has the biggest DR in America, because they don't put people to sleep there.

I believe Polly Klass's father, Mark, said that there is an agenda among defense attorneys to keep the appeals going forever in their silent protest against the death penalty.

Who knows, but they sure don't seem to kill them like our southern neighbors do.

I gotta tell you though, When I saw those verdicts come in, it made me sick the way people were clapping and cheering. That was offensive and inappropriate. This was a serious offense, and penalty. It's not supposed to be a party.

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I'd rather they abolish the death penalty and send those who merit it to a place like Harry Potter's "Azkaban," where there is no joy, and no hope, and not a moment's comfort or relief for the rest of their damnable lives.

Yeah but that would be "cruel." Today, anything that fits the definition of "punishment" by society's standards fits the definition of "cruel" by a liberal activist court, so we get to support these monsters in a lifestyle which approximates a camp for wayward youth, and at huge cost.

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For my money - Satori's on the right track.

Or - we could leave them in San Quenton, oopen all the doors and turn the power off. Withdraw all the guards and let the other inhabitant fend for themselves. I'd even allow a food and water drop once a week.

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