Hey, i know it ain't funny.. I know it's some seriousness stuff... that's why I put my wordz here, BUT just sometimes sh1T AIN'T as serious as stuff seems... or something like that...
When I was in the Corps (Marine Corps, that is... ), we used the term Newbie in Vietnam to describe someone who had just arrived, didn't know what was going on, and had to be briefed on the dangers of being in country before he got himself or someone else injured or killed.
Later in my career, it was used by Vietnam Veterans to describe someone who had just joined a unit, didn't know what was going on, and was amusing to watch as he stumbled through everyday life - until he caught on anyway. :)-->
Which ever definition applies to this site, I haven't figured out yet. We seem to have some of each. :D-->
You got registered on GS but haven't posted yet because you're waiting to receive the list of Approved Topics that you can teach-um, I mean-share on. When it's your turn of course.
If you used to think that "Email" was the Hebrew name for one of the sons of Ishamel ...you just might be a newbie on GS and the 'net.
If you're sending Pawtucket 15% of your ISP host fees every month for fear he won't let you connect if you don't....yeah. You're probably a newbie.
If the words "domain name" makes you dust off your old AC Syllabus pages on casting out of spirits, yup. You get a Newbie Cap.
Oh, if you answered the questions in your personal profile on GS using more than 5 scripture references and now have a genuine suspicion that the one about "show tunes" may actually be a subliminal reference to the gay takeover of the arts, bingo. Free Snapple for the Newbie, we feel your pain.
There's gotta be more signs.... :)-->
baby's calling me home,
she keeps on callin' me home....
(boz scaggs)
[This message was edited by socks on December 13, 2003 at 22:14.]
Well, that is M. Webster's definition of 'newbie'. So W8, it seems R9 tagged the definition correct with additions 'joining a cult' or 'offshoot.'
B4 corroborates the M. Webster's definition.
Then there is JCf's confession as K2 which technically makes 'newbie' an 'oldbie', but definetly a newbie w/o confession. That is probably why you posted twice... to establish the confession. :D-->
Glad you are back and I double the 'mwah'.
And then i get to be a smart azz with 'in be tween bie' or 'in be TWINbie'?
Then there is N8's personal account of military ussage according to VN experience.It's been around before the M. Webster's entry. Thank You for Your service Dear Vet. Rok On!!!
socks...funni funni funni!!!
SO, basically a 'newbie' is just that>>> a 'newbie', but with many variations of insight, onsite, offsite, jobsite, hindsight, foresight, and i sigh that i began this thread :D-->
I finally got back here, holidays have been busy, and I've been knitting my fingers to the bone keeping up with my families requests for knit slippers.
Taking a looong vacation from the net has been interesting...
I recently posted that when POP was read I was a "Newbie" in twi... means new enough that you don't know much yet, and certainly don't know where any skeletons are hidden (in fact, don't even realize there are skeletons to find!)
But since this question got asked, we might want to also define "innie" LOL.... someone who is/was currently still active in twi at the time they are posting, or at the time being described in their post. "I was still an innie when POP was read, but after the Allen Lawsuit I ran for the hills and wear my 'outie' badge with pride."
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HHHHHmmmmm.....beats the he!! out of me.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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As I first heard it, a newbie is someone who is new on the Internet, new to message boards, or new to a particular message board.
More recently it's been used of someone who's new to any experience like, say for example, joining a cult, or an offshoot.
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Yes. New to... I am new to this message board therefore I am a Newbie to the Cafe.
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Because I used to post here as Kay1952 and I'm back, am I an Oldbie?
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Because I am back, (I usta be Kay1952) am I an oldbie?
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Kay !!!!!! hi. it's so nice to see you. mwah
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how did I get posted twice?
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Your a double poster Kay.
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Does this make me a 'in be tween bie' or 'in be TWINbie'?
Ohhh the Lourdy have ever the mercy!!!
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on December 12, 2003 at 21:23.]
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Hey, i know it ain't funny.. I know it's some seriousness stuff... that's why I put my wordz here, BUT just sometimes sh1T AIN'T as serious as stuff seems... or something like that...
It's all RoK N Roll 2 me,,,
Rok AUMMMMMMM the Ocean & Mountain Vista
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When I was in the Corps (Marine Corps, that is... ), we used the term Newbie in Vietnam to describe someone who had just arrived, didn't know what was going on, and had to be briefed on the dangers of being in country before he got himself or someone else injured or killed.
Later in my career, it was used by Vietnam Veterans to describe someone who had just joined a unit, didn't know what was going on, and was amusing to watch as he stumbled through everyday life - until he caught on anyway.
Which ever definition applies to this site, I haven't figured out yet. We seem to have some of each.
My 2 cents...
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You might be a newbie on GS if...
You got registered on GS but haven't posted yet because you're waiting to receive the list of Approved Topics that you can teach-um, I mean-share on. When it's your turn of course.
If you used to think that "Email" was the Hebrew name for one of the sons of Ishamel ...you just might be a newbie on GS and the 'net.
If you're sending Pawtucket 15% of your ISP host fees every month for fear he won't let you connect if you don't....yeah. You're probably a newbie.
If the words "domain name" makes you dust off your old AC Syllabus pages on casting out of spirits, yup. You get a Newbie Cap.
Oh, if you answered the questions in your personal profile on GS using more than 5 scripture references and now have a genuine suspicion that the one about "show tunes" may actually be a subliminal reference to the gay takeover of the arts, bingo. Free Snapple for the Newbie, we feel your pain.
There's gotta be more signs....
baby's calling me home,
she keeps on callin' me home....
(boz scaggs)
[This message was edited by socks on December 13, 2003 at 22:14.]
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Main Entry: new·bie
Pronunciation: 'nü-bE, 'nyü-
Function: noun
Etymology: irregular from new
Date: 1985
: BEGINNER, NOVICE; especially : a newcomer to cyberspace
Pronunciation Key
© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy
Well, that is M. Webster's definition of 'newbie'. So W8, it seems R9 tagged the definition correct with additions 'joining a cult' or 'offshoot.'
B4 corroborates the M. Webster's definition.
Then there is JCf's confession as K2 which technically makes 'newbie' an 'oldbie', but definetly a newbie w/o confession. That is probably why you posted twice... to establish the confession.
Glad you are back and I double the 'mwah'.
And then i get to be a smart azz with 'in be tween bie' or 'in be TWINbie'?
Then there is N8's personal account of military ussage according to VN experience.It's been around before the M. Webster's entry. Thank You for Your service Dear Vet. Rok On!!!
socks...funni funni funni!!!
SO, basically a 'newbie' is just that>>> a 'newbie', but with many variations of insight, onsite, offsite, jobsite, hindsight, foresight, and i sigh that i began this thread
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I finally got back here, holidays have been busy, and I've been knitting my fingers to the bone keeping up with my families requests for knit slippers.
Taking a looong vacation from the net has been interesting...
things are still interesting!
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A la prochaine
Funny, funny socks you are.
Thanks for making me smirk
'til the next time...
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You might be a newbie if you don't know what LOL means or LMAOROTFPIP OR BRB , BBL OR YOU JUST LEFT TWI ANd CAME HERE LOVE TO ALL NEWBIES
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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uhmm ... wyteduv58
ROTFLMAO holding it till i get where the PIP should have relief
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What's a newbie?
It's those idiots who don't resonate at our wavelength . . .
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Dang, Bolsh. Thread necromancy much?
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Is it frowned upon to turn the soil a little?
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I recently posted that when POP was read I was a "Newbie" in twi... means new enough that you don't know much yet, and certainly don't know where any skeletons are hidden (in fact, don't even realize there are skeletons to find!)
But since this question got asked, we might want to also define "innie" LOL.... someone who is/was currently still active in twi at the time they are posting, or at the time being described in their post. "I was still an innie when POP was read, but after the Allen Lawsuit I ran for the hills and wear my 'outie' badge with pride."
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Naw it's cool. I was just flashing back to 2004.
Oh, and newbs will only ever be what you p4wn in Modern Warfare 2. And innies and outies are belly buttons.
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damn i thought the oldie songremainsthesame was back :(
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