I hear ya Raf - but the weird part about it all is I remember when the guy first made the statement about keeping it simple, or whatever it was, that I said to my husband, "Oh, s#it..." and started counting. I don't think I got to the number 4 when LCM flipped his lid. I'd spent enough time around leadership back then to know he was going to go into orbit.
The dude wasn't spouting the company line at the time and anything that smelled like someone taking initiative was just plain BAD... You had to walk, talk, dress, etc., like him (or the Stepford Wives, for the women) or you were singled out.
(I work for LCM's *twin sister*, I swear - at least I had practice on dealing with this kind of ego before...)
"(I work for LCM's *twin sister*, I swear - at least I had practice on dealing with this kind of ego before...)"
Chas, is that "work",present tense or "worked", past tense? I didn't know LCM has a twin. I heard a few years back that he was estranged from his entire "earthly family", even before the Allen Lawsuit. Do you know if they managed to patch things up?
What was it like, working for the sister of The Most Hight Way god?
the **'s around twin sister means I'm saying it tongue in cheek - like, my boss, although female, has the same freakin' ego problem and I have to work around it to get anything done (and not get screamed at)...
I did meet LCM's sister Kerry once - she was very sweet and nothing like her brother. Other than her nose (which she joked about herself)...
I had posted on Cherished Child's comment on the Twig Coordinators meeting that she went to and the difference in the one I witnessed in 1992 that I attended. They are definitely two separate events, and that does not surprise me that LCM would pull this more than one time. Martindale in 1992 chewed out a WOW African American guy that had an armband then, saying "I AM IN CHARGE HERE!", and the guy just turned and walked out of the tent with Martindale ridiculing him all the way out. No profanity then and the guy did not rip his armband off where we saw anything, (though I am sure he ripped it off later). Larry Panarello was the one to chase him, and out of curiosity, I slipped out the back of the tent to chase Panarello to see what was happening. The WOW guy went back and reported to his fellowship, mostly black, what had happened, and they all decided to leave. The WOW armbands came off not just one but several of them. Since there were more WOWs in that fellowship, they all took them off. It was peaceful, but I could pretty much tell they were telling Panarello to take a hike.
Cherished Child's one gives a later time period, as the WOW program was canceled some years later after 1992, this guy ripped his armband off in front of everyone including Martindale, and John Reynolds chased him down.
Really, it doesn't at all surprise me this happened twice at two different times with different events and people. Consider Martindale's ability to learn from his own previous mistakes...
Actually, I think it was 1993. Not surprised that it would have happened more than once, but I do remember that the question and answer parts were discontinued after that in 94 and 95.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
I stand corrected. I was refering to it as the situation as he(LCM) percieved it not that it was something that needed to be handled at all. It's funny how intent doesn't always tranaslate well over the keyboard, sorry.
quote: i find that most men of god are not comfortable unless THEY are the one man-of-godding
LOL! Good quote, true enough of wayfer and some fundamentalist types, but I have seen a few over the years (not in TWI) who aren't so consumed by control, power and lack of humility.
In my experience its sometimes the ones who arent so out front who are actually worth listening to.
Actually, I believe it's possible that we make be recounting the same incident. The WOW in my story was an African American, too. And 1992/93 sounds about right.
It must have been either 92 or 93. We got the boot and never attended ROA 94. I specifically remember this guy getting up there and barely getting a chance to finish his sentence about 'Keeping it simple' and Craigger the raving lunatic jumping down his throat. I felt like I was in residence again...ahhhhh such a nice feeling it was! --> NOT!!!!!!!!!
I do remember an event similar to what CC posted. I have been thinking about this since the original post. Maybe I so long held the supression of the event that I have minimized its relevance.
I do remember my wife and I exiting the tent and glossing over the occurance as 'The Man Of God has spoken', and left it at that conclusion.
Looking back...The real Man of God walked off that stage.
Anyone at that meeting know or have a audio recording of that meeting ? I would pay someone for it just so I could have a historical record of the damage a counterfeit man of God can inflict and maybe even send it to LCM (any sightings of him ? )Maybe it would spur him to issue a public apology for his mean spirited behavior of the past. I have gotten over my bitterness I think toward him but it would be something if he ever stepped up to the plate & issue a public apology. This site would be a wonderful place to start. In the long run I guess it's between him & God so I won't hold my breath ! At least it hasn't caused as Elvis sings about a "Blue Blue Christmas's. Anyone here going to any New Years Advances ? Oh the memories !!!!!! It's so nice we had this time together la la Just to share a laugh or two with you ! Keep on the sunnyside all & have a freakin fun New Year's Eve & a healing 2004 !
[This message was edited by dougie73 on December 28, 2003 at 22:06.]
[This message was edited by dougie73 on December 28, 2003 at 22:09.]
It was 1992, my last year with the Way as I was a twig coordinator and the "Keep it simple" is the one that year. He was African-American. He was the gutsy guy to turn away from Martindale instead of take it in his face. Martindale then lost an entire black fellowship. LCM, what drives his intellect is beyond me...the guy wasn't even trying to run the meeting or criticize Martindale. He may have ripped his armband off when I wasn't looking. It was Larry Panarello that chased him.
Intellect? What intellect? This guy is an idiot wrapped in a moron encased in an anal orifice. He was always thinking with the wrong head anyway, if he did any thinking at all.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>from Cherished Child on the "CES Name Change Thread"
STFU---Now that reminds me of a story, a true one, actually. Some of you might have even been present when this went down: Rock of Ages, just before LCM cancelled the WOW program. There was a meeting held in the Living Room Tent for Twig Coordinators and persons interested in becoming one. LCM, Howard, and several big wigs were seated in wing chairs on the stage. There were teachings and "sharings" and, at the end, people were encouraged to line up at a microphone set up near the stage to share their thoughts on Twig Coordination. Quite a line formed and several folks got up and proceeded to kiss butt big time, telling LCM and the BOT how blessed they were to be leading God's people in such a wonderful mininstry, and "God Bless Rev. Martindale and the BOT", etc... A few had some simple and rather innocuous questions about the logistics of submitting certain forms, etc.
Then this one WOW came to the mike. He was wearing one of the arm bands they use to give to people who were committed to going WOW for the upcoming year. He got about six or seven words out of his mouth---something like, "We need to...(do such in such)". I didn't even understand the last couple of words, because LCM reared up and shouted into his mike, "SHUT THE FU#K UP!" An audible gasp rippled through the room. Then Craig went on to tell this guy that it was NOT this guy's place to say what "We needed to do"---it was his (Craig's) and the BOT's. Then he said a couple of other things that I don't quite remember. The room was so silent for a couple of seconds, you could hear a pin drop. But then the humiliated WOW recovered from his shock and got MAD! He tore off that arm band, threw it on the ground and stormed out of the tent. By now, waves of whispers and gasps were rippling throughout the room. People were honestly in total shock, because this whole scene just came out of nowhere. To say that this incident sent me into a spiritual and emotional tailspin, would be to put it lightly.
LCM motioned for John Reynolds (I think it was him) (I remember Larry Panarello) to go after this guy. Then LCM turned to address the room, which I'm sure he could see was still shell shocked. First, he apologized for his choice of language ("because there were children in the room"). Then he went on to elaborate upon why he had been totally right to shut this guy down. Needless to say, the meeting ended pretty soon after this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I was at that meeting also. The pattern that it set, at least in my area, was that whoever was running a meeting could do or say whatever they wanted. Martindale said that whoever was running the meeting (in that case, him) had free reign. I saw "leaders" take this attitude often, especially in "confrontation" meetings.
Martindale...he should have been a diplomat :D -->
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Oakspear <!--graemlin::cool:-->
[This message was edited by Oakspear on December 19, 2003 at 18:41.]
Interesting. I was at this meeting too and always had the impression the man about to share hadn't done a thing wrong. I was mortified for him, and it contributed to my fear of speaking up honestly.
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Interesting. I was at this meeting too and always had the impression the man about to share hadn't done a thing wrong. I was mortified for him, and it contributed to my fear of speaking up honestly.
I was at that meeting also. The pattern that it set, at least in my area, was that whoever was running a meeting could do or say whatever they wanted. Martindale said that whoever was running the meet
It would be interesting to see how many people could post about a meeting they were at where a leader got out of control and humiliated or verbally assaulted someone in front of everybody.
Oh, I understand that LCM perceived an "it." I just think LCM manufactured it. That was my point.
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I hear ya Raf - but the weird part about it all is I remember when the guy first made the statement about keeping it simple, or whatever it was, that I said to my husband, "Oh, s#it..." and started counting. I don't think I got to the number 4 when LCM flipped his lid. I'd spent enough time around leadership back then to know he was going to go into orbit.
The dude wasn't spouting the company line at the time and anything that smelled like someone taking initiative was just plain BAD... You had to walk, talk, dress, etc., like him (or the Stepford Wives, for the women) or you were singled out.
(I work for LCM's *twin sister*, I swear - at least I had practice on dealing with this kind of ego before...)
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Cherished Child
"(I work for LCM's *twin sister*, I swear - at least I had practice on dealing with this kind of ego before...)"
Chas, is that "work",present tense or "worked", past tense? I didn't know LCM has a twin. I heard a few years back that he was estranged from his entire "earthly family", even before the Allen Lawsuit. Do you know if they managed to patch things up?
What was it like, working for the sister of The Most Hight Way god?
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CC -
the **'s around twin sister means I'm saying it tongue in cheek - like, my boss, although female, has the same freakin' ego problem and I have to work around it to get anything done (and not get screamed at)...
I did meet LCM's sister Kerry once - she was very sweet and nothing like her brother. Other than her nose (which she joked about herself)...
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i find that most men of god are not comfortable unless THEY are the one man-of-godding
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I had posted on Cherished Child's comment on the Twig Coordinators meeting that she went to and the difference in the one I witnessed in 1992 that I attended. They are definitely two separate events, and that does not surprise me that LCM would pull this more than one time. Martindale in 1992 chewed out a WOW African American guy that had an armband then, saying "I AM IN CHARGE HERE!", and the guy just turned and walked out of the tent with Martindale ridiculing him all the way out. No profanity then and the guy did not rip his armband off where we saw anything, (though I am sure he ripped it off later). Larry Panarello was the one to chase him, and out of curiosity, I slipped out the back of the tent to chase Panarello to see what was happening. The WOW guy went back and reported to his fellowship, mostly black, what had happened, and they all decided to leave. The WOW armbands came off not just one but several of them. Since there were more WOWs in that fellowship, they all took them off. It was peaceful, but I could pretty much tell they were telling Panarello to take a hike.
Cherished Child's one gives a later time period, as the WOW program was canceled some years later after 1992, this guy ripped his armband off in front of everyone including Martindale, and John Reynolds chased him down.
Really, it doesn't at all surprise me this happened twice at two different times with different events and people. Consider Martindale's ability to learn from his own previous mistakes...
Marked and Avoided
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What year was this infamous meeting? Was it ROA 91 or 92?
Was it the same year that the nightly teachings focused on a different ministry program? (Family Camps, WOW, etc.)
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Actually, I think it was 1993. Not surprised that it would have happened more than once, but I do remember that the question and answer parts were discontinued after that in 94 and 95.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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I stand corrected. I was refering to it as the situation as he(LCM) percieved it not that it was something that needed to be handled at all. It's funny how intent doesn't always tranaslate well over the keyboard, sorry.
Peace IMA
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No need to apologize, good man.
Next cup of coffee is on me.
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LOL! Good quote, true enough of wayfer and some fundamentalist types, but I have seen a few over the years (not in TWI) who aren't so consumed by control, power and lack of humility.
In my experience its sometimes the ones who arent so out front who are actually worth listening to.
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i am glad to hear that mstar
how 'bout that man of god who performed your dad's and new bride's wedding ?
merry christmas
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Cherished Child
Actually, I believe it's possible that we make be recounting the same incident. The WOW in my story was an African American, too. And 1992/93 sounds about right.
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A la prochaine
I concur CC...
It must have been either 92 or 93. We got the boot and never attended ROA 94. I specifically remember this guy getting up there and barely getting a chance to finish his sentence about 'Keeping it simple' and Craigger the raving lunatic jumping down his throat. I felt like I was in residence again...ahhhhh such a nice feeling it was!
--> NOT!!!!!!!!!
'til the next time...
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I do remember an event similar to what CC posted. I have been thinking about this since the original post. Maybe I so long held the supression of the event that I have minimized its relevance.
I do remember my wife and I exiting the tent and glossing over the occurance as 'The Man Of God has spoken', and left it at that conclusion.
Looking back...The real Man of God walked off that stage.
Just thots
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Anyone at that meeting know or have a audio recording of that meeting ? I would pay someone for it just so I could have a historical record of the damage a counterfeit man of God can inflict and maybe even send it to LCM (any sightings of him ? )Maybe it would spur him to issue a public apology for his mean spirited behavior of the past. I have gotten over my bitterness I think toward him but it would be something if he ever stepped up to the plate & issue a public apology. This site would be a wonderful place to start. In the long run I guess it's between him & God so I won't hold my breath ! At least it hasn't caused as Elvis sings about a "Blue Blue Christmas's. Anyone here going to any New Years Advances ? Oh the memories !!!!!! It's so nice we had this time together la la Just to share a laugh or two with you ! Keep on the sunnyside all & have a freakin fun New Year's Eve & a
healing 2004 !
[This message was edited by dougie73 on December 28, 2003 at 22:06.]
[This message was edited by dougie73 on December 28, 2003 at 22:09.]
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It was 1992, my last year with the Way as I was a twig coordinator and the "Keep it simple" is the one that year. He was African-American. He was the gutsy guy to turn away from Martindale instead of take it in his face. Martindale then lost an entire black fellowship. LCM, what drives his intellect is beyond me...the guy wasn't even trying to run the meeting or criticize Martindale. He may have ripped his armband off when I wasn't looking. It was Larry Panarello that chased him.
Marked and Avoided
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Watered Garden
"what drives his intellect is beyond me..."
Intellect? What intellect? This guy is an idiot wrapped in a moron encased in an anal orifice. He was always thinking with the wrong head anyway, if he did any thinking at all.
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Watered Garden said
This guy is an idiot wrapped in a moron encased in an anal orifice.
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Interesting. I was at this meeting too and always had the impression the man about to share hadn't done a thing wrong. I was mortified for him, and it contributed to my fear of speaking up honestly.
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Does anyone know? I hope he recovered quickly.
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Yeah.. well, the comment I remember was.. "why can't we just take care of the people in the fellowships.."
and that was it. The goon and goons were on him faster than a texan on a pork chop..
Honestly.. I hope he ran like hell from new knoxville and it's vile cretans..
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Bow jr (12 years old at the time) and I were there too - we were rather thrilled to be in that
particular meeting, truth be told. Oh, the spiritually mature elite we thought we were!
I've never heard a "pastor" or "reverend" or "minister" ever speak half that profanely before or since
the way. In fact, if I ever did again, I'd not wait around to see if they were spitters or if veins burst
in their necks or temples as they "lovingly reproved" "their" people.
So many red flags as I look back - I'm so glad I'm not a kool-aid drinker anymore.
The pastor whose church I attend now lives by "the right thing to do
is always the right thing to do", not who else can I screw???
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We were at that meeting, what a blast from the past this brings up, wowzers.
(hey, why are we all in bold in this thread?_
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