46 people looked at this other than us and NO takers. In basketball, I believe that's called an airball. We couldn't get ONE miracle! It seems my impression may have been correct.
Maybe to be fair, we should open it up to pre-1993 and any other ministry? Just to do an "apples-to-apples" comparison.
Regardless of who you give the credit, I'm looking for any that occurred. Help me out?
Actually, from 1974 to the late 70's I did see miracles from God.
One example and then I've got to finish the dishes:
I was working in a hospital in Charleston SC in the early 1980s. Coming back from lunch out of the building, I heard a "code blue" called for the cafeteria back hall. Coming around the corner, I saw a woman lying on the floor, surrounded by cafeteria workers, and other fools. I walked up, set my diet coke on a cart, and studied the woman. The head of dietetics tried to shoo me away and I ignored her. Now I didn't check for a pulse but this woman sure as hell wasn't breathing or moving or exhibiting any other sign of life. So I silently spoke in tongues and thanked God for reviving her from whatever was going on. And she opened her eyes and looked right at me. I smiled and whispered God bless you and the code team finally wandered up to carry her off to the ER.
Here's a better one. This gives me chills yet today. In 1981 in Jacksonville, Florida, I was working in yet another hospital. I went into the chapel to pray, unhappy about something, and a man came in who was nearly 7 feet tall, in a sheriff's deputy uniform. He was shaking and crying. He had been told that his wife, who had had major surgery, was failing and had hours to live. I also learned that his last name was the same as ours. "Sir, I said, "I'd like to pray for your wife." I really didn't "witness" to him, but I took his big old hand and I prayed for his wife, and baby, it was GOOD! God told me everything that was wrong with her. At that very moment, her electrolytes began to normalize. When I left that chapel, I knew that woman would be all right. She was. He came to find me the next day, to be sure I was real and not his dead grandmother sent to witness to him and not an angel.
I was just a little dumb believer and God allowed me to have that experience of His healing that woman through my prayer. I am still so grateful I was allowed to do that.
Watered Garden, those were truly wonderful stories of deliverance. I think that that kind of thing was much more prevelent in the early days, when people were allowed to believe in the "Christ in them". Back then, people use to really and truly believe that "it was God that worked in them".
Nowadays in The Way, I don't think there are many people who don't have to check with their Family or Area Coordinators first before believing that God was working in them. I remember when we were told (late '90's) that, if your leadership did not confirm that the thing you had received was revelation from God, it was NOT revelation from God! And you had better have checked with them, too! Even now, I suspect that they never teach with passion and believing that it's "Christ in you!", becuase if they did, the ministry might actually revive and DO SOMETHING for God.
The realization that God had loved me enough to make me his true child (hence, my username), and that it was indeed, "Christ in me, the hope of glory", was the single most healing thing I had ever experienced. For a while, I really believed I could do the works of Jesus Christ, and that I was a member of a church that was full of people who loved with God's love and could walk with God's power. Sometimes I think I would give anything to have that belief back again, to feel that love and deliverance, to know that I know that I know. It's times like this that I realize how much I'm still grieving the loss.
as far as any miracles in TWI, at the ROA of '84 I was in the book store and there was a man there singing, he was wearing thick dark glasses. I asked who he was and for the life of me I can't remember his name, but what I was 'told' by a friend who had more time in TWI and knew more about the people there, that this was a man who had been blind but had SOME sight restored by a miracle. I believed what I was told and maybe it was true, I wasen't there when it happened. it really has never crossed my mind till I read this post but I have a question about it. if god were to restore your sight through a miracle, wouldn't he restore it totally?
the only other miracle, which after working with alcoholics for many years I can understand what was happening then was this. a girl another WOW family had coming to their twig was an alcoholic. after several week someone 'higher' up than us pee-on WOW's told my family coordinator who was in his 3rd? yr of corp training that she was now his resoncability and would be coming to our twig. she was a mess, I felt for her. her and I became attached (friends) and when her drinking was worse, then she tried to quit, I went and took her to the hospital because of the D.T.'s. once she was released and back at her home, we went over to see her and there she was, hands and knees, scratching at us, trying to bite, and barking like a dog (literally). once we got her down on the floor, 'higher up man' prayed for her and laid his hands on her and she calmed down fast and started recognizing us and talking normal. of course right away this was taken as a miracle and as a good WOW I kept my mouth shut and and just nodded. I can't say it was a mirale or that it wasen't, but knowing now how people who are D.T.'ing can get, I question it.
other than those 2 issues, the only miracle I can say happened was that god opened my eyes and I left TWI and became a happier person.
there are things I learned in TWI that I still hold today, but for the most part those old habits (and thats what they were) died a long time ago.
love and blessings to all, and your pizza will be ready soon. (of course your not in my delivery area so I'll eat it for you and tell you how good it was) :)-->
A believer I was working a party with (waitressing) had lifted some might heavy loads. She complained of pain in her shoulder blade and she asked me to minister to her. I did and as I prayed, I ran my finger across her shoulder blade from one side to the other. She was instantly healed from a connective tissue tear and where I ran my finger is where the pain was, but I didn't know that at the time.
I've told this story before so I will keep it short. Last nite of the ROA (forget the year) I healed a man who had lost the use of his left arm about 2 years prior to that evening from a stroke. He could move it just fine, including the fingers when I was finished praying. The only thing that wasn't "instantaneous" was strength in the muscles. That he had to do for himself as they had atrophied from lack of use for 2 years.
A beautiful young black girl in one of the schools I taught at had a huge deep and ugly burn on the side of her face. I asked her how she did it and she told me "with my curling iron" and when she spoke I just knew she could be healed. So I asked her if she believed in miracles because if not, I wasn't going to look like an idiot ministering to her in the crowded hallway before homeroom.
She said yes, I asked her to stay by me for the moment so we could take care of it and I would get her excused from homeroom tardiness. When the bell rang and the halls cleared and she calmed down some, I prayed for her silently, but when I was done...she said "in the name of Jesus Christ - Amen". I walked her to homeroom and just told her teacher I had detained her and that was that.
I saw her later that day during my lunch duty. There was practically no evidence of the burn...there was some inflamation, but you would have to know where it was to spot it. She thanked me manyfold and I just said, "you know where that came from, don't you?" and she said she did so I asked her not to make a big deal over it because we're not supposed to pray in a public school. I winked at her as I said this, and then we both started laughing.
A tc I once knew had some surgery in the back of his throat to correct something and a few days later was trying to conduct our communion service. He was very tense from pain, not onlu in his throat, but also backing up into his ears. His voice was barely audible for the pain. I remember "talking" to the Father, and saying something about I knew this was going to be a healing evening, but I was starting early because no man of God trying to serve His people like this should have to endure this kind of pain. And when I finished, his voice came back, and he relaxed mid sentence. He looked over at me, and I nodded slightly...and that was that.
Even now, I can still do them occasionally. Not that God is any different now than before...but I don't run into people often who appear to believe but when the situation presents itself, I enjoy taking care of "things".
I cracked my shin bone once. It was winter, and I was headed out to work in the morning. It was still dark and I did not see the ice on the drive, and swish, bang! I landed all my wieght on it. I was able to stand, and worked all day on it, but by the time I got home, that spot was so black, blue, green and red, and was swollen so thick I had a hard time pulling the pantleg up over it.
I lived with my TC, then. I sat on the couch and he decided that we needed to pray for it. He prayed outloud while I spoke in tounges. While he prayed the area tingled like crazy. It started on one side of the bone and moved across. When he had finished, we both looked at each other knowing something happened, then looked at my leg. The color was gone, except for some redness and a little swelling mostly just the tissue around the bone still a bit sore. But my pantleg fell back over it easily. We were both convinced my leg had been fractured and healed, but I never had need to follow up at the Doc, because the next day, it was fine. The redness was pretty much gone. I will let that TC talk about his side of it, if he wants to, since he is a member here as well.
I did find out for sure at another time though. I have had a bad hip for a couple of years now, and one day while at the Othropeodic Docs, I asked him if he could tell if a bone has been broken before. He said yes, then I told him about the leg. He had the ladies x-ray it for me while doing the hip, then studied it. He said indeed there was hint of a fracture in the front of the bone in that same spot. I have never broken any other bone in my body, ever, so I had my answer for sure. Yes it was a miracle. Now if only God will do the same thing for my hip. --> Gee must be only in the Way. NOT!
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while
We prayed for a gentleman in our small group at church who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Not like TWI, we gathered around, anointed him with oil, (James) and took turns praying. Sensation returned to his feet and legs within a couple hours. Best I know he's still fine. God cannot be limited to one group or another. He still loves you and wants your hip to be fine. I am praying that you find your answer.
Great to see a positive thread here at GSC..in spite of all the evil of LCM & VPW..God is still a God of deliverance. Its a shame we get so caught up in "what went wrong" while in the outfit!! JJ
In almost 7 year's in TWI (76-82) I did not witness one single (what I would call) bonified miracle. I am talking about book of Acts type of micacles - unmistakeable and complete healings or an undeniable act of God that cannot be easily explained any other way. Not this "my vison got better" or "my dog's diarreah went away after I prayed for him" stuff. I mean real miracles.
I did hear quite a few stories, but they were mostly second or third hand.
I truly beleive in the power of God. I also believe that in a ministry where personal "power" is stressed over love and compassion, and where real miracles are few, that the people will many times look for and see a miracle where there really isn't one.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
Once I was driving my WOW family home from some limb meeting, and the fog was SO thick you could almost cut it with a knife. We had 70 miles to go, and it was dark. I prayed, and there was a tunnel through the fog that just exactly accommodated our car, all the way home. Really wild!
Another time, in our stick, er, twig, there was a guy who had had a bone problem in his foot. He had had his foot x-rayed one day, and that night was his second time at twig. The doc told him that he was going to need an operation, and if he were to put any weight at all on his foot, the bone would crush like an eggshell.
At twig that night, he asked to be prayed for, and at the end of the prayer, the twig leader told him to stand up, and to stand on that foot only. And he did. The cast was off the next day, no problems at all.
I believe the challenge is to separate the gold from the dross--God has moved in all of our lives...yes, even you, George. But we came to associate it with the way, thanks to krap like Vic telling us we owed the ministry our lives and other such ........
I personally have witnessed a few things and know of others who witnessed much more. There is/was a girl in the 7th corps who was healed--she was a pink-eyed albino and her eyes were changed. Does anyone remember that??
edited to add letters i and h--from earlier board glitch...
[This message was edited by alfakat on December 20, 2003 at 0:02.]
[This message was edited by alfakat on December 20, 2003 at 0:02.]
Yes, I remember her. Every time someone talks about miracles n TWI I think of her story, and wonder if it was true. I had seen her around (a blue-eyed albino, unusual), but didn't know her personally, so I didn't know how true the story was.
Her story was written up in that newspaper that TWI put out -- shoot, what was it called? ["Heart Magazine" -- thanks, Steve!] My first ex's story was also in one issue, about how he had come to the ROA in the midst of a drinking binge and now changed his ways for God. Unfortunately, he didn't. He went back to his alcoholism, and gave up on his children. No miracle story there.
Thanks for the info,
(Edited to try and fix the censored HHH's and III's, and to say it was "Heart Magazine." :D--> )
[This message was edited by shazdancer on December 19, 2003 at 21:45.]
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Anybody have any from before 1993?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Dot Matrix
Yes, but not because of TWI because of God.
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46 people looked at this other than us and NO takers. In basketball, I believe that's called an airball. We couldn't get ONE miracle! It seems my impression may have been correct.
Maybe to be fair, we should open it up to pre-1993 and any other ministry? Just to do an "apples-to-apples" comparison.
Regardless of who you give the credit, I'm looking for any that occurred. Help me out?
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Watered Garden
Actually, from 1974 to the late 70's I did see miracles from God.
One example and then I've got to finish the dishes:
I was working in a hospital in Charleston SC in the early 1980s. Coming back from lunch out of the building, I heard a "code blue" called for the cafeteria back hall. Coming around the corner, I saw a woman lying on the floor, surrounded by cafeteria workers, and other fools. I walked up, set my diet coke on a cart, and studied the woman. The head of dietetics tried to shoo me away and I ignored her. Now I didn't check for a pulse but this woman sure as hell wasn't breathing or moving or exhibiting any other sign of life. So I silently spoke in tongues and thanked God for reviving her from whatever was going on. And she opened her eyes and looked right at me. I smiled and whispered God bless you and the code team finally wandered up to carry her off to the ER.
Here's a better one. This gives me chills yet today. In 1981 in Jacksonville, Florida, I was working in yet another hospital. I went into the chapel to pray, unhappy about something, and a man came in who was nearly 7 feet tall, in a sheriff's deputy uniform. He was shaking and crying. He had been told that his wife, who had had major surgery, was failing and had hours to live. I also learned that his last name was the same as ours. "Sir, I said, "I'd like to pray for your wife." I really didn't "witness" to him, but I took his big old hand and I prayed for his wife, and baby, it was GOOD! God told me everything that was wrong with her. At that very moment, her electrolytes began to normalize. When I left that chapel, I knew that woman would be all right. She was. He came to find me the next day, to be sure I was real and not his dead grandmother sent to witness to him and not an angel.
I was just a little dumb believer and God allowed me to have that experience of His healing that woman through my prayer. I am still so grateful I was allowed to do that.
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i was gonna be a jerk on this thread
and then i read WW's post
i really do believe in miracles
and like dottie said, because of god
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Did you see any at TWI fellowship ever?
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a couple
can i tell you a little later ?
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George Aar
I made a blind man lame once.
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and "a couple" might be not true, but my bad attitude. there were probably more. i 'll tell you about them and you decide if they were "miracles"
i've seen a lot of great things from god
love you
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geo. i 've been wanting to tell you that your post about "twi light 20% less guilt free" or however that went was one of the best
however, i will be sharing some godly experiences here later
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I'll trust your judgement. By the deafening silence, it seems there won't be many offering examples they've seen recently.
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It was a Miracle we even made it to and lived through AC 79, Excathedra. I think you know why. But don't post it here.
John R
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Cherished Child
Watered Garden, those were truly wonderful stories of deliverance. I think that that kind of thing was much more prevelent in the early days, when people were allowed to believe in the "Christ in them". Back then, people use to really and truly believe that "it was God that worked in them".
Nowadays in The Way, I don't think there are many people who don't have to check with their Family or Area Coordinators first before believing that God was working in them. I remember when we were told (late '90's) that, if your leadership did not confirm that the thing you had received was revelation from God, it was NOT revelation from God! And you had better have checked with them, too! Even now, I suspect that they never teach with passion and believing that it's "Christ in you!", becuase if they did, the ministry might actually revive and DO SOMETHING for God.
The realization that God had loved me enough to make me his true child (hence, my username), and that it was indeed, "Christ in me, the hope of glory", was the single most healing thing I had ever experienced. For a while, I really believed I could do the works of Jesus Christ, and that I was a member of a church that was full of people who loved with God's love and could walk with God's power. Sometimes I think I would give anything to have that belief back again, to feel that love and deliverance, to know that I know that I know. It's times like this that I realize how much I'm still grieving the loss.
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hi CC,
we do have christ in us, the hope of glory.
keep the faith and always know that.
as far as any miracles in TWI, at the ROA of '84 I was in the book store and there was a man there singing, he was wearing thick dark glasses. I asked who he was and for the life of me I can't remember his name, but what I was 'told' by a friend who had more time in TWI and knew more about the people there, that this was a man who had been blind but had SOME sight restored by a miracle. I believed what I was told and maybe it was true, I wasen't there when it happened. it really has never crossed my mind till I read this post but I have a question about it. if god were to restore your sight through a miracle, wouldn't he restore it totally?
the only other miracle, which after working with alcoholics for many years I can understand what was happening then was this. a girl another WOW family had coming to their twig was an alcoholic. after several week someone 'higher' up than us pee-on WOW's told my family coordinator who was in his 3rd? yr of corp training that she was now his resoncability and would be coming to our twig. she was a mess, I felt for her. her and I became attached (friends) and when her drinking was worse, then she tried to quit, I went and took her to the hospital because of the D.T.'s. once she was released and back at her home, we went over to see her and there she was, hands and knees, scratching at us, trying to bite, and barking like a dog (literally). once we got her down on the floor, 'higher up man' prayed for her and laid his hands on her and she calmed down fast and started recognizing us and talking normal. of course right away this was taken as a miracle and as a good WOW I kept my mouth shut and and just nodded. I can't say it was a mirale or that it wasen't, but knowing now how people who are D.T.'ing can get, I question it.
other than those 2 issues, the only miracle I can say happened was that god opened my eyes and I left TWI and became a happier person.
there are things I learned in TWI that I still hold today, but for the most part those old habits (and thats what they were) died a long time ago.
love and blessings to all, and your pizza will be ready soon. (of course your not in my delivery area so I'll eat it for you and tell you how good it was)
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I've seen a few, and worked a few thanks to God.
It was His Power for sure, I was just the agent!
A believer I was working a party with (waitressing) had lifted some might heavy loads. She complained of pain in her shoulder blade and she asked me to minister to her. I did and as I prayed, I ran my finger across her shoulder blade from one side to the other. She was instantly healed from a connective tissue tear and where I ran my finger is where the pain was, but I didn't know that at the time.
I've told this story before so I will keep it short. Last nite of the ROA (forget the year) I healed a man who had lost the use of his left arm about 2 years prior to that evening from a stroke. He could move it just fine, including the fingers when I was finished praying. The only thing that wasn't "instantaneous" was strength in the muscles. That he had to do for himself as they had atrophied from lack of use for 2 years.
A beautiful young black girl in one of the schools I taught at had a huge deep and ugly burn on the side of her face. I asked her how she did it and she told me "with my curling iron" and when she spoke I just knew she could be healed. So I asked her if she believed in miracles because if not, I wasn't going to look like an idiot ministering to her in the crowded hallway before homeroom.
She said yes, I asked her to stay by me for the moment so we could take care of it and I would get her excused from homeroom tardiness. When the bell rang and the halls cleared and she calmed down some, I prayed for her silently, but when I was done...she said "in the name of Jesus Christ - Amen". I walked her to homeroom and just told her teacher I had detained her and that was that.
I saw her later that day during my lunch duty. There was practically no evidence of the burn...there was some inflamation, but you would have to know where it was to spot it. She thanked me manyfold and I just said, "you know where that came from, don't you?" and she said she did so I asked her not to make a big deal over it because we're not supposed to pray in a public school. I winked at her as I said this, and then we both started laughing.
A tc I once knew had some surgery in the back of his throat to correct something and a few days later was trying to conduct our communion service. He was very tense from pain, not onlu in his throat, but also backing up into his ears. His voice was barely audible for the pain. I remember "talking" to the Father, and saying something about I knew this was going to be a healing evening, but I was starting early because no man of God trying to serve His people like this should have to endure this kind of pain. And when I finished, his voice came back, and he relaxed mid sentence. He looked over at me, and I nodded slightly...and that was that.
Even now, I can still do them occasionally. Not that God is any different now than before...but I don't run into people often who appear to believe but when the situation presents itself, I enjoy taking care of "things".
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I cracked my shin bone once. It was winter, and I was headed out to work in the morning. It was still dark and I did not see the ice on the drive, and swish, bang! I landed all my wieght on it. I was able to stand, and worked all day on it, but by the time I got home, that spot was so black, blue, green and red, and was swollen so thick I had a hard time pulling the pantleg up over it.
I lived with my TC, then. I sat on the couch and he decided that we needed to pray for it. He prayed outloud while I spoke in tounges. While he prayed the area tingled like crazy. It started on one side of the bone and moved across. When he had finished, we both looked at each other knowing something happened, then looked at my leg. The color was gone, except for some redness and a little swelling mostly just the tissue around the bone still a bit sore. But my pantleg fell back over it easily. We were both convinced my leg had been fractured and healed, but I never had need to follow up at the Doc, because the next day, it was fine. The redness was pretty much gone. I will let that TC talk about his side of it, if he wants to, since he is a member here as well.
I did find out for sure at another time though. I have had a bad hip for a couple of years now, and one day while at the Othropeodic Docs, I asked him if he could tell if a bone has been broken before. He said yes, then I told him about the leg. He had the ladies x-ray it for me while doing the hip, then studied it. He said indeed there was hint of a fracture in the front of the bone in that same spot. I have never broken any other bone in my body, ever, so I had my answer for sure. Yes it was a miracle. Now if only God will do the same thing for my hip.
--> Gee must be only in the Way. NOT!
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while
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Watered Garden
[This message was edited by Watered Garden on December 19, 2003 at 10:55.]
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Watered Garden
We prayed for a gentleman in our small group at church who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Not like TWI, we gathered around, anointed him with oil, (James) and took turns praying. Sensation returned to his feet and legs within a couple hours. Best I know he's still fine. God cannot be limited to one group or another. He still loves you and wants your hip to be fine. I am praying that you find your answer.
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Second James
Great to see a positive thread here at GSC..in spite of all the evil of LCM & VPW..God is still a God of deliverance. Its a shame we get so caught up in "what went wrong" while in the outfit!! JJ
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In almost 7 year's in TWI (76-82) I did not witness one single (what I would call) bonified miracle. I am talking about book of Acts type of micacles - unmistakeable and complete healings or an undeniable act of God that cannot be easily explained any other way. Not this "my vison got better" or "my dog's diarreah went away after I prayed for him" stuff. I mean real miracles.
I did hear quite a few stories, but they were mostly second or third hand.
I truly beleive in the power of God. I also believe that in a ministry where personal "power" is stressed over love and compassion, and where real miracles are few, that the people will many times look for and see a miracle where there really isn't one.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
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Once I was driving my WOW family home from some limb meeting, and the fog was SO thick you could almost cut it with a knife. We had 70 miles to go, and it was dark. I prayed, and there was a tunnel through the fog that just exactly accommodated our car, all the way home. Really wild!
Another time, in our stick, er, twig, there was a guy who had had a bone problem in his foot. He had had his foot x-rayed one day, and that night was his second time at twig. The doc told him that he was going to need an operation, and if he were to put any weight at all on his foot, the bone would crush like an eggshell.
At twig that night, he asked to be prayed for, and at the end of the prayer, the twig leader told him to stand up, and to stand on that foot only. And he did. The cast was off the next day, no problems at all.
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Each and every day that I rejected what twi tried to make me believe about myself was and is a miracle to me.
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I believe the challenge is to separate the gold from the dross--God has moved in all of our lives...yes, even you, George. But we came to associate it with the way, thanks to krap like Vic telling us we owed the ministry our lives and other such ........
I personally have witnessed a few things and know of others who witnessed much more. There is/was a girl in the 7th corps who was healed--she was a pink-eyed albino and her eyes were changed. Does anyone remember that??
edited to add letters i and h--from earlier board glitch...
[This message was edited by alfakat on December 20, 2003 at 0:02.]
[This message was edited by alfakat on December 20, 2003 at 0:02.]
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Dear alfakat,
Yes, I remember her. Every time someone talks about miracles n TWI I think of her story, and wonder if it was true. I had seen her around (a blue-eyed albino, unusual), but didn't know her personally, so I didn't know how true the story was.
Her story was written up in that newspaper that TWI put out -- shoot, what was it called? ["Heart Magazine" -- thanks, Steve!] My first ex's story was also in one issue, about how he had come to the ROA in the midst of a drinking binge and now changed his ways for God. Unfortunately, he didn't. He went back to his alcoholism, and gave up on his children. No miracle story there.
Thanks for the info,
(Edited to try and fix the censored HHH's and III's, and to say it was "Heart Magazine."
:D--> )
[This message was edited by shazdancer on December 19, 2003 at 21:45.]
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