I wanted to let you know the porn video being shown at that camp did indeed happen. I only posted this because this jogged my memory of that class. I took the video class in 75 with my WOW branch & there was obviously no porn in that one so it was probally the one & only time VPW ever showed it & I am sure he was probally advised never to show it again. I talked to the person who took the class after my posting & it was shown as an example for one of the sessions on what was being taught. This person was indeed a teen at the time & this person did tell me what I had wrong in my post is that it was played long enough that this person just walked out of the session & it's contents involved 2 lesbians with the dog. This was when TWI was in it's early years. I wonder if the teenagers at that camp ever told any of their parents about it ! The person I met had a Mom who hated the ministry & she would never have dared told her ! Like Elvis I can't just rip VPW . The people who were in his inner circle I feel are even worse for not having the backbone to confront him like Ralph did. I guess you could say I was evil then too but I just got sucked in like everyone at the time that you never question a "Man of God"
Mike, Maybe if TWI would just publicly issue an apology for all the sexual abuse that went on in their organazation or if LCM would do that, it would at least show some sign of remorse but they & other people like you just want people to forget about it ? LCM was sent away & to my knowledge I have never heard of any official apology. It would cost them millions & we know now at least some of us who are no longer in denial that TWI was & still is full of villains at the the top so we don't have to look for them. I wanted to say too that your "cheap shot" comment to someone on here about writing their respone from prison was quite impressive ! Good thing TWI never had you do any prison outreach ! Just my opinion ok !
I see so many apologies needed from all sides. Sure TWI did wrong, but I can see that there are many posters with a great mean streak here. I do not see innocence here in abundance at all.
I think we ALL need to apologize to God from walking away from what HE wrought in PFAL, in spite of the flaws in everyone who produced it and distributed it. Without recognizing the pure Word that God gave us in PFAL your proposed round of a multitude of apologies will be followed up by another round of hurts from all sides.
You wrote: ?Yeah, it all came down to money and sex ...but ironically, CF&S was mostly about money.?
From the number of times I saw that class run, I think TWI lost money on it. It was video taped twice, once in B&W and then in color. VERY COSTLY. It was run very infrequently.
You then wrote: ?I just can't imagine why anybody spend their time defending the infallibility of VPW's writings on this site, but I suppose some folks really do spit into the wind.?
Like your guess on the money, your imagination needs help. That?s why I post here, to help armchair generals like you. You?ll never know why I do what I do until you come back to PFAL and master it. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither has it entered the imagination of any man, the things that God has prepared for them that love Him.
To love God is easy. Jesus quoted Deut.6 when he pegged the greatest commandment. So, how could those natural men in the OT love God? Look at the verses following that quote early in the chapter. It says master the written Word. We never mastered PFAL like Deut 6 outlines. Until this mastery is undertaken, you can?t imagine what God put in PFAL and why I post this here.
You wrote : ?so what are you saying mike? That it was ok for vpw to do what he did because he was testing them??
The phrase ?what he did? is an oversimplification. I don?t know all that he did. I do know he blessed my life and continues to do so by his work.
?What he did? regarding the incidents posted here could fall into many different categories. SOME could be the testing that I mentioned and that everyone else seems to have forgotten.
I?ve noticed a pattern reported here that matches a report I heard in 1978, that some woman was approached for sex and asked to perform. JUST ASKED! Then with the refusal he backed off. These could easily be in the test category. I will NOT trust the discernment of any witnesses here to discern this internal motive. I do know that people were warned of SOME kind of testing before entering the Corps. What kind of intense emotional testing of a woman CAN be done outside of sex requests? I?ll bet the best tests on men were ego crushing scenarios. I know that Dr was a VERY tough employer. I almost got fired twice by him. He was VERY tough with his staff and Corps. I now know why. Then I could only guess.
I also know that one other category of these incidents could be what Pres. Clinton was ridiculed about (probably rightly) in the area of sexual ministering. Who can say that all such ministering is wrong? We live in a broken culture regarding sex, and I see this as a definite possibility in some cases. I know a lot of people who need it.
Then another category of these incidents could be plain and simple horniness, lust, sin. It happens ALL THE TIME, EVERWHERE. The blue nose prohibitionists that are currently in style will NEVER get this to stop.
I don?t know what?s worse, sex blue noses or casual sex. Both cause problems, but with the force of religion I?ve seen the blue noses do FAR MORE damage. They prime the future sexual molestation victims for more pain than is real. They exaggerate the ?horror? of misplaced sexual moves, and they also set up the next generation of people who flip out over blue nose prohibitions to become predators. Even the ?Catholic Girl Syndrome? of post high school explosions of promiscuity I charge the blue noses with helping to instigate.
You then wrote: ?What if he would have gone after the men? What if he approached you and grabbed your balls and said they were nicely shaped? How would you feel then??
I?m going to assume that there is no physical pain in such a hypothetical scenario you are describing. Mental pain can have a HUGE culturally imposed fake component. But physical pain crosses all lines of culture. I?ll assume you are talking about GENTLY grabbing, because there?s no question but a triviality otherwise. I?m assuming Exy was talking about non-painful touch. If it was physically painful then that?s a MUCH bigger problem.
I would not like it at all. I am a product of Western culture, and that would be extremely uncomfortable, just like it would be even more extremely disturbing for me to see my sister?s breasts handled similarly. I?d have lots of emotional thoughts of rage for both most likely. Then, when I calmed down, I?d have a chance for some other thoughts.
I will go out on a limb here. I have little to no documentation for this, but I?ve been taught from somewhere that in Bible times there was a slightly different custom corresponding to our custom of shaking hands in greeting or in making a verbal contract. Our custom of shaking hands comes from the idea of extending the most powerful hand (right) empty of weapons, as a gesture of trust. In Bible times, where the climate and clothing were more conducive, the custom was for men to grasp each other?s balls and VERY GENTLY squeeze. In the KJV this is written as putting a hand under the thigh.
This was obviously a MUCH greater gesture of trust than handshakes!
How would our culture deal with such a custom? Condemnation as evil?
You see, many of these things are culturally brainwashed into us, but we think they are the absolute truth of God. We need to think more and lash out less. A LOT less!
Those of you who consult our cultural norms for absolute morals are on very thin ice. What do cultural moralists say about Lot offering his daughter to the mob? I still don?t understand that one. I don?t know if he did good or bad there.
What about the incident where Isaac was ?sporting? with his wife? Sounds kinky, because it seems to have been in plain sight. Was that wrong in an absolute sense? Does God insist on privacy in sex, or is that cultural? I?ve heard that Eskimo?s and possibly some other tribes of Native Americans (Indians) have sex in front of their children in one room igloos and tents. Wrong?
Speaking of privacy, what about those two prophets who went take a dump together in a field? Heavens! Call the pervert police! And take down those honeymoon sheets hanging in public with all the blood on them. That?s disgusting! What a perverted idea!
Oh, and don?t forget Sarah offering her handmaid to Abraham to have a kid. We?re going to have to take some rewards away from that threesome for breaking blue nose laws that are most important.
Anyone who hasn?t torn Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiates out of their KJV?s better have a good reason for harboring bigamists. And wasn?t David even a murder in covering up his sex sins? And CHILDREN are taught the David and Goliath story all the time? We?ve got to protect children from such a murderous pervert. Of course the Song of Solomon needs to go too.
Any books of the Bible written by that prophet who lived with the widow? If so, TEAR THEM OUT TOO! We gotta do some house cleaning here.
Oh, and that little slut Esther! My oh my! Isn?t she spay-shell!
Hey this is fun. Let?s all do the superiority dance together, but NO BUTT WIGGLING ALLOWED!
My comments to Dot were totally in line with the righteous indignation you would feel if she were insulting your father. Dr Victor Paul Wierwille is my father in the Word! That?s more important to me than my blood father! I?d tell her to go to hell if she weren?t already there!
Wow, well I took the weekend away from GS to practice my computer stuff, and I just came back and its' going to take most of the day to read these responses! Wow, I can't wait to get into this.
...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
quote: I also know that one other category of these incidents could be what Pres. Clinton was ridiculed about (probably rightly) in the area of sexual ministering. Who can say that all such ministering is wrong? We live in a broken culture regarding sex, and I see this as a definite possibility in some cases. I know a lot of people who need it.
I don?t know what?s worse, sex blue noses or casual sex. Both cause problems, but with the force of religion I?ve seen the blue noses do FAR MORE damage. They prime the future sexual molestation victims for more pain than is real.
quote: ?What he did? regarding the incidents posted here could fall into many different categories. SOME could be the testing that I mentioned and that everyone else seems to have forgotten.
quote: I do know that people were warned of SOME kind of testing before entering the Corps. What kind of intense emotional testing of a woman CAN be done outside of sex requests? I?ll bet the best tests on men were ego crushing scenarios.
Would rape be considered a test to people who think like that? Would a person of that ilk test children?
I had an atty friend of mine review some posts on this thread and others made these past months.
I thought a certain poster may need help that is beyond the scope of what this site may offer, or to be ignored, or asked to leave.
(Of course it is just opinion based on a slice of life shown on this site, but) She wonders if he may be a threat to himself or others. The key is he offers an opinion as the FINAL WORD. Does not consider others. The line between right and wrong was defined FOR him by a cult leader. He does not see unwanted sexual touching as wrong but as a test that ultimately "helps" the person violated....
I have a behavior scientist looking at it today - I am curious and a little cautious.
(Of course, I do this in extreme heat as I am doing it from helI)
God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.
Or woman.
If VPW "tested" women in the category of sex, it was not of God.
No Bible teacher, no Bible class, no Bible college has the right or authority to tempt women in the category of sex. Ever. Period. It was ungodly, and self-serving.
IMHO we need to stop this discussion right here. Mike has succeeded in sucking us into his game played on his turf (GS is where we usually play...entendre and sicko mind altering diatribes glorifying a dead sicko pervert is his turf).
This was a great thread discussing the topic of CFS and many great points and ideas were put forth. Along comes Mike and we are sucked into the vacuum of Mike's "Dead Pervert's Society" from which we know there will be no return.
This is worse than talking to dry wall (thanks Up On High for the analogy) because at least when you talk to dry wall...sound waves bounce back.
At this point it is like we are feeding a troll who is getting off on this. It is time we pulled the plug!
"At this point it is like we are feeding a troll who is getting off on this. It is time we pulled the plug!"
Good Point, but I think a bigger plug should be pulled. I think Paw may want to get him off of here. Banned.
Enough is enough. I think he is dangerous and OBVIOUSLY sent here to ruin any fellowship we have.
For him to continue to come here is a kin to allowing a pedaphile post on a "girl/boy scout" forum. He needs help and we do not need to be part of what feeds his internal "monsters".
Do we all send Paw a note?
Paw has a hard job and if we feel this way let him know. Then it is NOT his decision (where he gets bashed) but as a group we have spoken up.
ah Dot since you are already down there in the heat could you walk over to The hells jukebox and play us some of those tunes we have been sending there. I 'd give ya a quarter but the dang Devil just stole my last one.
wow, I have nothing else to say on mike because no words could express it. I guess I'm in shock. I agree to not feed into it.
So with that I'm going back to the program.
I wonder why some classes had pictures and others didn't? I know galen stated there were no pictures there and I know that both classes I went to there were. Was the class shown differently depending on what area you lived in? If so why would that be? If not is it because it was so long ago that we just don't remember? I know for myself I would have thought that I would remember everyone and everything that happened in twi but as time goes on those memories are becoming less and less. I don't think they are changing as far as what the content is but that it is just less. What do you think?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I agree with Krys... let's just stop... sorry Rottie... things were informative and fun... I've seen so much I want to comment on just since I was here Saturday... but I think it's better to let them go (my thoughts)...
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dot just picked up your pt I knew he was sick did not know how sick. I'm LMAO here you are to funny a foil hat your killing me.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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Dot Matrix
I mean it, the man is NOT wired right. I don't know HOW he can keep a job....
Here is how I see his twig getting messages from Weirwille posthumously
If it were not so sad it would be funny.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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I wanted to let you know the porn video being shown at that camp did indeed happen. I only posted this because this jogged my memory of that class. I took the video class in 75 with my WOW branch & there was obviously no porn in that one so it was probally the one & only time VPW ever showed it & I am sure he was probally advised never to show it again. I talked to the person who took the class after my posting & it was shown as an example for one of the sessions on what was being taught. This person was indeed a teen at the time & this person did tell me what I had wrong in my post is that it was played long enough that this person just walked out of the session & it's contents involved 2 lesbians with the dog. This was when TWI was in it's early years. I wonder if the teenagers at that camp ever told any of their parents about it ! The person I met had a Mom who hated the ministry & she would never have dared told her ! Like Elvis I can't just rip VPW . The people who were in his inner circle I feel are even worse for not having the backbone to confront him like Ralph did. I guess you could say I was evil then too but I just got sucked in like everyone at the time that you never question a "Man of God"
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ok stopped laughing long enough to reply PT
Where do you find these pictures?
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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Mike, Maybe if TWI would just publicly issue an apology for all the sexual abuse that went on in their organazation or if LCM would do that, it would at least show some sign of remorse but they & other people like you just want people to forget about it ? LCM was sent away & to my knowledge I have never heard of any official apology. It would cost them millions & we know now at least some of us who are no longer in denial that TWI was & still is full of villains at the the top so we don't have to look for them. I wanted to say too that your "cheap shot" comment to someone on here about writing their respone from prison was quite impressive ! Good thing TWI never had you do any prison outreach ! Just my opinion ok !
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dougie 73,
I see so many apologies needed from all sides. Sure TWI did wrong, but I can see that there are many posters with a great mean streak here. I do not see innocence here in abundance at all.
I think we ALL need to apologize to God from walking away from what HE wrought in PFAL, in spite of the flaws in everyone who produced it and distributed it. Without recognizing the pure Word that God gave us in PFAL your proposed round of a multitude of apologies will be followed up by another round of hurts from all sides.
The Skeptical Texan,
You wrote: ?Yeah, it all came down to money and sex ...but ironically, CF&S was mostly about money.?
From the number of times I saw that class run, I think TWI lost money on it. It was video taped twice, once in B&W and then in color. VERY COSTLY. It was run very infrequently.
You then wrote: ?I just can't imagine why anybody spend their time defending the infallibility of VPW's writings on this site, but I suppose some folks really do spit into the wind.?
Like your guess on the money, your imagination needs help. That?s why I post here, to help armchair generals like you. You?ll never know why I do what I do until you come back to PFAL and master it. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither has it entered the imagination of any man, the things that God has prepared for them that love Him.
To love God is easy. Jesus quoted Deut.6 when he pegged the greatest commandment. So, how could those natural men in the OT love God? Look at the verses following that quote early in the chapter. It says master the written Word. We never mastered PFAL like Deut 6 outlines. Until this mastery is undertaken, you can?t imagine what God put in PFAL and why I post this here.
You wrote : ?so what are you saying mike? That it was ok for vpw to do what he did because he was testing them??
The phrase ?what he did? is an oversimplification. I don?t know all that he did. I do know he blessed my life and continues to do so by his work.
?What he did? regarding the incidents posted here could fall into many different categories. SOME could be the testing that I mentioned and that everyone else seems to have forgotten.
I?ve noticed a pattern reported here that matches a report I heard in 1978, that some woman was approached for sex and asked to perform. JUST ASKED! Then with the refusal he backed off. These could easily be in the test category. I will NOT trust the discernment of any witnesses here to discern this internal motive. I do know that people were warned of SOME kind of testing before entering the Corps. What kind of intense emotional testing of a woman CAN be done outside of sex requests? I?ll bet the best tests on men were ego crushing scenarios. I know that Dr was a VERY tough employer. I almost got fired twice by him. He was VERY tough with his staff and Corps. I now know why. Then I could only guess.
I also know that one other category of these incidents could be what Pres. Clinton was ridiculed about (probably rightly) in the area of sexual ministering. Who can say that all such ministering is wrong? We live in a broken culture regarding sex, and I see this as a definite possibility in some cases. I know a lot of people who need it.
Then another category of these incidents could be plain and simple horniness, lust, sin. It happens ALL THE TIME, EVERWHERE. The blue nose prohibitionists that are currently in style will NEVER get this to stop.
I don?t know what?s worse, sex blue noses or casual sex. Both cause problems, but with the force of religion I?ve seen the blue noses do FAR MORE damage. They prime the future sexual molestation victims for more pain than is real. They exaggerate the ?horror? of misplaced sexual moves, and they also set up the next generation of people who flip out over blue nose prohibitions to become predators. Even the ?Catholic Girl Syndrome? of post high school explosions of promiscuity I charge the blue noses with helping to instigate.
You then wrote: ?What if he would have gone after the men? What if he approached you and grabbed your balls and said they were nicely shaped? How would you feel then??
I?m going to assume that there is no physical pain in such a hypothetical scenario you are describing. Mental pain can have a HUGE culturally imposed fake component. But physical pain crosses all lines of culture. I?ll assume you are talking about GENTLY grabbing, because there?s no question but a triviality otherwise. I?m assuming Exy was talking about non-painful touch. If it was physically painful then that?s a MUCH bigger problem.
I would not like it at all. I am a product of Western culture, and that would be extremely uncomfortable, just like it would be even more extremely disturbing for me to see my sister?s breasts handled similarly. I?d have lots of emotional thoughts of rage for both most likely. Then, when I calmed down, I?d have a chance for some other thoughts.
I will go out on a limb here. I have little to no documentation for this, but I?ve been taught from somewhere that in Bible times there was a slightly different custom corresponding to our custom of shaking hands in greeting or in making a verbal contract. Our custom of shaking hands comes from the idea of extending the most powerful hand (right) empty of weapons, as a gesture of trust. In Bible times, where the climate and clothing were more conducive, the custom was for men to grasp each other?s balls and VERY GENTLY squeeze. In the KJV this is written as putting a hand under the thigh.
This was obviously a MUCH greater gesture of trust than handshakes!
How would our culture deal with such a custom? Condemnation as evil?
You see, many of these things are culturally brainwashed into us, but we think they are the absolute truth of God. We need to think more and lash out less. A LOT less!
Those of you who consult our cultural norms for absolute morals are on very thin ice. What do cultural moralists say about Lot offering his daughter to the mob? I still don?t understand that one. I don?t know if he did good or bad there.
What about the incident where Isaac was ?sporting? with his wife? Sounds kinky, because it seems to have been in plain sight. Was that wrong in an absolute sense? Does God insist on privacy in sex, or is that cultural? I?ve heard that Eskimo?s and possibly some other tribes of Native Americans (Indians) have sex in front of their children in one room igloos and tents. Wrong?
Speaking of privacy, what about those two prophets who went take a dump together in a field? Heavens! Call the pervert police! And take down those honeymoon sheets hanging in public with all the blood on them. That?s disgusting! What a perverted idea!
Oh, and don?t forget Sarah offering her handmaid to Abraham to have a kid. We?re going to have to take some rewards away from that threesome for breaking blue nose laws that are most important.
Anyone who hasn?t torn Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiates out of their KJV?s better have a good reason for harboring bigamists. And wasn?t David even a murder in covering up his sex sins? And CHILDREN are taught the David and Goliath story all the time? We?ve got to protect children from such a murderous pervert. Of course the Song of Solomon needs to go too.
Any books of the Bible written by that prophet who lived with the widow? If so, TEAR THEM OUT TOO! We gotta do some house cleaning here.
Oh, and that little slut Esther! My oh my! Isn?t she spay-shell!
Hey this is fun. Let?s all do the superiority dance together, but NO BUTT WIGGLING ALLOWED!
White Dove,
My comments to Dot were totally in line with the righteous indignation you would feel if she were insulting your father. Dr Victor Paul Wierwille is my father in the Word! That?s more important to me than my blood father! I?d tell her to go to hell if she weren?t already there!
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You are a sick puppy with a seared conscience.
Proud to be an American
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Wow, well I took the weekend away from GS to practice my computer stuff, and I just came back and its' going to take most of the day to read these responses! Wow, I can't wait to get into this.
...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
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A la prochaine
If he's you're 'father' figure, sheeshhh, doesn't say much for you now does it?
'til the next time...
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Dot Matrix
Would rape be considered a test to people who think like that? Would a person of that ilk test children?
I had an atty friend of mine review some posts on this thread and others made these past months.
I thought a certain poster may need help that is beyond the scope of what this site may offer, or to be ignored, or asked to leave.
(Of course it is just opinion based on a slice of life shown on this site, but) She wonders if he may be a threat to himself or others. The key is he offers an opinion as the FINAL WORD. Does not consider others. The line between right and wrong was defined FOR him by a cult leader. He does not see unwanted sexual touching as wrong but as a test that ultimately "helps" the person violated....
I have a behavior scientist looking at it today - I am curious and a little cautious.
(Of course, I do this in extreme heat as I am doing it from helI)
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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Man, I hardly know what to comment on...
"What kind of intense emotional testing of a woman CAN be done
outside of sex requests?" "I'll bet the best tests on men were
ego-crushing scenarios."
I'll just take these two...
Let's see-you can't think of any intense way to test a woman
emotionally without molesation-attempted or performed?
I can think of several related to work or other projects, off
the top of my head.
Ego-crushing scenarios are good tests?
According to WHOM?
WHO claimed EITHER of these were healthy?
Boot Camp doesn't even do either of these!
Oh, sometimes Boot Camp is portrayed as being stressful, but
it does NOT go for crushing self-esteem, and even the toughest
drill sergeant watches his troops, and knows when to lighten
up and help a trainee. Plus, Boot Camp is a few weeks, not
years and years of humiliation.
BTW, if your father molested my sister, you could be as
indignant as you wanted, while accompanying his hospital and
wondering if they can repair his damaged trachea from when I
found out. If MY father molested someone, they'd be trying to
repair him in the ambulance. Calling it "righteous
indignation", however, is mislabelling, to say the least.
Your "father in the Word", btw, was a serial molester, an
adulterer, dishonest, and a ruiner of lives. Go ahead and
tell me to go wherever you wish.
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up on high
Mike, are we talking to drywall here?
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Dot Matrix
Great Post WW!!!!
Mike said I was in hell, will you let him know I am here with his Father in the Word and he is very proud of Mike.
Up on High ---
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.
Or woman.
If VPW "tested" women in the category of sex, it was not of God.
No Bible teacher, no Bible class, no Bible college has the right or authority to tempt women in the category of sex. Ever. Period. It was ungodly, and self-serving.
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Dot Matrix
Amen Raf!!!
I have got to wonder. For someone to try to make abusive sex okay, and to not accept it as abuse -- makes me ponder --
Is this crazy thinking a bi-product trauma?
Is this ALL about something that person cannot face?
Because this is just not RIGHT thinking.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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now even chwester agrees with my opinion of Mike..
I read to the part about a man squeezing anothers balls as a friendly hello,and said to myself only Mike would try a debate with reference to that !
Even homosexual people would be aghast at that.-(normal people) reference. what the phock this mike dude is?
oh who goes there-? geez just who? I stopped reading .
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Dot Matrix
OOps double post!
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Dot Matrix
Good point!!
If you kept reading the insanity of it would have made your eyes fall out!!!
Smart move to stop!!!! (giggle)
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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Hey you guys!
IMHO we need to stop this discussion right here. Mike has succeeded in sucking us into his game played on his turf (GS is where we usually play...entendre and sicko mind altering diatribes glorifying a dead sicko pervert is his turf).
This was a great thread discussing the topic of CFS and many great points and ideas were put forth. Along comes Mike and we are sucked into the vacuum of Mike's "Dead Pervert's Society" from which we know there will be no return.
This is worse than talking to dry wall (thanks Up On High for the analogy) because at least when you talk to dry wall...sound waves bounce back.
At this point it is like we are feeding a troll who is getting off on this. It is time we pulled the plug!
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Dot Matrix
"At this point it is like we are feeding a troll who is getting off on this. It is time we pulled the plug!"
Good Point, but I think a bigger plug should be pulled. I think Paw may want to get him off of here. Banned.
Enough is enough. I think he is dangerous and OBVIOUSLY sent here to ruin any fellowship we have.
For him to continue to come here is a kin to allowing a pedaphile post on a "girl/boy scout" forum. He needs help and we do not need to be part of what feeds his internal "monsters".
Do we all send Paw a note?
Paw has a hard job and if we feel this way let him know. Then it is NOT his decision (where he gets bashed) but as a group we have spoken up.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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Dot did you use your report the post button
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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ah Dot since you are already down there in the heat could you walk over to The hells jukebox and play us some of those tunes we have been sending there. I 'd give ya a quarter but the dang Devil just stole my last one.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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wow, I have nothing else to say on mike because no words could express it. I guess I'm in shock. I agree to not feed into it.
So with that I'm going back to the program.
I wonder why some classes had pictures and others didn't? I know galen stated there were no pictures there and I know that both classes I went to there were. Was the class shown differently depending on what area you lived in? If so why would that be? If not is it because it was so long ago that we just don't remember? I know for myself I would have thought that I would remember everyone and everything that happened in twi but as time goes on those memories are becoming less and less. I don't think they are changing as far as what the content is but that it is just less. What do you think?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Tom Strange
I agree with Krys... let's just stop... sorry Rottie... things were informative and fun... I've seen so much I want to comment on just since I was here Saturday... but I think it's better to let them go (my thoughts)...
... confusion will be my epitath...
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