CFS conspicuously skimped on scripture's strong and numerous prohibitions of adultery and pretty much omitted Jesus' frequent condemnation of lust.
I imagine that aspect of CFS was by design to minimize the significance of sexual immorality, but I still think it was primarily to make money for TWI's "Leadership".
I think I have settled all of my misunderstandings. God I sure hope so cause this birds butt is sore. I don't wish to start any more but Mike your comments to dot were out of line I think. You might want to rethink them. Just a sugestion!
PS: There's a typo in my earlier post; the VPW-apologist's name is Mike. I just can't imagine why anybody spend their time defending the infallibility of VPW's writings on this site, but I suppose some folks really do spit into the wind.
If I were to see a young lady fondled that way I?d see red I?d be so angry. But why? Would I feel that same way if a hand was placed on her shoulders? No. But Why? There are strains in this broken NON-sex aspiring culture that DO INDEED train it?s even more unfortunate adherents that a hand on the shoulder is just as bad as one on a breast. That strain is small now, but in the 50?s where I grew up it thrived for years.
Your respose:
quote: You?ll never know what I?m talking about until you get off the high horse that various elements have built into your conscience that are pure baloney. You think all your guts instincts are correct with biology and with God but I know that SOME of them are not. Until you question the things you think you are sure of now you will not progress spiritually. Your emotions rule your mind and it should be the other way around.
If you think that you're immune to being perverse and far from God?s truth and attitude, then you will not grow... in the right direction.
You must ask God to reveal to you where you are DEAD wrong on things, or you will stay dead wrong.
I would rather BE WRONG in your EYES by KNOWING VPW was a sexual pervert, rapist criminal deceiver than look good to you.
I am perverse, you want perverse -
I sure wish VPW had it for men and went after you because I think you would have enjoyed s--king his c--k.
Because you have Proven time and time again to be a c--k s--ker here.
Enjoy your life you phocking Wierwille sick phocking wannabe -- you belong in a phocking mental institution.
You are a jerk, a know it all piece of crap, DO NOT EVER address me again and I will not you either.
Or maybe you are in your nut house typing away to people here trying to sell your bulls--t.
Go sell crazy some where else -- we are all filled up here and looking for healing
You sick phock!!! You are probably the BEST example of mental illness and what staying in TWI has done to what used to be a human being.
You wash cloth sapping up Weirwille's left overs... You are not even your own person...
(IMO) You are a puppet - a nothing, empty, mean-spirited a$$hole.
I will NOT ask God for forgiveness for how I feel about a criminal. Yes, your GOD "VPW" is a criminal but because apparently you are insane you will NEVER see it.
(IMO) You are an empty headed mental patient, as angry as I am at your stupidity, I still hope you get delivered. Because only one sick moth-r could write what you wrote.
I bet you are so lonely in your mental illness... So, you come here and expect us to join you.
Screw off, you Weirwille worshipping devil spirit.
Go away!
So, according to you touching an elbow or a vagina is the same? I bet your fun in bed..
Maybe you need CF&S from your sick hero to remind you what your parts are-- take your sexually sick twisted thinking that resembles
JAILED perverts and get help.
We do not want VPW or you. Get Lost, Stop comming here, go away.
There is a roof on a tall building calling your name....
You said:
"Your use of profanity only proves to me that you are in a prison constructed by the devil and his world culture. It is very persuasive, but in the wrong direction. It?s no better than a two year old?s temper tantrums. Grow UP! "
Don't be offended because according to you if I call you a C--k S---ker it is the same thing as
calling you an elbow toucher... And a phocker is the same as calling you a bowler... In your world it is all the same.... enjoy... Or maybe you need to grow up to understand how demented your logic is.... You elbow touching bowler!
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 21, 2003 at 23:59.]
I love you VL!!!! I am so sick of that---- "Bowler" I could puke. What do we have to do to get that crazy bast**d to go away and start his own - I love VPW site.
The good news is that anyone still in, can see how crazy one can become by worshiping a MAN.
Thanks! Sick of that man.
Tex - we are cool.
White Dove - we are good.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 22, 2003 at 0:04.]
Amen! (IMO, due to his posts) If Mike did get d*cked by Doc he would not consider it "off the word" it would be an honor. Not really adultery -- Just like two good old boys shaking hands. Or a pat on the shoulder...
He'd be a blast in prison, "no no, I don't mind. I will drop the soap so you can do it. After all its just like a pat on the back."
He'd be popular there. Maybe that is where he can be well received.
Hold on, I need to climb off my high horse and see if I feel the same way....
I am on the ground; Mike is still INSANE.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 21, 2003 at 23:45.]
Trefor: Let it suffice to say that there are some of us who believe the bible is really the word of God and not this big jigsaw puzzle with interchangeable or "outdated" pieces.
Do you believe homosexuals are born that way? Then why can't they reproduce that way like everything else in biology? Cancer cells cannot reproduce on their own; in order for them to increase their numbers, they have to turn normal cells into cancer cells. Likewise, in order for homosexuals to increase their numbers, they have to turn normal people into homosexuals. If homosexuality is a normal life style, then having cancer is, too.
Biblically, there is no record of anyone from St Louis doing anything good for God or his people. The grace and mercy of God don't allow any special privileges for me that they don't also allow for homos.
What context do I really need to understand to ignore Lev. 18:25b the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Even for God that's pretty tough talk. What about Romans 1? It doesn't take an engineer to figure out that a penis is designed for a vagina.
LCM basically alienated himself from anyone who may need deliverance. See, only God can make such a pronouncement against anyone, homo or otherwise. We all need God's grace. We all sin. My flesh is no purer than any homo's. From my human point of view it's all corruptible flesh. No difference. If God himself thinks that homosexuality is a really evil thing, then who are we to argue? You put all the scripture together without bending, twisting, or "outdating" it, the jury is back with a guilty verdict.
That doesn't mean God loves you less than me or anybody else. It does mean that if you think homosexuality is normal even if you're not gay that your heart has departed from the Lord. Four billion robots can't be wrong.
I wouldn't know a gay person if I saw one. Those old cliches may have been reliable at one time (limp wrist, feminine sounding voice, earing in the left ear, etc.) but not anymore. If I were a homo and wanted deliverance from it, I sure wouldn't go to someone like LCM for it.
One thing I have learned through leaving twi is not to judge because of others beliefs. Who knows what the real truth is? You might think you know and the other person might think they know. You may be adamant on that belief and you might have a book that says what you believe. The other person might have the same book and it might say what they are saying. We don't know. I might think I know and I will respect another person even though I don't believe in their lifestyle. I think that that there own decision and if they want to live that way and am happy that is fine. Why be the judge of that? Twi judged. Did that make it right?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I took CF&S in 1979, I was a single sailor in a twig of sailors.
After having read this thread, I still dont remember a lot of pictures and there was NO video of anyone doing any kind of sex.
I do recall a section on the Virtous woman, and basic biology of reproduction. I dont recall 'funbags' but I think he did list a few slang terms.
I do recall a brief section when he mentioned how women tended to be slow to warm-up, whereas men are ever-ready. His theory was that because men and women each had different timing, one or the other needed to be in charge of the timing. Though I dont recall which one he thought should be in control.
In either case, given the decade, I thought it was fairly appropriate.
When I graduated High school (1977) sex ed was a simple biology course. Men's body's had these parts. Women's bodys had these parts. In some method, sperm traveled in the uterus and found the egg. How the sperm found their way from the testicles to the woman's uterus was left a mystery.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
"I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
quote: Most of our FEELINGS as to where we draw the line are culturally dictated. They are not from God. Show me all the verses you want, but when it comes down to applying them to life, many judgement calls must be made, and those calls are not Biblically based, but are Mary worship based, the false RC Mary that is.
I share the feelings of outrage that are expressed here, because I was deeply trained by a broken culture to feel that way. Simply knowing this, the feelings stay. I can challenge them at times, but they return, due to how deeply they are ingrained.
God tolerated lots of sex plays David drifted into, but when he killed Uriah, THEN God got really mad. It was the matter with Uriah that cost David lots, not the matter with Bathsheba.
I saw that although many in the ministry crossed many lines I found intolerable (due to my false cultural training), I don?t think it got as far out of hand as David did. I?ve NEVER heard of an accusation of murder coming from all this mess.
So, Mike found some ministry behaviors intolerable because he had false cultural training. Not because we all have a built in moral compass, but because he was trained to feel these violations were intolerable.
Apparently, he wants to retrain you/us in your perspective of how Harry touched you.
(IMO)I think Mike was VPW's lab rat. He retrained him with rewards such as ministry books and rides on the motorcycle. When he was BAD he was not allowed to be near Moggie.
So, soon VPW had a clone. He groomed another sickie. And this sickie thinks that if we all view human touch in a new light, the grabbing of your breast would be like that of your shoulder.
Only I will not understand this new lofty thinking because I am high on a horse...
He does not know we heard it all before from VPW, on shows about sexual perversion, on Dr. Phil when he interviewed a pedophile.... These are not new concepts that are unable to reach people on horses, but rather OLD concepts scripted by the devil who has been taking over the weak-minded so they could hurt and victimize others.
For their sake, I hope to God there are no children around anyone who thinks in this manner.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 22, 2003 at 0:06.]
Wish I'd known that all the times I stood squirming in line at the ROA to use the porta-john. I guess I coulda just hung it out right there and done my bidness right in front of the household.
Or better yet, I coulda gone up and took a squat right in ole VeePee's front yard!!!
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hey texan, do you think it could be all of the above? The revenue and used for selfish reasons? How about a little bit of both is what I"m thinking.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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The Skeptical Texan
CFS conspicuously skimped on scripture's strong and numerous prohibitions of adultery and pretty much omitted Jesus' frequent condemnation of lust.
I imagine that aspect of CFS was by design to minimize the significance of sexual immorality, but I still think it was primarily to make money for TWI's "Leadership".
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dot Picked your Priv topics left you a reply thanks. Glad we are straight.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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I think I have settled all of my misunderstandings. God I sure hope so cause this birds butt is sore. I don't wish to start any more but Mike your comments to dot were out of line I think. You might want to rethink them. Just a sugestion!
Peace All
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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texan, It all comes down to money and sex. Doesn't it? Maybe give or take a little of each. I think we are agreeing with each other for the most part.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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The Skeptical Texan
Yeah, it all came down to money and sex ...
but ironically, CF&S was mostly about money.
PS: There's a typo in my earlier post; the VPW-apologist's name is Mike. I just can't imagine why anybody spend their time defending the infallibility of VPW's writings on this site, but I suppose some folks really do spit into the wind.
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Dot Matrix
I did not understand this crap:
Your respose:
I would rather BE WRONG in your EYES by KNOWING VPW was a sexual pervert, rapist criminal deceiver than look good to you.
I am perverse, you want perverse -
I sure wish VPW had it for men and went after you because I think you would have enjoyed s--king his c--k.
Because you have Proven time and time again to be a c--k s--ker here.
Enjoy your life you phocking Wierwille sick phocking wannabe -- you belong in a phocking mental institution.
You are a jerk, a know it all piece of crap, DO NOT EVER address me again and I will not you either.
Or maybe you are in your nut house typing away to people here trying to sell your bulls--t.
Go sell crazy some where else -- we are all filled up here and looking for healing
You sick phock!!! You are probably the BEST example of mental illness and what staying in TWI has done to what used to be a human being.
You wash cloth sapping up Weirwille's left overs... You are not even your own person...
(IMO) You are a puppet - a nothing, empty, mean-spirited a$$hole.
I will NOT ask God for forgiveness for how I feel about a criminal. Yes, your GOD "VPW" is a criminal but because apparently you are insane you will NEVER see it.
(IMO) You are an empty headed mental patient, as angry as I am at your stupidity, I still hope you get delivered. Because only one sick moth-r could write what you wrote.
I bet you are so lonely in your mental illness... So, you come here and expect us to join you.
Screw off, you Weirwille worshipping devil spirit.
Go away!
So, according to you touching an elbow or a vagina is the same? I bet your fun in bed..
Maybe you need CF&S from your sick hero to remind you what your parts are-- take your sexually sick twisted thinking that resembles
JAILED perverts and get help.
We do not want VPW or you. Get Lost, Stop comming here, go away.
There is a roof on a tall building calling your name....
You said:
"Your use of profanity only proves to me that you are in a prison constructed by the devil and his world culture. It is very persuasive, but in the wrong direction. It?s no better than a two year old?s temper tantrums. Grow UP! "
Don't be offended because according to you if I call you a C--k S---ker it is the same thing as
calling you an elbow toucher... And a phocker is the same as calling you a bowler... In your world it is all the same.... enjoy... Or maybe you need to grow up to understand how demented your logic is.... You elbow touching bowler!
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 21, 2003 at 23:59.]
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Vertical Limit
Well said Dot.
Even before the edit.
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Dot Matrix
I love you VL!!!! I am so sick of that---- "Bowler" I could puke. What do we have to do to get that crazy bast**d to go away and start his own - I love VPW site.
The good news is that anyone still in, can see how crazy one can become by worshiping a MAN.
Thanks! Sick of that man.
Tex - we are cool.
White Dove - we are good.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 22, 2003 at 0:04.]
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Dot -
That seems like it would be somewhat cathartic.
P.S. I'm on your side
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Dot Matrix
Steve- Try it! I think we all have had enough of Mike, I feel like I just went potty and flushed a "Mike".
Why it does feel good. (But feelings are not guaren.... oh I do not have to listen to that anymore, I just flushed that voice ---glub glub glub)
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 22, 2003 at 0:02.]
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Dot - Yeessss!!!
You go! That was awesome.
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Dot Matrix
Amen! (IMO, due to his posts) If Mike did get d*cked by Doc he would not consider it "off the word" it would be an honor. Not really adultery -- Just like two good old boys shaking hands. Or a pat on the shoulder...
He'd be a blast in prison, "no no, I don't mind. I will drop the soap so you can do it. After all its just like a pat on the back."
He'd be popular there. Maybe that is where he can be well received.
Hold on, I need to climb off my high horse and see if I feel the same way....
I am on the ground; Mike is still INSANE.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 21, 2003 at 23:45.]
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Thanks dot!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Trefor: Let it suffice to say that there are some of us who believe the bible is really the word of God and not this big jigsaw puzzle with interchangeable or "outdated" pieces.
Do you believe homosexuals are born that way? Then why can't they reproduce that way like everything else in biology? Cancer cells cannot reproduce on their own; in order for them to increase their numbers, they have to turn normal cells into cancer cells. Likewise, in order for homosexuals to increase their numbers, they have to turn normal people into homosexuals. If homosexuality is a normal life style, then having cancer is, too.
Biblically, there is no record of anyone from St Louis doing anything good for God or his people. The grace and mercy of God don't allow any special privileges for me that they don't also allow for homos.
What context do I really need to understand to ignore Lev. 18:25b the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Even for God that's pretty tough talk. What about Romans 1? It doesn't take an engineer to figure out that a penis is designed for a vagina.
LCM basically alienated himself from anyone who may need deliverance. See, only God can make such a pronouncement against anyone, homo or otherwise. We all need God's grace. We all sin. My flesh is no purer than any homo's. From my human point of view it's all corruptible flesh. No difference. If God himself thinks that homosexuality is a really evil thing, then who are we to argue? You put all the scripture together without bending, twisting, or "outdating" it, the jury is back with a guilty verdict.
That doesn't mean God loves you less than me or anybody else. It does mean that if you think homosexuality is normal even if you're not gay that your heart has departed from the Lord. Four billion robots can't be wrong.
I wouldn't know a gay person if I saw one. Those old cliches may have been reliable at one time (limp wrist, feminine sounding voice, earing in the left ear, etc.) but not anymore. If I were a homo and wanted deliverance from it, I sure wouldn't go to someone like LCM for it.
You're right, we view the bible differently.
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One thing I have learned through leaving twi is not to judge because of others beliefs. Who knows what the real truth is? You might think you know and the other person might think they know. You may be adamant on that belief and you might have a book that says what you believe. The other person might have the same book and it might say what they are saying. We don't know. I might think I know and I will respect another person even though I don't believe in their lifestyle. I think that that there own decision and if they want to live that way and am happy that is fine. Why be the judge of that? Twi judged. Did that make it right?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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I took CF&S in 1979, I was a single sailor in a twig of sailors.
After having read this thread, I still dont remember a lot of pictures and there was NO video of anyone doing any kind of sex.
I do recall a section on the Virtous woman, and basic biology of reproduction. I dont recall 'funbags' but I think he did list a few slang terms.
I do recall a brief section when he mentioned how women tended to be slow to warm-up, whereas men are ever-ready. His theory was that because men and women each had different timing, one or the other needed to be in charge of the timing. Though I dont recall which one he thought should be in control.
In either case, given the decade, I thought it was fairly appropriate.
When I graduated High school (1977) sex ed was a simple biology course. Men's body's had these parts. Women's bodys had these parts. In some method, sperm traveled in the uterus and found the egg. How the sperm found their way from the testicles to the woman's uterus was left a mystery.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
"I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
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Dot Matrix
Ex (Here is my opinion)
Did you read what "mental Ward" wrote to you:
So, Mike found some ministry behaviors intolerable because he had false cultural training. Not because we all have a built in moral compass, but because he was trained to feel these violations were intolerable.
Apparently, he wants to retrain you/us in your perspective of how Harry touched you.
(IMO)I think Mike was VPW's lab rat. He retrained him with rewards such as ministry books and rides on the motorcycle. When he was BAD he was not allowed to be near Moggie.
So, soon VPW had a clone. He groomed another sickie. And this sickie thinks that if we all view human touch in a new light, the grabbing of your breast would be like that of your shoulder.
Only I will not understand this new lofty thinking because I am high on a horse...
He does not know we heard it all before from VPW, on shows about sexual perversion, on Dr. Phil when he interviewed a pedophile.... These are not new concepts that are unable to reach people on horses, but rather OLD concepts scripted by the devil who has been taking over the weak-minded so they could hurt and victimize others.
For their sake, I hope to God there are no children around anyone who thinks in this manner.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on September 22, 2003 at 0:06.]
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False cultural training, huh.
Wish I'd known that all the times I stood squirming in line at the ROA to use the porta-john. I guess I coulda just hung it out right there and done my bidness right in front of the household.
Or better yet, I coulda gone up and took a squat right in ole VeePee's front yard!!!
"Watch your step madame first lady"
Those dang devilish cultural things.
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A log for the MOG.
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Dot Matrix
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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now that is way too funny.....ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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up on high
"A Log for the Mog?"
Where do you come up with this stuff?
I agree with Vickles, way too funny!!
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