i guess i do use escessively the smiley thingys, and i probably shouldnt use so many;but it makes me feel like ive related my idea a bit better using them. after all, they are there to be used if one so desires to use them. right? we have freedom of will to do whatever we so choose to do,correct? and by using the smiley thingdoos i feel better . so many days go by that i rarely see many folks i come in contact with who smile, or even act like like theyre the least bit happy. im not "oh so totally happy" every day but i manage to at least crack a stinkin smile. im not ready to BLOW MY BRAIN OUT JUST YET!so i am going to continue to do what i want with the smiley faces. i really like that one who sticks out his/her tongue. that is so cute. and the one with the ?? on top of the head. i like all of them.who created those little smiley thing doos? was the creator happy? crazy? in a nuthouse? oh who knows. i just WANT TO BE HAPPY! I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY!
millions et al, i must say,the smily wave was ULTRA GROOVY.i love it. and ex, i think she thinks we are strange but in a strange sort of way she too thinks this is ULTRA GROOVY! i still love the mexicansombreroequippedorange smoking the cigarlooking typething. every time i look at it,i LOL! its a tie between the new thingy doo and the distinguished looking english chap with the huge pipe. ill bet that bowl holds a bunch.looks like it does. but the new one is the most original i must say old chap!well. i just want to be happy! sing with me: LETS BE HAPPY, LETS BE HAPPY, LETS ALL BE REAL HAPPY! lovely little song i wrote isnt it? i just want to be hap py! my day is happier now than it was earlier.thank yall for picking me up and helping MAKE ME HAPPY!
:millions, i see what youmean about posts not going in proper order. i dont know how that could have occured. oo wait.(this next question to be spoken aloud with a heavy british accent and with great surprise) COULD IT BE THE WORK OF THE GOOD MR FLETCH AH?
I even dedicated a companion thread to Satori's thread to ya...POOF VANISHED...
I guess "The Foo" just ain't that funni/serious sometimes...
I suppose GSC has a PG13 rating sometimes... I certainly would not want to be labeled a member in "Good Standing"... otherwise the otherside of the story is never told and sometimes it is and it vanishes... such is life. Maybe GSC should be called "Chucky Cheese Cafe"...
I was labeled a "troll" at WD in the chat... Swatted a few times... and given "The BOOT" several times... and once or twice at GSC1 forums pointed out as a troll, a couple of threads deleted and given the boot several times again in chat ... don't ya just love the publicity the opportunity to cross that GSC Puberty Bridge ... almost like a gauntlet sometimes, according to the words presented... and now GSC2, another thread o mine deleted...
Freedom to Speak Freely is sometimes determined by those who see "out of hand"... I say... "Who's Hand???" but the rules do apply and aptly so... good call Sir Paw... I do really mean that... It was a good call for shure... i suppose...
Has anybody seen the Bridge?
I'm just trying to find the Bridge!
Where's that Confounded Bridge?
It seems to be the norm here sometimes Norm...
Ya must have a million thots... please continue to allow some of them to flow here... if not... foo ya too!!!!!!!
Grace & Peace ...
thanks Steven, I will!!
I didn't even see this post until now (4days later)....it seems like that was "millions" of thoughts ago
I posted lyrics for Sympathy for the Devil.....I heard it recently and actually listened without "waybrain" ...that dude was right on!
It being my first time through on this whole "living" thing,
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So the entire thread is gone.... I can accept that. It may take time, but acceptance is good...
but I went to post this wooley mastadon of an apology to laleo... and then boom the whole continent of that thread vansihed... like Atlantis.
maybe they were cussing too much too...
(well it was not really a wooley mamoth apology)
sort of a large pony apology, a long haired pony at that... like minature clidesdale apology...
anyway... there was some good stuff on that thread, I was sorry to see it go....
i have to repeat my mantra...
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yeah tell me what's good about acceptance
i've had enough of it
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for one it begins... with an 'a'.
and uh... well there's some other good stuff about it too...
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not sure why...but I'm startin' to like yer arse
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
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oh yeah! that's why!!!
LMFAO i love humility ....especially when promoted by self...
that's righteous jedi!!
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
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i guess i do use escessively the smiley thingys, and i probably shouldnt use so many;but it makes me feel like ive related my idea a bit better using them. after all, they are there to be used if one so desires to use them. right? we have freedom of will to do whatever we so choose to do,correct? and by using the smiley thingdoos i feel better . so many days go by that i rarely see many folks i come in contact with who smile, or even act like like theyre the least bit happy. im not "oh so totally happy" every day but i manage to at least crack a stinkin smile. im not ready to BLOW MY BRAIN OUT JUST YET!so i am going to continue to do what i want with the smiley faces. i really like that one who sticks out his/her tongue. that is so cute. and the one with the ?? on top of the head. i like all of them.who created those little smiley thing doos? was the creator happy? crazy? in a nuthouse? oh who knows. i just WANT TO BE HAPPY!

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me too
look at the post time/date.....this should've been at the end of the thread ..?????
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
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very strange
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did you see that?? ....maybe the smilies are overloading the server ??
"you're getting too happy 'round here!" LOL
check the time on the second post! ...it should've been here.....i'm scared
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
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:millions, i see what youmean about posts not going in proper order. i dont know how that could have occured. oo wait.(this next question to be spoken aloud with a heavy british accent and with great surprise) COULD IT BE THE WORK OF THE GOOD MR FLETCH AH?

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thanks Steven, I will!!
I didn't even see this post until now (4days later)....it seems like that was "millions" of thoughts ago
I posted lyrics for Sympathy for the Devil.....I heard it recently and actually listened without "waybrain" ...that dude was right on!
It being my first time through on this whole "living" thing,
this is STRICTLY a practice run!
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