there are other threads with "bad" language, but the cussing did get out of hand
on other bb's i'm a member of, the thread starter has the option to delete :dunno:
it ended with jedi and laleo "going a round" least, those are the last "pop" replies I got in my mail.....the whole thread is still in my deleted mail bin ...lacking my replies of course
could've been the admin, as the thread did start as a personal attack
quote:Visit The New Forums.
See how much faster they are.
These forums are meant to be a place of discussion, where ideas and debates are encouraged. We welcome your opinion.
In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
Our forums cover many topics from religious to political. While we are not a religious site, we do embrace discussions in this area.
All are welcome here. However, harassing behavior will result in being banned from the forums. There is no need for personal attacks. If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum. Threads of that nature will be deleted or sent to the Soap Opera Forum.
as far as the accusations of being a troll....well, as i see it, I was walking along, stumbled onto a "bridge", heard some noise, asked "what's up?" and proceeded to get attacked (culminating with a thread dedicated to me and my opinion....or "mission") thinks the "troll" resides at seems I'm not the first to experience "the wrath"
if hardcore GSer's get their wish, and everyone hears the "exposing" information and TWI will need a new purpose....start planning, cuz i got a feeling
I'm on the other side of the bridge now, thank God, it was awful slippery/greasy
more green pastures and cowpoop ahead
a few comments:
1. i never attacked "the ladies"...never checked or cared what gender the people were I was responding to, but I apologize if my initial post lacked understanding
2. some of you misquote like mad ....and not just my posts
3. I regret I didn't pay more attention to the sensible posts in that thread....there were some
(got caught trying to sheild myself from "hellfire and brimstone")
4. I really wish i could hang here....some of you are very cool!! But, I don't like the way the place is decorated with certain mens monikers.
The post that started it all...hmm.... I thought I did what the admin asked....see above!
Do you really think all that? edit: ....i guess i got my answer
I have read many posts since finding this board, and am quite surprised at some of the attitudes.
TWI helped me on my path toward spirituality
But I have a resolve not found in most I guess
All my life I have sought the things of God through many avenues, TWI was one
I have seen some here regard their time as a waste/black hole/ or say that TWI robbed them of there search/robbed "me of me"
how's about simple faith like "everything happens according to Gods plan, and HIS timing AND it all works out in the end" really seems simple to me. I believe I was supposed to be there when I was AND leave when I did, no biggie - no hate.
blaming TWI, LCM, VPW or the scores of "reasons" why things weren't right or good is NOW looking like the biggest block to spiritual growth for some here!
I'll take the blame for MY involvement in WHATEVER! then I can change.
Those that blame the rest are going to have to wait until it's all "made right" to have any resolution!
the BIGGEST problem with the members of this board is
ya don't use enuff smilies
oh, and ya don't welcome new members with their own thread
now I should "shuddup, get to work and mind my own business"
i might see youz around .....this has taken more of my time than it may have been worth....not sure....i'll be sorting that out after I catch up on my other stuff .......
until then: Be
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven....back to bed it is!!"
[This message was edited by MillionsNowSmoking on August 27, 2002 at 22:53.]
Awwwww Norm! You were just getting the conversations to liven up a bit. Don't go! Things get awfully stifling without someone to liven them up around here! And if you go...then someone else like you goes...then others go...well...then...all we've got left is the GSC "household". Who wants that?!?!?!
gees, i hope the thread wasnt deleted cuz i wrote that i got stoned before some of those meetings or that i had had a bit to drink, like the good daktah. sure wish i could have afforded drambooie instead of the cheap wine. well thats what i got for my a.s.. not enough left over for meself. yes millions, i embrace the concept of across the board greetings to new members. WELCOME ALL!
millions, you musnt go! i loved that writingyou did about meeting the man who said half of the ot prophets were drinkers. then you said"i didnt bother to research it, just took his word for it". i loved it. hang around mr millions;you bring some laughter and life to the greasetrap.
i love that little thingy-doo you've added millions. it looks kind of like a mexicanorange smoking something big and powerful! just groovy old chap. carry on!
millions, im sorry if this is a mundane question but my curiosity is peaking and i suspect others curiosity may be as well.will you now use exclusively the sombreroequipped mexican looking orange smoking the cigar looking type thing? or will you be switching back and forth, sometimes using the very distinguished english looking chap as well? do you have even more thingy-doos you will be using from time to time? i love the wavy smiley thingy-doo too. you are groovy!
itchley, I plan on staying with the smokin mexican
Adios, I like liver and could've guessed probably ..NOT da norm is my name on another board
Excathedra (don't like the word ex... lol)
I do have all the replies from the "pop" feature...except mine
it would be laborious...but, I can forward in chronological order or something'd have to locate my responses from someone else for it all to string together...I wanted to read all the way through too! that's how I found out it was happened right about 4:20 a.m. ...yeah, I was up! grr
i will assemble it for you
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
[This message was edited by MillionsNowSmoking on August 27, 2002 at 22:57.]
I even dedicated a companion thread to Satori's thread to ya...POOF VANISHED...
I guess "The Foo" just ain't that funni/serious sometimes...
I suppose GSC has a PG13 rating sometimes... I certainly would not want to be labeled a member in "Good Standing"... otherwise the otherside of the story is never told and sometimes it is and it vanishes... such is life. Maybe GSC should be called "Chucky Cheese Cafe"...
I was labeled a "troll" at WD in the chat... Swatted a few times... and given "The BOOT" several times... and once or twice at GSC1 forums pointed out as a troll, a couple of threads deleted and given the boot several times again in chat ... don't ya just love the publicity the opportunity to cross that GSC Puberty Bridge ... almost like a gauntlet sometimes, according to the words presented... and now GSC2, another thread o mine deleted...
Freedom to Speak Freely is sometimes determined by those who see "out of hand"... I say... "Who's Hand???" but the rules do apply and aptly so... good call Sir Paw... I do really mean that... It was a good call for shure... i suppose...
Has anybody seen the Bridge?
I'm just trying to find the Bridge!
Where's that Confounded Bridge?
It seems to be the norm here sometimes Norm...
Ya must have a million thots... please continue to allow some of them to flow here... if not... foo ya too!!!!!!!
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Possibly Modaustin deleted it due to language.
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the whole thread got deleted ???
when i left a group hug was in process
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Satori ended it out well, and I think brought out the understanding of what was to be accomplished there.
If no one ever got to read it, thats okay, cause those of us involved were the ones to really profit I think in that thread.
But if you will consider me a group of one I will send over my hug to ya.
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i will always welcome a hug from ya kath
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It muct have been pulled for language.
The other thread he started, you know, just so you could say - - to anybody you wanted to???
that's gone too! Too bad, too...turned out to be a nice thread.
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there are other threads with "bad" language, but the cussing did get out of hand
on other bb's i'm a member of, the thread starter has the option to delete :dunno:
it ended with jedi and laleo "going a round" least, those are the last "pop" replies I got in my mail.....the whole thread is still in my deleted mail bin ...lacking my replies of course
could've been the admin, as the thread did start as a personal attack
as far as the accusations of being a troll....well, as i see it, I was walking along, stumbled onto a "bridge", heard some noise, asked "what's up?" and proceeded to get attacked (culminating with a thread dedicated to me and my opinion....or "mission") thinks the "troll" resides at seems I'm not the first to experience "the wrath"
if hardcore GSer's get their wish, and everyone hears the "exposing" information and TWI will need a new purpose....start planning, cuz i got a feeling
I'm on the other side of the bridge now, thank God, it was awful slippery/greasy
more green pastures and cowpoop ahead
a few comments:
1. i never attacked "the ladies"...never checked or cared what gender the people were I was responding to, but I apologize if my initial post lacked understanding
2. some of you misquote like mad ....and not just my posts
3. I regret I didn't pay more attention to the sensible posts in that thread....there were some
(got caught trying to sheild myself from "hellfire and brimstone")
4. I really wish i could hang here....some of you are very cool!! But, I don't like the way the place is decorated with certain mens monikers.
The post that started it all...hmm.... I thought I did what the admin asked....see above!
Do you really think all that? edit: ....i guess i got my answer
I have read many posts since finding this board, and am quite surprised at some of the attitudes.
TWI helped me on my path toward spirituality
But I have a resolve not found in most I guess
All my life I have sought the things of God through many avenues, TWI was one
I have seen some here regard their time as a waste/black hole/ or say that TWI robbed them of there search/robbed "me of me"
how's about simple faith like "everything happens according to Gods plan, and HIS timing AND it all works out in the end" really seems simple to me. I believe I was supposed to be there when I was AND leave when I did, no biggie - no hate.
blaming TWI, LCM, VPW or the scores of "reasons" why things weren't right or good is NOW looking like the biggest block to spiritual growth for some here!
I'll take the blame for MY involvement in WHATEVER! then I can change.
Those that blame the rest are going to have to wait until it's all "made right" to have any resolution!
the BIGGEST problem with the members of this board is
ya don't use enuff smilies
oh, and ya don't welcome new members with their own thread
now I should "shuddup, get to work and mind my own business"
i might see youz around .....this has taken more of my time than it may have been worth....not sure....i'll be sorting that out after I catch up on my other stuff .......
until then: Be
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven....back to bed it is!!"
[This message was edited by MillionsNowSmoking on August 27, 2002 at 22:53.]
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i would hate to see you go millions now norm
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NORM! (I like saying that, it reminds me of Cheers)
Don't go away! I am commanding you to stay .
When you come back, there will be a nice plate of southern fried chicken waiting for you. I made it myself.
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Awwwww Norm! You were just getting the conversations to liven up a bit. Don't go! Things get awfully stifling without someone to liven them up around here! And if you go...then someone else like you goes...then others go...well...then...all we've got left is the GSC "household". Who wants that?!?!?!
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gees, i hope the thread wasnt deleted cuz i wrote that i got stoned before some of those meetings or that i had had a bit to drink, like the good daktah. sure wish i could have afforded drambooie instead of the cheap wine. well thats what i got for my a.s.. not enough left over for meself. yes millions, i embrace the concept of across the board greetings to new members. WELCOME ALL!
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millions, you musnt go! i loved that writingyou did about meeting the man who said half of the ot prophets were drinkers. then you said"i didnt bother to research it, just took his word for it". i loved it. hang around mr millions;you bring some laughter and life to the greasetrap.
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I deleted it.
You don't have to wonder why. It DID get out of hand.
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can't we have a soap opera (grease)spot ?
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LOL..I don't think I want any thread I'm part of to wind up there ...ick...hate soaps!
Hi everybody
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
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You made a few remarks about us not having enough smileys, and perhaps you are right!
Where did you get that cool smiley with the wave?
I want them too, please!
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i love that little thingy-doo you've added millions. it looks kind of like a mexicanorange smoking something big and powerful! just groovy old chap. carry on!

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well i don't like soaps either but i think there was some great stuff on that thread and i wanted to read it again
regarding forgiveness and letting go and a few other things
anyway, glad to see you norm
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millions, im sorry if this is a mundane question but my curiosity is peaking and i suspect others curiosity may be as well.will you now use exclusively the sombreroequipped mexican looking orange smoking the cigar looking type thing? or will you be switching back and forth, sometimes using the very distinguished english looking chap as well? do you have even more thingy-doos you will be using from time to time? i love the wavy smiley thingy-doo too. you are groovy!

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Yeah what the itchey mariwonni guy said .
I am glad you are back the GS world will never be the same again.
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it's a bit of a hassle
save image from another forum
upload to a site I have space on
then insert image
itchley, I plan on staying with the smokin mexican
Adios, I like liver and could've guessed probably ..NOT da norm is my name on another board
Excathedra (don't like the word ex... lol)
I do have all the replies from the "pop" feature...except mine
it would be laborious...but, I can forward in chronological order or something'd have to locate my responses from someone else for it all to string together...I wanted to read all the way through too! that's how I found out it was happened right about 4:20 a.m. ...yeah, I was up! grr
i will assemble it for you
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
[This message was edited by MillionsNowSmoking on August 27, 2002 at 22:57.]
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Here's .
On my credit pages there are links to sites with literally thousands of smileys and stuff.'>'>
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Thanks CW! Great stuff!
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cool coolwaters your avatar, btw
krysilis've got mail
i was going to post my space and add more smilies there are thousands out there and they DO color text a little better
feel free to access the page to 'link' images, there are ways to vent a little with silly smilies
i'm gonna edit this before "inspection" LOL
we no longer need to imagine jedi "flinging" us
my fave:
on the eighth day God said "Oh yeah, THEY think there's only seven...woo hoo!...back to bed it is!!"
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Hey Millions...
I even dedicated a companion thread to Satori's thread to ya...POOF VANISHED...
I guess "The Foo" just ain't that funni/serious sometimes...
I suppose GSC has a PG13 rating sometimes... I certainly would not want to be labeled a member in "Good Standing"... otherwise the otherside of the story is never told and sometimes it is and it vanishes... such is life. Maybe GSC should be called "Chucky Cheese Cafe"...
I was labeled a "troll" at WD in the chat... Swatted a few times... and given "The BOOT" several times... and once or twice at GSC1 forums pointed out as a troll, a couple of threads deleted and given the boot several times again in chat ... don't ya just love the publicity the opportunity to cross that GSC Puberty Bridge ... almost like a gauntlet sometimes, according to the words presented... and now GSC2, another thread o mine deleted...
Freedom to Speak Freely is sometimes determined by those who see "out of hand"... I say... "Who's Hand???" but the rules do apply and aptly so... good call Sir Paw... I do really mean that... It was a good call for shure... i suppose...
Has anybody seen the Bridge?
I'm just trying to find the Bridge!
Where's that Confounded Bridge?
It seems to be the norm here sometimes Norm...
Ya must have a million thots... please continue to allow some of them to flow here... if not... foo ya too!!!!!!!
Grace & Peace ...
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