One good thing might come of it if they win though. The money would go to far better use, in my opinion.
First it would help support our hard working folks in the legal system. I used to think evil of lawyers, but not after seeing how they really earn their living by dealing with numbnuts like TWI.
Any use the Peelers could envision for it's use would have to be far better than it's present apparent designation for the retirement of a few scoundrels in that overglorified dang hole.
Maybe they could take a real vacation somewhere, have some real fun with it. I wouldn't care if they blew it all in a week and a half and had some fun doing it.
Sky & Radar, I, too, remember that teaching. We were to give anything and everything above our NEED to TWI. To many of us that meant, no cable TV, no nice brand new car savings - just enough savings to buy another piece of sh1t, no private school for the kids - public school is just fine, no brand new clothes - Starvation Army is much more economical....
Live like paupers and give everything you can to TWI. He11 they aren't any better than Benny Hinn when it comes to their teachings on giving!
Hmm... So according to LCM's abundant sharing theory; I'm living according to TWI "standards" on $30K a year. I get promoted in my company because my manager retires.
On Jan 1. I get the accompanying raise in my salary to $50k/yr. I then in my first and every subsequent paycheck simply write a bigger Check to TWI that includes the total difference between my last paycheck the previous December and the check that has the raise?
THEN I should happily witness to my associates how my doing this will ensure that God continues to SPIT the more abundant blessings in my direction?
I sat and spoke face to face with the lead attorney for the Peeler's case (I've forgotten his name. It's the same lead attorney for the Allen's lawsuit. The guy from California.) and asked him directly, "So, what IS this case about, anyways?"
He told me the Peeler's were suing TWI for "Fiduciary" responsibility and lack thereof (my words, not his, except for the "fiduciary" word).
I sat there gaping at him, then managed to ask, "What the heck does that mean?"
He explained it to me in a way that was very clear and concise, a way that I probably will not be able to convey here to you. Basically, he explained that we trusted TWI with so much, and they let us down in so many ways. Like, we trusted them to keep their promises. We trusted them to teach us accurate biblical research. We trusted them to hold our hearts and lives with the utmost respect and esteem. We trusted them with so much (ABS was a very SMALL part of what we trusted them with) and THEY LIED TO US AND LET US DOWN IN SO MANY WAYS.
So, then the question becomes, "How does one punish a group or person for breaking their fiduciary responsibilities to others?" The answer is to hit them where it will hurt them the most: in their pocketbooks.
Do you think TWI will care if the Peeler's pursue a lawsuit against them for a "slap" on the wrist and an apology? Maybe a small blurb in a newspaper that says they did wrong? NO! Absolutely not! The only thing that will get their attention is to hit them in their pocketbooks and make the understand that they had a "fiduciary" responsibility to us all and they were neglegent in it.
That is how the attorney described it to me.
I've met Ron Peeler. Whoever it was who had a lot of negative things to say about him probably knew him years ago but doesn't know him now. How many of us here can say we've always been proud of everything we've ever done? Not me, that's for sure.
What I will submit to you is that we all live and learn and grow from it. Ron's heart is to make TWI aware of the gravity of what they did to so many people who trusted them with their hearts, lives, and spiritual growth. The Ron I know is a tender, loving family man. A direct contrast to what was described in an earlier post, isn't it? But it's my impression of him when I met him a couple of years ago, right as he was filing the lawsuit.
Please keep in mind that none of us know ALL the details of the lawsuit and to discuss it here as it being a 'way to recover money he gave to ABS' is entirely wrong because it is absolutely about TWI's fiduciary responsiblilty to the Peeler's, and, ultimately, to us. This lawsuit, if found favorable by the courts, can and will open the door for many of us whose hearts and lives have been destroyed by a group CLAIMING to be teaching us about God and His love for us, but who were only taking advantage of us.
My hat is off to the Allen's and the Peeler's who have the guts to get out and DO something about the lies and deceit of TWI.
Groucho, you don't know me under this name believe me when I say we've known each other for a long time. It's NOT about recovering ABS money but, perhaps, recovering some TRUST after having all trust ripped from you.
Peace to all of you. I mean no harm or disruption here but I wanted to tell you about my private conversation with the lead attorney (I don't know why I can't think of his name right now. Sorry) and my understanding of the case.
Webster's dictionary definition of FIDUCIARY:
1) Law. A person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another. 2) Law. Of or pertaining to the relation between a fiduciary and his or her principal: a fiduciary capacity; a fiduciary duty. 3) Of, based on, or in the nature of trust and confidence, as in public affairs, a fduciary obligation of government employees. 4) Depending on public confidence for value or currency, as fiat money.
Learned Too Late...Thanks for the clarification. I knew it had to be more than just trying to recover ABS money. The breach of confidence and trust by twi is well documented and they really should have their feet held to the fire.
Oldies insists on defending twi by refusing to acknowledge the incredible pressure placed upon folks to give money. The fact that people gave their money by their own "freedom of will" only underscores the nature of twi's method of extortion. Had it not been according to our "freedom of will", they would have been thrown in jail for armed robbery. As it stands, a person's "freedom of will" is always involved when they are being blackmailed. You can choose to pay or you can choose to suffer the consequences. If we had not had a choice in the matter, there would have been no need for all the stories of "God not spitting in your direction" or other tales of impending doom that would befall anyone who did not "freely" give their dough. I find it curious that oldies overlooks the obvious.
I don't think the leopard has changed his spots, despite appearances to the contrary. As to whether he is more or less deserving than the jackals of the Way, I will leave the courts to decide ... as I said before, I have seen the heart of the man over a period of years, and it is a greedy one.
What TWI taught about giving, including consequences of not giving, was a doctrinal matter, something courts are not likely to get into, and shouldn't, IMO. I read the initial filing some time ago and unless there is something specific to the Peeler case that didn't apply to TWI as a whole, I don't think there's much liklihood of success.
Sometimes the thing to do is to just look at yourself, say "boy, was I stupid!," and go on with life.
Fiduciary responsability is more than a matter of trust. I'm not a lawyer but I think it means the responsibility to put others self interest ahead of yours (especially in regards to finances).
It's certainly not about misusing the feelings most associate with the word trust.
It is commonly used when someone manages YOUR money for you in a relationship where you expect to get that money back with an increase. Someone like an investment advisor or a director of a company in which you hold stock.
I doubt that abundant sharing would legally fit this definition regardless of what we believed when we gave it (or the source of those beliefs) because it is legally a gift, not an investment.
I have no doubt one could prove the way leadership violated their fiduciary responsability. But the hard part will be to prove they actually had that responsability over the average "follower".
Perhaps the responsability could be proven for someone who was on staff. Employment doesn't usually convey that kind of responsability to an employer but the way's employment practices were pretty bizare.
Having said all that - as long as the Peelers (or anyone else) aren't being mislead as to what their chances of winning are for the pain, hassle and expense they are going through - then I'm happy to see any and all folks go after the way and have as much info as possible come to light.
So, then the question becomes, "How does one punish a group or person for breaking their fiduciary responsibilities to others?"
The Board of Trustees didn't have a fiduciary responsibility to participants.
I'm not a lawyer, but I understand some of this concept, being a shareholder in a cooperative.
In a cooperative, the Board of Directors have a fiduciary responsibility to all the shareholders. That means basically, when making cooperative decisions, they must always act in the shareholders best interests, and act in the shareholders best FINANCIAL best interests.
But, we weren't even members in twi. We held no shares. We had no mandatory dues.
As a shareholder in a cooperative, I have mandatory dues. If I don't pay, I can ultimately lose my shares.
But if you "didn't pay your dues" in twi, what did you lose? Nothing, because you never owned anything to begin with.
This concept also is based upon the Business Corporation Law of each state. And there's no law that I know of that mandates the owners of a church institution as owing their participants anything.
It was all free-will giving.
Seems reasonable that the Corps might be different, because you're paying for a specific program, and if they don't deliver the program, you have a right to your money back.
Oh, om, but they *did* and *do* have a fiduciary responsibility!
The fiduciary responsibility of a religious organization is that it stewards the money wisely and uses it in a fashion that will support that religious organization, and will benefit the community(ies) that it serves.
By this definition, TWIt has been in violation for a LOOOOONG time.
FYI, was sold by Pat last year to Jim Martin. And as far as I can see, nothing has been done since the last updates that Pat prior to the sale.
I can vouch that it was coerced. I was in meetings in West texas territory with Rico G., Kevin W., Bill F, Albert ?, and we had the pressure put on us to bring up the "abs" by Steve the Territory dude.
Yep.. I'd like to see that fly in a court of law. "Lets see, you claim you have no responsibility to ANYBODY?"
Not exactly. My guess is that the BOT has a responsibility to be in compliance with the not-for-profit business law of Ohio, for one. How that all relates to non-members of the corporation is another stowray.
Like, we trusted them to keep their promises. We trusted them to teach us accurate biblical research. We trusted them to hold our hearts and lives with the utmost respect and esteem. We trusted them with so much (ABS was a very SMALL part of what we trusted them with) and THEY LIED TO US AND LET US DOWN IN SO MANY WAYS.
Oh another thing, here I go again, but who's "we" and "us"?
Seems like the attorney is saying that "we", as in all ex-twi believers?, agree that we all are all likeminded in twi's negligence and the merits of Peeler's case. Don't know if that will fly.
Uh, Oldiesman, the ATTORNEY isn't saying we in your above quote of what I originally posted. "I" said it. I said "we" because I was in TWI and had my heart broken along with so many others. I TRUSTED them to teach me about God and His Word accurately. I TRUSTED them to do the right thing in every situation.
Remember, in the 70's, how they used to teach that you 'give a dog a name it can rise up to'? In other words, you believe the best about people & things. That's what they wanted us to believe about them.
"Trust your leadership. Even if they are wrong God will still cover you." Oh yeah? That was a nice thing for them to teach us in order to get us to blindly follow them. Their fiduciary responsibility in that? Don't teach it if you know your leaders are teaching crap. Don't play with people's hearts and emotions. Don't steal from them the ONE thing that should be sacred: their trust in God.
Lie, cheat, steal, and destroy (sounds like a verse they were good about teaching, John 10:10) all you want but DON'T DO IT IN THE NAME OF GOD!
Ha. It turns out that THEY were the "thief"!
Anyways, Oldiesman, keep in mind what I am saying verses what the lawsuit and/or the attorney says before you make judgements. His comments were based on my questions of 1)"What is this lawsuit about?" and 2) "What is fiduciary responsibility?" It has nothing to do with attempting to collect on past ABS payments, no matter if they were coerced or not. In fact, that should be the subject of another thread.
Trust me on this one thing, that attorney is a very wealthy, busy attorney. He has no interest in taking on a case that has no merit. No matter how much you discuss it here you cannot be privy to all that is involved (I'm certainly not!) and to do much speculation is somewhat foolish.
Another thing to note, Ron Peeler is an MD with the ability to make an awful lot of money, much more than many who spent long years in TWI. If it weren't going to be successful for him why would he waste his time and effort to pursue this? Greedy you say? It would take an awful amount of greed, and a touch of mental illness I'd guess, to pursue a lawsuit that takes up several years of your time and many thousands of dollars. Gosh, I recently inherited money from a relative and the process I had to go through to get the modest amount was exhausting!
Groucho, glad I could add some light. It's good to see your face around here again. ;)--> Trust the attorneys & trust the Peelers. They know what they are doing. It's gonna be great.
Greedy you say? It would take an awful amount of greed, and a touch of mental illness I'd guess, to pursue a lawsuit that takes up several years of your time and many thousands of dollars.
Might want to check with RP on that one ... he has considered the mental illness route (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for work in the ER) in order to get money route ....and over the course of more than a year did get a rather substantial settlement..though not for that. Can't say more because of anti-disclosure rules of which I'm aware in the other party involved.
I know you guys don't like the Way and its use of money (and I'm not too partial to that either), but RP is not the blameless kind of client that FA and JP were. I am content to let the chips fall where they may and let God be the final judge as to the motive of heart in RP vs. the Way.
Not me, lol I am in favor of ANYBODY who has the capabilities of making twi any manner legally possible.
Twi deserves to be heavily prosecuted for what they have done...however since that avenue isn`t open to most of us, best hit em where it hurts the most...the pocket book.
Sure, let God be the final judge, no prob....that doesn`t mean I wouldn`t dearly love to see some justice exacted on THIS side of the gathering!
You are welcome. I've watched people like Toad say negative things about different lawsuits for a long time. I thought it might help others to hear the answers to some of the same questions I had when I heard about the lawsuit. The attorney made it all very clear in just a few simple sentances. I was attempting to make it easy to understand and to dispel rumors.
You're right. They (TWI) won't change until they are hit in the pocketbook. I, personally, am thankful for people like the Allens & the Peelers who put themselves at more risk of heartache to set TWI straight. I wish I had it in me. It's not so much about personal gain, although who can blame them for wanting financial restitution for the trauma they are putting themselves through to go through the process of a lawsuit. It's about making TWI stop and think about what they are doing. It's also about making the remaining followers take notice of where their ABS money is now going! Gosh, how much did it cost them to defend LCM in the Allen's lawsuit? And the Peeler's suit is costing a whole lot more, I bet, because they are going to the end. They aren't going to settle (or so I've heard).
Why can't people quit picking on others who have the GUTS to take action rather than try to discredit them? Sure, Toad may know Ron Peeler from the past but who is "blameless" in this life? I suspect anyone could look up information about anyone of us and make issue of how we could be called greedy or mentally ill. Hell, I'd probably admit to that from time to time in my life! Just let the Peeler's (and anyone else who choses to hold TWI's feet to the fire) do what they need to do and wish them the best. Stop bringing up everything they've ever done wrong when it has nothing to do with TWI's fiduciary responsibility, as well as their moral and ethical responsibilities!
The said they represented God. They said they were teaching us the truth of God's Word. They made so many promises to us (yes, to you, too, Oldiesman & Toad). Keep to the issue here! It's about that and not about Ron Peeler's previous life.
It's about making TWI stop and think about what they are doing.
If you think so, then you are na?, to say the least.
It's also about making the remaining followers take notice of where their ABS money is now going!
See above comment.
…the Peeler's … aren't going to settle.
I suspect they’d be happy to settle. TWI, I suspect, would be most unwilling to settle, unless there is something specific to the Peeler case that would not apply generally. Otherwise, TWI pretty much has to win this one.
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Al, the key word being *reasonable* ;-)
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One good thing might come of it if they win though. The money would go to far better use, in my opinion.
First it would help support our hard working folks in the legal system. I used to think evil of lawyers, but not after seeing how they really earn their living by dealing with numbnuts like TWI.
Any use the Peelers could envision for it's use would have to be far better than it's present apparent designation for the retirement of a few scoundrels in that overglorified dang hole.
Maybe they could take a real vacation somewhere, have some real fun with it. I wouldn't care if they blew it all in a week and a half and had some fun doing it.
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Sky & Radar, I, too, remember that teaching. We were to give anything and everything above our NEED to TWI. To many of us that meant, no cable TV, no nice brand new car savings - just enough savings to buy another piece of sh1t, no private school for the kids - public school is just fine, no brand new clothes - Starvation Army is much more economical....
Live like paupers and give everything you can to TWI. He11 they aren't any better than Benny Hinn when it comes to their teachings on giving!
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Hmm... So according to LCM's abundant sharing theory; I'm living according to TWI "standards" on $30K a year. I get promoted in my company because my manager retires.
On Jan 1. I get the accompanying raise in my salary to $50k/yr. I then in my first and every subsequent paycheck simply write a bigger Check to TWI that includes the total difference between my last paycheck the previous December and the check that has the raise?
THEN I should happily witness to my associates how my doing this will ensure that God continues to SPIT the more abundant blessings in my direction?
Oh. I see.
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After all Belle SOMEbody has to pay for Benny Hinn's hairspray for his more abundant comb-over.
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I sat and spoke face to face with the lead attorney for the Peeler's case (I've forgotten his name. It's the same lead attorney for the Allen's lawsuit. The guy from California.) and asked him directly, "So, what IS this case about, anyways?"
He told me the Peeler's were suing TWI for "Fiduciary" responsibility and lack thereof (my words, not his, except for the "fiduciary" word).
I sat there gaping at him, then managed to ask, "What the heck does that mean?"
He explained it to me in a way that was very clear and concise, a way that I probably will not be able to convey here to you. Basically, he explained that we trusted TWI with so much, and they let us down in so many ways. Like, we trusted them to keep their promises. We trusted them to teach us accurate biblical research. We trusted them to hold our hearts and lives with the utmost respect and esteem. We trusted them with so much (ABS was a very SMALL part of what we trusted them with) and THEY LIED TO US AND LET US DOWN IN SO MANY WAYS.
So, then the question becomes, "How does one punish a group or person for breaking their fiduciary responsibilities to others?" The answer is to hit them where it will hurt them the most: in their pocketbooks.
Do you think TWI will care if the Peeler's pursue a lawsuit against them for a "slap" on the wrist and an apology? Maybe a small blurb in a newspaper that says they did wrong? NO! Absolutely not! The only thing that will get their attention is to hit them in their pocketbooks and make the understand that they had a "fiduciary" responsibility to us all and they were neglegent in it.
That is how the attorney described it to me.
I've met Ron Peeler. Whoever it was who had a lot of negative things to say about him probably knew him years ago but doesn't know him now. How many of us here can say we've always been proud of everything we've ever done? Not me, that's for sure.
What I will submit to you is that we all live and learn and grow from it. Ron's heart is to make TWI aware of the gravity of what they did to so many people who trusted them with their hearts, lives, and spiritual growth. The Ron I know is a tender, loving family man. A direct contrast to what was described in an earlier post, isn't it? But it's my impression of him when I met him a couple of years ago, right as he was filing the lawsuit.
Please keep in mind that none of us know ALL the details of the lawsuit and to discuss it here as it being a 'way to recover money he gave to ABS' is entirely wrong because it is absolutely about TWI's fiduciary responsiblilty to the Peeler's, and, ultimately, to us. This lawsuit, if found favorable by the courts, can and will open the door for many of us whose hearts and lives have been destroyed by a group CLAIMING to be teaching us about God and His love for us, but who were only taking advantage of us.
My hat is off to the Allen's and the Peeler's who have the guts to get out and DO something about the lies and deceit of TWI.
Groucho, you don't know me under this name believe me when I say we've known each other for a long time. It's NOT about recovering ABS money but, perhaps, recovering some TRUST after having all trust ripped from you.
Peace to all of you. I mean no harm or disruption here but I wanted to tell you about my private conversation with the lead attorney (I don't know why I can't think of his name right now. Sorry) and my understanding of the case.
Webster's dictionary definition of FIDUCIARY:
1) Law. A person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another. 2) Law. Of or pertaining to the relation between a fiduciary and his or her principal: a fiduciary capacity; a fiduciary duty. 3) Of, based on, or in the nature of trust and confidence, as in public affairs, a fduciary obligation of government employees. 4) Depending on public confidence for value or currency, as fiat money.
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Learned Too Late...Thanks for the clarification. I knew it had to be more than just trying to recover ABS money. The breach of confidence and trust by twi is well documented and they really should have their feet held to the fire.
Oldies insists on defending twi by refusing to acknowledge the incredible pressure placed upon folks to give money. The fact that people gave their money by their own "freedom of will" only underscores the nature of twi's method of extortion. Had it not been according to our "freedom of will", they would have been thrown in jail for armed robbery. As it stands, a person's "freedom of will" is always involved when they are being blackmailed. You can choose to pay or you can choose to suffer the consequences. If we had not had a choice in the matter, there would have been no need for all the stories of "God not spitting in your direction" or other tales of impending doom that would befall anyone who did not "freely" give their dough. I find it curious that oldies overlooks the obvious.
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I don't think the leopard has changed his spots, despite appearances to the contrary. As to whether he is more or less deserving than the jackals of the Way, I will leave the courts to decide ... as I said before, I have seen the heart of the man over a period of years, and it is a greedy one.
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What TWI taught about giving, including consequences of not giving, was a doctrinal matter, something courts are not likely to get into, and shouldn't, IMO. I read the initial filing some time ago and unless there is something specific to the Peeler case that didn't apply to TWI as a whole, I don't think there's much liklihood of success.
Sometimes the thing to do is to just look at yourself, say "boy, was I stupid!," and go on with life.
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Fiduciary responsability is more than a matter of trust. I'm not a lawyer but I think it means the responsibility to put others self interest ahead of yours (especially in regards to finances).
It's certainly not about misusing the feelings most associate with the word trust.
It is commonly used when someone manages YOUR money for you in a relationship where you expect to get that money back with an increase. Someone like an investment advisor or a director of a company in which you hold stock.
I doubt that abundant sharing would legally fit this definition regardless of what we believed when we gave it (or the source of those beliefs) because it is legally a gift, not an investment.
I have no doubt one could prove the way leadership violated their fiduciary responsability. But the hard part will be to prove they actually had that responsability over the average "follower".
Perhaps the responsability could be proven for someone who was on staff. Employment doesn't usually convey that kind of responsability to an employer but the way's employment practices were pretty bizare.
Having said all that - as long as the Peelers (or anyone else) aren't being mislead as to what their chances of winning are for the pain, hassle and expense they are going through - then I'm happy to see any and all folks go after the way and have as much info as possible come to light.
Just my 2 cents and one for inflation.
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The Board of Trustees didn't have a fiduciary responsibility to participants.
I'm not a lawyer, but I understand some of this concept, being a shareholder in a cooperative.
In a cooperative, the Board of Directors have a fiduciary responsibility to all the shareholders. That means basically, when making cooperative decisions, they must always act in the shareholders best interests, and act in the shareholders best FINANCIAL best interests.
But, we weren't even members in twi. We held no shares. We had no mandatory dues.
As a shareholder in a cooperative, I have mandatory dues. If I don't pay, I can ultimately lose my shares.
But if you "didn't pay your dues" in twi, what did you lose? Nothing, because you never owned anything to begin with.
This concept also is based upon the Business Corporation Law of each state. And there's no law that I know of that mandates the owners of a church institution as owing their participants anything.
It was all free-will giving.
Seems reasonable that the Corps might be different, because you're paying for a specific program, and if they don't deliver the program, you have a right to your money back.
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Oh, om, but they *did* and *do* have a fiduciary responsibility!
The fiduciary responsibility of a religious organization is that it stewards the money wisely and uses it in a fashion that will support that religious organization, and will benefit the community(ies) that it serves.
By this definition, TWIt has been in violation for a LOOOOONG time.
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Yep.. I'd like to see that fly in a court of law. "Lets see, you claim you have no responsibility to ANYBODY?"
Just "god" and their conscience I guess..
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FYI, was sold by Pat last year to Jim Martin. And as far as I can see, nothing has been done since the last updates that Pat prior to the sale.
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I did not know that. Thank you, Paw!
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I can vouch that it was coerced. I was in meetings in West texas territory with Rico G., Kevin W., Bill F, Albert ?, and we had the pressure put on us to bring up the "abs" by Steve the Territory dude.
It was pressure nothning less.
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Not exactly. My guess is that the BOT has a responsibility to be in compliance with the not-for-profit business law of Ohio, for one. How that all relates to non-members of the corporation is another stowray.
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Oh another thing, here I go again, but who's "we" and "us"?
Seems like the attorney is saying that "we", as in all ex-twi believers?, agree that we all are all likeminded in twi's negligence and the merits of Peeler's case. Don't know if that will fly.
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Uh, Oldiesman, the ATTORNEY isn't saying we in your above quote of what I originally posted. "I" said it. I said "we" because I was in TWI and had my heart broken along with so many others. I TRUSTED them to teach me about God and His Word accurately. I TRUSTED them to do the right thing in every situation.
Remember, in the 70's, how they used to teach that you 'give a dog a name it can rise up to'? In other words, you believe the best about people & things. That's what they wanted us to believe about them.
"Trust your leadership. Even if they are wrong God will still cover you." Oh yeah? That was a nice thing for them to teach us in order to get us to blindly follow them. Their fiduciary responsibility in that? Don't teach it if you know your leaders are teaching crap. Don't play with people's hearts and emotions. Don't steal from them the ONE thing that should be sacred: their trust in God.
Lie, cheat, steal, and destroy (sounds like a verse they were good about teaching, John 10:10) all you want but DON'T DO IT IN THE NAME OF GOD!
Ha. It turns out that THEY were the "thief"!
Anyways, Oldiesman, keep in mind what I am saying verses what the lawsuit and/or the attorney says before you make judgements. His comments were based on my questions of 1)"What is this lawsuit about?" and 2) "What is fiduciary responsibility?" It has nothing to do with attempting to collect on past ABS payments, no matter if they were coerced or not. In fact, that should be the subject of another thread.
Trust me on this one thing, that attorney is a very wealthy, busy attorney. He has no interest in taking on a case that has no merit. No matter how much you discuss it here you cannot be privy to all that is involved (I'm certainly not!) and to do much speculation is somewhat foolish.
Another thing to note, Ron Peeler is an MD with the ability to make an awful lot of money, much more than many who spent long years in TWI. If it weren't going to be successful for him why would he waste his time and effort to pursue this? Greedy you say? It would take an awful amount of greed, and a touch of mental illness I'd guess, to pursue a lawsuit that takes up several years of your time and many thousands of dollars. Gosh, I recently inherited money from a relative and the process I had to go through to get the modest amount was exhausting!
Groucho, glad I could add some light. It's good to see your face around here again.
;)--> Trust the attorneys & trust the Peelers. They know what they are doing. It's gonna be great.
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Thanks LearnedTooLate, I wish the peelers well. I hope that they win and win BIG.....
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Might want to check with RP on that one ... he has considered the mental illness route (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for work in the ER) in order to get money route ....and over the course of more than a year did get a rather substantial settlement..though not for that. Can't say more because of anti-disclosure rules of which I'm aware in the other party involved.
I know you guys don't like the Way and its use of money (and I'm not too partial to that either), but RP is not the blameless kind of client that FA and JP were. I am content to let the chips fall where they may and let God be the final judge as to the motive of heart in RP vs. the Way.
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Not me, lol I am in favor of ANYBODY who has the capabilities of making twi any manner legally possible.
Twi deserves to be heavily prosecuted for what they have done...however since that avenue isn`t open to most of us, best hit em where it hurts the most...the pocket book.
Sure, let God be the final judge, no prob....that doesn`t mean I wouldn`t dearly love to see some justice exacted on THIS side of the gathering!
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You are welcome. I've watched people like Toad say negative things about different lawsuits for a long time. I thought it might help others to hear the answers to some of the same questions I had when I heard about the lawsuit. The attorney made it all very clear in just a few simple sentances. I was attempting to make it easy to understand and to dispel rumors.
You're right. They (TWI) won't change until they are hit in the pocketbook. I, personally, am thankful for people like the Allens & the Peelers who put themselves at more risk of heartache to set TWI straight. I wish I had it in me. It's not so much about personal gain, although who can blame them for wanting financial restitution for the trauma they are putting themselves through to go through the process of a lawsuit. It's about making TWI stop and think about what they are doing. It's also about making the remaining followers take notice of where their ABS money is now going! Gosh, how much did it cost them to defend LCM in the Allen's lawsuit? And the Peeler's suit is costing a whole lot more, I bet, because they are going to the end. They aren't going to settle (or so I've heard).
Why can't people quit picking on others who have the GUTS to take action rather than try to discredit them? Sure, Toad may know Ron Peeler from the past but who is "blameless" in this life? I suspect anyone could look up information about anyone of us and make issue of how we could be called greedy or mentally ill. Hell, I'd probably admit to that from time to time in my life! Just let the Peeler's (and anyone else who choses to hold TWI's feet to the fire) do what they need to do and wish them the best. Stop bringing up everything they've ever done wrong when it has nothing to do with TWI's fiduciary responsibility, as well as their moral and ethical responsibilities!
The said they represented God. They said they were teaching us the truth of God's Word. They made so many promises to us (yes, to you, too, Oldiesman & Toad). Keep to the issue here! It's about that and not about Ron Peeler's previous life.
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