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God Has Based Survival On Killing

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In all levels of life on the earth, dying is required for life to carry on. Plants require previous growth to die and decay for new life to begin and flourish. Survival of the fittest rules the animal kingdom. The bigger and stronger animals must kill the smaller and weaker animals to carry on their existence. Man is the greatest preditor of all, that kill not only to survive but for pleasure also.  
This instinct to kill has apparently been built into all life forms by God their Creator in order to carry on their species. This concept seems quite cruel that one life must be murdered in order for another to carry on. God has the ability to send manna from heaven, because he did so in order to feed his people in the desert, why not send manna all the time for all of creation to live? 
If man did not have this built in need to kill, would all the senseless murdering done in the world, not exist? Would wars be unheard of in life?

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