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Sin and the Need for Perfect Love

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Continuing then with both the topic of “beleefs” and this “Sin and the Need for Perfect Love” thread, the doctrine of sin - from its origin in Genesis to the need for Jesus’ life, death and resurrection to today’s Christianity - is a major beleef for which there is no evidence.  It is also a harmful beleef in many ways.

On the other hand, behavioral science studies human actions through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.  It includes the fields of neurology, sociology, social and cultural anthropology, psychology, and behavioral aspects of biology, economics, geography, law, psychiatry, and political science.

The ancient explanation of negative and positive human behavior boiled down to a simplistic beleef in mythical and/or mystical gods whose histories can be researched. 

Today’s multi-disciplined understanding of negative and positive human behavior is complex and much can be learned from reading up on them.  They are helpful in many ways.  

What does it take for people to want to question their degrading beleef in sin and learn more about human nature instead?  Is it because their beleef in how sin can be overcome through a beleef in Christ is more fanciful to them? 

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