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A riot in San Francisco.

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Have you heard what happened yesterday?

On September 1, 2024, a riot started in San Francisco's Sanctuary District A.   They took control of the Sanctuary Processing Center, and took as hostages the workers and the guards.

The news from the sanctuary district was cut off really fast.  However, Channel 90 (a Brynner Information Systems network) has been getting the word out to the public anyway. Man are they going to get in trouble!  It sounds like a terrible injustice has been going on there in secret, but that's a secret no longer.  This is going to mean bad news for the Sanctuary Districts, let me tell you!

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It's over. The governor of California ordered the National Guard to go in with guns blazing at 5am.   Hundreds of unarmed Sanctuary residents were mowed down- and the hostages were completely unharmed and had been treated well.   Worse, Channel 90 has been showing the stories of the residents. Dozens of people were there who's only "crime" was unemployment, and they were as good as in prison- until they were shot down.  A public outcry is being raised. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the event that triggers demolishing all the Sanctuary Districts!

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