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TWI Board of Directors


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As of this date:

Board of Directors

Rev. Vern Edwards [President]
Rev. Steve Crommett
Rev. Bill Greene
Dr. Angela Priester
Rev. John Rupp


I know John Rupp, barely, from his time in the Bronx. I mean barely. WordWolf might have more memories than I.

This website and its predecessor have done so much to expose the legacy leadership of The Way International. But I am not aware of any allegations of personal wrongdoing by any of the current board.

Anyone have testimonial about their character? Not rumors. Not slander. Not even necessarily anything negative.

What do we actually know about these people? Anything?


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Crommett is a director on a number of overseas subsidiaries.  Don't know anything of him personally.

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Posted (edited)

In the mid 1980s while I was on staff at TWI HQ, I knew Rev. Bill Greene, but not well enough to sit down and have a conversation with. He was always polite to me but that was it. He was a total loyalist, as far as I could tell, even back then.

I had known his wife, Marcia, since the 1970s, because we were both at HQ for summer school, etc. back then. Around the time I went in the Second Corps, Sept. 1971, VPW sent her on a special roving WOW Ambassador Overseer assignment with a guy named Steve Aldridge (he had a brother named Mike). She and Steve were both from N.C. They traveled around the country in a camper doing PR for WOWs and "undersheparding them."

She was originally from the ECU fellowship in Greenville, NC, where I was recruited in 1970, a short time after she left. If memory serves me well, she lived in the ECU Way Home when the Sommervilles (VP's daughter, Mary, and her husband John Sommerville) lived in the house and "trained" future Way leaders. After the Sommervilles left, John and Pat Lynn moved in and did that job. They were there when I was recruited (see Undertow).

Anyhow, fast forward to 1986 at HQ. Marcia and Bill were Corps leaders at HQ. When I helped one of the research guys with an Aramaic class for the in-rez Corps, Marcia was around and I remember an issue with her criticizing the research guy for going home on the weekend to visit his "earthly" family rather than stick around for some event at HQ. She said something like, Well, that shows where his loyalties are. That is something I never forgot. 




Edited by penworks
corrected 1985 to 1986
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Thank you for sharing this.

I had a little bit of an ulterior motive in posting the question, but I was hoping to hear from more people before disclosing it.

Seems the most critical thing we can say about the current crop of directors is:

1. We would expect better of a genuinely credentialed psychologist. Then again we have, I am sure, credentialed psychologists involved in all sorts of religious leadership roles, so why not TWI? 

2. It appears that the BOD and their families have a history of loyalty to TWI. Not exactly the kind of revelation that merits a phone call to your cardiologist.

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Regarding your 2. 

In my view, loyalty to TWI is such that it very much warrants grave concern to anyone who understands what loyalty to TWI involves at this stage of its game. To still be loyal to TWI, from my viewpoint after 17 years experience of it up close, includes turning a blind eye to (or denying or making excuses for) the abuse of people and Scripture by its founder, VPW, who they continue to laud as their great man of God who taught "the accuracy of The Word." There's been more than enough evidence shown that he plagiarized-- stole -- a great deal of those teachings. So if you're loyal to TWI, in my view that's the stuff you're loyal to. What does that say about such people?

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4 hours ago, penworks said:

What does that say about such people?

More than likely it says they don't let themselves be consciously aware of all the bad stuff that WE couldn't overlook.

It reminds me of when, as a young adult, hearing in some church (probably a military base chapel somewhere) people justifying their loyalties to the Baptist Church or some other such group that was also highly flawed.

I understand you being aware of the evil in twi. Denial is a very powerful emotional defense mechanism.


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Those of us who left in the Geer expulsion came to the conclusion that loyalty was no virtue 35 years ago.

I guess what I was hinting at was that no one who is on the board now would consider his/her history of loyalty to be a personal attack on their character. They think their loyalty is a good thing, and why wouldn't it be? As opposed to calling someone a sex predator or a con artist or intellectual property thief.

You know, what we say about the current BOD is practically non-existent compared to what has been disclosed on this board and its predecessor of VPW, LCM and the people who served with them. 

Now, if we made it all up, if it was all lies by disgruntled ex-members, where are the lies against the current BOD? Where are the ex-members accusing them of playing fast and loose with marriage vows and purse strings? Are we no longer disgruntled? I don't know about you, but I still feel gruntled.

Not enough to make stuff up against people we don't know, though.

Interesting to me.


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  • 3 months later...
15 hours ago, frank123lol said:

The Psyche can she perscibe drugs? If so she is valuable


If she is a clinical psychologist- a PhD, then no, she cannot. If she is a Psychiatrist-an MD, then yes, she can. Reports indicate she's a clinical psychologist.

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