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The Torah to Revelation: The Mystery -- Online Book: The Mystery of God, www.thetimeline.org... without charge

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The entire book can be read online on my website: www.thetimeline.org 

The following text is taken from the Prologue:


“Our eternal God inspired Scripture.

As God is the author, the mystery once hidden in the Old Testament must be in complete agreement with the mystery revealed in the New Testament.

In the New Testament, John gave us seven seals in Revelation.

In the Old Testament, Moses gave us seven holy days in the Law.

Thus, God gave us a numbered chronology in the Law and in Revelation.

Importantly, the mystery of God reveals the harmony between the Law and Revelation: The mystery, once hidden in the Law of Moses, is fully revealed in the Book of Revelation.

God revealed this harmony between the Law and Revelation in the following way: Regarding the end times, God numbered “The End” (end-time prophecies) in the beginning of the Bible (the Law, through Moses), and God numbered “The End” (end-time prophecies) at the end of the Bible (the Book of Revelation, through John). And these two witnesses agree.

The numbered chronology given by Moses in the Law (with the fall holy days), and the numbered chronology given by John (with the end-time seals), reveal God’s mystery for the end times. And this mystery contained the order of end-time events: the Rapture (to save and glorify Christ’s kingdom), the Apocalypse (to redeem Israel), and finally, the timing of the Millennial Kingdom (Christ’s reign from Jerusalem as King after His second coming to Israel).

The numbered chronologies of Moses and John align perfectly, forming one unified template. Thus, all end-time propheciesgiven by the prophets and disciples—drop right into this divine order.

Christ will fulfill the mystery in the fall holy days and end-time prophecies with His second revelation (appearing) exactly as given.

And God has given us a precedent: Christ already fulfilled the mystery in the four spring holy days with His first coming in the first century A.D.

The Law of Moses, the Book of Revelation, and the revelation of the mystery form a matrix of truth that cannot be broken. The common thread of the mystery extends from the Law to Revelation—and pulls together the entire Bible.”

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