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On 4/1/2024 at 12:44 AM, Nathan_Jr said:

I’ve tried to find a mission statement or statement of purpose for the cafe. Though I couldn’t find one, it seems self evident, and seems to be neither religious nor anti-religious.

It seems all voices are welcome. Even designated sub forums exist to ensure space for varying voices to be heard. (Even Mike and his bloody gloves are welcome here to make murder legal in California!)

I never knew how hateful and destructive humans could be, including so-called Christians, until I unwittingly married into a family controlled by an OG Corps “grad.” This website has helped me immensely to sort out the pathology of the cult The Way International, Inc. I am grateful for all the atheists and all the Christians who are free to post here. I have learned much from both.

There used to be a front page and so on. The posted reason this place exists was "to tell the other side of the story."  That is, when twi (and ext-twi) kept seeking to hide and conceal information, it was the purpose here to reveal that information.   Has it worked?  It worked so well that twi INSISTED on the GSC posting a letter they wrote!   When they tried to conceal their behavior when Mrs W was moved from her home off-grounds to retire elsewhere,  the news broke here immediately-  and no matter what anyone says, ex-twi people checked here for breaking news- as did people CURRENTLY in twi because twi NEVER leveled with them- and got accusatory at questions.  So, they logged in here and read what twi wanted kept concealed.   In order to do damage control, twi insisted on a response posted here- so all the current twi and ex-twi could read it.

When JAL kept trying to advertise whatever ex-twi church he was in that week, he did so here.  Oh, he never did it directly, he insisted on doing it in a sneaky way.  He had a ces person post his letters to everyone (hi, Jeff!)  who tended to get a bit coy about whether or not he was told to post it here.  (Jeff also went around all sorts of Christian messageboards, posting links to ces/stfi, and saying, in effect, "Gee, I just found these links to a Christian website, and I don't know what to make of them. What do you guys think?"  In one case, he crossed paths with me, and I immediately posted a reply to his thread that made it obvious it was both an advertisement and dishonest.)   Later he had people post letters here and pretended he had no plans for them to be posted here, and hinted at both here and his letters ending up here somehow.   It's really hard for me to respect anyone who makes it standard policy to be so completely dishonest while claiming to understand the Bible and teach it to people.  vpw succeeded largely because we didn't know he was dishonest and a fraud.

So, as the clearinghouse for "the other side of the story" for both twi and ex-twi, the GSC, is, at least in theory, neither pro- or con- religious...  unless one counts being con-twi.   The GSC serves as "equal time" to all the time twi spends HIDING and refusing to level with its people.

I'm sorry to say I've done more than my share in flamewars here-  even though they were exclusively anti-vpw and anti-twi.  When vpw adherents showed up, determined that vpw was some great one and we all forgot he was, I've let them have it.  (To a degree, I've done the same with the ex-twi groups.)     I hope too many innocent people didn't get caught in the middle, and the messages weren't lost about how dangerous it is to trust twi, vpw, and ex-twi splinter groups in general.    

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It is interesting reading about the unfolding of historic events and GSCs involvement in them.  I would note that TWIs tactics have changed over time.  RFR was a technophobe and labeled technology as devilish and tried various tactics to shut down GSC.  The current group has changed directions and embraced technology with multiple “positive only” scriptural sites and basically flooding the internet with as much info as possible so their followers never find this site.  So with both tactics the BOD actions are obscured from the laymen they affect.  

The other side of the story remains valid exposing all of the BITE model control tactics used by TWI cult, and showing off the extreme ego of these leaders and their positions as they live a life with many servants attending to them while they abuse the laity ongoing.  Get those volunteer workers going with all of the trademarked WOW activity put those classes together keep those hamsters running on the wheel happy and donating.

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12 hours ago, chockfull said:

I would just take OS post as he doesn’t feel welcome here with a Christian view and he has his reasons.  So hopefully focusing on the openness and not the lying or whatever other perception you are putting forth is better.

And I would say that he is entitled to how he feels, but his statements have been made before and corrected before, so after a certain point it's a matter of actual fact.

I invite anyone and everyone to go through the threads in Doctrinal and Open and About the Way. "Christian" posts are everywhere, and the overwhelming majority are unchallenged.

We do have one subforum where such challenges are the norm and not the exception. Spend a disproportionate amount of time in that forum and you may leave with a disproportionate understanding of what happens at GSC.

[For anyone still unaware, modcat5 and Raf are the same person]

Edited by Raf
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8 minutes ago, Raf said:

And I would say that he is entitled to how he feels, but his statements have been made before and corrected before, so after a certain point it's a matter of actual fact.

I invite anyone and everyone to go through the threads in Doctrinal and Open and About the Way. "Christian" posts are everywhere, and the overwhelming majority are unchallenged.

We do have one subforum where such challenges are the norm and not the exception. Spend a disproportionate amount of time in that forum and you may leave with a disproportionate understanding of what happens at GSC.

[For anyone still unaware, modcat5 and Raf are the same person]

With many of the forums I follow and Reddit channels those leaving cults have a high percentage that also depart from Christianity.  You are among those.  I do not dispute that the rules of GSC are open and I personally feel as a mod you are very accommodating to conversation even outside the rules boundaries.

Many who are working through cult issues have fragility in their faith and some are going through various stages of what they term “shelf breaking”.

I am also trying to be a little less direct and confrontational due to these elements.  At times I do better than other times.  We chase each other out of here at times by being unfiltered.

Thanks for your efforts to keep this place alive and going.  You deserve extra recognition for that.

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4 hours ago, chockfull said:

Thanks for your efforts to keep this place alive and going.  You deserve extra recognition for that.

That was kind but unnecessary.

A good number of rules on this site were designed specifically to address the improper ways I handled disagreements with other people [ahem,Mike,ahem]. I've been tempted in all points like as you are, yet with sin after sin after sin. I am in no position to be judgmental against people who may end up having mod ID's of their own after a while.

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On 4/1/2024 at 11:59 PM, WordWolf said:

In order to do damage control, twi insisted on a response posted here- so all the current twi and ex-twi could read it.


Did they merely insist, or were they successful in getting it posted here? Link?

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14 hours ago, Nathan_Jr said:

Did they merely insist, or were they successful in getting it posted here? Link?

I was not privy to the exact discussion. (I might have been laughing too hard to help if I HAD been in the room when that was discussed.)  Paw did agree to post their response.   I'll see about finding a link when I'm up to it.

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  • 9 months later...

I have to admit that, after my first couple of years here at GSC, I've spent most of my time in "the game room" (Movie, Music, Books, Art), occasionally popping my head out when a new thread title catches my eye.  When Raf told me that people were leaving GSC because of an anti-Christian bias, my response was, "Seriously???"  I'd seen posts from people who had been hurt in churches (not just TWI) who were angry and because of their mistreatment had gone agnostic or atheist.  But I never saw that as the prevailing opinion or any indication that those who still espoused Christianity were shunned.  

Do they still do polls, here?  It might be informative to find out whether GSC-ers have noticed an anti-Christian bias (and, if so, do they think it's appropriate).


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