And as he lay there, the cabin was filled with the presence of God.
A quite vague claim. Before I'd accept this (unverifiable) claim, I'd want more of an explanation/description of what he meant by "the cabin was filled with the presence of God."
I guess he could have said, " I felt like the cabin was filled with the presence of God." Sensing His presence is rather subjective. I'm a desert lover and to me sometimes it feels like laying on a rock in the sun; SUNNY Arizona!
Awe and wonder seem like synonyms. I prefer wonder, because it triggers a more personal and childlike picture to me. It's also like when I'm driving on a country road, come around a corner and something I see captures me by surprise. When it comes to God and me, I want wonder!
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A quite vague claim. Before I'd accept this (unverifiable) claim, I'd want more of an explanation/description of what he meant by "the cabin was filled with the presence of God."
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I guess he could have said, " I felt like the cabin was filled with the presence of God." Sensing His presence is rather subjective. I'm a desert lover and to me sometimes it feels like laying on a rock in the sun; SUNNY Arizona!
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I appreciate the difference of using an I statement. It still doesn't tell me what the author subjectively experienced.
And, I'm still curious. If you don't know the answer, I'm okay with that.
Still curious, but I know I can only ask for clarification, not demand it.
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I'm wondering if what you and he might be thinking of is AWE.
Dacher Keltner, an academic, recently published (in 2023) a book on AWE.
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Awe and wonder seem like synonyms. I prefer wonder, because it triggers a more personal and childlike picture to me. It's also like when I'm driving on a country road, come around a corner and something I see captures me by surprise. When it comes to God and me, I want wonder!
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