Who/how many of you (or others you were directly aware of) gave much (or any) thought to ancillary (non-biblical) literature promoted by TWI and/or Wierwille in the 1970s?
Tell me you’re in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult.
Why the vinyl?
Some people were probably burning rock and roll records because of the conspiracy theories including "the Marxist Minstrels." vpw promoted that and had the author visit hq.
I had to look up the “Marxist Minstrels” by David A. Noebel. Wow. It is fitting that the paranoid little charlatan would promote this book.
A review found on Amazon…
“So bad that it's good
Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2009
Ah, the halcyon days when the Birch Society, the Christian Anti-Communist Crusdade, and the like had not yet metastisized into the later "Moral majority" form! This is the written equivalent of a combo of "Reefer Madness" and "Plan 9 From Outer Space"! Here, the subject is the well known Communo-Athiest conspiracy to morally subvert American youth through rock and roll. (What energy those commie preverts had! You'd have thought that their energy would have been sapped just trying to get American water supplies fluoridated.) The text is priceless. You'll read commentaries on perversities going back to Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and other commies up to more recent moral degenerates like Dylan and the Beatles (the commentaries on the Beatles and their groupies alone justify acquisition). Probably, though, the most valuable part is the appendix that lists (in order of commiedom) the "most communistic" performers. (Yes, "Joannie Phony" is up there, but not #1.) It will serve as an invaluable buying guide for your acquisition of prime, quality, classic folk and rock.”
I had to look up the “Marxist Minstrels” by David A. Noebel. Wow. It is fitting that the paranoid little charlatan would promote this book.
A review found on Amazon…
“So bad that it's good
Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2009
Ah, the halcyon days when the Birch Society, the Christian Anti-Communist Crusdade, and the like had not yet metastisized into the later "Moral majority" form! This is the written equivalent of a combo of "Reefer Madness" and "Plan 9 From Outer Space"! Here, the subject is the well known Communo-Athiest conspiracy to morally subvert American youth through rock and roll. (What energy those commie preverts had! You'd have thought that their energy would have been sapped just trying to get American water supplies fluoridated.) The text is priceless. You'll read commentaries on perversities going back to Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and other commies up to more recent moral degenerates like Dylan and the Beatles (the commentaries on the Beatles and their groupies alone justify acquisition). Probably, though, the most valuable part is the appendix that lists (in order of commiedom) the "most communistic" performers. (Yes, "Joannie Phony" is up there, but not #1.) It will serve as an invaluable buying guide for your acquisition of prime, quality, classic folk and rock.”
Yeah it didn’t move the GAF meter enough to remember . Thats the one.
VP wanted those kids completely compliant so he could HUNT CLOSE to his home for sexual prey.
That's fair insight. Even without first hand knowledge of victim experiences/stories, The issue of sexual abuse in any social situation with such disparate power differential as twi (and many other religious groups, political, or economically obvious situations) makes it abundantly obvious it has been pervasive.
For those who've never heard of it, "Hunt Close" is a book written about raising hunting dogs. It espouses a POV that's rejected by modern dog trainers, which is to reward the dog when he does well and punish him thoroughly any time he does poorly. The result, according to modern trainers, is a dog that does what the trainer wants WHEN THE TRAINER IS WATCHING, but otherwise not.
vpw recommended this book for training dogs and for raising children.
That vpw didn't really raise children OR train dogs while giving advice on both is a point that was lost early on.
For those who've never heard of it, "Hunt Close" is a book written about raising hunting dogs. It espouses a POV that's rejected by modern dog trainers, which is to reward the dog when he does well and punish him thoroughly any time he does poorly. The result, according to modern trainers, is a dog that does what the trainer wants WHEN THE TRAINER IS WATCHING, but otherwise not.
vpw recommended this book for training dogs and for raising children.
That vpw didn't really raise children OR train dogs while giving advice on both is a point that was lost early on.
Yes this bullshonta was a lot of what was behind the Nazi patrols with wooden spoons on campuses (and elsewhere in recreated environments) that would ensure the little kids were behaving, in bed not roaming halls, sitting quietly on their blankets, and in complete compliance with all the adult with the spoons wishes. Or they would be beat literally.
Communal corporal punishment was the result in the Ways communities and societies. Still exists in many pockets today as that doctrinal error really has never been brought up and corrected.
We didn’t raise our kids that way or permit bullies to usurp our parental authority and beat our children.
For those who've never heard of it, "Hunt Close" is a book written about raising hunting dogs. It espouses a POV that's rejected by modern dog trainers, which is to reward the dog when he does well and punish him thoroughly any time he does poorly. The result, according to modern trainers, is a dog that does what the trainer wants WHEN THE TRAINER IS WATCHING, but otherwise not.
vpw recommended this book for training dogs and for raising children.
That vpw didn't really raise children OR train dogs while giving advice on both is a point that was lost early on.
There's a few salient points in WWs comment. It's also likely there are many former wayfers who have horror stories about how they treated their children.
This may be my life's biggest regret, and certainly my biggest regret about involvement with the fundamentalist cult we've known as The Way International "biblical research, teaching, fellowship and horrendously BAD life example ministry."
It's also most reasonable to surmise Victor (who really wasn't, in the entire scheme of things a victor) had absolutely NO CLUE about anyone except himself.
Isn't that the definition of sociopath or psychopath?
Though it has yet to be written, except in the stars, the revelation has been established (2nd time did it): If victor paul wierwille had only learned how (H-O-W) to believe big enough to live long enough, he would have fellated that TRUMPet while squatting over and defecating into the mouth of God.
Nouthetic counseling has been criticized as narrowly conceived, with a confrontational focus uponsinand behavior, which fails to deal adequately with emotion, grief, and suffering, and which lacks understanding of complex human motivations.
Yeah, this definitely qualifies under a rubric of not necessarily biblical.
Expanding on the notion of being narrowly conceived, with a confrontational focus on sin... it also fits in the framework of Christianity and other religions setting people against one another.
Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends and Influence People" was handed to me by my Twig Leader after attending several fellowship meetings. I was told many important sales principles needed to recruit others to pay $100 for the PFAL cassette tape seminar were in that book. Later, I served a year as a Military WOW Ambassador in Europe in the late '70s.
Nouthetic counseling has been criticized as narrowly conceived, with a confrontational focus uponsinand behavior, which fails to deal adequately with emotion, grief, and suffering, and which lacks understanding of complex human motivations.
Yeah, this definitely qualifies under a rubric of not necessarily biblical.
Expanding on the notion of being narrowly conceived, with a confrontational focus on sin... it also fits in the framework of Christianity and other religions setting people against one another.
A perennial bestseller and the definitive guide to the study of Bible numerics. Over 150,000 in print!
Bullinger's two-fold approach to the subject of biblical numbers first examines the supernatural design of the Bible. He notes the patterns and numerical features of the Scriptures that [HE BELIEVED] are evidence of their Designer. The second section highlights the spiritual significance and symbolic connotations of numbers that are repeated in different contexts throughout the Bible.
A balanced, biblically solid examination [according to whom, or what standard?] of the numbers throughout Scripture Widely referenced, monumental work
Apologies for the delayed reaction, but seriously, NO POLITICS.
And it's one thing to skirt the line because the topic demands it. It's another entirely to gleefully flout the rules because you want to be an a$$hole. The recently deleted post was an example of the latter. Knock it off or go find another site to pollute. Final Warning.
Posting this publicly so no one can say "but no one said anything!"
The 13th Tribe stuff got a lot of attention but I didn't focus on it.
The Way appealed to a lot of contrarians with a mind set that entertained alternate theories to anything, who just wanted something different because it was different, who embraced looking at the "world" as one huge devilish conspiracy. In that universe a lot of stuff would get entertained just because, and if it was an easy add or kowtowed to PFAL in some way it could get air time or book store space.
Grace Bliss did some good work, and her background informed her evolution into the natural food and "health" movement that rolled into the 60's and forward. She did some summer school classes and had a book of recipes that I got a lot of out of.
Tom Brown Jr, the "Tracker" came through the Way in the 70's, spoke at the Ohio HQ at one point by invitation, I don't remember which year but I believe he came in as a guest and was probably paid. I remember VPW got riled up at how Brown talked about the local terrain and land and challenged his assessment of wildlife activity. I had to chuckle at the whole thing. There weren't many things that translated directly into my own activities but Brown's book was a fun read.
Edited by socks What'd you expect? You can stare into the abyss but it just stares right back.
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Some people were probably burning rock and roll records because of the conspiracy theories including "the Marxist Minstrels." vpw promoted that and had the author visit hq.
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I had to look up the “Marxist Minstrels” by David A. Noebel. Wow. It is fitting that the paranoid little charlatan would promote this book.
A review found on Amazon…
“So bad that it's good
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Or, you know, you could have looked it up here, since we discussed it before.....
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Currently going for ~ $59 on amazon, used
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Yeah it didn’t move the GAF meter enough to remember
. Thats the one.
VP wanted those kids completely compliant so he could HUNT CLOSE to his home for sexual prey.
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It was en vogue at the time to get rid of all your “old man music”. Monkey see monkey do for me.
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Thanks for that comment.
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For those who've never heard of it, "Hunt Close" is a book written about raising hunting dogs. It espouses a POV that's rejected by modern dog trainers, which is to reward the dog when he does well and punish him thoroughly any time he does poorly. The result, according to modern trainers, is a dog that does what the trainer wants WHEN THE TRAINER IS WATCHING, but otherwise not.
vpw recommended this book for training dogs and for raising children.
That vpw didn't really raise children OR train dogs while giving advice on both is a point that was lost early on.
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Yes this bullshonta was a lot of what was behind the Nazi patrols with wooden spoons on campuses (and elsewhere in recreated environments) that would ensure the little kids were behaving, in bed not roaming halls, sitting quietly on their blankets, and in complete compliance with all the adult with the spoons wishes. Or they would be beat literally.
Communal corporal punishment was the result in the Ways communities and societies. Still exists in many pockets today as that doctrinal error really has never been brought up and corrected.
We didn’t raise our kids that way or permit bullies to usurp our parental authority and beat our children.
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yes, STOP hitting your kids with kitchen utensils!
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and stop hitting them, period
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Yeah, sometimes the learning is especially emotionally painful.
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There's a few salient points in WWs comment. It's also likely there are many former wayfers who have horror stories about how they treated their children.
This may be my life's biggest regret, and certainly my biggest regret about involvement with the fundamentalist cult we've known as The Way International "biblical research, teaching, fellowship and horrendously BAD life example ministry."
It's also most reasonable to surmise Victor (who really wasn't, in the entire scheme of things a victor) had absolutely NO CLUE about anyone except himself.
Isn't that the definition of sociopath or psychopath?
Edited by RockyLink to comment
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Though it has yet to be written, except in the stars, the revelation has been established (2nd time did it): If victor paul wierwille had only learned how (H-O-W) to believe big enough to live long enough, he would have fellated that TRUMPet while squatting over and defecating into the mouth of God.
Enjoy it while you can.
Edited by Nathan_JrLink to comment
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Competent to Counsel (Jay Adams)
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First published 53 years ago.
Nouthetic counseling has been criticized as narrowly conceived, with a confrontational focus upon sin and behavior, which fails to deal adequately with emotion, grief, and suffering, and which lacks understanding of complex human motivations.
Yeah, this definitely qualifies under a rubric of not necessarily biblical.
Expanding on the notion of being narrowly conceived, with a confrontational focus on sin... it also fits in the framework of Christianity and other religions setting people against one another.
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Rusty Duck
Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends and Influence People" was handed to me by my Twig Leader after attending several fellowship meetings. I was told many important sales principles needed to recruit others to pay $100 for the PFAL cassette tape seminar were in that book. Later, I served a year as a Military WOW Ambassador in Europe in the late '70s.
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Wow. This explains so much.
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Witness of the Stars.
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Numbers in Scripture (Bullinger)
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Indeed. Seemingly ascribing insight to meaning of certain scriptures, based on another certainly private interpretation.
Bullinger's two-fold approach to the subject of biblical numbers first examines the supernatural design of the Bible. He notes the patterns and numerical features of the Scriptures that [HE BELIEVED] are evidence of their Designer. The second section highlights the spiritual significance and symbolic connotations of numbers that are repeated in different contexts throughout the Bible.
A balanced, biblically solid examination [according to whom, or what standard?] of the numbers throughout Scripture Widely referenced, monumental work
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Apologies for the delayed reaction, but seriously, NO POLITICS.
And it's one thing to skirt the line because the topic demands it. It's another entirely to gleefully flout the rules because you want to be an a$$hole. The recently deleted post was an example of the latter. Knock it off or go find another site to pollute. Final Warning.
Posting this publicly so no one can say "but no one said anything!"
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The 13th Tribe stuff got a lot of attention but I didn't focus on it.
Edited by socksThe Way appealed to a lot of contrarians with a mind set that entertained alternate theories to anything, who just wanted something different because it was different, who embraced looking at the "world" as one huge devilish conspiracy. In that universe a lot of stuff would get entertained just because, and if it was an easy add or kowtowed to PFAL in some way it could get air time or book store space.
Grace Bliss did some good work, and her background informed her evolution into the natural food and "health" movement that rolled into the 60's and forward. She did some summer school classes and had a book of recipes that I got a lot of out of.
Tom Brown Jr, the "Tracker" came through the Way in the 70's, spoke at the Ohio HQ at one point by invitation, I don't remember which year but I believe he came in as a guest and was probably paid. I remember VPW got riled up at how Brown talked about the local terrain and land and challenged his assessment of wildlife activity. I had to chuckle at the whole thing. There weren't many things that translated directly into my own activities but Brown's book was a fun read.
What'd you expect? You can stare into the abyss but it just stares right back.
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