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Israel -- A Royal Land Grant or Modern Day Religous Hoax?

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Ahhh… the ol’ Truth in History Ministry of Owasso, OK.

Among their BELEEFS, this is my favorite:

WE BELIEVE that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and related peoples are the only people that fulfill all the prophetic earmarks that identify them with being the literal physical descendants of the ancient people of Old Testament history known as Israelites (Genesis Chapters 48 & 49; Deuteronomy 7:6-8)

There’s a video on their channel called “St. Paul’s Visit to Britain - Tracing the Footsteps.” Just a tremendous Biblical truth, I’m sure.

It appears they have out-researched Bullinger and Wierwille.

And another video called “Confederate Revival in the American Civil War.”

Soooo… they’ve got that going for them. 


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21 hours ago, Nathan_Jr said:

Ahhh… the ol’ Truth in History Ministry of Owasso, OK.

Among their BELEEFS, this is my favorite:

WE BELIEVE that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and related peoples are the only people that fulfill all the prophetic earmarks that identify them with being the literal physical descendants of the ancient people of Old Testament history known as Israelites (Genesis Chapters 48 & 49; Deuteronomy 7:6-8)

There’s a video on their channel called “St. Paul’s Visit to Britain - Tracing the Footsteps.” Just a tremendous Biblical truth, I’m sure.

It appears they have out-researched Bullinger and Wierwille.

And another video called “Confederate Revival in the American Civil War.”

Soooo… they’ve got that going for them. 


had no idea thx. 

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