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Lets destroy a Friday Night.


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  On 11/10/2023 at 11:46 PM, Ham said:

Nowhere, is there Warmth to be Found.. no kidding.


Well... plenty of warmth available, perhaps you have to give to someone who might need it.

Not so easy to have regenerative conversation with you, however, since your posts seem entirely, since you re-emerged, to be excessively cryptic.

I suspect there might be others willing to share warmth with you if you were to be less cryptic.

Take care friend. :cryhug_1_: 

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I think I was about as cryptic as the song writers.. heh.


Rain, Grey Town.  In other words- I think they were describing it as a wet stinking dirty hole.. heh.


Wet, and a rich blanket of industrial English Fog.




I think that is what they were trying to say..


As a society I think we have progressed from the summer of love to the winter of despair.  Once the acid wore off we went back to meaningless labor, social uptightness  and insecurity and unfriendliness and general grumpiness hereto unknown to the mind of man.. heh.

One can read that assessment in some the music of the late sixties..  

Heh.. nice Friday I know. 

OK.  Lets try again next week..  :biglaugh:

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All I need is a hot dog without a readable list of ingredients..


I will partake with the crowd.  Make it a vegie dog..  too many carbs.. I'll have some dry wine.  Or two.. on exceptions 3.


What a good tune..


good enough beer and I'll deal with a few hours of high blood sugar.. heh

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