It's a mixed bag (pun intended) in the US. Kind of a hybrid where some states do medical mj only, some do recreational and medical mj, and some states still have it outlawed. Federally, it's all illegal, but the states rights do supercede federal law at times. Personally, I'm for it's responsible use as there are many many medical benefits. I watched Rick Simpsons story as well, the maker of RSO oil. He cured his own cancer and many others as well with his oil. Anywho...back to God not having a budget and french doors or whatever...
11 minutes ago, OldSkool said:
I guess hi jacking the topic with Kaneh Bosem is up in smoke....ok...I'll try to stop now ....
Yikes! Not so fast!
Kaneh Bosm is fully legal in 22 states, plus Washington D.C; medically legal in 16 states; and decriminalized in 9 states.
Though it's still federally illegal and classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, along with heroin, PCP and crack cocaine , the Justice Department and DEA will not prosecute in legal states. (You can thank Obama for that.)
The real hurdle, federally, is bank regulation. Banks are part of a federal system and are insured by the Fed, so they can't do business with companies engaged in federally illegal business.
I have family in San Francisco. Their fridge and pantry is always well stocked. I sleep so well when I visit them.
It's medically legal in Louisiana. I keep meaning to get a prescription, but I've been too lazy -- that's what I get for imitating victor.
No. Not at all. I feel sad for people who were sucked into TV's "Lives of the Rich and Famous" and then turned around and thought that John 10:10 was talking about the same kind of abundant life.
Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.
They believed the "Rich And Famous" interpretation of John 10:10 because that's where they were intentionally led.
It starts with John 10:10 and the abundant life. Then you're lead to the pressed down, shaken together, and running over verse, then into Ephesians for the now onto him who is able to do more than we can think or ask verse, then wrap it up with Malach and promiises of how the widows of heaven will open and a blessing will be poured out that you won't be able to receive. And all you have to do is ABS.
So Saint Vic and the ministry perpetrated the lie.
5 hours ago, Mike said:
For one thing, I work for a lot of rich people,and I know they face mountains of problems I'd never dream of. They have told me of some of their woes, and the worrisome responsibilities they deal with.
Second of all, anyone hearing the Gospel of John who has no idea of the level of poverty most of Jesus' audience faced, didn't really hear the Gospel of John yet... not enough anyway
Then why was Saint Vic selling prosperity? See above.
5 hours ago, Mike said:
The abundant life that Jesus taught was that people should have their needs met and some left over to help others. To think that VPW was preaching 3 car garage houses for all, and out of the mouth of Jesus, had to be pretty stupid.
Again , see the first response. That was not only taught iin my home state, but in my WOW state, so it was taught nationally which traces back to Saint Vic.
5 hours ago, Mike said:
I remember a SNT tape in the late 70s where VPW says he was sometimes flabbergasted that grads were thinking that the abundant life meant "carloads of money." That SNT tape is where I heard that phrase.
And now you know where they got the idea.
5 hours ago, Mike said:
The abundant life is living in the black, and not in the red ink.
The abundant life includes God's abundant forgiveness and mercy.
The abundant life is being able to help others with 7 manifestations.
Yah, sure Saint Vic certainly lived by these standards.
5 hours ago, Mike said:
VPW often taught (from Timothy I think) that anyone has more than enough food, clothing, and shelter, and has their health, they ought to be constantly thanking God for such abundance. Most of the human race has suffered starvation resulting in death. We in the USA and free countries live better than most kings who ever lived had it.
Says the guy who lived like an Old Testament king. And still wanted more. More money, more motorcycles, more woman. Bad example. Saint Vic should have followed his own advice.
Thanks for that, but I can get the referral and prescription for free. It's just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. It's easy here, too.
It will be federally legal soon. After all, it's like drinking a beer, only not as physiologically detrimental. And it sure does round off those angles, smooth out those corners.
Thanks for that, but I can get the referral and prescription for free. It's just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. It's easy here, too.
Yw! I have trouble walking at times as well...sometimes its easier to stay in chill mode when Im not working.
4 minutes ago, Nathan_Jr said:
It will be federally legal soon. After all, it's like drinking a beer, only not a physiologically detrimental. And it sure does round off those angles, smooths out those corners.
Another disingenuous pile of horse puckey. Somehow VP struggled with the topic before going off the self publication isolationist cliff.
Oh but Mikey was solid on all the concepts way before the book even came out.
YES, that is right!
I did not have the massive impediments VPW faced for going against the trinity. I didn't embrace it and my profession did not embrace it; VPW had to fight this one up hill.
It's not that hard a topic on its own, and the KJV yields much for understanding it. There are only a few difficult verses. Most of the problem is fear and tradition.
Plus I found the ultimate trinity-buster all by my myself: "Who fathered Jesus?" Was it..... the Father? Or was it someone else ???
I had heard of the trinity, along with dozens of other things in Catholic School, but never paid any attention to them. I was alarmed at the idea of going against the believers in my family and many years of RC tradition, and the millions of adherents for 2,000 years.
But I didn't have my mind muddled with Jesus being God and man at the same time and 2 other stranger gods besides him. I just knew it was important to be careful and go slow and methodically.
No one in any circles I traveled in did any kind of systematic searching on ANY subject. Most trusted leadership to handle complicated matters, and just wanted to fellowship.
I later learned many of these non-systematic PFAL students went on to be leaders if they could fake the wisdom and knowledge part.
Thanks for the offer, chockful, but you can keep your horse puckey to yourself.
When Thomas followed the instruction of the resurrected Christ he said “my Lord and God”.
Jesus didn’t correct him. If VP was right in his apostasy, then Jesus would have said “Thomas all glory goes to my Father, as I am just a resurrected man”.
This was the first verse trinitarians would hit me with in the 1970s. When Thomas said the word "God" he was using the common meaning they had, not the trinitarian meaning that came along centuries later.
A proper translation would be "My lord and my god."
... the “difficult verses must be understood in light of the clear verses”.
Chapter and verse on that one? Not a chance it is something made up in the mind of Wierwille.
That is just common sense. Science uses it all the time. The mathematics of Quantum Mechanics comes from the math that describes a simple swinging pendulum. The difficult systems of atoms must be understood in light of the clear simple pendulum.
You can’t magnify 1 Tim 2:5 and throw away John 20:27,28.
Well obviously you can because that’s what VP did in the JCNG book.
To me that verse in John 20:28 indicates that if you don’t accept Jesus as “my Lord and God” like the paradigm example in the Bible did, then you are doubting and do not believe.
Understand the difficult verses for themselves, don’t dumb them down and force square pegs into round holes.
–You are the one throwing out verses, and CLEAR ones at that. A most clarifying verse is right under your nose in the same chapter of John.
John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
Trinitarians who love verse 28, always miss verse 17.
Another disingenuous pile of horse puckey. Somehow VP struggled with the topic before going off the self publication isolationist cliff.
Oh but Mikey was solid on all the concepts way before the book even came out.
YES, that is right!
I did not have the massive impediments VPW faced for going against the trinity. I didn't embrace it and my profession did not embrace it; VPW had to fight this one up hill.
It's not that hard a topic on its own, and the KJV yields much for understanding it. There are only a few difficult verses. Most of the problem is fear and tradition.
Plus I found the ultimate trinity-buster all by my myself: "Who fathered Jesus?" Was it..... the Father? Or was it someone else ???
I had heard of the trinity, along with dozens of other things in Catholic School, but never paid any attention to them. I was alarmed at the idea of going against the believers in my family and many years of RC tradition, and the millions of adherents for 2,000 years.
But I didn't have my mind muddled with Jesus being God and man at the same time and 2 other stranger gods besides him. I just knew it was important to be careful and go slow and methodically.
No one in any circles I traveled in did any kind of systematic searching on ANY subject. Most trusted leadership to handle complicated matters, and just wanted to fellowship.
I later learned many of these non-systematic PFAL students went on to be leaders if they could fake the wisdom and knowledge part.
Thanks for the offer, chockful, but you can keep your horse puckey to yourself.
When Thomas followed the instruction of the resurrected Christ he said “my Lord and God”.
Jesus didn’t correct him. If VP was right in his apostasy, then Jesus would have said “Thomas all glory goes to my Father, as I am just a resurrected man”.
This was the first verse trinitarians would hit me with in the 1970s. When Thomas said the word "God" he was using the common meaning they had, not the trinitarian meaning that came along centuries later.
A proper translation would be "My lord and my god."
... the “difficult verses must be understood in light of the clear verses”.
Chapter and verse on that one? Not a chance it is something made up in the mind of Wierwille.
That is just common sense. Science uses it all the time. The mathematics of Quantum Mechanics comes from the math that describes a simple swinging pendulum. The difficult systems of atoms must be understood in light of the clear simple pendulum.
You can’t magnify 1 Tim 2:5 and throw away John 20:27,28.
Well obviously you can because that’s what VP did in the JCNG book.
To me that verse in John 20:28 indicates that if you don’t accept Jesus as “my Lord and God” like the paradigm example in the Bible did, then you are doubting and do not believe.
Understand the difficult verses for themselves, don’t dumb them down and force square pegs into round holes.
–You are the one throwing out verses, and CLEAR ones at that. A most clarifying verse is right under your nose in the same chapter of John.
John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
Trinitarians who love verse 28, always miss verse 17.
I think Mike and a few other wierwille fans have got a real problem mischaracterizing Trinitarian doctrine. who would believe in the Trinity the way they describe it.
Mike et al use absolute thinking.
I'm no theologian. But from what I've studied and the systematic theologies I've read - the Trinity is just one simple label to describe something way beyond our understanding. Biblical scholars use more fine brush strokes and nuances and not the cartoonish broad strokes of fundamentalism wierwille style.
Even in Scripture there are details to show a differences in the persons of the Trinity - differences in roles. All flows from the Father to the Son through the Holy Spirit to the believer...jumping into my how-to-explain-things-to-a-10-year-old mode - I will say just like any Father/ Son relationship - God has a Son - so the Son is not the Father the Father is not the Son. Who raised Jesus from the dead? God the Father ! Even in OT there is a hierarchy of deity - look at Psalms the Lord said unto my Lord ...Mike the Trinity is NOT what wierwille said it was!!!
Fire engine red drapes. I guess that little fiction was about "spiritual" abundance.
The comparison between the unbelievers' abundance and the believers' abundance would usually be enough to lead most rational people to conclude he wasn't talking about spiritual abundance. But, then again...Well, you know...
I suppose this is where i call bs on the "my dad was a linguist who confirmed SIT produced languages bulls hit story. FYI
You didn't get to know Ralph like I did. He was a master explainer of all things PFAL. But then he flipped and became very opposed to PFAL.
I quoted him because his testimony stands out. He reluctantly gave witness to the facts as they happened, even though he did not like them. His father also didn't like it so much long ago, but still said he understood the tongues.
Raf, your committed path demands that you call bull. But the evidence of testimony stands, and from 2 reluctant witnesses.
It was Ralph's reluctant agreement with Chris Geer that made the POP believable. VPW said privately to Ralph the same things that appeared in the POP, as he was traveling to Scotland that last time. Ralph has been an interesting reluctant witness to at least two massive facts in TWI history.
The comparison between the unbelievers' abundance and the believers' abundance would usually be enough to lead most rational people to conclude he wasn't talking about spiritual abundance. But, then again...Well, you know...
Right Fire engine red drapes are definitely material. They really do sit there like a duck.
I can't believe ANYONE who still follows TWI and wierwilleism reads Mike's gibberish (in English). And if they do, I can't believe they do anything but shake their own heads over the mental masturbation taking place on threads like this.
Yeah...they had an excellor session right before they spoke in tongues....quit reading wierwille's goofy practices into scripture.
Actually, their excellors sessions were spread out in the Gospels.
Remember, what is taught in excellors sessions is what is our part in the matter (versus God's part) and overcoming the fears that hinder. The 12 apostles had a rather different culture than ours, different attitudes towards action, and different fears that hindered. Excellors sessions should be tailored to fit the needs of the recipients, not follow some one-size-fits-all strategy.
Actually, their excellors sessions were spread out in the Gospels.
Remember, what is taught in excellors sessions is what is our part in the matter (versus God's part) and overcoming the fears that hinder. The 12 apostles had a rather different culture than ours, different attitudes towards action, and different fears that hindered. Excellors sessions should be tailored to fit the needs of the recipients, not follow some one-size-fits-all strategy.
Please cite chapter and verse on Excellor sessions in the Gospels - actually copy paste whole section of chapter for context here is handy hyperlink > > > John 16 NIV ( you are smart little atom smasher you should be able to figure out how to navigate the website for chapters
wierwille use to say "you show me where it says that in the Bible - I want to read it myself - line by line and word by word." thems dah rules - no "I believe this was a type of excellors session" bull-$hit.
show me line by line and word by word in the gospels where it shows this >>>> "Actually, their excellors sessions were spread out in the Gospels."
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I believe that the real deal is possible and the path toward it is to address and correct all the doctrinal and practical error introduced by VPs box top doctorate research. isolation from other
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I guess hi jacking the topic with Kaneh Bosem is up in smoke....ok...I'll try to stop now ....
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Yikes! Not so fast!
Kaneh Bosm is fully legal in 22 states, plus Washington D.C; medically legal in 16 states; and decriminalized in 9 states.
Though it's still federally illegal and classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, along with heroin, PCP and crack cocaine
, the Justice Department and DEA will not prosecute in legal states. (You can thank Obama for that.)
The real hurdle, federally, is bank regulation. Banks are part of a federal system and are insured by the Fed, so they can't do business with companies engaged in federally illegal business.
I have family in San Francisco. Their fridge and pantry is always well stocked. I sleep so well when I visit them.
It's medically legal in Louisiana. I keep meaning to get a prescription, but I've been too lazy -- that's what I get for imitating victor.
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Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.
They believed the "Rich And Famous" interpretation of John 10:10 because that's where they were intentionally led.
It starts with John 10:10 and the abundant life. Then you're lead to the pressed down, shaken together, and running over verse, then into Ephesians for the now onto him who is able to do more than we can think or ask verse, then wrap it up with Malach and promiises of how the widows of heaven will open and a blessing will be poured out that you won't be able to receive. And all you have to do is ABS.
So Saint Vic and the ministry perpetrated the lie.
Then why was Saint Vic selling prosperity? See above.
Again , see the first response. That was not only taught iin my home state, but in my WOW state, so it was taught nationally which traces back to Saint Vic.
And now you know where they got the idea.
Yah, sure Saint Vic certainly lived by these standards.
Says the guy who lived like an Old Testament king. And still wanted more. More money, more motorcycles, more woman. Bad example. Saint Vic should have followed his own advice.
Edited by So_cratesLink to comment
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Perhaps THIS will shed some light on your query.
Also, please give up on the "mirror riddle."
It's both childish and irrelevant.
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Fire engine red drapes. I guess that little fiction was about "spiritual" abundance.
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Ohio its extremely easy to get a recommendation and can be done via teledoc appt. Check out:
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If you re-examine the you will see I meant a character, person, or entity in a sentence, as opposed to a verb or an inanimate object in the sentence.
I did NOT mean to say anything about the personal character, morals, and ethics of Jesus.
Did you assume I meant to say that Jesus' character was lacking in any way?
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Thanks for that, but I can get the referral and prescription for free. It's just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. It's easy here, too.
It will be federally legal soon. After all, it's like drinking a beer, only not as physiologically detrimental. And it sure does round off those angles, smooth out those corners.
Edited by Nathan_JrGloves
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I got exactly what you meant. You called God a character. It's telling.
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Yw! I have trouble walking at times as well...sometimes its easier to stay in chill mode when Im not working.
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This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you:
God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.
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I think Mike and a few other wierwille fans have got a real problem mischaracterizing Trinitarian doctrine. who would believe in the Trinity the way they describe it.
Mike et al use absolute thinking.
I'm no theologian. But from what I've studied and the systematic theologies I've read - the Trinity is just one simple label to describe something way beyond our understanding. Biblical scholars use more fine brush strokes and nuances and not the cartoonish broad strokes of fundamentalism wierwille style.
Even in Scripture there are details to show a differences in the persons of the Trinity - differences in roles. All flows from the Father to the Son through the Holy Spirit to the believer...jumping into my how-to-explain-things-to-a-10-year-old mode - I will say just like any Father/ Son relationship - God has a Son - so the Son is not the Father the Father is not the Son. Who raised Jesus from the dead? God the Father ! Even in OT there is a hierarchy of deity - look at Psalms the Lord said unto my Lord ...Mike the Trinity is NOT what wierwille said it was!!!
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The comparison between the unbelievers' abundance and the believers' abundance would usually be enough to lead most rational people to conclude he wasn't talking about spiritual abundance. But, then again...Well, you know...
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You didn't get to know Ralph like I did. He was a master explainer of all things PFAL. But then he flipped and became very opposed to PFAL.
I quoted him because his testimony stands out. He reluctantly gave witness to the facts as they happened, even though he did not like them. His father also didn't like it so much long ago, but still said he understood the tongues.
Raf, your committed path demands that you call bull. But the evidence of testimony stands, and from 2 reluctant witnesses.
It was Ralph's reluctant agreement with Chris Geer that made the POP believable. VPW said privately to Ralph the same things that appeared in the POP, as he was traveling to Scotland that last time. Ralph has been an interesting reluctant witness to at least two massive facts in TWI history.
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Right Fire engine red drapes are definitely material. They really do sit there like a duck.
Edited by Nathan_JrLink to comment
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Right. But according to your beleef, a character, a person, of light.
Just trying to understand your concept of God.
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Oh, he woke up...take note...
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Really? SMH.
I can't believe ANYONE who still follows TWI and wierwilleism reads Mike's gibberish (in English). And if they do, I can't believe they do anything but shake their own heads over the mental masturbation taking place on threads like this.
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Actually, their excellors sessions were spread out in the Gospels.
Remember, what is taught in excellors sessions is what is our part in the matter (versus God's part) and overcoming the fears that hinder. The 12 apostles had a rather different culture than ours, different attitudes towards action, and different fears that hindered. Excellors sessions should be tailored to fit the needs of the recipients, not follow some one-size-fits-all strategy.
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No. Not really. Or, not REALLY.
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Please cite chapter and verse on Excellor sessions in the Gospels - actually copy paste whole section of chapter for context here is handy hyperlink > > > John 16 NIV ( you are smart little atom smasher you should be able to figure out how to navigate the website for chapters
wierwille use to say "you show me where it says that in the Bible - I want to read it myself - line by line and word by word." thems dah rules - no "I believe this was a type of excellors session" bull-$hit.
show me line by line and word by word in the gospels where it shows this >>>> "Actually, their excellors sessions were spread out in the Gospels."
gramma lamma din dong
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I'm beginning to picture you holding up a stop sign and blowing a whistle - pretty cool!
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