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God’s Budget and Double Doors .... On the Scarcity of Miracles


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  On 3/24/2023 at 1:45 AM, Mike said:

It is sad that this did happen, and a lot.
This is one of reasons I started this thread.

We were severely hampered in our growth in this area by several factors.

I continue to push myself to understand this better.



What’s there to understand better? wierwille usually blamed the victim’s lack of believing. 

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  On 3/24/2023 at 2:19 AM, Mike said:

What could possibly qualify as such a proof?


A string of ASCII text?  Could that ever be a proof?


wierwille demanded to be considered a man of God in the unique class of the Apostles- but take note - wierwille had no signs of an apostle!!!!!! Proof is in the authentication by God. wierwille didn’t have $hit!

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Interpreting native tongue into glossolalia is a prerequisite to being a REAL man of god. Victor could only interpret one way - glossolalia to native tongue. And his was all counterfeit, anyway.


See? Isn't that wonderful?

It makes perfect sense, like freshly squeezed orange juice.

(Ever see The Omen?)

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Do you know what’s sad?

It seems the impetus behind discussions with big wierwille-fans is a rabid loyalty to fond memories of a lying thieving plagiarizing unprincipled Drambuie guzzling egotistical abusive malignant narcissist delusional sexual predator like wierwille . It’s so obvious they can’t logically and Scripturally make the case for his twisted doctrine.


For all you big wierwille-fans who drone on about don’t throw the baby out with the bath water - you need to take heed of who your belief system keeps company with: 


Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” I Corinthians 15:33


It’s just sad someone would waste 20 years defending a lying thieving plagiarizing unprincipled Drambuie guzzling egotistical abusive malignant narcissist delusional sexual predator like wierwille .


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  On 3/24/2023 at 3:25 AM, waysider said:

Yo, Mike

Nobody really gives a crap that you can't handle the truth.


That about sums it up.

I could get into how his opinion doesn't change anything.  I could get into how we saw books that have proper crediting do NOT distract from the text ("Babylon Mystery Religion" had end-notes that were legally and morally correct, and did NOT distract- in fact, it's easy to read the book and not notice they're there.)  I could get into how vpw himself had a double-standard, where he helped himself to everyone else's books without proper legal and moral credit (in the majority of cases, he put a few in to cover his tracks), and then turned around and put copyright notices on all "his" books.  

Ultimately, it's pointless.  The sensible don't need me to point it out, and the other type would agree no matter how logical it is.

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  On 3/24/2023 at 1:39 AM, Mike said:

Please excuse this interruption of the derailment in progress, but on another thread I noticed something. The thread is





I skim read the post and the responses is but I didn’t see explanation that I have offered a few times here. I could scour the archives and find large texts I’ve written on this, but I won’t.



Just to be brief, the whole plagiarism perspective here at GSC and the rest of the world is one that embraces both (1) the market for intellectual property like books, and (2) the academic publication system.  This Plagiarism Perspective is centered on the notion of giving credit, money, or glory to individuals who earn it.  This perspective is centered on the notion of man’s ownership of things.



The way I look at it is very different.



I see lots of authors going back a couple hundred years in the Body of Christ have been sharing their work as ministers to God’s people.  God inspires and guides them as they minister to His people.  The notion of ownership in this perspective recognizes God as the owner of the inspiration that is in their work.  Things in this perspective are done not for individual glory, but for the glory of God.



I am so happy God inspired VPW with this model of His ownership.  In the 1970s that resulted in a spectacularly wide distribution of the good material VPW had collected, and I am happy I received the end product. It was to God’s glory in my life, for sure.



None of the authors represented in PFAL could have done the distribution job VPW did.  



I am glad the collaterals were not cluttered with lots of footnotes.  I was a seeker of God in PFAL, not a University student seeking matriculation.  I am glad there were no distractions in the collaterals of lots of names of other authors.  For me to chase down such authors early in my development would have been a harmful distraction. I am glad VPW sheltered me from their errors. 



I remember distinctly being told, before I took the class, that I had to “be careful of Bullinger” because of how he handled the administrations at the end of Acts. Bullinger’s “How to Enjoy the Bible” was being sold in the bookstore.  I am so glad he was the only other author I had to “be careful” of for a few years.  Later on I was able to handle them.



Those early years were precious to me in their simplicity… no Corps…  just me and my collaterals and my Cambridge Wide Margin absorbing the collaterals’ contents with my Bic fine point 4 color pen.



I am glad there are thousands of blessed PFAL grads passing on the videos, and tapes, and books of PFAL to their progeny.  These items will bless a lot of people in the future like they blessed me in the Seventies. 









I on the other hand am really glad that Vanilla Ice had to pay royalties to Queen over his hit “Ice Ice Baby” for plagiarizing Queens main riff on “Under Pressure”.

It caused Vanilla to give up his fake persona and go to work for the Amish building furniture.

Too bad the Vicster never had that positive experience for himself and instead now tens of people across the world are being love bombed into hours of boredom listening to false doctrine increasing the control of cult members over them and isolating them from other Christians.


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  On 3/24/2023 at 3:25 AM, waysider said:

Yo, Mike

Nobody really gives a crap that you can't handle the truth.


I challenge Mike to equally employ his model of Gods ownership across all areas of the Earth planet as God owns it.

No need to pay for taxes, gas, groceries, labor.  It’s all free.  All you need is your Cambridge wide margin and some multi colored pens to note which class or collateral the verse is covered in Plaffy.

Report back here on how it goes.  It’s ok you will have internet access at times from the minimum security prison.


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Don't the epistles provide criteria for a man of god? Haven't we already shown victor doesn't meet those criteria?

That seems like a reasonable place to start, since victor set the Bible up as an idol.

Hey! I didn't write the book.



*mogadishu barbacoa chi kwalla 

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  On 3/24/2023 at 2:23 AM, Mike said:

The bigger time soaker is reading through all the stuff that was NOT worth passing on to us. 

I completely reject your whole assessment of the work he did or did not do.  It is pure speculation, and wrong speculation.


So as the father of “re-search” he did a whole lotta “re”?

And we can’t speculate on how much “re” is by the final quality because it looks so much like the original without any words changed?

I would surmise the amount of “re” to be minimal as he used it to cut time corners while getting his class out as opposed to cultivating BG Leonard material for a few years then doing his own class.

Also during long periods of verbatim copy from JE Stiles book to RHST VP checked into a hotel so nobody could question his long periods of copy action.  This was way before personal computers.


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  On 3/24/2023 at 1:39 AM, Mike said:

Just to be brief, the whole plagiarism perspective here at GSC and the rest of the world is one that embraces both (1) the market for intellectual property like books, and (2) the academic publication system.  This Plagiarism Perspective is centered on the notion of giving credit, money, or glory to individuals who earn it.  This perspective is centered on the notion of man’s ownership of things.


Just to be brief, as far back as when the 10 commandments were given by God   Exodus 20 NIV the notion of ownership, wealth that is earned or acquired honestly, recognizing credit due and things of that nature – it seems to be the divine perspective - - otherwise, why would God set up certain prohibitions like verse 15You shall not steal” and verse 17You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” Giving wierwille a free pass on plagiarism is not only turning a blind eye to what is clearly disallowed by the Word of God but to Jesus’ perspective of the law and the prophets summarized in Matthew 22  to love God and neighbor and even particularized actionable detail in  Matthew 7  verse 12   So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” ...a funny thing though wierwille had all the stuff he plagiarized copyrighted. :evildenk:


  On 3/24/2023 at 1:39 AM, Mike said:

The way I look at it is very different.


Yes, you do…makes me think of how scam artists have no qualms stealing from others...ever heard of situational ethics ? maybe you should look that up. :rolleyes:



  On 3/24/2023 at 1:39 AM, Mike said:

I see lots of authors going back a couple hundred years in the Body of Christ have been sharing their work as ministers to God’s people.  God inspires and guides them as they minister to His people.  The notion of ownership in this perspective recognizes God as the owner of the inspiration that is in their work.  Things in this perspective are done not for individual glory, but for the glory of God.


What a bunch of baloney! Even in the Bible proper attribution is given: Scripture referring to Moses and the prophets Luke 24:27 , Jesus made reference to a local proverb Luke 4:23 , Paul quoted secular poets Acts 17:28  and a Cretan prophet Titus 1:12 , Jude 1:14 gives attribution to a nonbiblical book of Enoch, and Peter referred to some of Paul’s writings as hard to understand 2 Peter 3:16 ...the point is that even one of the oldest books in the world showed respect and proper attribution of the work of others. :dance:



  On 3/24/2023 at 1:39 AM, Mike said:

I am so happy God inspired VPW with this model of His ownership.  In the 1970s that resulted in a spectacularly wide distribution of the good material VPW had collected, and I am happy I received the end product. It was to God’s glory in my life, for sure.


Well…you certainly have a different take on 1 Corinthians 13:6  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth…did you mean to say you’re happy the god of this world inspired wierwille to steal? Now when you say he distributed the plagiarized material – you mean he made a living off of selling stolen goods…I don’t see how breaking any of the commandments brings God glory. :nono5:



  On 3/24/2023 at 1:39 AM, Mike said:

None of the authors represented in PFAL could have done the distribution job VPW did.  


You mean none of the authors represented in PFAL were unabashed plagiarists like wierwille. :evilshades:


  On 3/24/2023 at 1:39 AM, Mike said:

I am glad there are thousands of blessed PFAL grads passing on the videos, and tapes, and books of PFAL to their progeny.  These items will bless a lot of people in the future like they blessed me in the Seventies. 


I think it’s kind of weird and creepy you delight in others passing on wierwille’s evil doctrines makes me think of Romans 1:

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Romans 1 NIV


Well, at least you’re upfront about your bad habits :mooner:   …now where was I ? oh yeah the Romans 1 spiritual status report is similar to that of Proverbs 2 NIV :

12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men,

from men whose words are perverse,

13 who have left the straight paths

to walk in dark ways,

14 who delight in doing wrong

and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,

15 whose paths are crooked

and who are devious in their ways.


What makes for a smart cult-survivor is wising up to avoid being in the company of evil people and imitating their practices. As one commentary puts it:

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

2:10-22 If we are truly wise, we shall be careful to avoid all evil company and evil practices. When wisdom has dominion over us, then it not only fills the head, but enters into the heart, and will preserve, both against corruptions within and temptations without. The ways of sin are ways of darkness, uncomfortable and unsafe: what fools are those who leave the plain, pleasant, lightsome paths of uprightness, to walk in such ways! They take pleasure in sin; both in committing it, and in seeing others commit it. Every wise man will shun such company. True wisdom will also preserve from those who lead to fleshly lusts, which defile the body, that living temple, and war against the soul.

From: Proverbs 2 Matthew Henry's Commentary (biblehub.com)

Edited by T-Bone
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“You're still presupposing Saint Vic was an MOG. What proof do you have of this?”

The proof is in the package that was delivered to me:  the written collaterals, mostly.


“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

That is putting evidence on a slightly higher pedestal than it deserves.



“wierwille demanded to be considered a man of God in the unique class of the Apostles- but take note - wierwille had no signs of an apostle!!!!!! Proof is in the authentication by God. wierwille didn’t have $hit!”

I was impressed with how efficiently the film class got so many to genuinely S.I.T. and VPW’s policy of “no one gets missed” almost worked for us who ran the film classes. I can tell that few here ever went into the deeper details of SIT, and that’s why all the doubts over faking it. I went there plenty of times, but I did it in at a time when the local ministry was nurturing, functioning and thriving.  I got my answers to the genuineness of SIT that I see most here completely missed.




“I challenge Mike to equally employ his model of Gods ownership across all areas of the Earth planet as God owns it.”

God will assert His ownership in due time. Meanwhile, His revelations to us (including to Kenyon, to BG Leonard, to Bullinger, etc.) work this way.

The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

It is a big enough challenge for me to employ this model to whatever He God-breathes in these later centuries.


“Don't the epistles provide criteria for a man of god? Haven't we already shown victor doesn't meet those criteria?”

The epistles give us guidance for how we should pick ministers to do jobs for us like preach and guide a flock. 

The epistles do not tell us how God picks people for super special jobs, like listen to what God said he should trust and not trust in other authors and researchers.  That super special 1942 job also entailed teaching it, distributing it and listening to God’s guidance in that as well.  He got the job done, mostly, by his retirement in 1982. 

God picked VPW for the job and it was done before most of you took the class.


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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

The epistles give us guidance for how we should pick ministers to do jobs for us like preach and guide a flock. 


I wonder just how many attributes VPW was totally void of...but ya...God violated his own word to prop a drunken, serial adulterer, sexual predator, drunk, plagiarist. Only in fantasy land.


6If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. 7For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; 8But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; 9Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

I was impressed with how efficiently the film class got so many to genuinely S.I.T. and VPW’s policy of “no one gets missed” almost worked for us who ran the film classes. I can tell that few here ever went into the deeper details of SIT, and that’s why all the doubts over faking it. I went there plenty of times, but I did it in at a time when the local ministry was nurturing, functioning and thriving.  I got my answers to the genuineness of SIT that I see most here completely missed.


You ASSUME all out of proportion swallowed up in your own confirmation bias. You have NO IDEA how much folks here have challenged and exposed what a fraud wierwille was - not only with teaching others how to fake speaking in tongues but in all the other nonsense about manifestations - and i am confident that you Mike have NO IDEA of wierwille’s grand deception because in your wildest dreams you probably can’t imagine questioning or doubting anything your precious little idol said or did…so there’s that.:mooner:

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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

“You're still presupposing Saint Vic was an MOG. What proof do you have of this?”

The proof is in the package that was delivered to me:  the written collaterals, mostly.


You mean the collaterals that teach such lies as four crucified and the law of believing? The collaterals that Saint Vic used to rationalize his alcoholism (with the story about the alcoholic) and his sexual indiscretions (with the torn in the flesh story)? Those collterals? 

Once gain you start from the presupposition that Saint Vic was a MOG who worked for God. Everything in his life states the contrary.

  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:


“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

that is putting evidence on a slightly higher pedestal than it deserves.


As opposed to you putting Saint Vic on a really higher pedestal than he deserves.

Without looking for evidence we have, well...you.

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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

“Don't the epistles provide criteria for a man of god? Haven't we already shown victor doesn't meet those criteria?”

The epistles give us guidance for how we should pick ministers to do jobs for us like preach and guide a flock. 

The epistles do not tell us how God picks people for super special jobs, like listen to what God said he should trust and not trust in other authors and researchers.  That super special 1942 job also entailed teaching it, distributing it and listening to God’s guidance in that as well.  He got the job done, mostly, by his retirement in 1982. 

God picked VPW for the job and it was done before most of you took the class.


Next you'll try and tell us God gave Saint Vic permission to molest all those woman. Why not? According to you, God either gave Sait Vic permission or closed his eyes to everything else Saint Vic was doing off the Word. Why should Saint Vic's sexual indiscretions be any different. After all, God said there were no small sins nor large sins, only sins, right?


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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

I was impressed with how efficiently the film class got so many to genuinely S.I.T. and VPW’s policy of “no one gets missed” almost worked for us who ran the film classes. I can tell that few here ever went into the deeper details of SIT, and that’s why all the doubts over faking it. I went there plenty of times, but I did it in at a time when the local ministry was nurturing, functioning and thriving.  I got my answers to the genuineness of SIT that I see most here completely missed.


And now take 2:

I appreciate the foolishness you add to the fi-err ( forget it error) - it brings to mind more violations of the 10 commandments:

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. Exodus 20: 7 …wierwille was a shyster and has been exposed many times over here for misrepresenting God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the basic tenets of Christianity - he did all that in the name of the Lord!


And if the shoe fits:

2“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3“You shall have no other gods before a me.

4“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments…Exodus 20: 2 - 6…perhaps wierwille’s narcissism was godlike and competed with Yahweh…and some big wierwille-fans may need to check the ‘shoe-fit’.  :wink2:

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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

“You're still presupposing Saint Vic was an MOG. What proof do you have of this?”



The proof is in the package that was delivered to me:  the written collaterals, mostly.






“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”



That is putting evidence on a slightly higher pedestal than it deserves.









“wierwille demanded to be considered a man of God in the unique class of the Apostles- but take note - wierwille had no signs of an apostle!!!!!! Proof is in the authentication by God. wierwille didn’t have $hit!”



I was impressed with how efficiently the film class got so many to genuinely S.I.T. and VPW’s policy of “no one gets missed” almost worked for us who ran the film classes. I can tell that few here ever went into the deeper details of SIT, and that’s why all the doubts over faking it. I went there plenty of times, but I did it in at a time when the local ministry was nurturing, functioning and thriving.  I got my answers to the genuineness of SIT that I see most here completely missed.












“I challenge Mike to equally employ his model of Gods ownership across all areas of the Earth planet as God owns it.”



God will assert His ownership in due time. Meanwhile, His revelations to us (including to Kenyon, to BG Leonard, to Bullinger, etc.) work this way.



The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.



It is a big enough challenge for me to employ this model to whatever He God-breathes in these later centuries.






“Don't the epistles provide criteria for a man of god? Haven't we already shown victor doesn't meet those criteria?”



The epistles give us guidance for how we should pick ministers to do jobs for us like preach and guide a flock. 



The epistles do not tell us how God picks people for super special jobs, like listen to what God said he should trust and not trust in other authors and researchers.  That super special 1942 job also entailed teaching it, distributing it and listening to God’s guidance in that as well.  He got the job done, mostly, by his retirement in 1982. 



God picked VPW for the job and it was done before most of you took the class.







God will also assert the proper ownership of those to whom He revealed things to.  Those He did not reveal things to He will indicate such.

So either way VP and followers can lie plagiarize and steal all the way until the music starts then they have to face it.

God did not intend Rom 11 and Deut 29 to be used as an excuse or license to sin.  Those who use it in that fashion and teach others the same will have quite a great burden.


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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

“wierwille demanded to be considered a man of God in the unique class of the Apostles- but take note - wierwille had no signs of an apostle!!!!!! Proof is in the authentication by God. wierwille didn’t have $hit!”

I was impressed with how efficiently the film class got so many to genuinely S.I.T. and VPW’s policy of “no one gets missed” almost worked for us who ran the film classes. I can tell that few here ever went into the deeper details of SIT, and that’s why all the doubts over faking it. I went there plenty of times, but I did it in at a time when the local ministry was nurturing, functioning and thriving.  I got my answers to the genuineness of SIT that I see most here completely missed.


In any one of these classes, did someone speak an earthly language that they didn't know? Was there anyone that spoke that language, making then qualified to verify it?

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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Mike said:

The epistles give us guidance for how we should pick ministers to do jobs for us like preach and guide a flock. 

The epistles do not tell us how God picks people for super special jobs, like listen to what God said he should trust and not trust in other authors and researchers.  That super special 1942 job also entailed teaching it, distributing it and listening to God’s guidance in that as well.  He got the job done, mostly, by his retirement in 1982. 

God picked VPW for the job and it was done before most of you took the class.


So now it’s make up a top secret mission time?

love is blind. 

you must really really love wierwille.

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If the epistles are theopneustos, and in them are the criteria to be a minister of the Word of God, and victor objectively and demonstrably fails the criteria established by God, then victor is not a minister of God or His Word.

Nevertheless, he is a MAN of God, even a THE Man of God (ask the music coordinator), even if he is not a MINISTER of God.

A man of God, yes. A minister of God, no.

Umm... okay... got it.

So, back to the bathtub. Throw out victor's ministry, which includes his written and taped "work" (bathwater) because it is not of God, according to scripture, but keep victor the dead mortal man (baby cadaver).

Umm... yeah... ok, got it!



(Hey! I didn't write the book. Have you seen The Omen?)


Edited by Nathan_Jr
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