Looking back at all this frivolous activity: Craig, Don and Howard were three of wierwille's chosen [damage control] misfits... considerably awkward at adjusting to the changing environment around them. They were appointed by wierwille at particular points relative to situations that he wanted to control. All three were yes-men with no leadership prowess amongst them..... at least, not in terms of leading others to greater heights.
One of the reasons to call these men out is to put faces with those who set the traps. Add Rosalie and Donna to the list. None of them held any credentials that qualified them to hold this authority over others. All five of them were raised up within twi's ranks and were incrementally given this "authority" by faithful obedience. Nothing more.
They learned the racket of gaining power over others and lusted after it. Each of them were given undeserved adulation, undeserved loyalty, undeserved authority, and undeserved access to such levels of power over others. Only by setting emotional and psychological trappings of guilt and fear were they able to maintain what wierwille started. And, even though thousands of corps have deserted this stranglehold, these "trappers of men" show no remorse or repentance for what they've done.
There is nothing wholesome or redeemable about their deeds. They should be counted among the low-lifes, con artists and ponzi scheme advocates who use the abs-monies of existing customers to peddle their influence by claiming higher returns on investment (rewards in heavens, crowns). In their underhanded hypocrisy, Jesus called out the Pharisees and mocked this deception by stating, "....they as such have their reward." In other words.... God sees this injustice and there will be no eternal rewards forthcoming for them.
What's even more unconscionable is offshoot groups propagating from the stem cells of the mother plant [cult]. Each new sprouting drawing strength thru wierwille's name..... not Craig, Don, Howard, Rosalie or Donna. Like carnival attractions, there is always someone willing to part with their money for cheap entertainment and attention. Seemingly, these offshoot leaders have done the mental gymnastics too of rationalizing away virtues of morality and common decency. Peddlers in the marketplace of trade, these "sellers of deception" know full-well the body language of a gullible mark.
There is no avenue of redress to gain by confronting deceitful cult leaders on their home turf. They hold all the advantages and support from sycophants nearby. All of them ready to mock and label your valid confrontation with aggressive lies and an echo chamber of support. The only path of escape is to pack your bags and get the hell away from them. Twi and splinters have the same recipes but label their soups differently. Maybe one adds a few more onions and garlic powder.... but realistically, it's the same soup.
Lastly, it pays rich dividends to know the names of the trappers and the trappings they use. For over twenty years, GSC has been offering the first, clear vision that twi-followers are caught in a trap. No other group offers this direct approach. Nor does any other group have the cojones to back up that claim. They simply offer their own version of a wash-rinse-spin cycle trap. GSC's door is open 24/7 and stays open. You are free to come and go as if you were shopping in a free society. Welcome.
The only path of escape is to pack your bags and get the hell away from them. Twi and splinters have the same recipes but label their soups differently. Maybe one adds a few more onions and garlic powder.... but realistically, it's the same soup.
Worth noting is how the human need for belonging is strong enough, without the escapee finding what to him/her is a suitable alternative (it might be a church, it might be some other group meaningful to the person), the pull to remain, rejoin, or splinter themselves ("splinter" has more than one possible and reasonable meaning) might become overwhelming. Again, for me, it was leaving twi at the same time as plenty of others with whom I shared an emotional bond already.
The "splinter" then unto a full break/dividing out from twi culture took time afterward.
Worth noting is how the human need for belonging is strong enough, without the escapee finding what to him/her is a suitable alternative ... Again, for me, it was leaving twi at the same time as plenty of others with whom I shared an emotional bond already.
I would certainly agree with your take on that, Rocky.
For me, having been in Canada for three years during the Chris Geer ruckus.... I was spared from a lot of the drama that ensued in the States. We were in a "different world" of giving and blessings... our Canadian Advances and get-togethers were joyous times of fun, music, sharings and love. When we came back to the States and learned of John Lynn (and others) providing new splinter groups.... I wasn't aware how deeply the schisms were.
Yes, leaving twi en mass would have offered me lots of benefits.... unlike when we finally made the exit in 1998. My family, we had come to a juncture with twi that we were NOT willing to accept. Our two boys were moving into their final years at respective schools, elementary and junior high, with good grades and excellent teachers. Everything seemed to be in our best interests to stay in Oklahoma. [Plus, we had recently learned about martindale's sexual predation.] BUT...... Martindale and L@llys wanted us to move back to headquarters as staffers. Plus, they dangled the strong possibility [bribe?] that I would be placed on the "President's Cabinet." But we refused. And, only one person in Oklahoma took a stand for us and followed us out the door. Being singled out on Corps Night with strong character-assassination language.... they also had Limb/Region guys calling around to see if we were making phone calls to others. Damage Control kicked into high gear.
Those were challenging days... but here I am. Still.
One of the reasons to call these men out is to put faces with those who set the traps. Add Rosalie and Donna to the list. None of them held any credentials that qualified them to hold this authority over others. All five of them were raised up within twi's ranks and were incrementally given this "authority" by faithful obedience. Nothing more.
They learned the racket of gaining power over others and lusted after it. Each of them were given undeserved adulation, undeserved loyalty, undeserved authority, and undeserved access to such levels of power over others. Only by setting emotional and psychological trappings of guilt and fear were they able to maintain what wierwille started. And, even though thousands of corps have deserted this stranglehold, these "trappers of men" show no remorse or repentance for what they've done.
People have been escaping twi's trappings since its early days unto the present. In broad terms, here are some of those times and exoduses:
1960 --- around 30 twi-followers in the Troy/Piqua area exited twi never to return. They didn't want wierwille to move headquarters from Van Wert to the Wierwille Homestead, because they didn't trust vpw & harry from keeping ministry abs-monies separate from the farm operation.
1975-1982 --- dozens of corps grads were aspiring to move on with educational pursuits and career opportunities. Not a formal exodus, but seasoned leaders slipping away each year. It didn't help matters that, in wierwille's anger, he was calling them cop-outs and/or possessed.
1986-1988 --- the "massive exodus." Nearly 80% of corps exited twi during this turbulent time. Geer was given center-stage to address and clarify (arguably) "wierwille's last will and testament." Panic, distrust and rivals entered the fray as trustees were rudderless in attempts to quell the masses.
1994-1996 --- again, more followers were exiting twi due to homo-purge insanity and declaration of "word over the world was accomplished." Advanced class grads and corps disagreed with this assessment and small pockets of resistance challenged the trustees before exiting.
1998 --- at the June/July Advanced Class, there was the incident of the "Colorado Case." Apparently, an in-residence corps wife was caught have sex with another man and was also in Craig's stable of girls as well. A third man wanted sex from her and all this exploded in martindale's face. Possibly, 80-120 people exited when this information spread.
2016, 2017 --- corps grads wanted Rosalie removed from office. With her age and policy choices, she was unfit to lead twi and Rico M@gnelli led the charge. He confronted Rosalie face-to-face and was given the bum's rush. Then several months later, the R&R group was formulating their plans.
With all this hemorrhaging thru the years, twi has seen significant downsizing of abs flowing into their coffers. Sure, they have millions in assets and investments.... but they know the trajectory of operating costs, payroll, pensions, and upkeep are going in the wrong direction. And, since they refuse to lessen their grip of power over others.... they devise little guilt trips for attachment incentivizing. The purpose of these attachment gimmicks is their idea of cutting off escape.
Three such gimmicks were.... 1) wierwille's corps letters, 2) the cheesy staff promotion video and 3) time to come home? postcard. All three were to stir nostalgia and guilt. Remember, these are tactical ploys much like someone would set a rabbit snare in the woods.... except these ensnare the mind.
If twi was so welcoming and needed, then why not just go hit the streets and bring in new people? Why does twi have to go back into their rolodex card files to entice ex-wayfers to come back? The answer is obvious, isn't it?
People have been escaping twi's trappings since its early days unto the present. In broad terms, here are some of those times and exoduses:
1960 --- around 30 twi-followers in the Troy/Piqua area exited twi never to return. They didn't want wierwille to move headquarters from Van Wert to the Wierwille Homestead, because they didn't trust vpw & harry from keeping ministry abs-monies separate from the farm operation.
1975-1982 --- dozens of corps grads were aspiring to move on with educational pursuits and career opportunities. Not a formal exodus, but seasoned leaders slipping away each year. It didn't help matters that, in wierwille's anger, he was calling them cop-outs and/or possessed.
1986-1988 --- the "massive exodus." Nearly 80% of corps exited twi during this turbulent time. Geer was given center-stage to address and clarify (arguably) "wierwille's last will and testament." Panic, distrust and rivals entered the fray as trustees were rudderless in attempts to quell the masses.
1994-1996 --- again, more followers were exiting twi due to homo-purge insanity and declaration of "word over the world was accomplished." Advanced class grads and corps disagreed with this assessment and small pockets of resistance challenged the trustees before exiting.
1998 --- at the June/July Advanced Class, there was the incident of the "Colorado Case." Apparently, an in-residence corps wife was caught have sex with another man and was also in Craig's stable of girls as well. A third man wanted sex from her and all this exploded in martindale's face. Possibly, 80-120 people exited when this information spread.
2016, 2017 --- corps grads wanted Rosalie removed from office. With her age and policy choices, she was unfit to lead twi and Rico M@gnelli led the charge. He confronted Rosalie face-to-face and was given the bum's rush. Then several months later, the R&R group was formulating their plans.
With all this hemorrhaging thru the years, twi has seen significant downsizing of abs flowing into their coffers. Sure, they have millions in assets and investments.... but they know the trajectory of operating costs, payroll, pensions, and upkeep are going in the wrong direction. And, since they refuse to lessen their grip of power over others.... they devise little guilt trips for attachment incentivizing. The purpose of these attachment gimmicks is their idea of cutting off escape.
Three such gimmicks were.... 1) wierwille's corps letters, 2) the cheesy staff promotion video and 3) time to come home? postcard. All three were to stir nostalgia and guilt. Remember, these are tactical ploys much like someone would set a rabbit snare in the woods.... except these ensnare the mind.
If twi was so welcoming and needed, then why not just go hit the streets and bring in new people? Why does twi have to go back into their rolodex card files to entice ex-wayfers to come back? The answer is obvious, isn't it?
I would propose that the main reason for every single one of these exodus scenarios is due to TWI not caring one iota about the quality of life of their employees and volunteers.
Leaders continue to make hype driven and Lifeline statement driven decisions that benefit the numbers and the little Napoleons and their fiefdoms throughout TWI but make life a tad bit worse every decision for the employee and follower.
Most of the exodus scenarios came to a head by lifestyles and decisions that were so markedly bad they almost defy logical reason.
Then you have a surplus of Pharisees for every little Napoleon position that opens up, and the hype train in full effect around those positions.
This is 100 percent the exact same scenario that arises in the other larger cults. The adoration and adulation associated with “major” positions as well as the financial stipends (search threads on salaries for top cabinet positions in rural Ohio).
It is the scenario in 1 Samuel 2 where they were so destitute they begged to be put in a priests office for a morsel of bread. And discussions with these types gravitate towards Mike type discussions.
With the ever more demanding outreach pushes with less and less positive results, with tyrannical policies that prevent home and business ownership and prevent education on student loans like all of the US is set up for, the TWI congregation is broke and lacking education and skill sets. Mostly due to the false teachings and rules in TWI. So it is a self perpetuating problem.
I personally would prefer one day of freedom over a decade treated like a top leader in TWI. Despite all the programming towards that end throughout my younger years in my 20s.
I would propose that the main reason for every single one of these exodus scenarios is due to TWI not caring one iota about the quality of life of their employees and volunteers.
Leaders continue to make hype driven and Lifeline statement driven decisions that benefit the numbers and the little Napoleons and their fiefdoms throughout TWI but make life a tad bit worse every decision for the employee and follower.
Most of the exodus scenarios came to a head by lifestyles and decisions that were so markedly bad they almost defy logical reason.
With each passing year, the logical reason for staying grows weaker and weaker….. unless your ultimate goal is to be on twi’s payroll and lord over others. What I found to be true (even though I kept trying to deny it) was …. with each passing year (and decade), I was working at a loss. From every angle… loss of opportunity, loss of career advancement, loss of family time, loss of dignity, and loss of self.
And, wouldn’t you know it that twi NEVER cared. They liked the arrangement of free labor. Manipulation and exploration were right in their wheelhouse. Working at a loss…. there comes a point where twi-servitude reaches its limit. Most generally, this happens on the field with all the hoops to jump thru for outreach, but is growing more common at headquarters as well.
That saying, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” signifies to me that since I know THEY DON’T CARE, I couldn’t care less how many Greek words they know.
And, since they refuse to lessen their grip of power over others.... they devise little guilt trips for attachment incentivizing. The purpose of these attachment gimmicks is their idea of cutting off escape.
Three such gimmicks were.... 1) wierwille's corps letters, 2) the cheesy staff promotion video and 3) time to come home? postcard. All three were to stir nostalgia and guilt. Remember, these are tactical ploys much like someone would set a rabbit snare in the woods.... except these ensnare the mind.
If twi was so welcoming and needed, then why not just go hit the streets and bring in new people? Why does twi have to go back into their rolodex card files to entice ex-wayfers to come back? The answer is obvious, isn't it?
I still remember our corps meeting in February/March 1998 when martindale's irrational spoutings gave way to sheer nonsense. With all corps on the payroll according to martindale's edict, he was under the gun to see this venture succeed.... since he claimed it was revelation from God. So, as finances tightened each month and abs-totals dwindled, martindale was drastically looking for ways to cut expenditures.
As his exasperation grew, he came to the conclusion that NO corps couples should own two cars.
Two cars was not needed if the husband and wife will increase their communication between each other. He was dead serious. So, if I was in Tulsa for the day to be at meetings with believers.... how is my wife supposed to pick up kids and/or grocery shop? What about those times when both of us went in separate directions to teach a fellowship? Is she supposed to ask someone to pick her up and take her there? What if one of the boys gets sick and needs medical care and I'm away doing a wedding?
This, for me, was the end of my twi-involvement. My mind was sealed with that decision. I just needed to prepare my exit strategy and get far away from this authoritarian insanity.
Here I was.... working at a loss AND losing more ground. Martindale was absolutely nuts when he ventured into territories that he didn't understand. Like life and finances.
They didn't want wierwille to move headquarters from Van Wert to the Wierwille Homestead, because they didn't trust vpw & harry from keeping ministry abs-monies separate from the farm operation.
Appearantly, those concerns were well founded in reality. They didn't stop using donations for personal reasons until 2003 or so. Then it only occured under threat of legal action. Meaning, if you guys keep doing this stuff your gonna get sued...says their lawyers... Even then the cessation was somewhat questionable and obviously a dog and pony show. I used to have to bill Rosalie for work the ground department did at Foxhaven, her off-grounds home with the generator and swimming pool. I was told what to charge and it was pennies on the actual dollar compared to the work that was completed. It was just to say that there were no private innurements currently happening....(It was common knowledge and very well known that wierwille and the trustees lived lavishly on donations including their spouses.) Yet, I know full well that department and cabinet guys were putting personal items on petty cash accounts and pretending the item(s) were related to their job somehow. Anywho, they operate all legal like, even if how they operated has two faces..the public and private...but thats not exactly new either.
2016, 2017 --- corps grads wanted Rosalie removed from office. With her age and policy choices, she was unfit to lead twi and Rico M@gnelli led the charge. He confronted Rosalie face-to-face and was given the bum's rush.
Yes! He was supposed to teach the sunday teaching service and arrived at HQ from Florida Thursday as usual for out of town teachers. Friday, he met with Rosalie and told her that God had told him she needed to turn over the way international to him because God wanted him to lead the way international. Bum's rush ensued. He wasnt around long enough to teach on Sunday.
Yes! He was supposed to teach the sunday teaching service and arrived at HQ from Florida Thursday as usual for out of town teachers. Friday, he met with Rosalie and told her that God had told him she needed to turn over the way international to him because God wanted him to lead the way international. Bum's rush ensued. He wasnt around long enough to teach on Sunday.
I would propose that the main reason for every single one of these exodus scenarios is due to TWI not caring one iota about the quality of life of their employees and volunteers.
Leaders continue to make hype driven and Lifeline statement driven decisions that benefit the numbers and the little Napoleons and their fiefdoms throughout TWI but make life a tad bit worse every decision for the employee and follower.
Most of the exodus scenarios came to a head by lifestyles and decisions that were so markedly bad they almost defy logical reason.
Then you have a surplus of Pharisees for every little Napoleon position that opens up, and the hype train in full effect around those positions.
This is 100 percent the exact same scenario that arises in the other larger cults. The adoration and adulation associated with “major” positions as well as the financial stipends (search threads on salaries for top cabinet positions in rural Ohio).
It is the scenario in 1 Samuel 2 where they were so destitute they begged to be put in a priests office for a morsel of bread. And discussions with these types gravitate towards Mike type discussions.
With the ever more demanding outreach pushes with less and less positive results, with tyrannical policies that prevent home and business ownership and prevent education on student loans like all of the US is set up for, the TWI congregation is broke and lacking education and skill sets. Mostly due to the false teachings and rules in TWI. So it is a self perpetuating problem.
I personally would prefer one day of freedom over a decade treated like a top leader in TWI. Despite all the programming towards that end throughout my younger years in my 20s.
You just aptly described how MLM pyramid schemes collapse. The ones at the top are supposed to prosper on the backs of those who give. When they stop giving it all implodes. Also, it's a reflection of EXTREMELY poor loeadership and that's the directors.
You just aptly described how MLM pyramid schemes collapse. The ones at the top are supposed to prosper on the backs of those who give. When they stop giving it all implodes. Also, it's a reflection of EXTREMELY poor loeadership and that's the directors.
And.....MLM pyramid schemes are similar to a ponzi scheme.
Notice the pyramid picture.... where I would identify the bottom "investors" being at the twig level. They promo the early "investment" of the faithful tithe. The next level would be way corps who promote all the *return on investment* for those who remain faithful a lifetime (rewards at the bema, crowns... a rich and fulfilling return for all those years slaving away in twi-servitude).
Wierwille and trustees are at the top of the pyramid.... raking in lives of privilege, perks, adulation, lording over others.
What Is a Ponzi Scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam promising highrates of returnwith little risk to investors. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors. This is similar to apyramid schemein that both are based on using new investors' funds to pay the earlier backers.
And.....MLM pyramid schemes are similar to a ponzi scheme.
Notice the pyramid picture.... where I would identify the bottom "investors" being at the twig level. They promo the early "investment" of the faithful tithe. The next level would be way corps who promote all the *return on investment* for those who remain faithful a lifetime (rewards at the bema, crowns... a rich and fulfilling return for all those years slaving away in twi-servitude).
Wierwille and trustees are at the top of the pyramid.... raking in lives of privilege, perks, adulation, lording over others.
What Is a Ponzi Scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam promising highrates of returnwith little risk to investors. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors. This is similar to apyramid schemein that both are based on using new investors' funds to pay the earlier backers.
The "earlier backers" ... those who got involved with wierwille's upstart ministry in 1957 got special perks, housing and assignments. Included in this list would be:
Ermal and Dorothy Owens -- Ermal became first Vice President and top advisor to all projects and new construction. Dorothy was given assignments like teaching Christian Ediquette and Protocol to the way corps. She also was given responsibility to oversee the Advanced Class Department.
Harry Wierwille -- first top investor and became first Secretary/Treasurer. He was given special recognition thru the years and a book was written in his honor.
Howard and Emogene Owens -- Howard became second Secretary/Treasurer after Harry died in 1977. He took over Ermal's position as construction manager and later, oversaw Camp Gunnison. Emogene wielded the most power, second to wierwille (in my opinion). She oversaw the vast network of all operations involving Twi's Bookstore. Shipping, Receiving, Warehousing, Way Publications, Printing .... all, to some extent, fell under her oversight. Queen of Bookstore.
Don and Wanda Wierwille -- Don, reluctantly, accepted his father's summons to be the Dean of The Way College of Emporia. Soon thereafter, in Fall of 1977, with the death of Harry... Don became second Vice President to take Ermal's position and Howard became second Sec/Treas. Don also was given responsibility to oversee the College Division at Emporia and Word in Business conferences. Wanda became first administrative advisor to Mrs. Wierwille and oversaw all Housing and Interior Decorating at twi.
George and Bernita Jess -- George was labeled "the first Corps Director" (which was in name only) and oversaw the grounds and landscaping. Bernita oversaw the Aramaic research, teaching and publications.
Most all others would be listed as Enablers and Opportunists.....i.e. Craig and Donna Martindale, Rosalie Rivenbark, Winegarners, and others who long disappeared down the memory hole.
But those who got their "fiefdoms" lived a good life, well into retirement. Howard married Wanda and today, they still benefit richly from their early backing of wierwille.
OK... Time for another round of processing after more general cult researching, and reading all of these latest great posts. Thank you all. Crying, journaling, feeling almost unbearable pain, then collecting myself, using my developing critical thinking, then giving voice to the me who wants to come out swinging!!! Onward!! (Comparing twi to Christianity Today's "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill", 25 hours of interviews, the last one of which was 2020 I think... Soooo helpful) Such a better job by some re: some repentance, some restoration, some closure, some genine following of Biblical guidelines!!!)
OK... Time for another round of processing after more general cult researching, and reading all of these latest great posts. Thank you all. Crying, journaling, feeling almost unbearable pain, then collecting myself, using my developing critical thinking, then giving voice to the me who wants to come out swinging!!! Onward!! (Comparing twi to Christianity Today's "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill", 25 hours of interviews, the last one of which was 2020 I think... Soooo helpful) Such a better job by some re: some repentance, some restoration, some closure, some genine following of Biblical guidelines!!!)
Thank you again!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks! There's times I consider moving on from GSC and am them reminded by a post like yours that there are people who read along and benefit from our content.
Such a better job by some re: some repentance, some restoration, some closure, some genine following of Biblical guidelines!!!)
Thank you again!!!!!!!!!!
Genuine Biblical principles and guidelines were sorely lacking in the upper levels of twi’s hierarchy. The bedrock principles of true Christianity that they taught us were highly suspect: True genuine wholeness and salvation, nope. True redemption and righteousness thru our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, nope. Genuine cleanliness washed thoroughly and throughly by the blood of the lamb, nope. Genuine sorrow and repentance for the forgiveness of sin, nope.
Wierwille’s doctrine was a long-stemmed glass of red wine laced with poison. Although it looked inviting to drink, it had all the makings of pre-planned deception. If twi really valued us as individuals, as believers, then they would have treated us with respect and reciprocating love. Instead, we were herded around as cattle for the price they could get from us.
Thanks! There's times I consider moving on from GSC and am them reminded by a post like yours that there are people who read along and benefit from our content.
I left for a while a couple of times. One was a few years break. I post here to interact with you guys and for community service. I get a lot more perspective and different viewpoints here. It’s better we aren’t the same borg we once were.
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One of the reasons to call these men out is to put faces with those who set the traps. Add Rosalie and Donna to the list. None of them held any credentials that qualified them to hold this authority over others. All five of them were raised up within twi's ranks and were incrementally given this "authority" by faithful obedience. Nothing more.
They learned the racket of gaining power over others and lusted after it. Each of them were given undeserved adulation, undeserved loyalty, undeserved authority, and undeserved access to such levels of power over others. Only by setting emotional and psychological trappings of guilt and fear were they able to maintain what wierwille started. And, even though thousands of corps have deserted this stranglehold, these "trappers of men" show no remorse or repentance for what they've done.
There is nothing wholesome or redeemable about their deeds. They should be counted among the low-lifes, con artists and ponzi scheme advocates who use the abs-monies of existing customers to peddle their influence by claiming higher returns on investment (rewards in heavens, crowns). In their underhanded hypocrisy, Jesus called out the Pharisees and mocked this deception by stating, "....they as such have their reward." In other words.... God sees this injustice and there will be no eternal rewards forthcoming for them.
What's even more unconscionable is offshoot groups propagating from the stem cells of the mother plant [cult]. Each new sprouting drawing strength thru wierwille's name..... not Craig, Don, Howard, Rosalie or Donna. Like carnival attractions, there is always someone willing to part with their money for cheap entertainment and attention. Seemingly, these offshoot leaders have done the mental gymnastics too of rationalizing away virtues of morality and common decency. Peddlers in the marketplace of trade, these "sellers of deception" know full-well the body language of a gullible mark.
There is no avenue of redress to gain by confronting deceitful cult leaders on their home turf. They hold all the advantages and support from sycophants nearby. All of them ready to mock and label your valid confrontation with aggressive lies and an echo chamber of support. The only path of escape is to pack your bags and get the hell away from them. Twi and splinters have the same recipes but label their soups differently. Maybe one adds a few more onions and garlic powder.... but realistically, it's the same soup.
Lastly, it pays rich dividends to know the names of the trappers and the trappings they use. For over twenty years, GSC has been offering the first, clear vision that twi-followers are caught in a trap. No other group offers this direct approach. Nor does any other group have the cojones to back up that claim. They simply offer their own version of a wash-rinse-spin cycle trap. GSC's door is open 24/7 and stays open. You are free to come and go as if you were shopping in a free society. Welcome.
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Worth noting is how the human need for belonging is strong enough, without the escapee finding what to him/her is a suitable alternative (it might be a church, it might be some other group meaningful to the person), the pull to remain, rejoin, or splinter themselves ("splinter" has more than one possible and reasonable meaning) might become overwhelming. Again, for me, it was leaving twi at the same time as plenty of others with whom I shared an emotional bond already.
The "splinter" then unto a full break/dividing out from twi culture took time afterward.
Edited by RockyLink to comment
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I would certainly agree with your take on that, Rocky.
For me, having been in Canada for three years during the Chris Geer ruckus.... I was spared from a lot of the drama that ensued in the States. We were in a "different world" of giving and blessings... our Canadian Advances and get-togethers were joyous times of fun, music, sharings and love. When we came back to the States and learned of John Lynn (and others) providing new splinter groups.... I wasn't aware how deeply the schisms were.
Yes, leaving twi en mass would have offered me lots of benefits.... unlike when we finally made the exit in 1998. My family, we had come to a juncture with twi that we were NOT willing to accept. Our two boys were moving into their final years at respective schools, elementary and junior high, with good grades and excellent teachers. Everything seemed to be in our best interests to stay in Oklahoma. [Plus, we had recently learned about martindale's sexual predation.] BUT...... Martindale and L@llys wanted us to move back to headquarters as staffers. Plus, they dangled the strong possibility [bribe?] that I would be placed on the "President's Cabinet." But we refused. And, only one person in Oklahoma took a stand for us and followed us out the door. Being singled out on Corps Night with strong character-assassination language.... they also had Limb/Region guys calling around to see if we were making phone calls to others. Damage Control kicked into high gear.
Those were challenging days... but here I am. Still.
Edited by skyrideradd clarity
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I definitely appreciate your experience.
However, the reason I mentioned the issue above, is as a warning others may choose to consider in order to emotionally prepare for their departure.
Leaving twi is and will be necessary for many individuals and families. Being prepared for the emotional/grieving work can be helpful.
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Yes, it's best to be proactive on that warning.
Good point.
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People have been escaping twi's trappings since its early days unto the present. In broad terms, here are some of those times and exoduses:
With all this hemorrhaging thru the years, twi has seen significant downsizing of abs flowing into their coffers. Sure, they have millions in assets and investments.... but they know the trajectory of operating costs, payroll, pensions, and upkeep are going in the wrong direction. And, since they refuse to lessen their grip of power over others.... they devise little guilt trips for attachment incentivizing. The purpose of these attachment gimmicks is their idea of cutting off escape.
Three such gimmicks were.... 1) wierwille's corps letters, 2) the cheesy staff promotion video and 3) time to come home? postcard. All three were to stir nostalgia and guilt. Remember, these are tactical ploys much like someone would set a rabbit snare in the woods.... except these ensnare the mind.
If twi was so welcoming and needed, then why not just go hit the streets and bring in new people? Why does twi have to go back into their rolodex card files to entice ex-wayfers to come back? The answer is obvious, isn't it?
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I would propose that the main reason for every single one of these exodus scenarios is due to TWI not caring one iota about the quality of life of their employees and volunteers.
Leaders continue to make hype driven and Lifeline statement driven decisions that benefit the numbers and the little Napoleons and their fiefdoms throughout TWI but make life a tad bit worse every decision for the employee and follower.
Most of the exodus scenarios came to a head by lifestyles and decisions that were so markedly bad they almost defy logical reason.
Then you have a surplus of Pharisees for every little Napoleon position that opens up, and the hype train in full effect around those positions.
This is 100 percent the exact same scenario that arises in the other larger cults. The adoration and adulation associated with “major” positions as well as the financial stipends (search threads on salaries for top cabinet positions in rural Ohio).
It is the scenario in 1 Samuel 2 where they were so destitute they begged to be put in a priests office for a morsel of bread. And discussions with these types gravitate towards Mike type discussions.
With the ever more demanding outreach pushes with less and less positive results, with tyrannical policies that prevent home and business ownership and prevent education on student loans like all of the US is set up for, the TWI congregation is broke and lacking education and skill sets. Mostly due to the false teachings and rules in TWI. So it is a self perpetuating problem.
I personally would prefer one day of freedom over a decade treated like a top leader in TWI. Despite all the programming towards that end throughout my younger years in my 20s.
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With each passing year, the logical reason for staying grows weaker and weaker….. unless your ultimate goal is to be on twi’s payroll and lord over others. What I found to be true (even though I kept trying to deny it) was …. with each passing year (and decade), I was working at a loss. From every angle… loss of opportunity, loss of career advancement, loss of family time, loss of dignity, and loss of self.
And, wouldn’t you know it that twi NEVER cared. They liked the arrangement of free labor. Manipulation and exploration were right in their wheelhouse. Working at a loss…. there comes a point where twi-servitude reaches its limit. Most generally, this happens on the field with all the hoops to jump thru for outreach, but is growing more common at headquarters as well.
That saying, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” signifies to me that since I know THEY DON’T CARE, I couldn’t care less how many Greek words they know.
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Yes, it is obvious.
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I still remember our corps meeting in February/March 1998 when martindale's irrational spoutings gave way to sheer nonsense. With all corps on the payroll according to martindale's edict, he was under the gun to see this venture succeed.... since he claimed it was revelation from God. So, as finances tightened each month and abs-totals dwindled, martindale was drastically looking for ways to cut expenditures.
As his exasperation grew, he came to the conclusion that NO corps couples should own two cars.
Two cars was not needed if the husband and wife will increase their communication between each other. He was dead serious. So, if I was in Tulsa for the day to be at meetings with believers.... how is my wife supposed to pick up kids and/or grocery shop? What about those times when both of us went in separate directions to teach a fellowship? Is she supposed to ask someone to pick her up and take her there? What if one of the boys gets sick and needs medical care and I'm away doing a wedding?
This, for me, was the end of my twi-involvement. My mind was sealed with that decision. I just needed to prepare my exit strategy and get far away from this authoritarian insanity.
Here I was.... working at a loss AND losing more ground. Martindale was absolutely nuts when he ventured into territories that he didn't understand. Like life and finances.
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If I recall correctly, the technical term is BONKERS.
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Yeah.... but the in-house term is BOINKERS.
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Appearantly, those concerns were well founded in reality. They didn't stop using donations for personal reasons until 2003 or so. Then it only occured under threat of legal action. Meaning, if you guys keep doing this stuff your gonna get sued...says their lawyers... Even then the cessation was somewhat questionable and obviously a dog and pony show. I used to have to bill Rosalie for work the ground department did at Foxhaven, her off-grounds home with the generator and swimming pool. I was told what to charge and it was pennies on the actual dollar compared to the work that was completed. It was just to say that there were no private innurements currently happening....(It was common knowledge and very well known that wierwille and the trustees lived lavishly on donations including their spouses.) Yet, I know full well that department and cabinet guys were putting personal items on petty cash accounts and pretending the item(s) were related to their job somehow. Anywho, they operate all legal like, even if how they operated has two faces..the public and private...but thats not exactly new either.
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Yes! He was supposed to teach the sunday teaching service and arrived at HQ from Florida Thursday as usual for out of town teachers. Friday, he met with Rosalie and told her that God had told him she needed to turn over the way international to him because God wanted him to lead the way international. Bum's rush ensued. He wasnt around long enough to teach on Sunday.
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WOW.... I never heard the background on this one.
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YW, one of the RnR guys told me over in Indy back in 2019 or late 2018. He was in the know so the info is credible.
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You just aptly described how MLM pyramid schemes collapse. The ones at the top are supposed to prosper on the backs of those who give. When they stop giving it all implodes. Also, it's a reflection of EXTREMELY poor loeadership and that's the directors.
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And.....MLM pyramid schemes are similar to a ponzi scheme.
Notice the pyramid picture.... where I would identify the bottom "investors" being at the twig level. They promo the early "investment" of the faithful tithe. The next level would be way corps who promote all the *return on investment* for those who remain faithful a lifetime (rewards at the bema, crowns... a rich and fulfilling return for all those years slaving away in twi-servitude).
Wierwille and trustees are at the top of the pyramid.... raking in lives of privilege, perks, adulation, lording over others.
What Is a Ponzi Scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return with little risk to investors. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors. This is similar to a pyramid scheme in that both are based on using new investors' funds to pay the earlier backers.
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Yessir, great tie-in.
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The "earlier backers" ... those who got involved with wierwille's upstart ministry in 1957 got special perks, housing and assignments. Included in this list would be:
But those who got their "fiefdoms" lived a good life, well into retirement. Howard married Wanda and today, they still benefit richly from their early backing of wierwille.
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OK... Time for another round of processing after more general cult researching, and reading all of these latest great posts. Thank you all. Crying, journaling, feeling almost unbearable pain, then collecting myself, using my developing critical thinking, then giving voice to the me who wants to come out swinging!!! Onward!! (Comparing twi to Christianity Today's "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill", 25 hours of interviews, the last one of which was 2020 I think... Soooo helpful) Such a better job by some re: some repentance, some restoration, some closure, some genine following of Biblical guidelines!!!)
Thank you again!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks! There's times I consider moving on from GSC and am them reminded by a post like yours that there are people who read along and benefit from our content.
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Genuine Biblical principles and guidelines were sorely lacking in the upper levels of twi’s hierarchy. The bedrock principles of true Christianity that they taught us were highly suspect: True genuine wholeness and salvation, nope. True redemption and righteousness thru our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, nope. Genuine cleanliness washed thoroughly and throughly by the blood of the lamb, nope. Genuine sorrow and repentance for the forgiveness of sin, nope.
Wierwille’s doctrine was a long-stemmed glass of red wine laced with poison. Although it looked inviting to drink, it had all the makings of pre-planned deception. If twi really valued us as individuals, as believers, then they would have treated us with respect and reciprocating love. Instead, we were herded around as cattle for the price they could get from us.
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I left for a while a couple of times. One was a few years break. I post here to interact with you guys and for community service. I get a lot more perspective and different viewpoints here. It’s better we aren’t the same borg we once were.
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