It's notable that the directors have whitewashed the 1942 promise off the record entirely...and yet they let their donating followers believe it anyway...that's hateful and indicative of base greed so they can sell classes.
It doesn't stop with the fake 1942 promise either. Rosalie told me to my face before when it comes to people speculating on confidential matters then let them speculate...from her lips to my ears.
418 "new" students! That means 21,240 in five years! Actually it's 9 years but we'll call it five!
If that's not prosperity gospel thinking I don't know what is!
Wow. First time I saw this. Word Over The World. Each One Reach One. Numbers projections.
No they are not changing one iota of anything but doubling down on the past.
Zero interest in any changes or fixes. Video another class and get those hamsters back on those wheels.
No wonder they are sending the faux Come On Home postcards out. Who in their right mind wants to be a part of OW-4 Word Over the World?
They don’t have “the Word” to take over the world. They have a dumbed down DIY Bible interprets itself fake tree organization. That consumes its members in endless meaningless activity and repetition.
Mistletoe Mike "decided" no such thing. He has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to writing, piecemeal, a fictive story, completely the product of his FANTASTICAL IMAGINATION. And he has conned "many people," most significantly, himself.
Thanks Rocky. As I said last night, I knew right after I sent that reply to Mike that I had wasted my time and words, in other words casting pearls before swine. I thought it better to let him live on his own little island with his beloved collaterals than engaging with him any more.
I even wondered why he bothers to post on GSC for the same reason - he's wasting his time and words. However, after reading the posts this morning to Mike from you, WordWolf and OldSkool, I fully understand what you mean when you say Mike is hijacking "threads for a purpose diametrically opposed to the website's purpose." It's so he can still promote twi and pfal which is why people have to then confront and correct his false and evasive posts so no one will fall for them.
I also can see the ploy he uses by "agreeing" with some things on GSC and saying how he sincerely wants twi to change in these areas (with his help of course) when what he really wants to do is keep a foot in the door so he can continue his spiel.
Thanks Rocky. As I said last night, I knew right after I sent that reply to Mike that I had wasted my time and words, in other words casting pearls before swine. I thought it better to let him live on his own little island with his beloved collaterals than engaging with him any more.
I even wondered why he bothers to post on GSC for the same reason - he's wasting his time and words. However, after reading the posts this morning to Mike from you, WordWolf and OldSkool, I fully understand what you mean when you say Mike is hijacking "threads for a purpose diametrically opposed to the website's purpose." It's so he can still promote twi and pfal which is why people have to then confront and correct his false and evasive posts so no one will fall for them.
I also can see the ploy he uses by "agreeing" with some things on GSC and saying how he sincerely wants twi to change in these areas (with his help of course) when what he really wants to do is keep a foot in the door so he can continue his spiel.
I saw more posts came in while I was writing this. Thank you to everyone who cleans up the "crap" laid by twi. You guys rock.
Well setting records they are not...418 people out of 7.8 billion seems a bit lackluster...
1 + 1 + 1 = 3 used to be their joke to mock the Trinity - whose math sucks now?
They're turning 418 into 21,240 on an unclear timeline assuming numbers double each year. Anyone doing actual projections knows that's just daydreaming.
There's no "here's why we think numbers will grow"
There's not even a historical trend to show
Just "here's what happens when you play with numbers" . . . is there a Maths in Tongues?
1 + 1 + 1 = 3 used to be their joke to mock the Trinity - whose math sucks now?
They're turning 418 into 21,240 on an unclear timeline assuming numbers double each year. Anyone doing actual projections knows that's just daydreaming.
There's no "here's why we think numbers will grow"
There's not even a historical trend to show
Just "here's what happens when you play with numbers" . . . is there a Maths in Tongues?
A camera offers an appropriate analogy...not a digital one though...I guess that analogy went the way of the polaroid..I'm after algebraic tongues...x Shonta + y malake seetay = ?
A camera offers an appropriate analogy...not a digital one though...I guess that analogy went the way of the polaroid..I'm after algebraic tongues...x Shonta + y malake seetay = ?
Right right right . . . using the focus with the lens we see things how we want to and not how they are.
Unlike most here, I believe that when VPW was in fellowship, he and God were able to be very efficient in working the Word and teaching it to us. When VPW was out of fellowship, that working relationship was seriously impaired.
Are you aware of how ridiculous the above statement is?
Okay, let's say Saint Vic takes advantage of a believer. The next morning he tells God he's sorry. God gives him revelation. Then that night he takes advantage of another believer. Multiply this cycle by a thousand times. This is just his "escapades".
Now add into the mix his lies, his drunkeness, and all those little sins that we humans normally do.
Okay, let's say Saint Vic takes advantage of a believer. The next morning he tells God he's sorry. God gives him revelation. Then that night he takes advantage of another believer. Multiply this cycle by a thousand times. This is just his "escapades".
Now add into the mix his lies, his drunkeness, and all those little sins that we humans normally do.
Just where did he find time to be in fellowship?
Yeah, that's putting it nicely.
Drop the button in, pull the button out.
This might have worked for him the first couple of times, but after that it was routine walking in darkness.
This might have worked for him the first couple of times, but after that it was routine walking in darkness.
Right- vpw made fun of this sort of thinking when discussing salvation and repentance. Now someone's trying to tell us this was exactly how God Almighty was handling His Revelation in the 20th century.
I also can see the ploy he uses by "agreeing" with some things on GSC and saying how he sincerely wants twi to change in these areas (with his help of course) when what he really wants to do is keep a foot in the door so he can continue his spiel.
Elegantly stated. It's notable how his actions are incongruent with his apparent subconsciously real intent.
I call HIS and every other GSC reader's attention again to Jocko Willink's book.
If I understand it correctly, the incongruence between Mistletoe Mike's stated and unstated apparent intention is the very definition of absence of integrity*.
From Wordnik, Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with reference to the fulfillment of contracts, the discharge of agencies, trusts, and the like; uprightness; rectitude.
The other day, on a different thread, I wrote:
Mistletoe Mike, alas, lacks the drive and tenacity of a warrior. If he had said tenacity, he'd not necessarily feel the need to be a parasite at GSC, he'd do what warriors and spies have done in records throughout the millennia, operate from within his target organization, albeit quietly and in a clandestine manner.
I think that it is good and proper TEMPORARILY for new students to see whoever teaches them the foundations and the collaterals as benevolent.
After a short time, the new student can learn to use the collaterals for herself to see the Epistles and the rest of the Word. Then, after still more time, any Bible version can be opened far from any collaterals, and the matured student receive nourishment.
But, as so many temporary taxes morph into permanent ones, so this student dependency on the ministry is milked by corrupted ministry traditions and practices. and made permanent.
One last thing Mike - where is Christ in all of this?
There is a better analogy, very similar to the filter or the rose colored glasses.
The analogy I use is the collaterals forming a necessary God-provided window into the Bible. If it were merely a VPW provided window, I'd not be interested.
Such a window is necessary because centuries of obfuscations hiding and burying the Word under the "temple debris," like in the OT.
Example: PFAL teaches zero consciousness immediately after death. Even the KJV has oodles of verses that say this plain as day, yet religion misses it systematically. That the dead are not alive is a necessary component of the "filter" or the "binoculars" or "window" that is necessary to read the Bible with understanding.
There are other components to this window: body/soul/spirit, new birth, Return of Christ, heaven bound, extra rewards, SIT and 8 other manifestations, seated in the heavenlies, agape love, Romans 10:9.... there are about 10 more, I think. I made a list somewhere.
I hope a loving 2-way relationship with Christ as our Lord is one of them.
God is just always FAITHFULLY waiting for us to return to a rich fellowship with Him, so we can work most efficiently with Him on His projects, and gain a marvelously great view of the Return, as we attempt to fill the empty shoes of the physically absent Christ, by the authority of the ever present Christ, spiritually within us.
It would be nice to hear you talk more about the "ever present Christ, spiritually with in us." What does this mean to you? Other than being inside us, how do you fellowship with Christ throughout the day?
It would be nice to hear you talk more about the "ever present Christ, spiritually with in us." What does this mean to you? Other than being inside us, how do you fellowship with Christ throughout the day?
Golly! This is your 3rd "one last thing" post.
Tell you what. I am trying to have a smaller footprint here to help others ignore me and not waste time on my trolling.
I will answer your question over on my thread “Jumping to Concussions…”
Yeah, you got me. Just some rhetorical questions to bring things back to Christ and our relationship with him.
You can post here however the heck you want and it has nothing to do with mike..he has no credibility here and please please please keep right on posting the same content and hear-felt material you have contributed to date. Mike is unqualified to talk about a relationship with Jesus Christ because he believe Christ is absent.
It would be nice to hear you talk more about the "ever present Christ, spiritually with in us." What does this mean to you? Other than being inside us, how do you fellowship with Christ throughout the day?
Well it wasn’t any of us that came up with the example of Jesus having an orange PFAL book at the return.
So I had a chance to read through the Way rag that Bolsh linked.
What are the articles on and who wrote them? Who wrote them? Corps graduates from various decades.
What are topics?
Reconciliation - meaning the “ministry of reconciliation”. Meaning witnessing the class to all, not a Christ based reconciling.
So like always the Corps are presenting detailed instruction on how the follower is to keep the money flowing in and the witnessing going.
Outreach reports - what countries they have propped up with stooges. Not listed are the marked and avoided in the countries who didn’t lobby the Greenes as effectively.
Thankful letters of people vomiting all over the directors.
A new book containing a rapidly written history of people who have been in the way forever like the George’s. This is to counter all the books published we link here.
Advanced Class running in multiple countries.
No they are doing a good job of the double down and whitewash approach. The directors explain past present and future to people.
It looks like OW-4 is up and running as good as it ever was.
Unfortunately being a leaf on a mighty tree Is not the direction I see Jesus Christ not the direction I see Him teaching about His body and not the way I see healthy churches functioning.
I do see the same lying whitewashing and stealing that I always did while in. The same systems are there not changing. So they absolutely will produce the same long term negative results in lives such as we see accounted here and in written novels.
And the always present sales tactics are now set in stone or shall we say molten metal like the Teacher statues. The Corps instruct “each one to win one” and the goal is establishing Way home fellowships around the world. Who does the giving and the witnessing? The follower. Oh and the Corps talk about the successful witnessing they did 20 years ago in college. Now they are the ones doing the research - re- searching about how the followers should give and the followers should witness to everyone.
There is a poem called Witness.
And another weird one on face to face to direct the mind off of the fact TWI is a central org that spends no money locally.
100 percent whitewash rag and getting people witnessing and giving.
Same placement meeting with same dictatorship structure. Same annual class pushes.
Hey if you are just pining for nostalgia maybe the OW-4 is for you. Like Mike. It sounds like that is perfect for a guy with that mindset - never questioning “collaterals” lol - always looking to do what the magazine instructs - witness to everyone. No if you are comfortable in that rut I say go for it. You will be more congruent with your inner beliefs.
For me a cult that isolates from society Christian brothers and sisters and family and consumes your whole being is not of any interest.
Well it wasn’t any of us that came up with the example of Jesus having an orange PFAL book at the return.
If that gives you any indication of the mindset.
Thank you for that bit of info . I had never heard of this idea before so I searched the word "orange". The orange book shows up a lot in "Dr's Last Teaching - LOST for 17 Years!" thread. Very interesting - I'll catch up on the posts I've missed later today. It looks like I'll need a nice mug of hot chocolate for some comfort though.
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Reading twi's article both was emotionally and physically sickening. It so reinforced the doctrinal and practical errors that robbed believers of having a personal relationship with God and Jesus Chr
Who among you (or us) might be strategic thinkers? Was Victor Wierwille a strategic thinker? (not necessarily a rhetorical question) Is Mike a strategic thinker? (rhetorical questi
With math like this they are unstoppable!
418 "new" students! That means 21,240 in five years! Actually it's 9 years but we'll call it five!
If that's not prosperity gospel thinking I don't know what is!
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Wow. First time I saw this. Word Over The World. Each One Reach One. Numbers projections.
No they are not changing one iota of anything but doubling down on the past.
Zero interest in any changes or fixes. Video another class and get those hamsters back on those wheels.
No wonder they are sending the faux Come On Home postcards out. Who in their right mind wants to be a part of OW-4 Word Over the World?
They don’t have “the Word” to take over the world. They have a dumbed down DIY Bible interprets itself fake tree organization. That consumes its members in endless meaningless activity and repetition.
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Thanks Rocky. As I said last night, I knew right after I sent that reply to Mike that I had wasted my time and words, in other words casting pearls before swine. I thought it better to let him live on his own little island with his beloved collaterals than engaging with him any more.
I even wondered why he bothers to post on GSC for the same reason - he's wasting his time and words. However, after reading the posts this morning to Mike from you, WordWolf and OldSkool, I fully understand what you mean when you say Mike is hijacking "threads for a purpose diametrically opposed to the website's purpose." It's so he can still promote twi and pfal which is why people have to then confront and correct his false and evasive posts so no one will fall for them.
I also can see the ploy he uses by "agreeing" with some things on GSC and saying how he sincerely wants twi to change in these areas (with his help of course) when what he really wants to do is keep a foot in the door so he can continue his spiel.
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I saw more posts came in while I was writing this. Thank you to everyone who cleans up the "crap" laid by twi. You guys rock.
Edited by CharityLink to comment
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Well setting records they are not...418 people out of 7.8 billion seems a bit lackluster...
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1 + 1 + 1 = 3 used to be their joke to mock the Trinity - whose math sucks now?
They're turning 418 into 21,240 on an unclear timeline assuming numbers double each year. Anyone doing actual projections knows that's just daydreaming.
There's no "here's why we think numbers will grow"
There's not even a historical trend to show
Just "here's what happens when you play with numbers" . . . is there a Maths in Tongues?
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A camera offers an appropriate analogy...not a digital one though...I guess that analogy went the way of the polaroid..I'm after algebraic tongues...x Shonta + y malake seetay = ?
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Right right right . . . using the focus with the lens we see things how we want to and not how they are.
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Snell would be proud of you. This is virtually how it works.
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Are you aware of how ridiculous the above statement is?
Okay, let's say Saint Vic takes advantage of a believer. The next morning he tells God he's sorry. God gives him revelation. Then that night he takes advantage of another believer. Multiply this cycle by a thousand times. This is just his "escapades".
Now add into the mix his lies, his drunkeness, and all those little sins that we humans normally do.
Just where did he find time to be in fellowship?
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Yes, getting through boundaries in relationships is all about finding angles through media.
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Yeah, that's putting it nicely.
Drop the button in, pull the button out.
This might have worked for him the first couple of times, but after that it was routine walking in darkness.
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Right- vpw made fun of this sort of thinking when discussing salvation and repentance. Now someone's trying to tell us this was exactly how God Almighty was handling His Revelation in the 20th century.
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Elegantly stated. It's notable how his actions are incongruent with his apparent subconsciously real intent.
I call HIS and every other GSC reader's attention again to Jocko Willink's book.
If I understand it correctly, the incongruence between Mistletoe Mike's stated and unstated apparent intention is the very definition of absence of integrity*.
From Wordnik, Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with reference to the fulfillment of contracts, the discharge of agencies, trusts, and the like; uprightness; rectitude.
The other day, on a different thread, I wrote:
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Mike and anyone else,
Rather than the PFLAP collaterals, this book I just found out about, soon to be published, might be more important for a lot of people.
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One last thing Mike - where is Christ in all of this?
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I hope a loving 2-way relationship with Christ as our Lord is one of them.
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It would be nice to hear you talk more about the "ever present Christ, spiritually with in us." What does this mean to you? Other than being inside us, how do you fellowship with Christ throughout the day?
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Golly! This is your 3rd "one last thing" post.
Tell you what. I am trying to have a smaller footprint here to help others ignore me and not waste time on my trolling.
I will answer your question over on my thread “Jumping to Concussions…”
Let’s jump over there, ok?
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Yeah, you got me. Just some rhetorical questions to bring things back to Christ and our relationship with him.
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You can post here however the heck you want and it has nothing to do with mike..he has no credibility here and please please please keep right on posting the same content and hear-felt material you have contributed to date. Mike is unqualified to talk about a relationship with Jesus Christ because he believe Christ is absent.
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Well it wasn’t any of us that came up with the example of Jesus having an orange PFAL book at the return.
If that gives you any indication of the mindset.
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So I had a chance to read through the Way rag that Bolsh linked.
What are the articles on and who wrote them? Who wrote them? Corps graduates from various decades.
What are topics?
Reconciliation - meaning the “ministry of reconciliation”. Meaning witnessing the class to all, not a Christ based reconciling.
So like always the Corps are presenting detailed instruction on how the follower is to keep the money flowing in and the witnessing going.
Outreach reports - what countries they have propped up with stooges. Not listed are the marked and avoided in the countries who didn’t lobby the Greenes as effectively.
Thankful letters of people vomiting all over the directors.
A new book containing a rapidly written history of people who have been in the way forever like the George’s. This is to counter all the books published we link here.
Advanced Class running in multiple countries.
No they are doing a good job of the double down and whitewash approach. The directors explain past present and future to people.
It looks like OW-4 is up and running as good as it ever was.
Unfortunately being a leaf on a mighty tree Is not the direction I see Jesus Christ not the direction I see Him teaching about His body and not the way I see healthy churches functioning.
I do see the same lying whitewashing and stealing that I always did while in. The same systems are there not changing. So they absolutely will produce the same long term negative results in lives such as we see accounted here and in written novels.
And the always present sales tactics are now set in stone or shall we say molten metal like the Teacher statues. The Corps instruct “each one to win one” and the goal is establishing Way home fellowships around the world. Who does the giving and the witnessing? The follower. Oh and the Corps talk about the successful witnessing they did 20 years ago in college. Now they are the ones doing the research - re- searching about how the followers should give and the followers should witness to everyone.
There is a poem called Witness.
And another weird one on face to face to direct the mind off of the fact TWI is a central org that spends no money locally.
100 percent whitewash rag and getting people witnessing and giving.
Same placement meeting with same dictatorship structure. Same annual class pushes.
Hey if you are just pining for nostalgia maybe the OW-4 is for you. Like Mike. It sounds like that is perfect for a guy with that mindset - never questioning “collaterals” lol - always looking to do what the magazine instructs - witness to everyone. No if you are comfortable in that rut I say go for it. You will be more congruent with your inner beliefs.
For me a cult that isolates from society Christian brothers and sisters and family and consumes your whole being is not of any interest.
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Thank you for that bit of
info . I had never heard of this idea before so I searched the word "orange". The orange book shows up a lot in "Dr's Last Teaching - LOST for 17 Years!" thread. Very interesting - I'll catch up on the posts I've missed later today. It looks like I'll need a nice mug of hot chocolate for some comfort though.
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