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On 7/29/2024 at 3:04 AM, WordWolf said:

"Silence of the Lambs" became a hit and Hannibal Lechter freaked her out?

Yes, sorry I wasn't aware of any of your posts guys.  When Martha Stewart saw "Silence of the Lambs" she couldn't get the character Hannibal Lecter out of her head.   So she couldn't see dating Anthony Hopkins because he may have her for dinner.  She got freaked out.

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Ok, I have a question.


King Canute is a historical figure. He is remembered for something specific he did one day.  What he did is remembered correctly.   However, people have interpreted that as him having an enormous ego, when he was actually demonstrating the opposite.   What did he do, and what was he trying to say at the time?

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King Canute is a historical figure. He is remembered for something specific he did one day. It's remembered to this day, sometimes in an old saying, and a video by Sting included it.  What he did is remembered correctly.   However, people have interpreted that as him having an enormous ego, when he was actually demonstrating the opposite, to his courtiers who were yes-men.  

What did he do, and what was he trying to say at the time? (What did he mean by doing it?)

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King Canute is a historical figure. He is remembered for something specific he did one day. It's remembered to this day, sometimes in an old saying, and a video by Sting included it.  What he did is remembered correctly.   However, people have interpreted that as him having an enormous ego, when he was actually demonstrating the opposite, to his courtiers who were yes-men.  

One day, he was surrounded by his courtiers, and got up, and walked to the shore.

What did he do there, and what was he trying to say at the time? (What did he mean by doing it?)

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On 8/6/2024 at 10:08 AM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

This sounds like the story of Xerxes whipping the tide to demonstrate his mastery over nature.  Maybe Canute did the same thing, with his real purpose to show how INEFFECTUAL he was against nature?


In a moment often mis-rememberes, King Canute got up from being surrounded by his yes-men, went to the shore, and commanded the tide to REFUSE to come in.  It came in anyway.  His point? He was a king, but he was still a mortal.     Now, people don't know why and think he thought he could command the tide and it actually would stop.

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Before our current Constitution was ratified, the United States was defined by the Articles of Confederation.  Who was the first President of that government?

Bonus question:  The Articles were in effect from 1781 to 1789.  How many men served as President, during that time?


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No.  This is a tough one, as the person is not well known.  He was instrumental in getting Maryland into the Revolution, but he was not a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

I'll give this another day or two.  Let's say that if you name ANY of the Presidents in this era, you win.  Note:  these presidents were not elected by popular vote but were appointed by Congress.  Two of them WERE signers of the Declaration.


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George, I've been paying attention to your post, and not knowing enough about this subject to do any real damage (that's my own fault) I was curious about finding out who was the first president of that government.  I have a guess, Peyton Randolf?

I'm not responding to the clue "was a BIG signer of the Declaration" that's too obvious and I haven't been actively participating.

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Peyton Randolf was not any of the Articles of Confederation presidents.  

The first was John Hanson.

The two who signed the Declaration were Richard Henry Lee and JOHN HANCOCK. 

Presidents were appointed for one year terms and could not serve twice in a three-year period.  There was no Vice-President, so when Hancock became too ill to carry out his responsibilities, they were jointly performed by David Ramsay and Nathaniel Gorham, chairmen of the Congress.

A nice little summary can be found HERE.



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