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The movies have been around for a long time.

The TV series inspired by the original movie is not on broadcast television. Neither are its verious existing and planned spinoffs. 

The original movie and its first official sequel are classics.

The remaining sequels from the writer/director are ok, but not on the same level.

The unofficial sequel by the co-writer took a more comedic approach and actually mentions the original movie as a "true story" whose details were altered to prevent a mass panic. Needless to say, that's as fictional as the original. We hope.

When the original writer-director died, my original response was... are... we... sure?



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  On 1/26/2023 at 6:21 PM, Raf said:



Whatever, Next.


A funny thing happened to the copyright on this series of movies. 

Someone accidentally left the copyright notice off the original. At the time, that put the movie in the public domain and cost the producers $millions.

A handful of movies are considered official sequels, with the same director and writer. 

There are other movies that serve as sequels, the first of which was written by a co-writer of the original. The two writers amicably agreed to distinguish their sequels from each other by the inclusion or omission of a single word in the title of each.

A handful of current TV series owe their existence to the original (and the failure to copyright it).



If the question is about the name of the movie (I can't find the actual question), then the original was "Night of the Living Dead" was accidentally released into the public domain.  It was followed by George Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" and "Day of the Dead" (and possibly Afternoon Tea of the Dead.)

Apparently, "Return of the Living Dead" (a sorta-comedy)  was a sequel as well, with "LIVING" as the word that divides the sequels.


If the answer was in the TV shows, George pointed out that the "Walking Dead" series  are all inspired by them- "Fear the Walking Dead" included.

The movies also inspired other movies like "Zombieland"  and "Shaun of the Dead" (that one I watched and actually liked, somewhat. Zombie movies aren't my thing.)

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Apparently I was writing this but never finished it:

There's broadcast and there's streaming. And there's the third basic option. Cable.

Cable opens it up to A&E, AMC, FX, Freeform, TBS, TNT, ETC (which isn't a network but should be).

So it's a cable show. Based on a classic movie that had official and unofficial sequels that are all fairly well known.

EVERYONE has heard of the original movie. I would wager just as many have heard of the first official sequel. The rest, not so much.

By the way, the original and first official sequel were both remade decades later. The director of the first remake has had a less than distinguished career. You've likely never heard of him.

You've heard of the director of the sequel remake...

And that's as far as I got.
So if I'm not mistaken in how I phrased it, I was looking for the movies and official/unofficial sequels, which Wordwolf got right, complete with analysis. But The Walking Dead (and Fear the Walking Dead, and Walking Dead World Beyond, and at least three upcoming spinoffs) was the tv show. 

If you've never seen Return of the Living Dead, it is absolutely hilarious (and gory, and sick, and yuck).

Anyhow, you guys can debate who goes next.

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The following story is made up, which is a shame.

One US President received notices about one of his generals. Some people didn't like that general, and attempted to portray him as a drunkard.  The President replied to those notices. He asked them to find out what it was he was drinking. The President said he was interested in sending a few barrels of that to EACH of his generals, to see if he could get the same winning results from all of them.  The criticisms stopped.

The truth of the matter is that one general DID have a REPUTATION as a drinker.  He could get drunk easily, and a few years before, he'd lost his wife and child, so he had drunk a bit then. At the present time, he was sober and NOT drinking.  However, reputations can be hard to shake, even if they were unwarranted the entire time.

Anyway, which US President is this about, and which general?

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I guess so then.  It does seem to me though as you were describing the scenario that a president with that much wit and wisdom would be Abraham Lincoln.  How about President Lincoln and General Ambrose Burnside?  I haven't read a lot about Grant, he would seem obvious, but I don't think Ulysses S Grant stopped drinking?

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  On 2/2/2023 at 5:59 AM, Human without the bean said:

I guess so then.  It does seem to me though as you were describing the scenario that a president with that much wit and wisdom would be Abraham Lincoln.  How about President Lincoln and General Ambrose Burnside?  I haven't read a lot about Grant, he would seem obvious, but I don't think Ulysses S Grant stopped drinking?


That's close enough to count.

The President in this story is Abraham Lincoln.  The general is Ulysses S. Grant.  Grant wasn't a complete teetotaler, but he drank little most of the time.  His reputation as a boozer was partly because he wasn't that big, so it was easier for him to get drunk.  (Try getting William Howard Taft drunk- that would take a lot of booze.)   Because it was possible, he usually watched his drinking.  So, his reputation as a boozer was largely exaggeration.

Your turn!

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  On 2/4/2023 at 7:28 AM, WordWolf said:

Does Franklin Pierce count?  He got drunk and ran over somebody ON HORSEBACK while he was in office.


Yes, he would count if he was in office at the time.  He may have been cited but it wasn't for speeding.   So no, he's not the president in question.

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