The music producer was Berry Gordy of Motown [and banging Diana Ross] fame.
NPH was famous [in part] for his character Barney Stinson who would promise adventures that were "legen--wait for it--dary. legendary."
And yes, there was a Spider-man musical. He was not crashing the party.
If I'd thought about it, the Spider-man reference should have been a bigger hint to me. I'm well aware they kept trying to put "TURN OFF THE DARK" on Broadway for years, and accidents kept halting rehearsals. The show was getting a reputation for being cursed. There was even a New Years Eve Times Square show based on the thing to drum up interest. And Grover Monster on Sesame Street had an equally difficult time trying to perform as "Spider-Monster" in some sort of accident-prone show.
What I wasn't 100% sure of was that the show actually went off as planned.
I also was trying to remember if NPH and HJ had both hosted the Oscars or the Tonys. I feel better knowing why that was confusing.
Ok, so there were these 2 Jewish guys who came up with the idea of a superhero. He was mischievous and extremely wish fulfillment/ anti-bullying. One of their earliest stories to hit print had him end a war between 2 countries by kidnapping their presidents and putting them in a boxing ring to fight it out and settle their differences (given the choice, they declared peace instead.) This was actually their second concept for the character- they had tried him as a villain, but that idea failed and was largely forgotten.
So, who was this character? (Bragging rights for his name as the villain, or the names for the 2 Jewish guys.)
I think Mariner 10 transmitted images from Venus and Mars. What do I need now, two more? I've got some space stuff in my files, personal data that I've noted from my desire for becoming an opsimath that I might find something else. Nothing off the internet.
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No. (Misread it.) George
Raf clears the table! (Been practicing billiards lately?) A) 1605 was the last time- before JP1- that there were 3 different Popes in the same calendar year. It has to coincide with the concl
Human without the bean
Don't forget about me Raf, I'm so petty too. From "Wildflowers" to "The Last DJ".
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I don't watch awards shows (at least, not for the last three decades). I don't know what Jackman has hosted.
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Between awards show and magic trick, I think I've narrowed it down to one person.
One of the lyrics was "I guarantee a truly legendary show." The singer did not make us wait for it.
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Ok, let's see.
The singer was NEIL PATRICK HARRIS, who, IIRC, hosted the Oscars several times.
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He hosted the Oscars once, as did Hugh Jackman.
Both also hosted the Tony Awards.
Neil Patrick Harris hosted in 2013. Bigger was co-written by Lin Manuel Miranda.
It was ... amazing.
See for yourself.
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No wonder I wasn't sure if it was the Tonys they hosted, or the Oscars.
Yes, that was quite an opening number, all right, and a tough act to follow.
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Hell, I would have PAID to see that!
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In case it got lost in the shuffle:
The music producer was Berry Gordy of Motown [and banging Diana Ross] fame.
NPH was famous [in part] for his character Barney Stinson who would promise adventures that were "legen--wait for it--dary. legendary."
And yes, there was a Spider-man musical. He was not crashing the party.
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So WW is up.
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OldWolf, what up,?
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Two years earlier...
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Human without the bean
Ough ough, sorry about that WordWolf.
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If I'd thought about it, the Spider-man reference should have been a bigger hint to me. I'm well aware they kept trying to put "TURN OFF THE DARK" on Broadway for years, and accidents kept halting rehearsals. The show was getting a reputation for being cursed. There was even a New Years Eve Times Square show based on the thing to drum up interest. And Grover Monster on Sesame Street had an equally difficult time trying to perform as "Spider-Monster" in some sort of accident-prone show.
What I wasn't 100% sure of was that the show actually went off as planned.
I also was trying to remember if NPH and HJ had both hosted the Oscars or the Tonys. I feel better knowing why that was confusing.
Ok, I need a question, let's see......
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Ok, next question, new category.
Ok, so there were these 2 Jewish guys who came up with the idea of a superhero. He was mischievous and extremely wish fulfillment/ anti-bullying. One of their earliest stories to hit print had him end a war between 2 countries by kidnapping their presidents and putting them in a boxing ring to fight it out and settle their differences (given the choice, they declared peace instead.) This was actually their second concept for the character- they had tried him as a villain, but that idea failed and was largely forgotten.
So, who was this character? (Bragging rights for his name as the villain, or the names for the 2 Jewish guys.)
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Sounds like Superman by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
Don't know the villain version.
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Interesting. Completely different powers, but same creators.
To which heavenly bodies were these NASA missions directed? Get three right to win the round.
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Human without the bean
I got to say George, I'm not that well versed with these NASA missions. I wouldn't want to take a stab at any of them for fear of embarrassing myself.
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No points off for incorrect guesses.
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Human without the bean
I think Mariner 10 transmitted images from Venus and Mars. What do I need now, two more? I've got some space stuff in my files, personal data that I've noted from my desire for becoming an opsimath that I might find something else. Nothing off the internet.
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You're half right about Mariner 10. It did fly by two planets, but Mars was not one of them.
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Human without the bean
Jupiter and Venus?
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Going the wrong way.
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Mercury and Venus
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That's one down. If you know Roman mythology, Messenger and Juno should be pretty easy.
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