131. You can’t just “take the class” once and be done with it. It becomes an endless repeat loop throughout all life.
a. Take the class
b. Serve on class crew
c. Get everyone you know to “take the class”
d. Go out on an ambassador one year program to spend a year convincing others to “take the class”.
e. Enter a “lifetime of Christian service” program centered around running the class multiple times per year.
f. In retirement as “emeritus” help others by serving on class crew and “undershepherding” others until you die.
Anything on endless loop repeat sucks.
Yeah. I've been thinking about this for some time.
Never has it been suggested to me after graduating from an academic institution or a professional training course or a course in leadership or the 5th grade that I should repeat that course study. That's why it's called graduation!
The word grad is so misused with respect to PFAL. If one feels the need to thanklessly endure a 33 hour "holding forth" session dozens, even hundreds, of times, I submit that very repeating proves there is no graduation, because there is no real teaching, no real learning.
If everyone misses so much the first time, the problem is not the "student." It's the "class." It's "the teacher."
I am so grateful to have studied under some truly amazing teachers in my life, academically, professionally, and spiritually. Thinking about them now, I am humbly awestruck at their skill as teachers and leaders and mentors.
The weak teachers are valuable, also. They show me how NOT to teach. They are the dark making obvious the light. They are the chaff to the wheat. I am grateful for the contrast they provide.
victor paul wierwille is among the top two worst "teachers" I have ever encountered. And that "class" is among the top two worst I've ever thanklessly endured.
victor and his sycophants can't even comprehend what it means to teach, to learn.
Yeah. I've been thinking about this for some time.
Never has it been suggested to me after graduating from an academic institution or a professional training course or a course in leadership or the 5th grade that I should repeat that course study. That's why it's called graduation!
The word grad is so misused with respect to PFAL. If one feels the need to thanklessly endure a 33 hour "holding forth" session dozens, even hundreds, of times, I submit that very repeating proves there is no graduation, because there is no real teaching, no real learning.
If everyone misses so much the first time, the problem is not the "student." It's the "class." It's "the teacher."
I am so grateful to have studied under some truly amazing teachers in my life, academically, professionally, and spiritually. Thinking about them now, I am humbly awestruck at their skill as teachers and leaders and mentors.
The weak teachers are valuable, also. They show me how NOT to teach. They are the dark making obvious the light. They are the chaff to the wheat. I am grateful for the contrast they provide.
victor paul wierwille is among the top two worst "teachers" I have ever encountered. And that "class" is among the top two worst I've ever thanklessly endured.
victor and his sycophants can't even comprehend what it means to teach, to learn.
It is true that interactions surrounding “the class” more fit descriptions for either brainwashing or whitewashing as opposed to “learning”.
131. You can’t just “take the class” once and be done with it. It becomes an endless repeat loop throughout all life.
a. Take the class
b. Serve on class crew
c. Get everyone you know to “take the class”
d. Go out on an ambassador one year program to spend a year convincing others to “take the class”.
e. Enter a “lifetime of Christian service” program centered around running the class multiple times per year.
f. In retirement as “emeritus” help others by serving on class crew and “undershepherding” others until you die.
Anything on endless loop repeat sucks.
13 hours ago, Nathan_Jr said:
Yeah. I've been thinking about this for some time.
Never has it been suggested to me after graduating from an academic institution or a professional training course or a course in leadership or the 5th grade that I should repeat that course study. That's why it's called graduation!
The word grad is so misused with respect to PFAL. If one feels the need to thanklessly endure a 33 hour "holding forth" session dozens, even hundreds, of times, I submit that very repeating proves there is no graduation, because there is no real teaching, no real learning.
If everyone misses so much the first time, the problem is not the "student." It's the "class." It's "the teacher."
I am so grateful to have studied under some truly amazing teachers in my life, academically, professionally, and spiritually. Thinking about them now, I am humbly awestruck at their skill as teachers and leaders and mentors.
The weak teachers are valuable, also. They show me how NOT to teach. They are the dark making obvious the light. They are the chaff to the wheat. I am grateful for the contrast they provide.
victor paul wierwille is among the top two worst "teachers" I have ever encountered. And that "class" is among the top two worst I've ever thanklessly endured.
victor and his sycophants can't even comprehend what it means to teach, to learn.
1 hour ago, chockfull said:
It is true that interactions surrounding “the class” more fit descriptions for either brainwashing or whitewashing as opposed to “learning”.
Grads of PFAL
It just occurred to me you all may have uncovered … or discovered - depending on the situation with the covers - a cultic euphemism …or for those who are morally ‘loosened up’ and like to get jiggy with the jargon (ewww…just ewwww).
euphemism = a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing."“downsizing” as a euphemism for cuts"
The Bible speaks of believers who have died as fallen asleep in Christ.
Being called a PFAL grad is a nice way to say that one is stuck in an endless cycle of indoctrination…what comes to mind is an action-packed 2014 film Edge of Tomorrow and has the tag line live…die…repeat
131. You can’t just “take the class” once and be done with it. It becomes an endless repeat loop throughout all life.
a. Take the class
b. Serve on class crew
c. Get everyone you know to “take the class”
d. Go out on an ambassador one year program to spend a year convincing others to “take the class”.
e. Enter a “lifetime of Christian service” program centered around running the class multiple times per year.
f. In retirement as “emeritus” help others by serving on class crew and “undershepherding” others until you die.
Anything on endless loop repeat sucks.
What I see in what you wrote Chockfull is that we were meant to have a relationship with the class - you know the one that replaced our relationship with Christ. It was our lord in that it had power, authority, and influence over our lives. It was our savior in that it saved us from all the wrongly divided word taught in every other church known to mankind since the first century. One more just for the of it - pfal was the way, the truth and the life. The way because of the irony of it being taught by "the way ministry," the truth because of God's 1942 promise to vp and the life because after all, it did promise us a more than abundant life.
Now why would anyone want or need an everlasting relationship with Christ after being brainwashed to believe in "the class?
Realistically, the Romans liked mass executions and there were probably dozens crucified at the same time. Jesus could have been crucified in a bunch, fore, aft and either side, of other unfortunates, quite possibly some of whom were also innocent, or were innocent of any serious crime. There's a report of about 2000 Jews being crucified in 4BC.
It's totally misused anyway. A "graduate" is one who has completed a course and been graded. In the US it would be like your GPA, I think. Lot of difference between a GPA of 2.3, 3.3 and 4.0.
If you ain't graded, you can't be a graduate. But you can be a course completer. Doesn't sound so good, though.
Realistically, the Romans liked mass executions and there were probably dozens crucified at the same time. Jesus could have been crucified in a bunch, fore, aft and either side, of other unfortunates, quite possibly some of whom were also innocent, or were innocent of any serious crime. There's a report of about 2000 Jews being crucified in 4BC.
What I see in what you wrote Chockfull is that we were meant to have a relationship with the class - you know the one that replaced our relationship with Christ. It was our lord in that it had power, authority, and influence over our lives. It was our savior in that it saved us from all the wrongly divided word taught in every other church known to mankind since the first century. One more just for the of it - pfal was the way, the truth and the life. The way because of the irony of it being taught by "the way ministry," the truth because of God's 1942 promise to vp and the life because after all, it did promise us a more than abundant life.
Now why would anyone want or need an everlasting relationship with Christ after being brainwashed to believe in "the class?
8 But what saith the sales rep? A class is nigh thee, even in thy city, and in thy home: that is, the PFAL faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth PFAL is Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that indoctrination ain’t dead, thou shalt be brainwashed.
10 For with the heart students believeth propaganda; and with the mouth confession is made unto programming.
11 For the syllabus saith, whosoever believeth ‘four crucified’ shall not be embarrassed during listening with a purpose questions.
12 There is no difference between all without exceptionand all without distinction.
13 Whosoever shall be called upon to answer must quote ‘the teacher’ verbatim.
14 How then shall they be called upon if they are absent from class?
15 And they are $hit out of luck to get a refund.
16 That was part of the deal if they would not endure the class.
17 So then no fate cometh as quoth the Terminator franchise.
Sorry if this has already been posted by someone, but when I ate a cookie, I got this revelation for the 2nd time, so it's established according to the cartoon:
44 Tells students they can’t go beyond what they’re taught
Did wierwille believe that? He was a prolific plagiarist. Maybe as a thief he could at least steal what others taught.
What was the motivation behind his 1942 Promise fabrication? Was that a way to validate his erroneous idea that people cannot go beyond what they’re taught unless God does the tutoring?
Perhaps wierwille was playing king of the hill – setting himself up as themost authoritative person on God and the Bible. Whether he or others realized it or not, I think wierwille was into intellectual hobbling - a method of control to prevent others from straying from a cult mindset.
Imagine if educational systems had the maxim you can’t go beyond what you are taught. Would most students acquiesce to the idea? What would be the motivation to develop and improve one’s cognitive skills? Where would inventors, creators, artists, scientists, doctors, scholars, leaders and even inspiring teachers come from?
Imagine if educational systems had the maxim you can’t go beyond what you are taught. Would most students acquiesce to the idea?
Its interesting, and perhaps Im a bit idealistic or influenced by too many kung fu movies, but isn't the hallmark of a capable teacher is that the student eventuall surpasses the teacher?
Its interesting, and perhaps Im a bit idealistic or influenced by too many kung fu movies, but isn't the hallmark of a capable teacher is that the student eventuall surpasses the teacher?
yes - and there's probably a quote by someone along those lines.
We had one or two posters who were 2nd generation vpw drones, whose parents drilled them exclusively on twi/vpw materials, which was obvious because they talked like that's all they knew.
According to one, the phrase "you can only go as far as you've been taught" was correct. When he was asked about innovations and so on and their origin, he said that ALL inventions either came from God Almighty or the devil. (I mentioned he was doing a disservice to people who spent decades of their lives working in their fields to make incremental improvements.)
Its interesting, and perhaps Im a bit idealistic or influenced by too many kung fu movies, but isn't the hallmark of a capable teacher is that the student eventuall surpasses the teacher?
Whenever I've taught on anything, that's always been my goal- that others would start there and take it further. I think of Sir Isaac Newton, who claimed he saw so far by "Standing on the shoulders of giants," that is, the scientists who came before.
Imagine if educational systems had the maxim you can’t go beyond what you are taught. Would most students acquiesce to the idea? What would be the motivation to develop and improve one’s cognitive skills? Where would inventors, creators, artists, scientists, doctors, scholars, leaders and even inspiring teachers come from?
Then contrast this idea with Kierkegaard's "
Both ideas are incredibly powerful. We, at GSC (most of us anyway, with exceptions for Mike and others like him) are dedicated to understanding the life experiences we lived under twi/wierwille/martindale etc rule.
I also am dedicated to the necessary work of imagining my future and planting trees my grandchildren will be blessed to sit under the shade thereof and contemplate their futures.
It’s a perfect representation of a dog returning to its own vomit. My dogs will even drag in frozen poop to eat inside on the furniture.
Plaffy is the perfect poopsicle. But in my house the dogs have to eat it in the yard but can’t bring it inside. Poopsicles don’t melt well on carpeting.
It’s a perfect representation of a dog returning to its own vomit. My dogs will even drag in frozen poop to eat inside on the furniture.
Plaffy is the perfect poopsicle. But in my house the dogs have to eat it in the yard but can’t bring it inside. Poopsicles don’t melt well on carpeting.
Good point
And there’s the whole digestive cycle too - your dawgz will be known for passing of the poop-triarch …a unique dis-stink-shun as doo-ers of the turd and not eaters only…Awgie dawggie my Engwish is turdful!
and please try to be more tolerant in your home since we’re supposed to be ASPCA good to the household. (sorry that one was a bit of a stretch… but i had them rolling in the aisles when I was a standup comic…actually it wasn’t that funny - but I learned this trick at a Pentecostal revival - I’d whisper to someone in the front row “rollover” and give them a little milk-bone if they did it.)
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VPW's statement that the Bible interprets itself is nonsense. The act of interpretation of any text is done by the reader of the text. People interpret what they read. They are the ones who give it me
And in doing so, he was violating his own "To Whom it is Written" rule.
What I see in what you wrote Chockfull is that we were meant to have a relationship with the class - you know the one that replaced our relationship with Christ. It was our lord in that it had power,
Posted Images
Well…that would impress the hell out of me…your tombstone should read
He was a class act
As a big fan of yours, I’d like to be the eugoogalizer at your funeral - I’ve already got it together:
Alas poor Chockfull…
he knew
that he knew
that he knew
the PFAL class was priceless
and by that he meant it was worthless
Edited by T-BoneMy apollo-ologees to all you eugoogalizer wannabes
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Yeah. I've been thinking about this for some time.
Never has it been suggested to me after graduating from an academic institution or a professional training course or a course in leadership or the 5th grade that I should repeat that course study. That's why it's called graduation!
The word grad is so misused with respect to PFAL. If one feels the need to thanklessly endure a 33 hour "holding forth" session dozens, even hundreds, of times, I submit that very repeating proves there is no graduation, because there is no real teaching, no real learning.
If everyone misses so much the first time, the problem is not the "student." It's the "class." It's "the teacher."
I am so grateful to have studied under some truly amazing teachers in my life, academically, professionally, and spiritually. Thinking about them now, I am humbly awestruck at their skill as teachers and leaders and mentors.
The weak teachers are valuable, also. They show me how NOT to teach. They are the dark making obvious the light. They are the chaff to the wheat. I am grateful for the contrast they provide.
victor paul wierwille is among the top two worst "teachers" I have ever encountered. And that "class" is among the top two worst I've ever thanklessly endured.
victor and his sycophants can't even comprehend what it means to teach, to learn.
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Yes I am aging apparently and life is going towards eulogies slowly.
I mean pretty soon we’re gonna have to start to wonder what kind of a world we are gonna leave for Keith Richards.
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It is true that interactions surrounding “the class” more fit descriptions for either brainwashing or whitewashing as opposed to “learning”.
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Grads of PFAL
It just occurred to me you all may have uncovered … or discovered - depending on the situation with the covers
- a cultic euphemism …or for those who are morally ‘loosened up’ and like to get jiggy with the jargon (ewww…just ewwww).
euphemism = a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing."“downsizing” as a euphemism for cuts"
The Bible speaks of believers who have died as fallen asleep in Christ.
Being called a PFAL grad is a nice way to say that one is stuck in an endless cycle of indoctrination…what comes to mind is an action-packed 2014 film Edge of Tomorrow and has the tag line live…die…repeat
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What I see in what you wrote Chockfull is that we were meant to have a relationship with the class - you know the one that replaced our relationship with Christ. It was our lord in that it had power, authority, and influence over our lives. It was our savior in that it saved us from all the wrongly divided word taught in every other church known to mankind since the first century. One more just for the
of it - pfal was the way, the truth and the life. The way because of the irony of it being taught by "the way ministry," the truth because of God's 1942 promise to vp and the life because after all, it did promise us a more than abundant life.
Now why would anyone want or need an everlasting relationship with Christ after being brainwashed to believe in "the class?
Edited by CharityLink to comment
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Maybe someday AI will be able to tackle the really tough math problems.
Two thieves in Matthew,
two thieves in Mark.
Two malefactors in Luke.
Two others in John.
There were eight others crucified with Jesus Christ.
sphellean + mo betta math = this post
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Realistically, the Romans liked mass executions and there were probably dozens crucified at the same time. Jesus could have been crucified in a bunch, fore, aft and either side, of other unfortunates, quite possibly some of whom were also innocent, or were innocent of any serious crime. There's a report of about 2000 Jews being crucified in 4BC.
Wikipedia has this article, which is not for the fainthearted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucifixion.
You read it? I warned you!
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It's totally misused anyway. A "graduate" is one who has completed a course and been graded. In the US it would be like your GPA, I think. Lot of difference between a GPA of 2.3, 3.3 and 4.0.
If you ain't graded, you can't be a graduate. But you can be a course completer. Doesn't sound so good, though.
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LoShanta is as LoShanta does…
passaggio alla modalità numeri romani
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Many PFAL ‘completers’ transition to PFAL repeaters.
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8 But what saith the sales rep? A class is nigh thee, even in thy city, and in thy home: that is, the PFAL faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth PFAL is Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that indoctrination ain’t dead, thou shalt be brainwashed.
10 For with the heart students believeth propaganda; and with the mouth confession is made unto programming.
11 For the syllabus saith, whosoever believeth ‘four crucified’ shall not be embarrassed during listening with a purpose questions.
12 There is no difference between all without exception and all without distinction.
13 Whosoever shall be called upon to answer must quote ‘the teacher’ verbatim.
14 How then shall they be called upon if they are absent from class?
15 And they are $hit out of luck to get a refund.
16 That was part of the deal if they would not endure the class.
17 So then no fate cometh as quoth the Terminator franchise.
Omens 10: 8 - 17
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Careful…that’s not cookies in those jars!
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If you have an in depth scatological awareness and perception, you will know exactly what that is.
You have to call it by name before throwing it out.
All of this is handled accurately with gloved hands in “the class.”
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Maybe it's Brown 25.
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Did wierwille believe that? He was a prolific plagiarist. Maybe as a thief he could at least steal what others taught.
What was the motivation behind his 1942 Promise fabrication? Was that a way to validate his erroneous idea that people cannot go beyond what they’re taught unless God does the tutoring?
Perhaps wierwille was playing king of the hill – setting himself up as the most authoritative person on God and the Bible. Whether he or others realized it or not, I think wierwille was into intellectual hobbling - a method of control to prevent others from straying from a cult mindset.
Imagine if educational systems had the maxim you can’t go beyond what you are taught. Would most students acquiesce to the idea? What would be the motivation to develop and improve one’s cognitive skills? Where would inventors, creators, artists, scientists, doctors, scholars, leaders and even inspiring teachers come from?
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Its interesting, and perhaps Im a bit idealistic or influenced by too many kung fu movies, but isn't the hallmark of a capable teacher is that the student eventuall surpasses the teacher?
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yes - and there's probably a quote by someone along those lines.
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But wierwille was to be surpassed by nobody. So that speaks volumes, no?
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We had one or two posters who were 2nd generation vpw drones, whose parents drilled them exclusively on twi/vpw materials, which was obvious because they talked like that's all they knew.
According to one, the phrase "you can only go as far as you've been taught" was correct. When he was asked about innovations and so on and their origin, he said that ALL inventions either came from God Almighty or the devil. (I mentioned he was doing a disservice to people who spent decades of their lives working in their fields to make incremental improvements.)
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Whenever I've taught on anything, that's always been my goal- that others would start there and take it further. I think of Sir Isaac Newton, who claimed he saw so far by "Standing on the shoulders of giants," that is, the scientists who came before.
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Then contrast this idea with Kierkegaard's "
Both ideas are incredibly powerful. We, at GSC (most of us anyway, with exceptions for Mike and others like him) are dedicated to understanding the life experiences we lived under twi/wierwille/martindale etc rule.
I also am dedicated to the necessary work of imagining my future and planting trees my grandchildren will be blessed to sit under the shade thereof and contemplate their futures.
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132. It’s a plagiarized class re worked 3 times.
It’s a perfect representation of a dog returning to its own vomit. My dogs will even drag in frozen poop to eat inside on the furniture.
Plaffy is the perfect poopsicle. But in my house the dogs have to eat it in the yard but can’t bring it inside. Poopsicles don’t melt well on carpeting.
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Good point
And there’s the whole digestive cycle too - your dawgz will be known for passing of the poop-triarch …a unique dis-stink-shun as doo-ers of the turd and not eaters only…Awgie dawggie my Engwish is turdful!
and please try to be more tolerant in your home since we’re supposed to be ASPCA good to the household. (sorry that one was a bit of a stretch… but i had them rolling in the aisles when I was a standup comic…actually it wasn’t that funny - but I learned this trick at a Pentecostal revival - I’d whisper to someone in the front row “rollover” and give them a little milk-bone if they did it.)
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