20. wierwille minimizes sin and consequences of sin; downplays or ignores the importance of repentance and reconciliation; emphasizes a personal liberty; pushes a cheap grace which is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ. As defined by Bonhoeffer, cheap grace is an approach to Christianity that only emphasizes the good or easy parts without telling the truth regarding the difficult aspects of it.
A. promotes situational ethics.
B. promotes a dogmatic approach to pray - know what's available, how to receive it, etc.
C. promotes black and white thinking (either / or thinking) when more options are available - for example in teaching I Pet. 1:21 know this first no prophecy is of any private interpretation - besides the fact he mistook this to mean one should not offer a personal opinion of a text, he concludes there is either no interpretation possible or the Bible must interpret itself.
D. wierwille interprets Gen 3 as the reason for the fall of humankind, was due to their failure to adhere to "The Word". Rather than exploring the reasons for their failure to trust God, wierwille oversimplifies a believer's walk as following the letter of the law in "the Word"
E. Promotes a type of procrastination – students fail to see the interrelationship between knowledge and will; one can get so caught up in thinking about the Word and studying the Word that they fail to realize there’s no practical application. Talk a good walk without actually walking the walk. Mental busywork.
21. wierwille promotes a sense of entitlement instead of striving to please God. he talks about “sonship rights” and ignores living a morally upright life.
22. in PFAL wierwille asserts the Bible interprets itself. And he is not consistent when he does use the interpretive keys that he plagiarized from Bullinger (as if Bullinger got it all right). He ignores context when it suites his twisted interpretation.
A. Disparages commentaries to elevatehisexplanations of Scripture
B. Uses proof texting to ignore immediate context, remote context, theological reasoning consistent with the whole Bible on a given subject.
C. wierwille assumes what he teaches is "The Word" and has the same authority as the Bible
23. generally speaking, plagiarized material filtered through an incompetent thought process driven by a glory-seeker produces an inferior and erroneous obfuscating dogma.
12. He taught a false trichotomy of man - body, soul and spirit
12. He taught a false trichotomy of man - body, soul and spirit
A. pushes a Gnostic concept of strict separation of spirit and matter
B. teaches an incoherent idea of how the Spirit "works" - as evidenced in the contradictory Great Principle "God who is spirit, teaches His creation in you which is now your spirit, etc. "
C. wierwille teaches the holy spirit is nothing much more than something like a spiritual car battery that energizes all nine manifestations in each and every Christian.
D. Promotes an unhealthy fascination with demonology and spouts off speculations like he knows what he’s talking about – for example his studies in human suffering on Job.
E. He teaches people can be born again of the wrong seed - but does not specify how the person can do that.
F. He pretends to be an expert on all things spiritual so he charge for more classes so you can learn from “the master”
A. He treats the Bible like it is a scientific textbook – such as his literal interpretation of Genesis.
B. he repeats the gap theory first put forth by Arthur Custance - the time period between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 to account for when the dinosaurs and to allow for a greater prehistoric time period since wierwille teaches the Earth was created in 6 literal days / 24 hour time period for each day.
27. victor teaches the LEAST a Christian should be expected to do is tithe - before ANYTHING, tithe. The implication is you are not a Christian if you don't tithe. The tithe is victor's sine qua non of Christian identity.
16. He spiritually and physically replaces God's only begotten with YourWalk+Believing+TheBible+ChristInYou.
16. He spiritually and physically replaces God's only begotten with YourWalk+Believing+TheBible+ChristInYou.
A. in effect, wierwille replaces Jesus Christ as the high priest; high priest is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.
17. It often contains errors that are the byproduct of pretending that the over 400-years old, obsolete King James Version is authoritative in aiding our understanding, as if the KJV word usage was consistent within itself and consistent with modern usage. Probably the most obvious of those errors was hanging an entire doctrine on the KJV usage of the word "replenish" in Genesis 3, when the Hebrew word from which it was taken should be translated "fill" and not "replenish." However, since this error matched what vpw wanted it to say, he went with it. Furthermore, "throughly" is an archaic word that DOES mean "thoroughly" and there is NO DIFFERENCE between their definitions- even though vpw made up an explanation of their differences.
18. II Peter 1: 20-21
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
vpw made a big deal out of these verses meaning we aren't to do any "private interpretation"- complete with his own, made-up explanation of what that supposedly meant. However, these verses explained the ORIGIN of the verses- they didn't show up because someone sat in a corner and decided to write something on his own, but with input from God Almighty directing him. There's nothing in them about how we are to approach the Bible.
[For those arriving late, I'm just repeating points that were posted over 20 years ago in both examples, and not by me originally.]
A. in effect, wierwille replaces Jesus Christ as the high priest; high priest is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.
In essence that is what I heard in the late 1970s while listening to a tape from a Sunday teaching by VPW. As I remember, VPW said that he agreed with the Roman Catholic Church regarding the religious belief that the Pope was the Vicar of Christ. In practical application, while VPW was the leader of TWI, VPW also saw himself as the earthly representative of Christ and as "the teacher" instead of "a teacher", as I remember from the Power for Abundant Living class. However, at least most of and perhaps all of his books don't have that hierarchical and errant teaching.
24. Disparages intuition, emotions, and cognitive skills.
A. promotes a rigid decision-making process based on what he says are the priorities
B. teaches people to expect to get revelation on a regular basis
C. He teaches "The Word" has priority over reason.
D. In sabotaging cognitive skills , PFAL disables one’s ability to distinguish truth from error, but makes the person think that they can. Takes confirmation bias to a whole new level!
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VPW's statement that the Bible interprets itself is nonsense. The act of interpretation of any text is done by the reader of the text. People interpret what they read. They are the ones who give it me
And in doing so, he was violating his own "To Whom it is Written" rule.
What I see in what you wrote Chockfull is that we were meant to have a relationship with the class - you know the one that replaced our relationship with Christ. It was our lord in that it had power,
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15. He disparagingly and erroneously calls Jesus a bastard Jew.
16. He spiritually and physically replaces God's only begotten with YourWalk+Believing+TheBible+ChristInYou.
(Boy, oh, boy! I'd hate to be victor on THAT day.)
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17. Hyperdispensationalism
18. The spiritual and intellectual retardation required to claim four crucified.
19. Four hours of content held forth over 36 hours.
Edited by Nathan_JrLo shonta!
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17. Hyperdispensationalism
A. erroneous template of Hyperdispensationalism ignores the relevancy and practical application of the entire Bible
B. misleads students with "to whom it is written" into rationalizing what is applicable and what is not.
18. The spiritual and intellectual retardation required to claim four crucified.
A. assumes Gospels are a piecemeal narrative - and treats parts of it like a nonlinear Pulp Fiction style screenplay
Edited by T-Bonerevision B
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15. He disparagingly and erroneously calls Jesus a bastard Jew.
A. has other antisemitic messages - when commenting on Paul receiving 39 lashes save one - he says "the Jews were smart then already"
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Lo shonta to this!!
**My highest compliment
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20. wierwille minimizes sin and consequences of sin; downplays or ignores the importance of repentance and reconciliation; emphasizes a personal liberty; pushes a cheap grace which is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ. As defined by Bonhoeffer, cheap grace is an approach to Christianity that only emphasizes the good or easy parts without telling the truth regarding the difficult aspects of it.
A. promotes situational ethics.
B. promotes a dogmatic approach to pray - know what's available, how to receive it, etc.
C. promotes black and white thinking (either / or thinking) when more options are available - for example in teaching I Pet. 1:21 know this first no prophecy is of any private interpretation - besides the fact he mistook this to mean one should not offer a personal opinion of a text, he concludes there is either no interpretation possible or the Bible must interpret itself.
D. wierwille interprets Gen 3 as the reason for the fall of humankind, was due to their failure to adhere to "The Word". Rather than exploring the reasons for their failure to trust God, wierwille oversimplifies a believer's walk as following the letter of the law in "the Word"
E. Promotes a type of procrastination – students fail to see the interrelationship between knowledge and will; one can get so caught up in thinking about the Word and studying the Word that they fail to realize there’s no practical application. Talk a good walk without actually walking the walk. Mental busywork.
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21. wierwille promotes a sense of entitlement instead of striving to please God. he talks about “sonship rights” and ignores living a morally upright life.
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22. in PFAL wierwille asserts the Bible interprets itself. And he is not consistent when he does use the interpretive keys that he plagiarized from Bullinger (as if Bullinger got it all right
). He ignores context when it suites his twisted interpretation.
A. Disparages commentaries to elevate his explanations of Scripture
B. Uses proof texting to ignore immediate context, remote context, theological reasoning consistent with the whole Bible on a given subject.
C. wierwille assumes what he teaches is "The Word" and has the same authority as the Bible
revision too
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23. generally speaking, plagiarized material filtered through an incompetent thought process driven by a glory-seeker produces an inferior and erroneous obfuscating dogma.
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12. He taught a false trichotomy of man - body, soul and spirit
A. pushes a Gnostic concept of strict separation of spirit and matter
B. teaches an incoherent idea of how the Spirit "works" - as evidenced in the contradictory Great Principle "God who is spirit, teaches His creation in you which is now your spirit, etc. "
C. wierwille teaches the holy spirit is nothing much more than something like a spiritual car battery that energizes all nine manifestations in each and every Christian.
D. Promotes an unhealthy fascination with demonology and spouts off speculations like he knows what he’s talking about – for example his studies in human suffering on Job.
E. He teaches people can be born again of the wrong seed - but does not specify how the person can do that.
F. He pretends to be an expert on all things spiritual so he charge for more classes so you can learn from “the master”
Edited by T-Bonerevision
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24. Disparages intuition, emotions, and cognitive skills.
A. promotes a rigid decision-making process based on what he says are the priorities
B. teaches people to expect to get revelation on a regular basis
C. He teaches "The Word" has priority over reason.
Edited by T-Bonerevision I think
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delete repeat
Edited by T-Bonerevision
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6. Promotes law of believing and magical thinking; believing = receiving
A. Promotes power of positive confessions
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25. wierwille teaches Christians are duty bound to give beyond the tithe (10 percent0 of the Old Testament
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26. wierwille teaches pseudoscience
A. He treats the Bible like it is a scientific textbook – such as his literal interpretation of Genesis.
B. he repeats the gap theory first put forth by Arthur Custance - the time period between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 to account for when the dinosaurs and to allow for a greater prehistoric time period since wierwille teaches the Earth was created in 6 literal days / 24 hour time period for each day.
Edited by T-Boneresearch of typos
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27. victor teaches the LEAST a Christian should be expected to do is tithe - before ANYTHING, tithe. The implication is you are not a Christian if you don't tithe. The tithe is victor's sine qua non of Christian identity.
Guilt trips and gas lighting all the way down.
Edited by Nathan_JrLo shonta
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28. Because bull$hit sucks.
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29. paying full retail price for second-hand and damaged goods.
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16. He spiritually and physically replaces God's only begotten with YourWalk+Believing+TheBible+ChristInYou.
A. in effect, wierwille replaces Jesus Christ as the high priest; high priest is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.
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17. It often contains errors that are the byproduct of pretending that the over 400-years old, obsolete King James Version is authoritative in aiding our understanding, as if the KJV word usage was consistent within itself and consistent with modern usage. Probably the most obvious of those errors was hanging an entire doctrine on the KJV usage of the word "replenish" in Genesis 3, when the Hebrew word from which it was taken should be translated "fill" and not "replenish." However, since this error matched what vpw wanted it to say, he went with it. Furthermore, "throughly" is an archaic word that DOES mean "thoroughly" and there is NO DIFFERENCE between their definitions- even though vpw made up an explanation of their differences.
18. II Peter 1: 20-21
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
vpw made a big deal out of these verses meaning we aren't to do any "private interpretation"- complete with his own, made-up explanation of what that supposedly meant. However, these verses explained the ORIGIN of the verses- they didn't show up because someone sat in a corner and decided to write something on his own, but with input from God Almighty directing him. There's nothing in them about how we are to approach the Bible.
[For those arriving late, I'm just repeating points that were posted over 20 years ago in both examples, and not by me originally.]
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Here's some optional reading for the curious and those arriving late.
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Mark Sanguinetti
In essence that is what I heard in the late 1970s while listening to a tape from a Sunday teaching by VPW. As I remember, VPW said that he agreed with the Roman Catholic Church regarding the religious belief that the Pope was the Vicar of Christ. In practical application, while VPW was the leader of TWI, VPW also saw himself as the earthly representative of Christ and as "the teacher" instead of "a teacher", as I remember from the Power for Abundant Living class. However, at least most of and perhaps all of his books don't have that hierarchical and errant teaching.
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27. Creates DIS-harmony in the home.
A. Causes friction and division between family members.
B. Allows and expects secrets between family members.
C. Promotes infidelity.
D. Promotes coercive control.
E. Promotes abortion.
F. Permits rape.
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D. In sabotaging cognitive skills , PFAL disables one’s ability to distinguish truth from error, but makes the person think that they can. Takes confirmation bias to a whole new level!
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