Okay. Your intentions are noble. Yet, speaking of data, do you have any data to show the approach taken by those who engage with Mike's vain babblings have changed their minds because of those discussions?
I get that you are likely not impressed with the perspective I present now. That's okay.
you seem to expect me to answer your overgeneralized question and seem to think your justified because of some evidence that is ignored.
Do you think I private message other Grease Spotters and talk about what they think of Mike?
Do you think I private message other Grease Spotters and talk about how their thinking has changed one way or the other over Mike?
I assure you and Mike I do not.
If any Grease Spotters disagree with my statement - please, please, please come forward and document (by referencing the private messages between me and you by time and date and the gist of the private message - you don't have to copy and paste the dialog back and forth - if you want to do that - fine! I've got nothing to hide and I've never back-stabbed anyone on Grease Spot !)
Do you think I keep detailed records of every single post of who said what to whom, noting reactions and possible changes in anyone’s things?
Maybe you do – if so, feel free to make a gosh-awful-long-post with lots of exact quotes to prove your point!
~ ~ ~ ~
And you are correct - I'm not impressed with your perspective.
To answer your questions. I was asking any/all readers those questions.
There's an old saying, "if the foo poops, wear it." or something like that...
Oh, correction, if the shoe fits...
If nobody finds the questions relevant, so be it.
However, declaring Mike's schtick pathetic hasn't made any progress, either, right?
I'll grant that I have been dismissive of Mike's antics and his claims and his reverence for PFLAP and Wierwille.
But my objective wasn't to get him to like me or listen to my perspective either. Was it yours?
I figured that 20 years of doing the same thing and expecting any different outcome wasn't worth my time.
But I share perspective and values with the rest of the people on this thread.
Have I taken an approach that everyone will consider? Probably not.
progress in what?
"But my objective wasn't to get him to like me or listen to my perspective either. Was it yours?"
I'm a little disappointed in your short-term memory...or is it selective memory? I've have stated here and on other threads where you've wondered about, challenged or mischaracterized my intentions / objectives. I'm a multipurpose kind of poster. My objective is to support the Socratic method that exposes nonsense and gets to the essential facts and truths - I see that has a twofold benefit: innocent souls who come to Grease Spot get to witness and participate in the Socratic method (seems like I've said that before ) and get a sense of the problems with wierwille, PFAL, TWI, etc. and since I don't write anyone off - I think there's even hope for the most deluded of wierwille fans.
That's my approach - maybe I'm more of a softie than others
He's made, apparently, 74 posts on this thread. Take your pick.
Rocky, in case you haven't noticed, I have done a number of things to avoid aggravating you.
One of them is to pretty much isolate myself in one thread lately, as I sensed your seething a while back. Your emotions leak through your texts. It's not worth it you getting your dandruff up in this extreme.
We're all old here, and our health depends more and more on steering towards calm and peace, and not harsh anger.
Is there anything more I can do to make it go smoother for you?
You seem to be implying that I should be banned. Are you?
If so, you can say so. I wouldn't freak out. You wouldn't be the first.
If you really need a "vacation" from me, like for 6 months or so, we could talk about that, too. I mean, like for health reasons.
How about this? Might this be a thorn in your paw?
Yes, I dodge lots of questions thrown at me. There are several reasons for that, and I have been open about them in the distant past.
Is there any one thing in the litany of things above in this thread that you'd like to see me handle in detail? I'd consider doing that. Really, we'd have to limit it to one thing, though, and I can't guarantee my chosen amount of detail will give you satisfaction, but I'll try.
Honestly, there is a swath of posts above (when we moved to Doctrinal Dungeons) loaded with things in that litany above I have not yet read. Sometimes time gets suddenly scarce when you run a small business.
Anyway, I am serious about getting back to the Word taking the place of the absent Christ.It won’t take long.
You seem to be implying that I should be banned. Are you?
No. I simply believe those reacting to you could be a bit wiser in how they let you push their buttons... whether that's your intent or not, it's the ultimate result.
I do think it's absurd to realize we've all been having virtually the exact same discussion with NO apparent common ground found. You stated, earlier today that you believe you're correct and everyone else is wrong as it concerns twi and PFLAP.
20 years. Something or somebody really should consider figuring out how to actually "connect" such that you give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC you've stubbornly refused to do so.
And if threads like this are going to be anything different than they've been for two decades, perhaps people here might benefit from figuring out a way to find tidbits of your message that they/we could acknowledge as valid.
No. I simply believe those reacting to you could be a bit wiser in how they let you push their buttons... whether that's your intent or not, it's the ultimate result.
I hear you there.
When I am presenting my message, I try my BEST to not push emotional buttons. I want it as clear and pure as possible. (a business like transaction)
When I am dealing with LOTS and LOTS of hostile texts from several people at once, and they use strong button pushing rhetoric on me, THEN button pushing is the name of the game. It is also called theater. I have been lucky to have experience in real theater, and I use it to strongly defend myself.
I try my best to compartmentalize those two writing modes, but in the midst of battle I may may make mistakes, or face strong enough opposition that demands strong response, and both are used.
Like right now, I am pushing NO buttons, trying to be business-like clear, and being pretty fully open. ...not theater...
Has Mike shown ANY indication in 20 effing years that he has given your perspective ANY serious consideration, T-Bone?
OR, is what he said on this thread the same position he has taken, and overtly stating his dismissiveness of EVERY thing that anyone who disagrees with him... just today?
Does that rhetoric/narrative reflect ANYthing different from the tone and gist he has consistently maintained for TWENTY years?
Have you detected ANY posts from anyone on GSC indicating that discussions with Mike have moved them in any direction, toward or away from twi?
Just asking.
1 hour ago, Rocky said:
He's made, apparently, 74 posts on this thread. Take your pick.
Rocky said:OR, is what he said on this thread the same position he has taken, and overtly stating his dismissiveness of EVERY thing that anyone who disagrees with him... just today?
T-Bone’s request: I'm sorry - but can you restate the question - I don't know what you're looking for.
~ ~ ~ ~
Rocky said: He's made, apparently, 74 posts on this thread. Take your pick.
T-Bone’s reply: sorry I’m still not clear on what you’re looking for. You’re confusing me. I’m 68 – that comes easy for me now
Please set some parameters regarding the following:
What is the position Mike has taken?
Please specifyMike’sobviously dismissive statementson EVERY item Grease Spotters have expressed disagreement if you want me to respond to them all.
As of this posting I see Mike is now up to 77 posts – you said “Take your pick” so do I pick one – or are you asking me to respond to everything “he said on this thread the same position he has taken, and overtly stating his dismissiveness of EVERY thing that anyone who disagrees with him”? Or did you mean only within the time frame of “just today” which you posted about an hour ago?
No. I simply believe those reacting to you could be a bit wiser in how they let you push their buttons... whether that's your intent or not, it's the ultimate result.
I do think it's absurd to realize we've all been having virtually the exact same discussion with NO apparent common ground found. You stated, earlier today that you believe you're correct and everyone else is wrong as it concerns twi and PFLAP.
20 years. Something or somebody really should consider figuring out how to actually "connect" such that you give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC you've stubbornly refused to do so.
And if threads like this are going to be anything different than they've been for two decades, perhaps people here might benefit from figuring out a way to find tidbits of your message that they/we could acknowledge as valid.
I don't know how to do so at this time, however.
" do think it's absurd to realize we've all been having virtually the exact same discussion with NO apparent common ground found."
I think it is most important for us to magnify what went right in TWI and PFAL.
Most posters oppose this unflinchingly, with no exceptions.
I have flinched, though, and I have heard the negatives expressed. I know some of them are factually correct. I still don't think they should get Number One Billing in my life and not in my posting here. I want to deal with the negatives, but not the way they are handled here. THERE is your common ground.
I work on the negatives in private and with anyone, even TWI officials. I chose to try and limit my posting to what went right. It is a side in ALL of these matters that needs to be presented.
So, I suggest GreaseSpotters flinch a little, and start a new train of thought: what went right at TWI and PFAL.
Then we will have more common ground.
"...Something or somebody really should consider figuring out how to actually "connect" such that you give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC you've stubbornly refused to do so. ..."
As I said above, I do give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC, the negative ones where things went wrong, but I chose to do it all in private.
" do think it's absurd to realize we've all been having virtually the exact same discussion with NO apparent common ground found."
I think it is most important for us to magnify what went right in TWI and PFAL.
Most posters oppose this unflinchingly, with no exceptions.
I have flinched, though, and I have heard the negatives expressed. I know some of them are factually correct. I still don't think they should get Number One Billing in my life and not in my posting here. I want to deal with the negatives, but not the way they are handled here. THERE is your common ground.
I work on the negatives in private and with anyone, even TWI officials. I chose to try and limit my posting to what went right. It is a side in ALL of these matters that needs to be presented.
So, I suggest GreaseSpotters flinch a little, and start a new train of thought: what went right at TWI and PFAL.
Then we will have more common ground.
"...Something or somebody really should consider figuring out how to actually "connect" such that you give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC you've stubbornly refused to do so. ..."
As I said above, I do give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC, the negative ones where things went wrong, but I chose to do it all in private.
Translation: I want it my way and anything else you Greasespotters have to add isn't even worth considering.
I was simply reflecting back to you the question(s) you posed to me about data. I had no expectation at all for what you would, could, or should do.
To be clear I said “you seem to expect” I was merely expressing how your line of questioning appeared to me. That was NOT an accusation…You replied that you did NOT expect that – and I never said you did. I think this wrinkle in our dialog back and forth may be from you misconstruing my post – a possibility you brought up earlier in a somewhat condescending “reproving post” (see here)to which I reponed with this ( see here )
~ ~ ~ ~
Another issue I sense – is you’re “leading the witness” or using leading questions:
Suggestive Insinuation
Too Many Variables
Glossing Over Details
Asserting Unconfirmed Qualities
Jury Manipulationthrough Reverse Psychology…Perhaps counter-intuitively, a series of questions might be offered which, at first glance, seem to be exactly the opposite of leading. They might come across as almost strangely open-ended, even to the point of being virtually irrelevant. This is a common tactic used by attorneys to try and instill doubt in the jury by making the witness appear unreliable
We can go at this all night – but I’ll probably abstain for a bit…since I’m working on a new thread to start in doctrinal. ...don't worry - I'll keep an eye out for ya - maybe it will be morning before I respond.
Translation: I want it my way and anything else you Greasespotters have to add isn't even worth considering.
Don't make me get out my makeup and costumes!
I admit that what I post is against the grain here.
Yes, when it comes to most of my posts, they will be reminding people of the great positives that are missing here. You seem to think that ONLY your way should be focused on. Have at it. If you want to be more balanced and find some common ground, read the above.
I thought you were already in make up and costume.
35 minutes ago, Mike said:
I admit that what I post is against the grain here.
Like I said, you're already in make up and costume.
Always beware the person proclaiming, "We have to forget the negatives and focus on the positives." Usually, that person is setting you up to be duped again.
35 minutes ago, Mike said:
Yes, when it comes to most of my posts, they will be reminding people of the great positives that are missing here.
What great positives? "Life principles" that waste your youth because they don't work? A drunken liar who bent the bible so he could lord over people? People who expected you to follow Evey letter of the bible, yet broke it themselves without a second thought?
35 minutes ago, Mike said:
You seem to think that ONLY your way should be focused on.
There's a surprise, I would have made the same claim about you.
35 minutes ago, Mike said:
Have at it. If you want to be more balanced and find some common ground, read the above.
And how do you figure things will be more balanced by leaning everything to your side?
Edited by So_crates If you've been in a situation for five minutes and you haven't figured out who the patsy is, you're the patsy?
No. I simply believe those reacting to you could be a bit wiser in how they let you push their buttons... whether that's your intent or not, it's the ultimate result.
Rocky, I know you said this to Mike, but do you realize you’ve expressed a low opinion of other Grease Spotters and that you somehow assume they are letting Mike upset them?
Are these the kind of methods you’ve garnered from McRaney’s book How Minds Change that you recommended in an earlier post-here
fyi – you had mentioned that book before and I had put it on my to-read list…does the author promote antagonistic and argumentative techniques? I’m not really a big fan of manipulation and intimidation.
Edited by T-Bone hyperlink correction via the hyperdrive - skipping over ludicrous speed and going straight to plaid!
A good Grease Spotter never sleeps - what do you think this is some rinky-dink PFAL class we’re running here? zzzZZZ Zzz – hey I heard that in the back! Very funny…very funny…You better just be checking your eyelids for pin holes, buddy, or there’s no stretched coffee for you!
Now if you’ll turn in your Grease Spot syllabus to page 18 which is the session covering (as in covering with a blankie before you go night-night …hey, I already showed you on the green Grease Spot Café signup card that we’ll be getting into apparent contradictions…no, not explaining them but actually doing them – hence the blankie reference as a sleep aid in a class where you’re not supposed to sleep). zzzZZZ zzzZZ oops accidentally went to the 3rd heaven for a second - whether on this thread or out of this thread I throw up...my hands in holy tongue-lashings ...okay...
uhm…where was I?
oh yeah, session 18 covering The Absent Grease Spotter , please take note of the reading threads with a purpose questions – the first question is how many Grease Spotter’s were crucified on this thread?
2nd question Does quoting a Grease Spotter take the place of that Grease Spotter if they're offline?
3rd question If you could Quantum Leap back to the Gospel period and wound up in the body of Jesus Christ – then technically would it be your eyes behind Christ’s eyes?
4th question to keep my young people awake – There are two trains moving in opposite directions – one is The Mystery Train and the other is The Challenging Counterfeit. One of the engineers is none other than Jesus Christ Himself and He’s wearing a crimson train conductor hat. The four other conductors going cross-country together with Him yet distinctly independent of Him are wearing chapeaus of unknown origins. Which train will stop at which station at which time? The answer must be as close as possible to this day and time and hour.
5th question Who's on First?
Sicth [sic] question Are the Sith the main antagonists in many of the Star Wars franchise?
7th question Have you seen Star Wars more times than you sat through PFAL?
And forextra credityou can writea gosh-awful-long-dissertation on how your posts interpret themselves. We advise against using Scripture references, logic, slang, Latin terms, New York-ese, Ebonics, Spanglish, and various sundry redundant plagiarized nonsense – but streaming consciousness - yours or your pet’s and including hyperlinks to a Universal Translator are okey-doke...you wonder what you can say to your people at a time like this...I'm my own grandpa.
and he logged off Grease Spot...then he stood up...the eyes of anyone still awake were flummoxed by that...so maybe talk amongst yourselves...and be sure to sign up for the next Grease Spot Thread in your area of concern, interest and need...go the Mass has ended...thanks be to God.
Edited by T-Bone on and on...on and on...his posts go on and on
A good Grease Spotter never sleeps - what do you think this is some rinky-dink PFAL class we’re running here? zzzZZZ Zzz – hey I heard that in the back! Very funny…very funny…You better just be checking your eyelids for pin holes, buddy, or there’s no stretched coffee for you!
Now if you’ll turn in your Grease Spot syllabus to page 18 which is the session covering (as in covering with a blankie before you go night-night …hey, I already showed you on the green Grease Spot Café signup card that we’ll be getting into apparent contradictions…no, not explaining them but actually doing them – hence the blankie reference as a sleep aid in a class where you’re not supposed to sleep). zzzZZZ zzzZZ oops accidentally went to the 3rd heaven for a second - whether on this thread or out of this thread I throw up...my hands in holy tongue-lashings ...okay...
uhm…where was I?
oh yeah, session 18 covering The Absent Grease Spotter , please take note of the reading threads with a purpose questions – the first question is how many Grease Spotter’s were crucified on this thread?
2nd question Does quoting a Grease Spotter take the place of that Grease Spotter if they're offline?
3rd question If you could Quantum Leap back to the Gospel period and wound up in the body of Jesus Christ – then technically would it be your eyes behind Christ’s eyes?
And forextra credityou can writea gosh-awful-long-dissertation on how your posts interpret themselves. We advise against using Scripture references, logic, slang, Latin terms, New York-ese, Ebonics, Spanglish, and various sundry redundant plagiarized nonsense – but streaming consciousness - yours or your pet’s and including hyperlinks to a Universal Translator are okey-doke...you wonder what you can say to your people at a time like this...I'm my own grandpa.
and he logged off Grease Spot...then he stood up...the eyes of anyone still awake were flummoxed by that...so maybe talk amongst yourselves...and be sure to sign up for the next Grease Spot Thread in your area of concern, interest and need...go the Mass has ended...thanks be to God.
my man! I can't wait to learn to sleep in tongues...ohhhh boyyy
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First off, Biblically speaking, Christ has never been absent...that doctrine does not come close to occuring anywhere in the Bible. Yet the way international teaches the word of God takes the place of
Mike's apparent anger toward Christ and emphasis on obedience . . . that's Wayworld . . . that's the annihilation of the individual
Soooo...He used ONE verse from the Amplified Bible, HALF a chapter from the New English Bible and required PFAL '77 students to get some version from the 1800's that has a name so unremarkable you can
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Er... um... can we get back on topic?
Did we fully handle how the Word takes the place of the absent Christ yet?
Does anybody want to get into that?
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you seem to expect me to answer your overgeneralized question and seem to think your justified because of some evidence that is ignored.
Do you think I private message other Grease Spotters and talk about what they think of Mike?
Do you think I private message other Grease Spotters and talk about how their thinking has changed one way or the other over Mike?
I assure you and Mike I do not.
If any Grease Spotters disagree with my statement - please, please, please come forward and document (by referencing the private messages between me and you by time and date and the gist of the private message - you don't have to copy and paste the dialog back and forth - if you want to do that - fine! I've got nothing to hide and I've never back-stabbed anyone on Grease Spot !)
Do you think I keep detailed records of every single post of who said what to whom, noting reactions and possible changes in anyone’s things?
Maybe you do – if so, feel free to make a gosh-awful-long-post with lots of exact quotes to prove your point!
~ ~ ~ ~
And you are correct - I'm not impressed with your perspective.
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No. I don't.
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I was simply reflecting back to you the question(s) you posed to me about data. I had no expectation at all for what you would, could, or should do.
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progress in what?
"But my objective wasn't to get him to like me or listen to my perspective either. Was it yours?"
I'm a little disappointed in your short-term memory...or is it selective memory? I've have stated here and on other threads where you've wondered about, challenged or mischaracterized my intentions / objectives. I'm a multipurpose kind of poster. My objective is to support the Socratic method that exposes nonsense and gets to the essential facts and truths - I see that has a twofold benefit: innocent souls who come to Grease Spot get to witness and participate in the Socratic method (seems like I've said that before
) and get a sense of the problems with wierwille, PFAL, TWI, etc. and since I don't write anyone off - I think there's even hope for the most deluded of wierwille fans.
That's my approach - maybe I'm more of a softie than others
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Rocky, in case you haven't noticed, I have done a number of things to avoid aggravating you.
One of them is to pretty much isolate myself in one thread lately, as I sensed your seething a while back. Your emotions leak through your texts. It's not worth it you getting your dandruff up in this extreme.
We're all old here, and our health depends more and more on steering towards calm and peace, and not harsh anger.
Is there anything more I can do to make it go smoother for you?
You seem to be implying that I should be banned. Are you?
If so, you can say so. I wouldn't freak out. You wouldn't be the first.
If you really need a "vacation" from me, like for 6 months or so,
we could talk about that, too. I mean, like for health reasons.
How about this? Might this be a thorn in your paw?
Yes, I dodge lots of questions thrown at me. There are several reasons for that, and I have been open about them in the distant past.
Is there any one thing in the litany of things above in this thread that you'd like to see me handle in detail? I'd consider doing that. Really, we'd have to limit it to one thing, though, and I can't guarantee my chosen amount of detail will give you satisfaction, but I'll try.
Honestly, there is a swath of posts above (when we moved to Doctrinal Dungeons) loaded with things in that litany above I have not yet read. Sometimes time gets suddenly scarce when you run a small business.
Anyway, I am serious about getting back to the Word taking the place of the absent Christ. It won’t take long.
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I noticed and appreciate the effort. Thank you.
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Thank you, sir, also.
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No. I simply believe those reacting to you could be a bit wiser in how they let you push their buttons... whether that's your intent or not, it's the ultimate result.
Edited by RockyI do think it's absurd to realize we've all been having virtually the exact same discussion with NO apparent common ground found. You stated, earlier today that you believe you're correct and everyone else is wrong as it concerns twi and PFLAP.
20 years. Something or somebody really should consider figuring out how to actually "connect" such that you give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC you've stubbornly refused to do so.
And if threads like this are going to be anything different than they've been for two decades, perhaps people here might benefit from figuring out a way to find tidbits of your message that they/we could acknowledge as valid.
I don't know how to do so at this time, however.
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I hear you there.
Edited by MikeWhen I am presenting my message, I try my BEST to not push emotional buttons. I want it as clear and pure as possible. (a business like transaction)
When I am dealing with LOTS and LOTS of hostile texts from several people at once, and they use strong button pushing rhetoric on me, THEN button pushing is the name of the game. It is also called theater. I have been lucky to have experience in real theater, and I use it to strongly defend myself.
I try my best to compartmentalize those two writing modes, but in the midst of battle I may may make mistakes, or face strong enough opposition that demands strong response, and both are used.
Like right now, I am pushing NO buttons, trying to be business-like clear, and being pretty fully open. ...not theater...
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Rocky said: OR, is what he said on this thread the same position he has taken, and overtly stating his dismissiveness of EVERY thing that anyone who disagrees with him... just today?
T-Bone’s request: I'm sorry - but can you restate the question - I don't know what you're looking for.
~ ~ ~ ~
Rocky said: He's made, apparently, 74 posts on this thread. Take your pick.
T-Bone’s reply: sorry I’m still not clear on what you’re looking for. You’re confusing me. I’m 68 – that comes easy for me now
Please set some parameters regarding the following:
What is the position Mike has taken?
Please specify Mike’s obviously dismissive statements on EVERY item Grease Spotters have expressed disagreement if you want me to respond to them all.
As of this posting I see Mike is now up to 77 posts – you said “Take your pick” so do I pick one – or are you asking me to respond to everything “he said on this thread the same position he has taken, and overtly stating his dismissiveness of EVERY thing that anyone who disagrees with him”? Or did you mean only within the time frame of “just today” which you posted about an hour ago?
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" do think it's absurd to realize we've all been having virtually the exact same discussion with NO apparent common ground found."
I think it is most important for us to magnify what went right in TWI and PFAL.
Most posters oppose this unflinchingly, with no exceptions.
I have flinched, though, and I have heard the negatives expressed. I know some of them are factually correct. I still don't think they should get Number One Billing in my life and not in my posting here. I want to deal with the negatives, but not the way they are handled here. THERE is your common ground.
I work on the negatives in private and with anyone, even TWI officials. I chose to try and limit my posting to what went right. It is a side in ALL of these matters that needs to be presented.
So, I suggest GreaseSpotters flinch a little, and start a new train of thought: what went right at TWI and PFAL.
Then we will have more common ground.
"...Something or somebody really should consider figuring out how to actually "connect" such that you give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC you've stubbornly refused to do so. ..."
As I said above, I do give genuine consideration to viewpoints on GSC, the negative ones where things went wrong, but I chose to do it all in private.
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Translation: I want it my way and anything else you Greasespotters have to add isn't even worth considering.
Edited by So_cratesAlways check the dice.
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To be clear I said “you seem to expect” I was merely expressing how your line of questioning appeared to me. That was NOT an accusation…You replied that you did NOT expect that – and I never said you did. I think this wrinkle in our dialog back and forth may be from you misconstruing my post – a possibility you brought up earlier in a somewhat condescending “reproving post” (see here ) to which I reponed with this ( see here )
~ ~ ~ ~
Another issue I sense – is you’re “leading the witness” or using leading questions:
Suggestive Insinuation
Too Many Variables
Glossing Over Details
Asserting Unconfirmed Qualities
Jury Manipulation through Reverse Psychology…Perhaps counter-intuitively, a series of questions might be offered which, at first glance, seem to be exactly the opposite of leading. They might come across as almost strangely open-ended, even to the point of being virtually irrelevant. This is a common tactic used by attorneys to try and instill doubt in the jury by making the witness appear unreliable
from: 5 examples of leading questions
~ ~ ~ ~
We can go at this all night – but I’ll probably abstain for a bit…since I’m working on a new thread to start in doctrinal.
...don't worry - I'll keep an eye out for ya - maybe it will be morning before I respond.
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Don't make me get out my makeup and costumes!
I admit that what I post is against the grain here.
Yes, when it comes to most of my posts, they will be reminding people of the great positives that are missing here. You seem to think that ONLY your way should be focused on. Have at it. If you want to be more balanced and find some common ground, read the above.
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And people complain that I derail threads!
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I thought you were already in make up and costume.
Like I said, you're already in make up and costume.
Always beware the person proclaiming, "We have to forget the negatives and focus on the positives." Usually, that person is setting you up to be duped again.
What great positives? "Life principles" that waste your youth because they don't work? A drunken liar who bent the bible so he could lord over people? People who expected you to follow Evey letter of the bible, yet broke it themselves without a second thought?
There's a surprise, I would have made the same claim about you.
And how do you figure things will be more balanced by leaning everything to your side?
Edited by So_cratesIf you've been in a situation for five minutes and you haven't figured out who the patsy is, you're the patsy?
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How is bring a logical fallacy to your attention derailing a thread?
Edited by So_cratesThe mark thinks the scammer has their best interest at heart
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man....dont you guys ever sleep....lol..
Rocky - don't forget the entertainment value of posting with Mike. That cannot be overlooked...lol
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Rocky, I know you said this to Mike, but do you realize you’ve expressed a low opinion of other Grease Spotters and that you somehow assume they are letting Mike upset them?
Are these the kind of methods you’ve garnered from McRaney’s book How Minds Change that you recommended in an earlier post - here
fyi – you had mentioned that book before and I had put it on my to-read list…does the author promote antagonistic and argumentative techniques? I’m not really a big fan of manipulation and intimidation.
Edited by T-Bonehyperlink correction via the hyperdrive - skipping over ludicrous speed and going straight to plaid!
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A good Grease Spotter never sleeps - what do you think this is some rinky-dink PFAL class we’re running here? zzzZZZ
Zzz – hey I heard that in the back! Very funny…very funny…You better just be checking your eyelids for pin holes, buddy, or there’s no stretched coffee for you!
Now if you’ll turn in your Grease Spot syllabus to page 18 which is the session covering (as in covering with a blankie before you go night-night …hey, I already showed you on the green Grease Spot Café signup card that we’ll be getting into apparent contradictions…no, not explaining them but actually doing them – hence the blankie reference as a sleep aid in a class where you’re not supposed to sleep). zzzZZZ
zzzZZ oops accidentally went to the 3rd heaven for a second - whether on this thread or out of this thread I throw up...my hands in holy tongue-lashings ...okay...
uhm…where was I?
oh yeah, session 18 covering The Absent Grease Spotter , please take note of the reading threads with a purpose questions – the first question is how many Grease Spotter’s were crucified on this thread?
2nd question Does quoting a Grease Spotter take the place of that Grease Spotter if they're offline?
3rd question If you could Quantum Leap back to the Gospel period and wound up in the body of Jesus Christ – then technically would it be your eyes behind Christ’s eyes?
4th question to keep my young people awake – There are two trains moving in opposite directions – one is The Mystery Train and the other is The Challenging Counterfeit. One of the engineers is none other than Jesus Christ Himself and He’s wearing a crimson train conductor hat. The four other conductors going cross-country together with Him yet distinctly independent of Him are wearing chapeaus of unknown origins. Which train will stop at which station at which time? The answer must be as close as possible to this day and time and hour.
5th question Who's on First?
Sicth [sic] question Are the Sith the main antagonists in many of the Star Wars franchise?
7th question Have you seen Star Wars more times than you sat through PFAL?
And for extra credit you can write a gosh-awful-long-dissertation on how your posts interpret themselves. We advise against using Scripture references, logic, slang, Latin terms, New York-ese, Ebonics, Spanglish, and various sundry redundant plagiarized nonsense – but streaming consciousness - yours or your pet’s and including hyperlinks to a Universal Translator are okey-doke...you wonder what you can say to your people at a time like this...I'm my own grandpa.
and he logged off Grease Spot...then he stood up...the eyes of anyone still awake were flummoxed by that...so maybe talk amongst yourselves...and be sure to sign up for the next Grease Spot Thread in your area of concern, interest and need...go the Mass has ended...thanks be to God.
Edited by T-Boneon and on...on and on...his posts go on and on
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