Sky you are so eloquent. Nice summary. I see the PLAF-T as accomplishing the following (besides being the new strain of a virus lol )
1). Ensures one way communication - all the hamster wheel activity surrounding classes ensures no two way conversations happen about scriptures or the interpretation of them especially as they pertain to Way policy
2). Provides another census for HQ of who still will be involved in “the household”
3) Whitewash - achieves the perfect blend of apology for the past with ignoring and repeating the past.
Beyond that there is no reason for it. There is no new research as there is no new publications writings department work or presentations. This is another shell game - rearranging the same content again but not fixing any of the fatal flaws. This is the anatomy of an old wine skin.
Sky you are so eloquent. Nice summary. I see the PLAF-T as accomplishing the following (besides being the new strain of a virus lol )
1). Ensures one way communication - all the hamster wheel activity surrounding classes ensures no two way conversations happen about scriptures or the interpretation of them especially as they pertain to Way policy
2). Provides another census for HQ of who still will be involved in “the household”
3) Whitewash - achieves the perfect blend of apology for the past with ignoring and repeating the past.
Beyond that there is no reason for it. There is no new research as there is no new publications writings department work or presentations. This is another shell game - rearranging the same content again but not fixing any of the fatal flaws. This is the anatomy of an old wine skin.
1.Power for Abundant Living (1967).Wierwille plagiarized wholesale from B.G. Leonard (stolen class)
2. PFAL '77.Wierwille attempted to update this class in 1977 (failed)
3. Way of Abundance and Power Class (1996).Martindale's attempt.A class filled with sport analogies and jockstrap ego.(crash & burn)
4. WAP Class Update (2004 ?).Three Amigos teach sections.Still has the lingering effects and questions of Craig Martindale's presidency and cover-up.
5. Power for Abundant Living Today (2022).Shiny and new.Makes it looks like twi is actually doing something rather than just serving refried teachings over and over again. Notice all the young frumpy staffers in the picture who worked on this class. Remind you of anyone?
When the 6th PLAF-iteration comes out......"The Teacher" will be a holographic-image of wierwille sitting behind his desk.
That will not need to be updated whenever someone exits twi.
Hold the mean to tell me they made Donna Martindale the CEO?
Btw - Skyrider: thanks for posting this new thread. Mike came over to the one I started and completely derailed it. I actually would like to discuss this current move by TWI.
Here is my take....Rosalie did her most recent purge starting around 2016...ish. The board invited Vern Edwards to join. Vern, Rupp, and Greene ousted Rosalie and voted her off the board. Im not even sure she has a position at TWI any longer. So we see these guys floundering around these past 22 years since Craig was fired - he didn't leave - he was fired. So what do they do....head back to their accumulated wisdom the directors keep amongst themselves. BTW - they have been calling people who left or were kicked out and inviting them back...mixed results there but nothing significant. Rambling a bit....but one can readily see the frantic effort to grasp straws that's in play. Soooo.....they start the rock of ages for young people only, film a new PFAL class...and now what? It seems to me from what I have seen on various way facebook groups that this move will likely bring further division. Why? Because many of the old timers still worship VPW and consider the 77 plaf the word of God. What a much can a cult contimue to implode?
Ohh...I almost forgot Steve L. Rosalie accused him of writing an anon letter to her with a list of grievenaces with TWI. Well, turns out that letter was written from an advanced class grad from Florida and not Steve. That didn't stop the BOD from putting Steve through a living hell. Im not sure if he left or was fired but he was done really dirty by Rosalie.
"Btw - Skyrider: thanks for posting this new thread. Mike came over to the one I started and completely derailed it. I actually would like to discuss this current move by TWI."
Yep, Oldskool.....I wanted to post on your thread, but it was sidetracked by Mikeo.
Hopefully, this thread can stay on track so we can discuss this topic.
"Hold the mean to tell me they made Donna Martindale the CEO?"
Are you asking.....or is this sarcasm? If not, then.....YES, they made Donna CEO.
Found on link below:
On 7/16/2020 at 9:51 PM, rubina said:
I can now confirm that Vern is the president, John Rupp is the chairman of the board and that Donna Martindale is the CEO. This was announced at the last STS.
Holy s$%$#@ I had no idea. With Donna still in play at the officer level that means Rosalie is behind the scenes like Emperor Palpatine from Starwars. So, the just shuffled the chairs on the titanic again. Wow....just wow. I actually was stupid enough to think that they REALLY fired Rosalie and the rest of the wolf pack surrounding her (Donna, Marcia, Malissa, etc).
THAT IS WHY.....some of us said back in July 2020 the following.....
On 7/17/2020 at 1:19 AM, skyrider said:
Why do I think Rosalie and Donna cunningly set this in motion? LOL. Give Vern and John little perky titles and a micro-managed lane to run stroke their egos. Yet, behind the CEO-curtain is where the power, control and money-management resides. Rosalie and Donna win the long game of power!!!
1. Vern Edwards is the president..........he oversees Sunday Service Teachings and outreach/class promotions
2. John Rupp is the chairman of the board.........he sets up board meetings and manages hqtrs staff concerns
3. Donna Martindale is the Chief Executive Officer, she sits in the corporate chair overseeing the power/money
P.S. Didn't some of us tell you that Rosalie, before stepping down, would install Donna Martindale into power?
THAT IS WHY.....some of us said back in July 2021 the following.....
Man oh man. Those two women are too much. Donna became very unpopular because of her ex-husband's reign of terror and Rosalie hid her in the background for years, yet she was running TWI hand in mfn hand with Rosalie. Now Rosalie is unpopular and they have hidden her in the background while Donna steps to the forefront. Just unbelievable. When one really begins to understand the depth of dishonesty amongst these people ... how in the heck would anyone look to them for leadership and spiritual guidance? Talk about everyone falling in the ditch.
So basic recon there is a free Way mag published with details on the new class in it. It is taught by one of Donna’s sisters and the children of a few bod and cabinet and another guy. They worked in the framework of the original class. This class will be taught in Gunnison in October. Since it just finished there will be rollout this year presumably.
Basically from what I can see the framework of the Way is pretty much the same. It looks like programs and such keep incrementing and behaviors and positions are the same. Placements every year next week this year. The gears keep turning, the people keep donating, they appoint country leaders and the machine rolls on.
I’m glad I’m out of it. It’s a machine with hamster wheels that produces hot air. Building someone’s life on PFAL today is no less a foundation of sand than the original.
The doctrinal issues of the Way keep it out of mainstream Christianity away from non Wierwillian influences outside a closed system. The internal politics ensure abundance for the elite, not the masses who push classes. The children of the elite have the football now. So there is a young whitewashed image.
So whether it’s an old wineskin or not doesn’t matter to the machine or anyone who gets caught up in it. I think at the bema I would rather be with the body than with an elitist cult portion of it.
PLAF-T will have its people it draws in. The machine Wierwille built will continue producing widgets - Christian publications and classes to help sell its home fellowship structure. The hierarchy will continue. So will the Mormons and JWs they also have a built infrastructure.
Denominations are changing. So is local church Christianity to meet the local need. I don’t think the doctrines which VP used to divide off from the main body of Christ are anything but delusion they lead to generations of isolation not a functioning body of Christ.
So basic recon there is a free Way mag published with details on the new class in it. It is taught by one of Donna’s sisters and the children of a few bod and cabinet and another guy. They worked in the framework of the original class. This class will be taught in Gunnison in October. Since it just finished there will be rollout this year presumably.
Basically from what I can see the framework of the Way is pretty much the same. It looks like programs and such keep incrementing and behaviors and positions are the same. Placements every year next week this year. The gears keep turning, the people keep donating, they appoint country leaders and the machine rolls on.
I’m glad I’m out of it. It’s a machine with hamster wheels that produces hot air. Building someone’s life on PFAL today is no less a foundation of sand than the original.
The doctrinal issues of the Way keep it out of mainstream Christianity away from non Wierwillian influences outside a closed system. The internal politics ensure abundance for the elite, not the masses who push classes. The children of the elite have the football now. So there is a young whitewashed image.
Seems to me........with each passing year, TWI is little more that nepotism.
Nepotism is a form of favoritism shown to acquaintances and family members. Nepotism is the act of abusing one’s power or official position to offer a job or a favor to a family member while disregarding their merit and qualification.
According to many in-the-know, Victor Paul badly wanted his eldest son Don to be the 2nd president of twi.....but Don's public speaking prowess was bland and boring. Don much preferred to lead from, an administrator. [Same as Rosalie.] Even stated publically during the 1982 year.....wierwille's grandson, Luke Som3rvill3, was being considered to be groomed for the 3rd president of twi. Think about that!! Nepotism, indeed.
Favoritism to family member? Yep. How many of Donna's sisters got put in the fast track to advancement? How about Chandl3r Gr33ne? How about Br!an Moneyhands? (until he lost favor)
Yeah.....abusing one's power. That is the sum total of it.
When you think about it..........Another PFAL Class Full of Dead Men's Bones is an apt description to "coffin-up" the plagiarized works of wierwille to bilk another generation of indoctrinated followers.
When you think about it..........Another PFAL Class Full of Dead Men's Bones is an apt description to "coffin-up" the plagiarized works of wierwille to bilk another generation of indoctrinated followers.
Ding Ding...Grease Spot Daily Double !!
There’s a hat for that!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
How about a PFAL Class-Off !!!!
Hey folks, it’s time to play America’s number one game of bilking the moment - I’ve Got A Bone to Pick With You
It's a game in which grads of the 1967 PFAL class compete against grads of the PFAL Today class. Each team will mention something they don’t like about the other team’s class and demand an explanation – judges will decide which team is the biggest bunch of boneheads. It’s whiner-take-all without exception (except in certain states where all without distinction is applicable)…and now here's your host with the most of vp’s. ghostwriters - Digger Ohwell.
Digger Ohwell:
Clear the mausoleum floor and give these graverobbers some elbow room…are you ready boys and girls? …On your mark…get set…and exhume the position!
Hey folks, it’s time to play America’s number one game of bilking the moment - I’ve Got A Bone to Pick With You
It's a game in which grads of the 1967 PFAL class compete against grads of the PFAL Today class. Each team will mention something they don’t like about the other team’s class and demand an explanation – judges will decide which team is the biggest bunch of boneheads. It’s whiner-take-all without exception (except in certain states where all without distinction is applicable)…and now here's your host with the most of vp’s. ghostwriters - Digger Ohwell.
Digger Ohwell:
Clear the mausoleum floor and give these graverobbers some elbow room…are you ready boys and girls? …On your mark…get set…and exhume the position!
can you dig it...I know that you could
Brilliantly funny -- to those who can still laugh at the absurdity of CultWars.
Hey folks, it’s time to play America’s number one game of bilking the moment - I’ve Got A Bone to Pick With You
It's a game in which grads of the 1967 PFAL class compete against grads of the PFAL Today class. Each team will mention something they don’t like about the other team’s class and demand an explanation – judges will decide which team is the biggest bunch of boneheads. It’s whiner-take-all without exception (except in certain states where all without distinction is applicable)…and now here's your host with the most of vp’s. ghostwriters - Digger Ohwell.
Digger Ohwell:
Clear the mausoleum floor and give these graverobbers some elbow room…are you ready boys and girls? …On your mark…get set…and exhume the position!
can you dig it...I know that you could
T bone lmfao you always deliver.
With the Way since the content hasn’t changed in decades it is not about it is written it is about it is position. Nepotism replaced leadership. The abundance and power is certainly in those top president cabinet positions that pay out six figures. Not in the teachers salary field positions that are the masses that push classes.
I wonder if the Way is still as transparent about that as when Howard Allen would open up the ministry books to any advanced class grad. Can AC grads obtain personnel info like salaries?
With the Way since the content hasn’t changed in decades it is not about it is written it is about it is position. Nepotism replaced leadership. The abundance and power is certainly in those top president cabinet positions that pay out six figures. Not in the teachers salary field positions that are the masses that push classes.
I wonder if the Way is still as transparent about that as when Howard Allen would open up the ministry books to any advanced class grad. Can AC grads obtain personnel info like salaries?
CEO Donnna Martindale is a product of nepotism. She was given unmerited advancement and favoritism from her gal pal Rosalie. Both women are known for behind-the-scenes administrators (cough, cough)......not true leaders. Cunning and crafty, neither Rosalie nor Donna want the spotlight. They'd rather stand in the shadows winking and nodding to the stage presenters, Vern and John.
True genuine leaders are on the front lines daily......leading the charge into spiritual battle. They are not committee chairs, nor administrators sitting at desks. With each passing year, twi postulates its position as a worldly organization framed with business incentives. Charts, formulas, descriptions and techno-enhanced presentations are the playground of the mediocre.....NOT those VALIANT FOR THE TRUTH. Read the Book of Acts......and see the acts of Paul, Barnabus, Silas, Stephen, and others who walked by revelation!!!
I would venture to say that even in the early 70s......many on the field who walked by the simple truths of Jesus Christ saw power in manifestation. It did NOT come from came by believing the promises of God and the mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ. Some of us were born again before we ever heard of The Way Ministry. So, while twi continued to tout their little classes and all.....some of us joined hands and walked forward IN SPITE of wierwille's plagiarism, predation and drunkenness. We joined together as brothers and sisters in Christ and worshipped His presence in our lives.....till the day that each in their own heart knew it was time to exit twi's suffocating encroachment and mandates.
In Him....we live and move and have our being.
May those who are still enslaved.......escape the bondage of twi.
IT is certainly in those top president cabinet positions that pay out six figures.
$#i7 when did that start. When I was cabinet I was paid a low five figures and was poor enough to put my family on medicaid when mdeical mutual's lifetime max of $10,000 capped out.
I would venture to say that even in the early 70s......many on the field who walked by the simple truths of Jesus Christ saw power in manifestation. It did NOT come from came by believing the promises of God and the mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ. Some of us were born again before we ever heard of The Way Ministry. So, while twi continued to tout their little classes and all.....some of us joined hands and walked forward IN SPITE of wierwille's plagiarism, predation and drunkenness. We joined together as brothers and sisters in Christ and worshipped His presence in our lives.....till the day that each in their own heart knew it was time to exit twi's suffocating encroachment and mandates.
In Him....we live and move and have our being.
May those who are still enslaved.......escape the bondage of twi.
This describes me to the letter. While my walk started with following the father's will for my life as i went through the way corps the father's will was replaced with the board of directors will. One of the first things that discarded from my heart was the word of God takes the place of the absent Christ. Christ was never absent, never, he was still on schedule when he was 3 days and 3 nights in the grave. Once I started to hold Christ as my head, as the head of the body, my walk changed drastically. I've had a lot of problems along the way since leaving TWI, most of them self inflicted from believing doctrinal error that TWI puts out on the regular. Jesus Christ has never left me, not even for a second. I can honestly say that I walk for him and the relationship between me, the father, and the son has never been better. I am growing into it daily.
One of the biggest crutches that followers of TWI use is "I would leave but there is nowhere else to go." Wrong! Turn to the father, and look to scripture to understand who Jesus Christ really is and what he truly does as head of the body. TWI has it dead wrong....God has given all things into Jesus Christs's hands. Never been absent, not even for a day.
Jesus Christ is a very active, and living Lord. He is the true head of the body of Christ...not the board of directors, or any other group that has delusions of grandeur.
... One of the first things that discarded from my heart was the word of God takes the place of the absent Christ.
Christ was never absent, never, he was still on schedule when he was 3 days and 3 nights in the grave.
Do you have a better word to describe our access to Christ AFTER the Ascension, than absent?
Before the Ascension Jesus was personally present IN THE SENSES REALM to see, hear, and touch. THAT kind of personal presence ended with the Ascension. That means he was not personally present any more, but was personally absent.
But look more at the Ascension. The two angels said he went into heaven. That means is is STILL PRESENT, not in the personal sense, but in spiritually. God wanted his personal presence to end so that he could be MORE than 5-senses present, he could then be SPIRITUALLY present, within.
He will return with his personal presence someday. Meanwhile, he is MORE present within us than he was present with his apostles. During the 4 Gospels Jesus' spiritual presence within was absent, i.e., not available yet.
Spiritual presence is bigger than the personally present Christ.
On the day of Pentecost (though now absent personally) was also now CLOSER and MORE present spiritually.
What would you rather have now, today, OldSkool? Choose one; you can't have both.
Christ absent personally but present spiritually?
Christ absent spiritually but present personally?
Let's look at an equivalent way to put this choice or preference.
Christ present spiritually but absent personally? ...or Christ present personally but absent spiritually?
I underlined the word "spiritually" to help guide your choice, and help you not get distracted
by the allure of him being personally available to you now, but NOT within you at all.
In the 4 Gospels the apostles had Jesus' personal presence but not Christ within.
After Acts 2 the apostles lost his personal presence, but gain Christ in you the hope of glory.
Though Christ is absent in the flesh and we no longer know him by the flesh,
he is present within in a FAR greater way.
This describes me to the letter. While my walk started with following the father's will for my life as i went through the way corps the father's will was replaced with the board of directors will. One of the first things that discarded from my heart was the word of God takes the place of the absent Christ. Christ was never absent, never, he was still on schedule when he was 3 days and 3 nights in the grave. Once I started to hold Christ as my head, as the head of the body, my walk changed drastically. I've had a lot of problems along the way since leaving TWI, most of them self inflicted from believing doctrinal error that TWI puts out on the regular. Jesus Christ has never left me, not even for a second. I can honestly say that I walk for him and the relationship between me, the father, and the son has never been better. I am growing into it daily.
One of the biggest crutches that followers of TWI use is "I would leave but there is nowhere else to go." Wrong! Turn to the father, and look to scripture to understand who Jesus Christ really is and what he truly does as head of the body. TWI has it dead wrong....God has given all things into Jesus Christs's hands. Never been absent, not even for a day.
Jesus Christ is a very active, and living Lord. He is the true head of the body of Christ...not the board of directors, or any other group that has delusions of grandeur. many of us came to twi wanting to learn and enhance our spiritual growth. But lots of the basic truths and familiar verses were bedrock to our Christian foundation LONG BEFORE PFAL. Sheeesh. So often, the corps training was layered in repetitive redundancies treating us like little children. The subjugation agenda was irritating and demeaning. The regimentation and cloning was anti-Christ dogma. IMO.....wierwille and his corps coordinators did NOT have any spiritual perception OR awareness [ Corps Principle #1 ] or else they'd have recognized this systematizing of error. Members in particular..... remember? Not all are the eyes. Nor hands. Nor feet.
Wierwille's pfal teachings had errors.
Wierwille's corps training was flawed.
Was I expecting perfection? Nope. But I wasn't expecting the whole thing to spiral into a cult......either. By 1978, I was looking forward to the day when someone would replace wierwille. Then, maybe.....we'd get to higher ground.
Twi was/is not a cult because of its beliefs. It's a cult because of its methods.
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I came over here so I wouldnt have to respond to you at all.
No matter how many times TWI attempts to dress-up their image, inwardly they are full of all uncleanness, hypocrisy and iniquity. Matthew 23:27,28 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocri
"Balls!", cried the Queen. "If I had to, I could be King." And the Jester laughed because he had to.
"Balls!", cried the Queen.
"If I had to, I could be King."
And the Jester laughed because he had to.
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4. WAP Class Update (2004 ?). Three Amigos teach sections. Still has the lingering effects and questions of Craig Martindale's presidency and cover-up.
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Sky you are so eloquent. Nice summary. I see the PLAF-T as accomplishing the following (besides being the new strain of a virus lol )
1). Ensures one way communication - all the hamster wheel activity surrounding classes ensures no two way conversations happen about scriptures or the interpretation of them especially as they pertain to Way policy
2). Provides another census for HQ of who still will be involved in “the household”
3) Whitewash - achieves the perfect blend of apology for the past with ignoring and repeating the past.
Beyond that there is no reason for it. There is no new research as there is no new publications writings department work or presentations. This is another shell game - rearranging the same content again but not fixing any of the fatal flaws. This is the anatomy of an old wine skin.
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You mean like ANOTHER purge?
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When the 6th PLAF-iteration comes out......"The Teacher" will be a holographic-image of wierwille sitting behind his desk.
That will not need to be updated whenever someone exits twi.
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Hold the mean to tell me they made Donna Martindale the CEO?
Btw - Skyrider: thanks for posting this new thread. Mike came over to the one I started and completely derailed it. I actually would like to discuss this current move by TWI.
Here is my take....Rosalie did her most recent purge starting around 2016...ish. The board invited Vern Edwards to join. Vern, Rupp, and Greene ousted Rosalie and voted her off the board. Im not even sure she has a position at TWI any longer. So we see these guys floundering around these past 22 years since Craig was fired - he didn't leave - he was fired. So what do they do....head back to their accumulated wisdom the directors keep amongst themselves. BTW - they have been calling people who left or were kicked out and inviting them back...mixed results there but nothing significant. Rambling a bit....but one can readily see the frantic effort to grasp straws that's in play. Soooo.....they start the rock of ages for young people only, film a new PFAL class...and now what? It seems to me from what I have seen on various way facebook groups that this move will likely bring further division. Why? Because many of the old timers still worship VPW and consider the 77 plaf the word of God. What a much can a cult contimue to implode?
Ohh...I almost forgot Steve L. Rosalie accused him of writing an anon letter to her with a list of grievenaces with TWI. Well, turns out that letter was written from an advanced class grad from Florida and not Steve. That didn't stop the BOD from putting Steve through a living hell. Im not sure if he left or was fired but he was done really dirty by Rosalie.
Edited by OldSkoolLink to comment
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"Btw - Skyrider: thanks for posting this new thread. Mike came over to the one I started and completely derailed it. I actually would like to discuss this current move by TWI."
Yep, Oldskool.....I wanted to post on your thread, but it was sidetracked by Mikeo.
Hopefully, this thread can stay on track so we can discuss this topic.
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"Hold the mean to tell me they made Donna Martindale the CEO?"
Are you asking.....or is this sarcasm? If not, then.....YES, they made Donna CEO.
Found on link below:
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Holy s$%$#@ I had no idea. With Donna still in play at the officer level that means Rosalie is behind the scenes like Emperor Palpatine from Starwars. So, the just shuffled the chairs on the titanic again. Wow....just wow. I actually was stupid enough to think that they REALLY fired Rosalie and the rest of the wolf pack surrounding her (Donna, Marcia, Malissa, etc).
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THAT IS WHY.....some of us said back in July 2020 the following.....
2020.....not 2021
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Man oh man. Those two women are too much. Donna became very unpopular because of her ex-husband's reign of terror and Rosalie hid her in the background for years, yet she was running TWI hand in mfn hand with Rosalie. Now Rosalie is unpopular and they have hidden her in the background while Donna steps to the forefront. Just unbelievable. When one really begins to understand the depth of dishonesty amongst these people ... how in the heck would anyone look to them for leadership and spiritual guidance? Talk about everyone falling in the ditch.
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So basic recon there is a free Way mag published with details on the new class in it. It is taught by one of Donna’s sisters and the children of a few bod and cabinet and another guy. They worked in the framework of the original class. This class will be taught in Gunnison in October. Since it just finished there will be rollout this year presumably.
Basically from what I can see the framework of the Way is pretty much the same. It looks like programs and such keep incrementing and behaviors and positions are the same. Placements every year next week this year. The gears keep turning, the people keep donating, they appoint country leaders and the machine rolls on.
I’m glad I’m out of it. It’s a machine with hamster wheels that produces hot air. Building someone’s life on PFAL today is no less a foundation of sand than the original.
The doctrinal issues of the Way keep it out of mainstream Christianity away from non Wierwillian influences outside a closed system. The internal politics ensure abundance for the elite, not the masses who push classes. The children of the elite have the football now. So there is a young whitewashed image.
So whether it’s an old wineskin or not doesn’t matter to the machine or anyone who gets caught up in it. I think at the bema I would rather be with the body than with an elitist cult portion of it.
PLAF-T will have its people it draws in. The machine Wierwille built will continue producing widgets - Christian publications and classes to help sell its home fellowship structure. The hierarchy will continue. So will the Mormons and JWs they also have a built infrastructure.
Denominations are changing. So is local church Christianity to meet the local need. I don’t think the doctrines which VP used to divide off from the main body of Christ are anything but delusion they lead to generations of isolation not a functioning body of Christ.
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Seems to me........with each passing year, TWI is little more that nepotism.
Nepotism is a form of favoritism shown to acquaintances and family members. Nepotism is the act of abusing one’s power or official position to offer a job or a favor to a family member while disregarding their merit and qualification.
According to many in-the-know, Victor Paul badly wanted his eldest son Don to be the 2nd president of twi.....but Don's public speaking prowess was bland and boring. Don much preferred to lead from, an administrator. [Same as Rosalie.] Even stated publically during the 1982 year.....wierwille's grandson, Luke Som3rvill3, was being considered to be groomed for the 3rd president of twi. Think about that!! Nepotism, indeed.
Favoritism to family member? Yep. How many of Donna's sisters got put in the fast track to advancement? How about Chandl3r Gr33ne? How about Br!an Moneyhands? (until he lost favor)
Yeah.....abusing one's power. That is the sum total of it.
God's ministry?????

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When you think about it..........Another PFAL Class Full of Dead Men's Bones is an apt description to "coffin-up" the plagiarized works of wierwille to bilk another generation of indoctrinated followers.
Edited by skyridertypo
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Ding Ding...Grease Spot Daily Double !!
There’s a hat for that!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
How about a PFAL Class-Off !!!!
Hey folks, it’s time to play America’s number one game of bilking the moment - I’ve Got A Bone to Pick With You
It's a game in which grads of the 1967 PFAL class compete against grads of the PFAL Today class. Each team will mention something they don’t like about the other team’s class and demand an explanation – judges will decide which team is the biggest bunch of boneheads. It’s whiner-take-all without exception (except in certain states where all without distinction is applicable)…and now here's your host with the most of vp’s. ghostwriters - Digger Ohwell.
Digger Ohwell:
Clear the mausoleum floor and give these graverobbers some elbow room…are you ready boys and girls? …On your mark…get set…and exhume the position!
can you dig it...I know that you could
Edited for your protection
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Brilliantly funny -- to those who can still laugh at the absurdity of CultWars.
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T bone lmfao you always deliver.
With the Way since the content hasn’t changed in decades it is not about it is written it is about it is position. Nepotism replaced leadership. The abundance and power is certainly in those top president cabinet positions that pay out six figures. Not in the teachers salary field positions that are the masses that push classes.
I wonder if the Way is still as transparent about that as when Howard Allen would open up the ministry books to any advanced class grad. Can AC grads obtain personnel info like salaries?
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CEO Donnna Martindale is a product of nepotism. She was given unmerited advancement and favoritism from her gal pal Rosalie. Both women are known for behind-the-scenes administrators (cough, cough)......not true leaders. Cunning and crafty, neither Rosalie nor Donna want the spotlight. They'd rather stand in the shadows winking and nodding to the stage presenters, Vern and John.
True genuine leaders are on the front lines daily......leading the charge into spiritual battle. They are not committee chairs, nor administrators sitting at desks. With each passing year, twi postulates its position as a worldly organization framed with business incentives. Charts, formulas, descriptions and techno-enhanced presentations are the playground of the mediocre.....NOT those VALIANT FOR THE TRUTH. Read the Book of Acts......and see the acts of Paul, Barnabus, Silas, Stephen, and others who walked by revelation!!!
I would venture to say that even in the early 70s......many on the field who walked by the simple truths of Jesus Christ saw power in manifestation. It did NOT come from came by believing the promises of God and the mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ. Some of us were born again before we ever heard of The Way Ministry. So, while twi continued to tout their little classes and all.....some of us joined hands and walked forward IN SPITE of wierwille's plagiarism, predation and drunkenness. We joined together as brothers and sisters in Christ and worshipped His presence in our lives.....till the day that each in their own heart knew it was time to exit twi's suffocating encroachment and mandates.
In Him....we live and move and have our being.
May those who are still enslaved.......escape the bondage of twi.
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$#i7 when did that start. When I was cabinet I was paid a low five figures and was poor enough to put my family on medicaid when mdeical mutual's lifetime max of $10,000 capped out.
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This describes me to the letter. While my walk started with following the father's will for my life as i went through the way corps the father's will was replaced with the board of directors will. One of the first things that discarded from my heart was the word of God takes the place of the absent Christ. Christ was never absent, never, he was still on schedule when he was 3 days and 3 nights in the grave. Once I started to hold Christ as my head, as the head of the body, my walk changed drastically. I've had a lot of problems along the way since leaving TWI, most of them self inflicted from believing doctrinal error that TWI puts out on the regular. Jesus Christ has never left me, not even for a second. I can honestly say that I walk for him and the relationship between me, the father, and the son has never been better. I am growing into it daily.
One of the biggest crutches that followers of TWI use is "I would leave but there is nowhere else to go." Wrong! Turn to the father, and look to scripture to understand who Jesus Christ really is and what he truly does as head of the body. TWI has it dead wrong....God has given all things into Jesus Christs's hands. Never been absent, not even for a day.
Jesus Christ is a very active, and living Lord. He is the true head of the body of Christ...not the board of directors, or any other group that has delusions of grandeur.
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Do you have a better word to describe our access to Christ AFTER the Ascension, than absent?
Before the Ascension Jesus was personally present IN THE SENSES REALM to see, hear, and touch. THAT kind of personal presence ended with the Ascension. That means he was not personally present any more, but was personally absent.
But look more at the Ascension. The two angels said he went into heaven. That means is is STILL PRESENT, not in the personal sense, but in spiritually. God wanted his personal presence to end so that he could be MORE than 5-senses present, he could then be SPIRITUALLY present, within.
He will return with his personal presence someday. Meanwhile, he is MORE present within us than he was present with his apostles. During the 4 Gospels Jesus' spiritual presence within was absent, i.e., not available yet.
Spiritual presence is bigger than the personally present Christ.
On the day of Pentecost (though now absent personally) was also now CLOSER and MORE present spiritually.
What would you rather have now, today, OldSkool?
Choose one; you can't have both.
Christ absent personally but present spiritually?
Christ absent spiritually but present personally?
Let's look at an equivalent way to put this choice or preference.
Christ present spiritually but absent personally?
Christ present personally but absent spiritually?
I underlined the word "spiritually" to help guide your choice, and help you not get distracted
by the allure of him being personally available to you now, but NOT within you at all.
In the 4 Gospels the apostles had Jesus' personal presence but not Christ within.
After Acts 2 the apostles lost his personal presence, but gain Christ in you the hope of glory.
Though Christ is absent in the flesh and we no longer know him by the flesh,
he is present within in a FAR greater way.
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Oops! I just noticed I posted in the wrong thread.
Edited by MikeSorry. I had promised not to allow my responding to derail this thread.
If you want to respond to my ABSENT CHRIST post above, please do it in the PFAL-T thread, if possible.
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skyrider many of us came to twi wanting to learn and enhance our spiritual growth. But lots of the basic truths and familiar verses were bedrock to our Christian foundation LONG BEFORE PFAL. Sheeesh. So often, the corps training was layered in repetitive redundancies treating us like little children. The subjugation agenda was irritating and demeaning. The regimentation and cloning was anti-Christ dogma. IMO.....wierwille and his corps coordinators did NOT have any spiritual perception OR awareness [ Corps Principle #1 ] or else they'd have recognized this systematizing of error. Members in particular..... remember? Not all are the eyes. Nor hands. Nor feet.
Wierwille's pfal teachings had errors.
Wierwille's corps training was flawed.
Was I expecting perfection? Nope. But I wasn't expecting the whole thing to spiral into a cult......either. By 1978, I was looking forward to the day when someone would replace wierwille. Then, maybe.....we'd get to higher ground.
Twi was/is not a cult because of its beliefs. It's a cult because of its methods.
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Which probably was a factor on how/why we became vulnerable to this particular cult.
I mean, how many people who took PFLAP came from Islam or other traditions/religions?
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