They are afraid of losing their social status. It was a huge glass of ice water to the face when I had to adjust to life outside TWI's household. Life has never been better --- that social trap is tough to climb out of but it can be done.
They are afraid of losing their social status. That's one definition of "belonging."
This is where, if you didn't understand, you need to ask for clarification. Instead, you, with hostility, declare the meaning you inferred without any reference to what was the intended message.
Frankly, WW did a very good job (IMO) of explaining key sociological issues you seemed to have misunderstood, intentionally or otherwise.
I haven't seemed to misunderstood. I've read this place for over 15 years.
Soooo - what if the compulsion to belonging stems from a form of Stockholm syndrome?
Yes and no. We need the bottom of the hierarchy of needs to engage in the top of the hierarchy of needs. The Class pressures from the top down. Belonging is not on the top, or very bottom, but sometimes I've seen it there.
I have restated what GSC has already said. And got an argument.
If you're not see the contradiction . . . Belonging. . . At the same time . . . Everyone needed to be pushing others out . . . That's important
What I see is you doing what TWI did for eons... get mad when people disagreed with them. They always had to be right. Now, selectively conflating concepts/issues/notions, you have to be the only one with the right answer.
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They are afraid of losing their social status. That's one definition of "belonging."
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I haven't seemed to misunderstood. I've read this place for over 15 years.
I present a MODEL.
The two of you went on an ad hominem tirade.
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That claim is not true. It seems your confirmation bias is radiating out brightly.
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Soooo - what if the compulsion to belonging stems from a form of Stockholm syndrome?
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Did I ever say belonging was not a thing? I said it was a thing, and I put on a spectrum other things, that a person put together.
The two of you tried to argue whether the thing exists or not. Which was NOT my claim.
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Yes and no. We need the bottom of the hierarchy of needs to engage in the top of the hierarchy of needs. The Class pressures from the top down. Belonging is not on the top, or very bottom, but sometimes I've seen it there.
I have restated what GSC has already said. And got an argument.
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You misstated and mischaracterized previous threads, comments, and posts.
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If you're argument is that the threads interpret themselves, we've done that already.
You're initial response was "seriously?". Presupposing gawd knows what. You discredited me from the get go. What do you expect?
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Exactly Twinky.
Trying to hide acceptance for the class material with "belonging" is old as time.. heard it all before
The Class does NOT make sense
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We have no friends when it comes to The Word.
Belonging. Sure.
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I watched VHS tapes of people singing about it. Standing alone.
Belonging. Ppfft.
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Maybe it was beta . . .
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Not an argument. A statement.
You misstated and mischaracterized previous threads, comments, and posts.
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The problem with belonging is the behavior of the followers of the way I witnessed.
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If someone disappeared, nobody cared.
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YOU are the one conflating the issues.
Edited by RockyBtw, this is salient and can provide you with solace, if you want solace, that is. Bless your heart.
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Stillness Is the Key - Kindle edition by Holiday, Ryan. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @
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Rocky Ego Is the Enemy eBook : Holiday, Ryan: Kindle Store
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If you're not see the contradiction . . . Belonging. . . At the same time . . . Everyone needed to be pushing others out . . . That's important
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I don't see a vomit emoticon.
The Class if full of contradictions. You felt you belonged to a place that treated you and others badly.
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What I see is you doing what TWI did for eons... get mad when people disagreed with them. They always had to be right. Now, selectively conflating concepts/issues/notions, you have to be the only one with the right answer.
That's not how life works, my friend.
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Ok seriously and with as much respect as I can muster with the mod hat on:
What the HELL are you people babbling about?
Take a break. All of you. 24 hours. If you can't, it will be done for you.
Take a damn break.
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