Allan, you shared earlier that you got the disease, twice. I'd be interested in knowing what your antibody numerical value is.. have you considered taking the "quantitative" blood test? I would bet your value is higher than mine and I'm curious. Also curious how high a jabbed person's value is too... please consider getting the blood test and share the results... Thx...
Intriguing data that would be good to know. Alas, dear Allan eschews data/facts.
Hey, I found this, which might interest some people here:
"During theCOVID-19 pandemic, theXinhua News Agencyclaimed that the herbal productShuanghuangliancan prevent or treat infections fromcoronaviruses, stimulating sales across the United States and China. However, these claims have no basis in science."
Never heard of this guy, so I checked him out. Great references! I think I trust this man...
Kevin Mark Trudeau(born February 6, 1963) is an American author, salesman, and convicted fraudster known for promotion of his books and resulting legal cases involving the USFederal Trade Commission. His ubiquitous late-nightinfomercials, which promoted unsubstantiated health, diet, and financial advice, earned him a fortune but resulted in civil and criminal penalties forfraud,larceny, and contempt of court.
In the early 1990s, Trudeau was convicted of larceny and credit card fraud. ... In a 2004 settlement, he agreed to pay a $500,000 fine and cease marketing all products except his books...However, in 2011, he was fined $37.6 million for violating the 2004 settlement, and ordered to post a $2 million bond before engaging in any future infomercial advertising....
In November 2013, Trudeau was convicted of criminal contempt, and was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.[9]He will be eligible for release in 2022....
In 2004, Trudeau began writing books and promoting them with infomercials in the U.S. The first book he published was a medical guide titledNatural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About, which was published in 2005. The book was criticized for containing no natural cures.[19][20]Trudeau claimed he was not able to include them because of threats by the FTC.[21] ...
Never heard of this guy, so I checked him out. Great references! I think I trust this man...
Kevin Mark Trudeau(born February 6, 1963) is an American author, salesman, and convicted fraudster known for promotion of his books and resulting legal cases involving the USFederal Trade Commission. His ubiquitous late-nightinfomercials, which promoted unsubstantiated health, diet, and financial advice, earned him a fortune but resulted in civil and criminal penalties forfraud,larceny, and contempt of court.
In the early 1990s, Trudeau was convicted of larceny and credit card fraud. ... In a 2004 settlement, he agreed to pay a $500,000 fine and cease marketing all products except his books...However, in 2011, he was fined $37.6 million for violating the 2004 settlement, and ordered to post a $2 million bond before engaging in any future infomercial advertising....
In November 2013, Trudeau was convicted of criminal contempt, and was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.[9]He will be eligible for release in 2022....
In 2004, Trudeau began writing books and promoting them with infomercials in the U.S. The first book he published was a medical guide titledNatural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About, which was published in 2005. The book was criticized for containing no natural cures.[19][20]Trudeau claimed he was not able to include them because of threats by the FTC.[21] ...
A shedload of people must (have) believe(d) him, though. He seems to sell really tasty snake oil.
right on the cover you have terms "natural" and "they" . . . obviously hinting at secret knowledge and a conspiracy theory . . . kinda relevant
Based on his persistent record with the law and apparent inability to change and I googled his name along with personality disorder and saw I wasn't the first to put that one together.
Only curious to see the numbers of a double-infected, unjabbed person, and//or the number of a single or double or triple jabbed person.
I would also hope somewhere out there in cyberspace someone is compiling DATA (FACTS) on that very idea. I have to figure someone probably is doing so.
Well, I'm sure y'all will be pleased to know that I just completed another lateral flow test (that's the one where you shove a Q-tip up your nose; may not yet be available in the US) with the usual result: negative (= "not likely to be infectious" in test parlance).
Well, I'm sure y'all will be pleased to know that I just completed another lateral flow test (that's the one where you shove a Q-tip up your nose; may not yet be available in the US) with the usual result: negative (= "not likely to be infectious" in test parlance).
I've had that kind of test three times in the last year and a half. Negative every time. Congrats.
Recommended once or twice a week here. Or was. I probably do a test every 1-2 weeks.
Depends somewhat on what work one does, contact with what age groups. Many of my clients are quite elderly (80s, 90s) (though I'm not in close contact with any of them) and I want to be sure I'm not passing anything on to them.
And I always do a test before I visit my fragile mum (age 92, nearly 93). Even though both I and my mum are double-vaxed and boosted.
Had a disgustingly heavy cold when I visited mum a time or two ago. Snort, snort, cough, sneeze. I was in close contact doing physical caring duties and also slept in the same small room. BUT I wore a mask all the time that we were indoors (surprisingly, it really helped at night) and sanitised or washed my hands a lot. Was very pleased that she never got that stinker of a cold. Can only conclude that masks do work.
And today I was forced to have another LFT because I wanted to visit a friend in a care home. They wouldn't accept the test that I'd done not 24 hrs before. I can accept that that's what they want, but the woman I spoke to was so snarky about it.
Anyway. Surprise. Negative.
Maybe next week will be different. Been to a large funeral today, lots at the reception (wake) and lots of people breathing around and on me. Hope they're all clean and vaxed. Defo testing again next weekend!
And today I was forced to have another LFT because I wanted to visit a friend in a care home. They wouldn't accept the test that I'd done not 24 hrs before. I can accept that that's what they want, but the woman I spoke to was so snarky about it.
Anyway. Surprise. Negative.
Maybe next week will be different. Been to a large funeral today, lots at the reception (wake) and lots of people breathing around and on me. Hope they're all clean and vaxed. Defo testing again next weekend!
Thank you for being compassionate in the face of all of that.
According to your linked article, the Spanish Flu took a heavy toll on the young and healthy specifically because it caused immune systems to overreact, which meant that healthy people with healthy immune systems were WORSE HIT since their "healthy" immune systems overreacted more, which was a greater risk to the person.
I'm not quite sure what points about the immune system one can draw from this, but if I were struggling through the Spanish Flu's time, I'd be trying to get the vaccine as fast as I could and hoping my immune system wouldn't react like a healthy person's to the illness.
In all of the history of HIV, a single woman's immune system managed to overcome HIV completely, and no reason why seems evident. Lots and lots of people have died of HIV (co-morbidities), and lots of people are alive and taking medication which is keeping them alive and functioning. There's always some sort of odd outlier with anything. I'm unclear what's so amazing about the immune system if this is any standard to go by. Actually, I'm less-impressed than I was before I opened the link.
My immune system is better so the rest of them can just NATURALLY be selected b.s.
Good one, Bolshevik - I had to look that word up...some folks drive me to drinkin' but you drive me to the dictionary...maybe that makes you an Uber.
or we could go with the dictionary definition of uber - denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person...interesting relevance to eugenics - since uber is from a German word - the Nazis adopted the eugenics doctrine to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups...yikes !!!! did I just say that out loud ?!?! Is that political ?!?! sorry, Mods - it didn't occur to me until just now that Bolshevik may have been speaking in code....well, delete this post if you must ...I'm cool with that...I had my 15 minutes of posting fun!
hey Bolshevik - just for the record if you happen to see this before it's annihilated , I meant you are an Uber in a nice way - a supersmart person ...and an excellent Uber driver for taking me to the dictionary.
Edited by T-Bone edited for the sake of that Youth-in-Asia or is that Two Yutes - Joe Pesci wants to know
Good one, Bolshevik - I had to look that word up...some folks drive me to drinkin' but you drive me to the dictionary...maybe that makes you an Uber.
or we could go with the dictionary definition of uber - denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person...interesting relevance to eugenics - since uber is from a German word - the Nazis adopted the eugenics doctrine to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups...yikes !!!! did I just say that out loud ?!?! Is that political ?!?! sorry, Mods - it didn't occur to me until just now that Bolshevik may have been speaking in code....well, delete this post if you must ...I'm cool with that...I had my 15 minutes of posting fun!
hey Bolshevik - just for the record if you happen to see this before it's annihilated , I meant you are an Uber in a nice way - a supersmart person ...and an excellent Uber driver for taking me to the dictionary.
According to your linked article, the Spanish Flu took a heavy toll on the young and healthy specifically because it caused immune systems to overreact, which meant that healthy people with healthy immune systems were WORSE HIT since their "healthy" immune systems overreacted more, which was a greater risk to the person.
I'm not quite sure what points about the immune system one can draw from this, but if I were struggling through the Spanish Flu's time, I'd be trying to get the vaccine as fast as I could and hoping my immune system wouldn't react like a healthy person's to the illness.
Obviously a very differn't kettle of fish to the Chinese flu lol...and any shot for the Spanish flu would probs have been just as ineffective as this one :)
And today I was forced to have another LFT because I wanted to visit a friend in a care home. They wouldn't accept the test that I'd done not 24 hrs before. I can accept that that's what they want, but the woman I spoke to was so snarky about it.
Anyway. Surprise. Negative.
Maybe next week will be different. Been to a large funeral today, lots at the reception (wake) and lots of people breathing around and on me. Hope they're all clean and vaxed. Defo testing again next weekend!
OMG !! Don't forget to get your booster, and your next one and your next one...well you get the drift of where this is going...severe illness in immunized people and mild illness in unvaccinated who contract covid again !!!
OMG !! Don't forget to get your booster, and your next one and your next one...well you get the drift of where this is going...severe illness in immunized people and mild illness in unvaccinated who contract covid again !!!
"Walensky also noted that the risk of hospitalizations and death is still greatest for those who are unvaccinated."
"'Studies show that those who are unvaccinated continue to be more likely to be infected, more likely to be in the hospital and more likely to have severe complications from COVID-19,' she said during the briefing."
As for the fully-vaccinated getting Covid, what did Fauci actually say?
"'It's a significant proportion, but not the majority by any means.' "
So, yes, get those boosters. Decrease your risks as much as possible.
that's ONE that they know there's plenty more :)
Out in the world, there's doctors who have been working on this for DECADES. They've been trading information, and updating what they know. They've found a handful of partial successes, and qualified them carefully. So far, globally, this has been the only known case where there's no qualification. That's why she's from Argentina, she's being treated in Boston, and you're in Australia reading about it. It's news because it's so singularly significant.
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This mRNA technology sounds like it's going to open the door to many new solutions, so that's fascinating. However, joining a cult like The Way is like a type of addiction. There is no vaccine e
Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans have at least one dose. Nearly 6 out of 10 are fully vaccinated. Boosters are available for certain groups but not everyone at this time. Children 5 - 11 can be
Going for my booster jab tomorrow. Yes, I believe God to keep me safe - and to keep others safe. I believe I have a great natural immune system, to which loads of fresh fruit and veg, exercise,
Posted Images
Intriguing data that would be good to know. Alas, dear Allan eschews data/facts.
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Hey, I found this, which might interest some people here:
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Xinhua News Agency claimed that the herbal product Shuanghuanglian can prevent or treat infections from coronaviruses, stimulating sales across the United States and China. However, these claims have no basis in science."
Source: Snake oil - Wikipedia
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right on the cover you have terms "natural" and "they" . . . obviously hinting at secret knowledge and a conspiracy theory . . . kinda relevant
Based on his persistent record with the law and apparent inability to change and I googled his name along with personality disorder and saw I wasn't the first to put that one together.
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Only curious to see the numbers of a double-infected, unjabbed person, and//or the number of a single or double or triple jabbed person.
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I would also hope somewhere out there in cyberspace someone is compiling DATA (FACTS) on that very idea. I have to figure someone probably is doing so.
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I hope so too...
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Well, I'm sure y'all will be pleased to know that I just completed another lateral flow test (that's the one where you shove a Q-tip up your nose; may not yet be available in the US) with the usual result: negative (= "not likely to be infectious" in test parlance).
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I've had that kind of test three times in the last year and a half. Negative every time. Congrats.
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Recommended once or twice a week here. Or was. I probably do a test every 1-2 weeks.
Depends somewhat on what work one does, contact with what age groups. Many of my clients are quite elderly (80s, 90s) (though I'm not in close contact with any of them) and I want to be sure I'm not passing anything on to them.
And I always do a test before I visit my fragile mum (age 92, nearly 93). Even though both I and my mum are double-vaxed and boosted.
Had a disgustingly heavy cold when I visited mum a time or two ago. Snort, snort, cough, sneeze. I was in close contact doing physical caring duties and also slept in the same small room. BUT I wore a mask all the time that we were indoors (surprisingly, it really helped at night) and sanitised or washed my hands a lot. Was very pleased that she never got that stinker of a cold. Can only conclude that masks do work.
Edited by TwinkyLink to comment
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Another wonderful factual, data checked article on the potent beauty of our natural God given immune system !!
HIV positive woman ‘cured’ herself without treatment, study suggests | — Australia’s leading news site
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And today I was forced to have another LFT because I wanted to visit a friend in a care home. They wouldn't accept the test that I'd done not 24 hrs before. I can accept that that's what they want, but the woman I spoke to was so snarky about it.
Anyway. Surprise. Negative.
Maybe next week will be different. Been to a large funeral today, lots at the reception (wake) and lots of people breathing around and on me. Hope they're all clean and vaxed. Defo testing again next weekend!
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According to your linked article, the Spanish Flu took a heavy toll on the young and healthy specifically because it caused immune systems to overreact, which meant that healthy people with healthy immune systems were WORSE HIT since their "healthy" immune systems overreacted more, which was a greater risk to the person.
I'm not quite sure what points about the immune system one can draw from this, but if I were struggling through the Spanish Flu's time, I'd be trying to get the vaccine as fast as I could and hoping my immune system wouldn't react like a healthy person's to the illness.
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In all of the history of HIV, a single woman's immune system managed to overcome HIV completely, and no reason why seems evident. Lots and lots of people have died of HIV (co-morbidities), and lots of people are alive and taking medication which is keeping them alive and functioning. There's always some sort of odd outlier with anything. I'm unclear what's so amazing about the immune system if this is any standard to go by. Actually, I'm less-impressed than I was before I opened the link.
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Sounds like eugenics.
My immune system is better so the rest of them can just NATURALLY be selected b.s.
Superior bad grammar
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Good one, Bolshevik - I had to look that word up...some folks drive me to drinkin' but you drive me to the dictionary...maybe that makes you an Uber.
or we could go with the dictionary definition of uber - denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person...interesting relevance to eugenics - since uber is from a German word - the Nazis adopted the eugenics doctrine to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups...yikes !!!! did I just say that out loud ?!?! Is that political ?!?! sorry, Mods - it didn't occur to me until just now that Bolshevik may have been speaking in code....well, delete this post if you must ...I'm cool with that...I had my 15 minutes of posting fun!
hey Bolshevik - just for the record if you happen to see this before it's annihilated , I meant you are an Uber in a nice way - a supersmart person ...and an excellent Uber driver for taking me to the dictionary.
Edited by T-Boneedited for the sake of that Youth-in-Asia or is that Two Yutes - Joe Pesci wants to know
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Obviously a very differn't kettle of fish to the Chinese flu lol...and any shot for the Spanish flu would probs have been just as ineffective as this one :)
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that's ONE that they know there's plenty more :)
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Forced ??
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OMG !! Don't forget to get your booster, and your next one and your next one...well you get the drift of where this is going...severe illness in immunized people and mild illness in unvaccinated who contract covid again !!!
Fauci says Covid hospitalizations rising among fully vaccinated people (
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Some highlights from that linked article:
"Walensky also noted that the risk of hospitalizations and death is still greatest for those who are unvaccinated."
"'Studies show that those who are unvaccinated continue to be more likely to be infected, more likely to be in the hospital and more likely to have severe complications from COVID-19,' she said during the briefing."
As for the fully-vaccinated getting Covid, what did Fauci actually say?
"'It's a significant proportion, but not the majority by any means.' "
So, yes, get those boosters. Decrease your risks as much as possible.
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Out in the world, there's doctors who have been working on this for DECADES. They've been trading information, and updating what they know. They've found a handful of partial successes, and qualified them carefully. So far, globally, this has been the only known case where there's no qualification. That's why she's from Argentina, she's being treated in Boston, and you're in Australia reading about it. It's news because it's so singularly significant.
So, if you had money on that bet, you'd lose.
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