Yeah but you swallow the crap from quacks and other ne’r-do-well liars , so who cares what you say?
Admitting that he doesn't accept DATA from institutions responsible for dealing with the problem is essentially the same as boldly proclaiming that he embraces nothing but cockamamie conspiracy theories.
Any vaccinations conjured up for for flu type viruses (including covid) are always too late because the virus mutates a multitude of times before the shots even ministered
I'm not sure you realize this, Allan, but this article offers no evidence to back the claim you made that I questioned.
My claim was that the flu virus mutates a multitude of times in any given year, this is why the flu shots are always a year too asked for evidence...I've given you the direct evidence quoted from CDC it is again...
You may be exposed to a flu virus that is not included in the seasonal flu vaccine. There are many different flu viruses that circulate every year. A flu vaccine is made to protect against the three or four flu viruses that research suggests will be most common.
Influenza (flu) vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from season to season and depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine and the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation. During years when the flu vaccine match is good, it is possible to measure substantial benefits from flu vaccination in terms of preventing flu illness and complications. However, the benefits of flu vaccination will still vary, depending on characteristics of the person being vaccinated (for example, their health and age), what influenza viruses are circulating that season and, potentially, which type of flu vaccine was used.
Why are their differnt flu viruses every year ? Because they what part of this info do you disagree or struggle with ?? Do you know more than the CDC (wouldn't be hard) lol
For those who follow NFL Sports...... it's been an interesting two weeks.
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay Packers QB [unvaccinated] got Covid.....(and yes, I know the tit-for-tat backstory). He contacted Joe Rogan, who had recovered from Covid earlier this year) and followed the same protocols of Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D3, etc......and played in the game today against the Seattle Seahawks. Packers won 17-0.
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh Steelers QB [fully vaccinated] got Covid.....and was placed on the reserve/Covid-19 list and missed today's game against the Detroit Lions.
These are the kinds of scenarios that are surfacing. If we leave the politics and tribal thinking out of it.... why can't our health experts take a look at other therapeutic treatments like IVERMECTIN?
Rodgers was sick with Covid-19 just 10-12 days ago (??)..... and he's out on the football field TODAY leading his team to a shutout over the Seattle Seahawks 17-0. Why is there silence in the media? Shouldn't medical experts be phoning him and asking him to explain his treatment, his recovery?
If anyone sees a follow-up news article on this.......let me know. Thanks.
Two high profile unvaccinated, one fully'd THINK that our 24/7 news cycle of "journalism" would want to get the scoop on this, right?
I'm sure everyone is SO BUSY running data points that no journalist has the time to follow-up on this. No fact checkers? Nothing? lol
One.....Aaron Rodgers, uses a treatment that is not approved by the FDA and CDC......and only misses one football game. His covid treatment: Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D3, etc. Shortly thereafter.....he's back on the football field and leads his Green Bay Packers to a shutout victory over Seattle Seahawks 17-0.
Does everything have to be run thru the authoritarian institutions of FDA, CDC and Big Pharma?
Admitting that he doesn't accept DATA from institutions responsible for dealing with the problem is essentially the same as boldly proclaiming that he embraces nothing but cockamamie conspiracy theories.
Facts are incontrovertible characteristics of the world. But the basic bias of our perception and imprecision of our measurement systems mean that the data we collect is very rarely afact. Instead it is an approximation of an aspect of a fact. Conclusions are based on our evaluation of the available data.23 Sept 2016
Facts are incontrovertible characteristics of the world. But the basic bias of our perception and imprecision of our measurement systems mean that the data we collect is very rarely afact. Instead it is an approximation of an aspect of a fact. Conclusions are based on our evaluation of the available data.23 Sept 2016
-(Taken from a 'data science' organization) lol, you need to get your facts right
2016? HA! In data science, five year old narratives are archaic and anachronistic.
Nevertheless, you disavowed reliance on data for credible decision-making. You added a dismissive emoji as if you had proven anything? Sure, Poindexter.
My claim was that the flu virus mutates a multitude of times in any given year, this is why the flu shots are always a year too asked for evidence...I've given you the direct evidence quoted from CDC it is again..
This is what you said:
"Any vaccinations conjured up for for flu type viruses (including covid) are always too late because the virus mutates a multitude of times before the shots even ministered."
This is a direct quote from the article:
"the composition of flu vaccines is reviewed annually, and vaccines are updated to protect against the viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming flu season."
Do you honestly not see what's wrong with your claim?
Some people made a choice to work remotely. We're not told why. Perhaps they have a medical issue that makes that choice the prudent one. We don't know. Regardless, what happened to the idea of "freedom to make a personal choice"? Apparently he would like to cherry pick which freedoms he considers valid.
Clearly, his objective here is to discredit the effectiveness of the intervention program.
Actually she did say the lab workers are on site. As for other employees, working remotely is no indication of being vaccinated or not. The Federal Government issued remote working guidelines back before June 2020. Not just for the CDC but for most Departments. I know personally this is true with the EPA, *if* a job can be done as effectively remotely as from the office, they are not required to come to the office. It may surprise you, but productivity has seen crazy upticks.
why? Well, for one thing commute times. Housing in DC itself is crazy high ($650k+ for a two bedroom bungalow, $750k for a townhouse, as a starter). As a result MOST government employees live an hour away in Maryland or Virginia. Not commuting saves over 2 hours a day.
What actually happens is the employee ends up working MORE hours than they would if they came to the office 9-5.
Federal employees, just like the those in the private sector, have learned during this pandemic they can get more done, AND have more family time, AND be healthier working remotely. Of course you have to quickly scramble and throw on a sport coat when a Cabinet member pops into the Zoom meeting LOL. (True story)
It has nothing to do with not being vaccinated. (Virtually all are, or will be by January). The workforce, public and private, are changing how things get done. Simple as that.
2016? HA! In data science, five year old narratives are archaic and anachronistic.
Nevertheless, you disavowed reliance on data for credible decision-making. You added a dismissive emoji as if you had proven anything? Sure, Poindexter.
Oh so truth comes with a use by date according to you, nice one
2016? HA! In data science, five year old narratives are archaic and anachronistic.
Nevertheless, you disavowed reliance on data for credible decision-making. You added a dismissive emoji as if you had proven anything? Sure, Poindexter.
The journal wasn't presenting 'data', they were presenting as to why majority of data is open to bias and prejudice (something right up your alley) and cannot be taken as 'gospel'...if you didn't get the differnce, no wonder you're happy to blindly 'follow the science'
"Any vaccinations conjured up for for flu type viruses (including covid) are always too late because the virus mutates a multitude of times before the shots even ministered."
This is a direct quote from the article:
"the composition of flu vaccines is reviewed annually, and vaccines are updated to protect against the viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming flu season."
Do you honestly not see what's wrong with your claim?
and this is a follow on from the you honestly think the EXACT SAME flu virus comes round every year ? If you do, I sure hope you're not working in the medical field ................text underlined to try to help you out !!
You may be exposed to a flu virus that is not included in the seasonal flu vaccine. There are many different flu viruses that circulate every year. A flu vaccine is made to protect against the three or four flu viruses that research suggests will be most common.
Influenza (flu) vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from season to season and depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine and the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation. During years when the flu vaccine match is good, it is possible to measure substantial benefits from flu vaccination in terms of preventing flu illness and complications. However, the benefits of flu vaccination will still vary, depending on characteristics of the person being vaccinated (for example, their health and age), what influenza viruses are circulating that season and, potentially, which type of flu vaccine was used.
"Any vaccinations conjured up for for flu type viruses (including covid) are always too late because the virus mutates a multitude of times before the shots even ministered."
This is a direct quote from the article:
"the composition of flu vaccines is reviewed annually, and vaccines are updated to protect against the viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming flu season."
“These events are often coincidental, rather than being caused by the vaccine, therefore any attempts to link the two based on a temporal association alone is misleading,”
"But much of the harm had been done, said Garcia. Ivermectin had given people a false sense of security against the virus, making it difficult for public health officials to later dispel unproven claims about the drug."
Ever notice on a map South America is so far east if heading south from most parts of North America a person would end up in the Pacific, not South America?
“These events are often coincidental, rather than being caused by the vaccine, therefore any attempts to link the two based on a temporal association alone is misleading,”
Um, the HUGE ad for support CLIMATE JOURNALISM was a BIG RED FLAG for me...sorry but Im not one that swallows the whole 'man made global warming BS either...but it figures you, Waysider and Rocky do ,
The article was not about climate. I said nothing about climate. I was thinking nothing about climate. Climate was not alluded to. Climate has nothing to do with COVID or the vaccine topic. I just looked at the article again and saw no ads about climate - maybe you saw one.
Then you're lumping all posters together like they are one person.
Unplug. Take a vacation. Go save a wallaby. I hear they poop in cubes.
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This mRNA technology sounds like it's going to open the door to many new solutions, so that's fascinating. However, joining a cult like The Way is like a type of addiction. There is no vaccine e
Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans have at least one dose. Nearly 6 out of 10 are fully vaccinated. Boosters are available for certain groups but not everyone at this time. Children 5 - 11 can be
Going for my booster jab tomorrow. Yes, I believe God to keep me safe - and to keep others safe. I believe I have a great natural immune system, to which loads of fresh fruit and veg, exercise,
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I'm not sure you realize this, Allan, but this article offers no evidence to back the claim you made that I questioned.
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and DISinformation
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Admitting that he doesn't accept DATA from institutions responsible for dealing with the problem is essentially the same as boldly proclaiming that he embraces nothing but cockamamie conspiracy theories.
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How can you critically assess what's fact and what's disinformation? Hint: since you disavow DATA, you can't.
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I'm still waiting for your evidence.
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My claim was that the flu virus mutates a multitude of times in any given year, this is why the flu shots are always a year too asked for evidence...I've given you the direct evidence quoted from CDC it is again...
Influenza (flu) vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from season to season and depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine and the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation. During years when the flu vaccine match is good, it is possible to measure substantial benefits from flu vaccination in terms of preventing flu illness and complications. However, the benefits of flu vaccination will still vary, depending on characteristics of the person being vaccinated (for example, their health and age), what influenza viruses are circulating that season and, potentially, which type of flu vaccine was used.
Why are their differnt flu viruses every year ? Because they what part of this info do you disagree or struggle with ?? Do you know more than the CDC (wouldn't be hard) lol
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If anyone sees a follow-up news article on this.......let me know. Thanks.
Two high profile unvaccinated, one fully'd THINK that our 24/7 news cycle of "journalism" would want to get the scoop on this, right?
I'm sure everyone is SO BUSY running data points that no journalist has the time to follow-up on this. No fact checkers? Nothing? lol
One.....Aaron Rodgers, uses a treatment that is not approved by the FDA and CDC......and only misses one football game. His covid treatment: Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D3, etc. Shortly thereafter.....he's back on the football field and leads his Green Bay Packers to a shutout victory over Seattle Seahawks 17-0.
Does everything have to be run thru the authoritarian institutions of FDA, CDC and Big Pharma?
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Facts are incontrovertible characteristics of the world. But the basic bias of our perception and imprecision of our measurement systems mean that the data we collect is very rarely a fact. Instead it is an approximation of an aspect of a fact. Conclusions are based on our evaluation of the available data.23 Sept 2016
Data is not facts - the impossibility of being unbiased - Data ...
-(Taken from a 'data science' organization) lol, you need to get your facts right
change a word
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2016? HA! In data science, five year old narratives are archaic and anachronistic.
Nevertheless, you disavowed reliance on data for credible decision-making. You added a dismissive emoji as if you had proven anything? Sure, Poindexter.
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This is what you said:
"Any vaccinations conjured up for for flu type viruses (including covid) are always too late because the virus mutates a multitude of times before the shots even ministered."
This is a direct quote from the article:
"the composition of flu vaccines is reviewed annually, and vaccines are updated to protect against the viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming flu season."
Do you honestly not see what's wrong with your claim?
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Actually she did say the lab workers are on site. As for other employees, working remotely is no indication of being vaccinated or not. The Federal Government issued remote working guidelines back before June 2020. Not just for the CDC but for most Departments. I know personally this is true with the EPA, *if* a job can be done as effectively remotely as from the office, they are not required to come to the office. It may surprise you, but productivity has seen crazy upticks.
why? Well, for one thing commute times. Housing in DC itself is crazy high ($650k+ for a two bedroom bungalow, $750k for a townhouse, as a starter). As a result MOST government employees live an hour away in Maryland or Virginia. Not commuting saves over 2 hours a day.
What actually happens is the employee ends up working MORE hours than they would if they came to the office 9-5.
Federal employees, just like the those in the private sector, have learned during this pandemic they can get more done, AND have more family time, AND be healthier working remotely. Of course you have to quickly scramble and throw on a sport coat when a Cabinet member pops into the Zoom meeting LOL. (True story)
It has nothing to do with not being vaccinated. (Virtually all are, or will be by January). The workforce, public and private, are changing how things get done. Simple as that.
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Oh so truth comes with a use by date according to you, nice one
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The journal wasn't presenting 'data', they were presenting as to why majority of data is open to bias and prejudice (something right up your alley) and cannot be taken as 'gospel'...if you didn't get the differnce, no wonder you're happy to blindly 'follow the science'
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and this is a follow on from the you honestly think the EXACT SAME flu virus comes round every year ? If you do, I sure hope you're not working in the medical field
................text underlined to try to help you out !!
You may be exposed to a flu virus that is not included in the seasonal flu vaccine. There are many different flu viruses that circulate every year. A flu vaccine is made to protect against the three or four flu viruses that research suggests will be most common.
Influenza (flu) vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from season to season and depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine and the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation. During years when the flu vaccine match is good, it is possible to measure substantial benefits from flu vaccination in terms of preventing flu illness and complications. However, the benefits of flu vaccination will still vary, depending on characteristics of the person being vaccinated (for example, their health and age), what influenza viruses are circulating that season and, potentially, which type of flu vaccine was used.
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"ANY vaccines.....are ALWAYS too late."
This is what you said, did you not?
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A direct quote from the article:
“These events are often coincidental, rather than being caused by the vaccine, therefore any attempts to link the two based on a temporal association alone is misleading,”
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A Nigerian study from 2011 has claimed that 85% of men on ivermectin became infertile
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It was a flawed study.
You can read about it HERE.
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Yes I know.
Want to see if these things work both ways . . .
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A quick google search of anything Allan posts is all that is needed.
Same with the Nigerian study.
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"But much of the harm had been done, said Garcia. Ivermectin had given people a false sense of security against the virus, making it difficult for public health officials to later dispel unproven claims about the drug."
Ever notice on a map South America is so far east if heading south from most parts of North America a person would end up in the Pacific, not South America?
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Yes I did my little gnat strainer
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You 'forgot' the next line oh darn...
However, a large study from the UK in August did find an increased risk of stroke associated with Pfizer.
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The article was not about climate. I said nothing about climate. I was thinking nothing about climate. Climate was not alluded to. Climate has nothing to do with COVID or the vaccine topic. I just looked at the article again and saw no ads about climate - maybe you saw one.
Then you're lumping all posters together like they are one person.
Unplug. Take a vacation. Go save a wallaby. I hear they poop in cubes.
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