If I gave something to someone, did something for someone, or the like . . . I didn't do it, God worked through me. The receiver doesn't have to remember traits about who did what for who . . . in the sense of trust building and familiarity - relationship building . . . but God is behind the scenes working in all these faceless people. Believer follows the formula, the people involved don't matter, The Word was done. That is borg-like to me.
It is also infantile . . . Believer/Infant screams vaguely to the unknown universe/for mommy . . . God/Mother meets demands.
I thought the Bible says in some of it's passages we ARE indeed infantile in our thinking and in other places actually ENCOURAGES infantile thinking...why would that be ?
I thought the Bible says in some of it's passages we ARE indeed infantile in our thinking and in other places actually ENCOURAGES infantile thinking...why would that be ?
I don't know if you are referring to specific verses that interpret themselves . . . or the concept that gods are collective projections of a population's parents/ancestors . . . or something else?
I don't agree that the Bible outlines a Law of Believing. That came from VPW's distortions.
According to victor and his sycophants, the law of believing works for saint or sinner, positively or negatively, rightly or wrongly, unless devil spirits override the believing?
I was "taught" that victor was martyred for his recording PFAL. For this I should be extra-thankful to him. What martyred him? His lack of believing? His wrong believing? His negative, fearful believing (surely not TMOG!) Or was was it the fault of devil spirits?
According to victor and his sycophants, the law of believing works for saint or sinner, positively or negatively, rightly or wrongly, unless devil spirits override the believing?
I was "taught" that victor was martyred for his recording PFAL. For this I should be extra-thankful to him. What martyred him? His lack of believing? His wrong believing? His negative, fearful believing (surely not TMOG!) Or was was it the fault of devil spirits?
Adherents to the supposed "law" of believing are inconsistent about this- mainly because it's so inconsistent in results (mostly due to it being bunk.)
In one instance, they say it works equally well, positively or negatively, and it's universal. vpw himself taught it was as fundamental as scientific fact- that 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom make up a water molecule. He said outright that God would have to rewrite The Laws of the Universe if He didn't want The Law of Believing to work.
In another instance, the slightest lapse of dedication in kissing twi's @$$ will surely result in devils overtaking the person, no matter how strong they continue to believe. To leave twi is to leave God's Protection regardless of Believing, and to be a "greasespot by midnight." Midnight has come and gone, and we're doing fine. I remember a friend who suffered the sudden loss of his wife. IIRC, she died in her sleep, without warning. (Heart attack or something.) Part of his suffering was in the rude awakening in how the supposed "Law" of Believing had failed them- how he and she had very positively believed that they would be in excellent health and so on, and others believed that for them and so on, and yet, the Laws of the Universe didn't intervene and save her life. If nothing else, it shows that the supposed "Law" of Believing is nothing of the sort.
Oh, what killed vpw? The man chain-smoked for decades, and drank all day for decades. The heavy drinking has been shown to suppress the immune system. Smoking has been linked to a variety of cancers, including cancer of the eye (it's exposed to the smoke.) vpw got cancer of the eye, which spread and killed him. vpw CLAIMED that the 2 weeks of filming pfal with studio lights decades earlier are why he got eye cancer.
Studio lights do not cause eye cancer. We are not getting regular reports of stage actors, singers, dancers etc getting cancer after a 9-month tour under stage lights (which are at least as bright as the old studio lights.) There have been a few reports of people who neglected using a WELDER'S MASK when WELDING and later got eye cancer. There's no reports of stage performers dropping of cancer by the hundreds.
If vpw wasn't such a habitual liar, there might be some kind of question here. Why did he lie so completely about how he got cancer?
1) It helped distract from his inability to Super-Believe and blast the cancer out of his eye. vpw liked to have people portray him as some super-believer whose prayers and Believing affected the whole world at once- but in reality, it couldn't even affect his whole EYE at once, or the cells individually. Word-Faith preachers, in general, don't seem to live long lives, they wear glasses, and often seem in poor health. These are strange things for the preachers to believe FOR!
2) It turned two of his VICES (addiction to strong drink, addiction to tobacco) into appearing virtuous. Instead of dying because he was a slave to his expensive vices (paid for with your ABS), he was dying because he filmed pfal decades before and now his eye was suffering for it. Yes, the lights had been bright. Yes, they'd hurt his eyes- but that is hardly the same as them giving him cancer. Bright lights do not cause cancer.
3) Those seeking to make a martyr out of vpw never blame his vices nor his faulty believing for his death. They blame EVERYBODY else, and I mean EVERYBODY else. The story is that vpw was perfect, but everybody else was flawed and messing everything up all the time, and finally vpw got tired of pulling THEIR weight all the time, so he got tired of believing and "tired of the fight", so what killed him was "EVERYBODY ELSE." No, I'm NOT making any of this up.
Adherents to the supposed "law" of believing are inconsistent about this- mainly because it's so inconsistent in results (mostly due to it being bunk.)
In one instance, they say it works equally well, positively or negatively, and it's universal. vpw himself taught it was as fundamental as scientific fact- that 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom make up a water molecule. He said outright that God would have to rewrite The Laws of the Universe if He didn't want The Law of Believing to work.
In another instance, the slightest lapse of dedication in kissing twi's @$$ will surely result in devils overtaking the person, no matter how strong they continue to believe. To leave twi is to leave God's Protection regardless of Believing, and to be a "greasespot by midnight." Midnight has come and gone, and we're doing fine. I remember a friend who suffered the sudden loss of his wife. IIRC, she died in her sleep, without warning. (Heart attack or something.) Part of his suffering was in the rude awakening in how the supposed "Law" of Believing had failed them- how he and she had very positively believed that they would be in excellent health and so on, and others believed that for them and so on, and yet, the Laws of the Universe didn't intervene and save her life. If nothing else, it shows that the supposed "Law" of Believing is nothing of the sort.
Oh, what killed vpw? The man chain-smoked for decades, and drank all day for decades. The heavy drinking has been shown to suppress the immune system. Smoking has been linked to a variety of cancers, including cancer of the eye (it's exposed to the smoke.) vpw got cancer of the eye, which spread and killed him. vpw CLAIMED that the 2 weeks of filming pfal with studio lights decades earlier are why he got eye cancer.
Studio lights do not cause eye cancer. We are not getting regular reports of stage actors, singers, dancers etc getting cancer after a 9-month tour under stage lights (which are at least as bright as the old studio lights.) There have been a few reports of people who neglected using a WELDER'S MASK when WELDING and later got eye cancer. There's no reports of stage performers dropping of cancer by the hundreds.
If vpw wasn't such a habitual liar, there might be some kind of question here. Why did he lie so completely about how he got cancer?
1) It helped distract from his inability to Super-Believe and blast the cancer out of his eye. vpw liked to have people portray him as some super-believer whose prayers and Believing affected the whole world at once- but in reality, it couldn't even affect his whole EYE at once, or the cells individually. Word-Faith preachers, in general, don't seem to live long lives, they wear glasses, and often seem in poor health. These are strange things for the preachers to believe FOR!
2) It turned two of his VICES (addiction to strong drink, addiction to tobacco) into appearing virtuous. Instead of dying because he was a slave to his expensive vices (paid for with your ABS), he was dying because he filmed pfal decades before and now his eye was suffering for it. Yes, the lights had been bright. Yes, they'd hurt his eyes- but that is hardly the same as them giving him cancer. Bright lights do not cause cancer.
3) Those seeking to make a martyr out of vpw never blame his vices nor his faulty believing for his death. They blame EVERYBODY else, and I mean EVERYBODY else. The story is that vpw was perfect, but everybody else was flawed and messing everything up all the time, and finally vpw got tired of pulling THEIR weight all the time, so he got tired of believing and "tired of the fight", so what killed him was "EVERYBODY ELSE." No, I'm NOT making any of this up.
So what you're saying is, to claim VPW was blinded by light isn't necessarily a lie . . .
thanks for the reminder why I stopped coming around here. It's mean, arrogant, comments like yours that just can't stand the plainly stated opinion of another ... which reveals far more than I care to think about or know.
When I read Raf's comment, I didn't think he was mean or arrogant at all but rather loving, explaining that its truly possible to logically, thoroughly and thoughtfully change over time. It is quite intriguing to me and I would love to hear his story and how it all came about!
When I read Raf's comment, I didn't think he was mean or arrogant at all but rather loving, explaining that its truly possible to logically, thoroughly and thoughtfully change over time. It is quite intriguing to me and I would love to hear his story and how it all came about!
Raf, I don't think anyone has the right to judge your journey through life based on your beliefs and wherever they stand. There's times in my life where I was into the occult, theres times in my life where I had sold out my life to TWI -an abusive cult, thers a sizeable time in my life where I didn't believe anything except there was a bottle for me at the liquor store. Then there's me today - yes I am Christian but I am not sure anyother label belongs because Im simply not affiliated with any organization or group, clique, or whatever. Im just a guy like you, or anyone else for that matter, who is on this same journey through life. More than you will ever know, I love and respect your honesty and candor. Not my place to judge you or treat you differently because you believe differently from me. It is my job to love you as myself and I like my boundaries respected. Therefore, I will respect your boundaries and love you just the same. Cheers!
My wife turned me onto Todd...she has a couple of his albums...earlier this year I got 3 of his albums on iTunes on my phone. Man, what a style...what a voice!
we were watching church TV this morning (David Jeremiah) and he was teaching on faith - referenced verse if you had the faith of a grain of mustard seed - that's all you need - because it's not about the size of YOUR faith but on the power of God. he said which would you rather choose if going ice-fishing - having a little faith and walking on 2 feet of ice or a lot of faith and walking on thin ice.
then Jeremiah joked and said he would take note of whoever chose a lot of faith on thin ice - to remember to never go fishing with them.
That reminded me of a funny tik tok of a polar bear crawling across thin ice - very smart - bear spread its weight out so it’s less likely to break the ice
this tik tok resonates with me - I think this is what I look like crawling through life
yeah howdy - I’ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance, medical coverage…got a pistol and various scenarios plans and a huge Akita mix the size of a moose - called Moose if the cops can’t make it here in time to stop a home invasion…yeah I’m living on thin ice alright
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Todd Snider is so underrated.
TLC I don't think you have any idea how unbelievably condescending that sounds to those of us who spent a lifetime pursuing God and the things of God and leading people to Christ, only to have so
Great points! Luring people in with great promises is the old get-rich-quick-scheme for suckers who seek to improve their quality of life, fast and cheap. “A get-rich-quick scheme is a plan to obta
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I thought the Bible says in some of it's passages we ARE indeed infantile in our thinking and in other places actually ENCOURAGES infantile thinking...why would that be ?
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I don't know if you are referring to specific verses that interpret themselves
. . . or the concept that gods are collective projections of a population's parents/ancestors . . . or something else?
I don't agree that the Bible outlines a Law of Believing. That came from VPW's distortions.
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So, if you want to receive something, you need to get a clear picture of it, stay focused, confess positives, renew your mind, speak in tongues, etc.
But, if you fear something, there's no escaping it. It will find you. Live in fear of whatever it is you want to receive.
Works for saint and sinner alike,
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It's like splitting (black and white thinking) . . . The reasoning behind each is Word Salad.
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I usually associate The Law of Believing, like the Law of Attraction, with Ego Inflation. There was certainly a process to it.
This link,
The writer associates ego inflation with death, which is interesting. He uses some religious terminology.
VPW's condition was likely like a death. Some refer to it as zombies or the walking dead. He was just not capable of some things.
People applying VPW's Law of Believing also experience a death, or dying.
Typing Inflation in the thumbs
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According to victor and his sycophants, the law of believing works for saint or sinner, positively or negatively, rightly or wrongly, unless devil spirits override the believing?
I was "taught" that victor was martyred for his recording PFAL. For this I should be extra-thankful to him. What martyred him? His lack of believing? His wrong believing? His negative, fearful believing (surely not TMOG!) Or was was it the fault of devil spirits?
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Adherents to the supposed "law" of believing are inconsistent about this- mainly because it's so inconsistent in results (mostly due to it being bunk.)
In one instance, they say it works equally well, positively or negatively, and it's universal. vpw himself taught it was as fundamental as scientific fact- that 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom make up a water molecule. He said outright that God would have to rewrite The Laws of the Universe if He didn't want The Law of Believing to work.
In another instance, the slightest lapse of dedication in kissing twi's @$$ will surely result in devils overtaking the person, no matter how strong they continue to believe. To leave twi is to leave God's Protection regardless of Believing, and to be a "greasespot by midnight." Midnight has come and gone, and we're doing fine. I remember a friend who suffered the sudden loss of his wife. IIRC, she died in her sleep, without warning. (Heart attack or something.) Part of his suffering was in the rude awakening in how the supposed "Law" of Believing had failed them- how he and she had very positively believed that they would be in excellent health and so on, and others believed that for them and so on, and yet, the Laws of the Universe didn't intervene and save her life. If nothing else, it shows that the supposed "Law" of Believing is nothing of the sort.
Oh, what killed vpw? The man chain-smoked for decades, and drank all day for decades. The heavy drinking has been shown to suppress the immune system. Smoking has been linked to a variety of cancers, including cancer of the eye (it's exposed to the smoke.) vpw got cancer of the eye, which spread and killed him. vpw CLAIMED that the 2 weeks of filming pfal with studio lights decades earlier are why he got eye cancer.
Studio lights do not cause eye cancer. We are not getting regular reports of stage actors, singers, dancers etc getting cancer after a 9-month tour under stage lights (which are at least as bright as the old studio lights.) There have been a few reports of people who neglected using a WELDER'S MASK when WELDING and later got eye cancer. There's no reports of stage performers dropping of cancer by the hundreds.
If vpw wasn't such a habitual liar, there might be some kind of question here. Why did he lie so completely about how he got cancer?
1) It helped distract from his inability to Super-Believe and blast the cancer out of his eye. vpw liked to have people portray him as some super-believer whose prayers and Believing affected the whole world at once- but in reality, it couldn't even affect his whole EYE at once, or the cells individually. Word-Faith preachers, in general, don't seem to live long lives, they wear glasses, and often seem in poor health. These are strange things for the preachers to believe FOR!
2) It turned two of his VICES (addiction to strong drink, addiction to tobacco) into appearing virtuous. Instead of dying because he was a slave to his expensive vices (paid for with your ABS), he was dying because he filmed pfal decades before and now his eye was suffering for it. Yes, the lights had been bright. Yes, they'd hurt his eyes- but that is hardly the same as them giving him cancer. Bright lights do not cause cancer.
3) Those seeking to make a martyr out of vpw never blame his vices nor his faulty believing for his death. They blame EVERYBODY else, and I mean EVERYBODY else. The story is that vpw was perfect, but everybody else was flawed and messing everything up all the time, and finally vpw got tired of pulling THEIR weight all the time, so he got tired of believing and "tired of the fight", so what killed him was "EVERYBODY ELSE." No, I'm NOT making any of this up.
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So what you're saying is, to claim VPW was blinded by light isn't necessarily a lie . . .
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Blinded by the light of his own reflection in the mirror.
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I was wondering if this could go wrong
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Maybe not for him…but if he offered Lois Lane a Brazilian…I mean a Kryptonian Bikini waxing…Yikes!
Cue Bruno Mars' song:
I'm too hot (hot damn), uh
Edited by T-BoneCalled a police and a fireman
I'm too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire, man
super-editor !
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Bumped for Mike.
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When I read Raf's comment, I didn't think he was mean or arrogant at all but rather loving, explaining that its truly possible to logically, thoroughly and thoughtfully change over time. It is quite intriguing to me and I would love to hear his story and how it all came about!
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Did you not read my account?
What else would you like to know?
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I did not. Can you provide a link please? Thx.
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Thank you Raf.
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Raf, I don't think anyone has the right to judge your journey through life based on your beliefs and wherever they stand. There's times in my life where I was into the occult, theres times in my life where I had sold out my life to TWI -an abusive cult, thers a sizeable time in my life where I didn't believe anything except there was a bottle for me at the liquor store. Then there's me today - yes I am Christian but I am not sure anyother label belongs because Im simply not affiliated with any organization or group, clique, or whatever. Im just a guy like you, or anyone else for that matter, who is on this same journey through life. More than you will ever know, I love and respect your honesty and candor. Not my place to judge you or treat you differently because you believe differently from me. It is my job to love you as myself and I like my boundaries respected. Therefore, I will respect your boundaries and love you just the same. Cheers!
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Thanks OldSkool.
We all evolve. I'm not even the same person who wrote that post 8 years ago.
I'm grateful for everyone's understanding.
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I just want to live until I've got to die.
I know I ain't perfect, but God knows I try.
I think I'm an alright guy.
I think I'm alright.
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Todd Snider is so underrated.
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My wife turned me onto Todd...she has a couple of his albums...earlier this year I got 3 of his albums on iTunes on my phone. Man, what a style...what a voice!
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we were watching church TV this morning (David Jeremiah) and he was teaching on faith - referenced verse if you had the faith of a grain of mustard seed - that's all you need - because it's not about the size of YOUR faith but on the power of God. he said which would you rather choose if going ice-fishing - having a little faith and walking on 2 feet of ice or a lot of faith and walking on thin ice.
then Jeremiah joked and said he would take note of whoever chose a lot of faith on thin ice - to remember to never go fishing with them.
That reminded me of a funny tik tok of a polar bear crawling across thin ice - very smart - bear spread its weight out so it’s less likely to break the ice
Polar Bear crawling across thin ice
this tik tok resonates with me - I think this is what I look like crawling through life
yeah howdy - I’ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance, medical coverage…got a pistol and various scenarios plans and a huge Akita mix the size of a moose - called Moose if the cops can’t make it here in time to stop a home invasion…yeah I’m living on thin ice alright
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