chapter and verse on why you think 7th day sabbath keeping is insignificant
Waxit, this is a strawman argument. You're probably familiar with that term but, if not, please take some time and figure out what it is and why your response to my post fits the definition.
Mate, Jesus Christ said that "He is the (only)way, the (only)truth, and the l(only) ife" and He is the Lord of the Sabbath
You say we should focus on Jesus Christ- You are absolutely right there
You will obviously agree with me that Jesus Christ is righteous and correct in what He said and practised
So tell me how can someone be Lord of the Sabbath and then consider sabbath keeping insignificant
Forget about TWI - I dont really care what they believe- if there is something good that i learnt
from pfal- it's the keys and principles in rightly dividing the word of God.
In fact there is a lot more than what vpw said- there are 14 rules for enabling one to rightly divide the word of God where there are no errors or contradictions
I also pray to God that He will guide me to all areas of truth
There are no 10,000 ways for everyone to be right. If you belives, yes everybody can be correct with differing opinion and it depends on how you look at it
then go and join the ecumenical movemnent which is very popular, you will be welcomed there
Let's forget about all the character analysis- what i think about you or what you think about e Give me one bible verse that proves 7th day sabbath is insignificant
One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. Romans 14:5 ESV
chapter and verse on why you think 7th day sabbath keeping is insignificant
The bible is the most accurate source- if your rightly divide the word of God ( with no errors, contradictions and everything fits) Please dont link me with vpw or pfal- He was 5% ok and 95% horse manure
Please compile into categories the specific data of the “okay” stuff and the “horse manure” stuff and work out percentages with a pie chart and then post the pie chart here, to validate your assertion.
If you need further help on this project you may check out this You Tube .
You and your group of people that agree with you are entitled to your own opinions.
I have just been on gsc for a a few weeksor splinter group- (I dont give a hoot about TWI or any splinter goup)
and you think you know everything about me just by reading a few posts- like i havent spend enough of time away from twi
How do you know that???
I started a newwthread which invited a people to give me a bible scripture verse that shows 7th day sabbath keeping
being insignificant which contracdicts Exodus 20:8-11 and nobody including yourself has done that
and you stand on the sidelines barking away at my heels
If you are so insistent in me discussing sabbath with people who are not interested, why dont you give me one bible verse that does show sabbath keeping to be insignificant.
I think you are afraid to learn the truth
Listen i am not inerested in long theological debates and wasting time
The bible is very clear about the importance of sabbath keeping in the new covenant relationship with God
As i said i have got no hard feelings for those who disagree with me. You can stick to with what you want to believe
one thing for sure - we will learn the trugh when we come before the judgement seat of Christ and it will be too late then
I know that sometimes I repeat stuff but i do that because it's important. Havent you heard that repitition of vital truths is the mother of learning>
Dont need to comment on what i said- which is what you will continue to do to highlight to everyone that you are right and i am wrong
I am not interested in what you think of me because you dont have a clue of who i am and the heart I have for people
Enough of all this mud slinging to and fro, I challenge you to give me one bible that proves the insignificane of sabbath keeping
or you can reply on the new thread that i started
Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath...Colossians 2:16 ESV
You have asked me for explanation on how i know the 7th day sabbath (saturday) is the original day that God rested on
How I know this has been continued and not been obscured by calendar changes and I gave you a detailed explanation
and I havent heard boo from here?
Ok! tell me what's all you gsc folks that are throwing buns against me- it will be great if they are fresh and vegan preferred (LOL) What is the one voice that you are decrying against me in regards to the importance of 7th day sabbath?- Let me know
4 hours ago, Waxit said:
You and your group of people that agree with you are entitled to your own opinions.
I have just been on gsc for a a few weeksor splinter group- (I dont give a hoot about TWI or any splinter goup)
and you think you know everything about me just by reading a few posts- like i havent spend enough of time away from twi
How do you know that???
I started a newwthread which invited a people to give me a bible scripture verse that shows 7th day sabbath keeping
being insignificant which contracdicts Exodus 20:8-11 and nobody including yourself has done that
and you stand on the sidelines barking away at my heels
If you are so insistent in me discussing sabbath with people who are not interested, why dont you
give me one bible verse that does show sabbath keeping to be insignificant. I think you are afraid to learn the truth
Listen i am not inerested in long theological debates and wasting time
The bible is very clear about the importance of sabbath keeping in the new covenant relationship with God
As i said i have got no hard feelings for those who disagree with me. You can stick to with what you want to believe
one thing for sure - we will learn the trugh when we come before the judgement seat of Christ and it will be too late then
I know that sometimes I repeat stuff but i do that because it's important. Havent you heard that repitition of vital truths is the mother of learning>
Dont need to comment on what i said- which is what you will continue to do to highlight to everyone that you are right and i am wrong
I am not interested in what you think of me because you dont have a clue of who i am and the heart I have for people
Enough of all this mud slinging to and fro, I challenge you to give me one bible that proves the insignificane of sabbath keeping
or you can reply on the new thread that i started
If a number of people say something with one voice, they all express the same opinion about something. "This would enable the community to speak with one voice in world affairs."
Waxit has certainly made life interesting these past few days. I can't think of another time when the entire Café was busy throwing buns at one person - not even Mike, with his rather unusual ideas. When coming from our many varied perspectives, we all spoke with one voice and decried Waxit.
I wish him well, and if he has other input on other topics - get posting!
This is strictly amateur hour compared to the Mike Wars. That ran so long I spent more than an hour a week just working up digests of the exchanges. I mainly stopped because nobody commented that they were appreciated or even read. (To me- they quietly told Paw they liked them, but I didn't hear about that for many months.)
Furthermore, Waxit's really not getting much UNKIND posting. a few isolated cheap-shots, IMHO, but the posts overall have been civil or better.
"You and your group of people that agree with you are entitled to your own opinions."
WordWolf: [Yes we are, and we can-and have- supported it. We're entitled to it either way, and you don't need to keep on posting "well, you're entitled to your opinion, even though it's error and you all walk in darkness" business, things along those lines. It won't convince anyone, and it just looks juvenile.]
"I have just been on gsc for a a few weeksor splinter group- (I dont give a hoot about TWI or any splinter goup)
and you think you know everything about me just by reading a few posts- like i havent spend enough of time away from twi
How do you know that???"
I never said I "know everything about you." You inferred that from my posts. Either you really think I said that- which is error- or you know I didn't and are pretending I did- which is intentional and worse.
I also didn't say you "haven't spend enough time away from twi." Besides, the issue isn't how much time away, but how much THINKING away. If you've spent the last 20 years out of twi but still use all their buzzwords, all their methods, all their paradigms, then you've barely left. If you've been out for a year and divorced from all of that, you've moved on. You're replying far too much on twi methodology for your own good. it leads one from cult to cult, or splinter group to splinter group.]
"I started a newwthread which invited a people to give me a bible scripture verse that shows 7th day sabbath keeping
being insignificant which contracdicts Exodus 20:8-11 and nobody including yourself has done that".
{As was already stated, you, personally, already made this thread specifically FOR that. Opening a second thread for the same exact reason is inappropriate in ANY forum. Furthermore, this thread was in the right place, the other was not. Nobody posted on the other except to say it was unnecessary. All the discussion on YOUR subject should all go here.
BTW, I COULD get into a lengthy discussion on where you went off-track, but you're not even processing the SHORT, SIMPLE posts clearly, and are complaining when posts are lengthy even when they are CLEAR and ON-TOPIC. You're NOT ready for discussion of weighty matters, and you should at least admit it to yourself. Not everyone IS, but not everyone blames everyone ELSE for their inability to keep up, either.]
"and you stand on the sidelines barking away at my heels"
WordWolf: {Sticks and stones, Waxit.]
Waxit: "If you are so insistent in me discussing sabbath with people who are not interested, why dont you
give me one bible verse that does show sabbath keeping to be insignificant."
WordWolf: {A) You are the one who showed up and insisted on discussing it. Don't blame me for your inability to engage the public. B) Someone already beat me to it. In fact, I started a different thread on something you should consider FIRST- whether ANY rules EVER change- and you skipped that one. Your privilege, but you're the one who needs the discusion most.]
Waxit: "I think you are afraid to learn the truth"
WordWolf: [Sticks and stones, Waxit. I'd be offended, but it's amateur hour compared to some other insults I've gotten. Plus, it's far from the reality, and I know that (as do the others.) It's far lazier just to slap labels and insults on us than to see if maybe we see something you don't.]
Waxit: "Listen i am not inerested in long theological debates and wasting time"
WordWolf: It's clear now that you want short, easy-to-digest threads that agree with you. Anything disproving your position is "wasting time." Anything deeper and weightier than what led you astray is a "long theological debate." It's sad you can't see that.]
Waxit:"The bible is very clear about the importance of sabbath keeping in the new covenant relationship with God"
WordWolf:[No, it's very clear it was important to Jews in the Old Testament. It's also clear that's been made insignificant. (Someone else already posted the verses.) It's further clear that some people continued to observe a Sabbath they were not required to follow. That's fine with me, if that's what they WANT to do.]
Waxit:"As i said i have got no hard feelings for those who disagree with me. You can stick to with what you want to believe
one thing for sure - we will learn the trugh when we come before the judgement seat of Christ and it will be too late then"
WordWolf: {I think you're the only one who doesn't see the "hard feelings" you just evidenced there.]
Waxit:"I know that sometimes I repeat stuff but i do that because it's important."
WordWolf: [And that's what people say who distribute propaganda and lies. Just because you repeat stuff, and because you THINK it's important, doesn't make it important. And you never made the case it WAS important- you just declared it was and repeated THAT. You don't get why that doesn't work, and I can't make it any simpler.]
Waxit: "Havent you heard that repitition of vital truths is the mother of learning>"
WordWolf: [Not at all. Do you have a chapter-and-verse for that? If we'd said it, you'd have insisted on those. Don't impose one set of rules on us and a different set on yourself.]
Waxit:"Dont need to comment on what i said- which is what you will continue to do to highlight to everyone that you are right and i am wrong "
WordWolf: [I'm not commenting to inform THEM, not primarily at least. You would get it if you tried, and you'd try if you cared. And the stakes are too high not to care.]
Waxit:"I am not interested in what you think of me because you dont have a clue of who i am and the heart I have for people"
WordWolf; [I know everything of you that your word has revealed. And having great heart and SINCERITY for people is no guarantee you're CORRECT. The flat earthers are sincere. The Pharisees that killed Stephen were sincere.]
Waxit: "Enough of all this mud slinging to and fro, I challenge you to give me one bible that proves the insignificane of sabbath keeping"
WordWolf:[Someone already did it. We can discuss those verses, but I know you're either going to either IGNORE them or DISMISS them without a discussion because otherwise you'd be refuted and shown to be wrong, as you've already done.]
Waxit: "or you can reply on the new thread that i started"
WordWolf:I already replied on that thread to inform you... never mind, you neither understood it on that thread nor will understand it now. After that failure of understanding simple text, why would anyone trust you to explain Scripture?]
One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. Romans 14:5 ESV
Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath...Colossians 2:16 ESV
Mate, Jesus Christ said that "He is the (only)way, the (only)truth, and the l(only) ife" and He is the Lord of the Sabbath
You say we should focus on Jesus Christ- You are absolutely right there
You will obviously agree with me that Jesus Christ is righteous and correct in what He said and practised
So tell me how can someone be Lord of the Sabbath and then consider sabbath keeping insignificant
Forget about TWI - I dont really care what they believe- if there is something good that i learnt
from pfal- it's the keys and principles in rightly dividing the word of God.
In fact there is a lot more than what vpw said- there are 14 rules for enabling one to rightly divide the word of God where there are no errors or contradictions
I also pray to God that He will guide me to all areas of truth
There are no 10,000 ways for everyone to be right. If you belives, yes everybody can be correct with differing opinion and it depends on how you look at it
then go and join the ecumenical movemnent which is very popular, you will be welcomed there
Let's forget about all the character analysis- what i think about you or what you think about e
Give me one bible verse that proves 7th day sabbath is insignificant
There's no character analysis underway, mate. My comments weren't about what I think about you, they were about this discussion and how you're handling it.
I will say this - so few people seem to really understand what it means to love others, as God loves, irrespective of what others say or do. That way of relating to creation excludes animosity, or in fact anything other than the appreciation for life as our Creator has given. "As He is". My prayer for you and everyone else I don't know is that you enjoy that kind of life, more and more, everyday.
To clarify- This is what Waxit posted Sunday 04/19/2020 as the introduction to his other thread regarding this topic.
Hi Everyone
I would like your feedback
I would like to suggest some guidlelines on the above topic so people dont go over all the place
and instead we focus on sabbath keeping as a commandment of God.
Please give a maximum of 1 or 2 scriptures (chapter and verse) at a time in the beginning of your reply
so it doesnt get confusing for people who may not have an indepth knowledge on the above mentioned topic
and have a hard time understanding the scriptures relating to sabbath keeping.
Please do not provide scriptures that have nothing to with sabbath keeping- for instance
Matt 15:20 “These arethe thingswhich defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.”
You are welcome to explain the bible verses you provided and it can also be about sin and the laws of God
as it relates to sabbath keeping
Thanks for your coperation and understanding
I deleted that post for at least three reasons.
1) it was posted in the Open Forum rather than here in Doctrinal. I could have moved it, BUT...
2) He already had this thread moving lively along here, and
3) Users here at GSC do not get to dictate the comment style of others, or limit responses to those they like. Numerous scriptural replies had been made already at that time, and continue to be presented but rather than discuss why they do not apply, Waxit repeats his own version, (largely) ignoring those which have been posted in response.
Very little has been off topic in this thread, and I applaud those who have responded for being very cordial to our new participant. It has been extremely civil on their end. THANK YOU. It is like flogging a dead horse. The intent in our forums is to discuss, if anyone's intent is to "win" the argument... it simply is not going to happen! Everyone here (some more than others) is quite familiar with the scriptures and we all have our own ideas regarding them. Telling others they do not care about scriptural truths here demonstrates one's lack of familiarity with the other users of this space. I recommend new participants spend some time reading previous threads to get an understanding of the immense depth some of our members have in this regards. That is not to say we cannot learn from someone new. I think that has been stressed several times on this thread and elsewhere in the forums.
It is however, a two way thing. It does not work well to come in and lay claim to an indisputable truth regarding some aspect and then simply expect everyone to gather around your feet as if you have all the answers. We have been there before. It does not play well in these pages. If we truly have made our case others might agree with us. It has not seemed to happen here. Few at GSC have itching ears just waiting to hear each new thing, no matter how poorly it is presented.
I know we are all home with much more time on our hands these days. IT SHOWS! I, for one, have read more of this particular forum section in the last two weeks than in the previous 15 years combined . Be well and stay safe.
I, for one, am actually at home with LESS time on my hands. It doesn't make sense when you say it like that, but there's more to do here, and fewer moments with nobody around to interrupt something, and more cooking to do. (We can order a delivery, but we're waiting for a return to regular take-out, and are taking out from what few places are allowed to do that now.)
I know what you mean, WordWolf…it takes more time and energy to compensate for the lack of normalcy. Like Zoom meetings and lots of homework to make up for the school being closed…and all kinds of clean-up and organizing projects to keep from going stir-crazy. At the end of the day I look at the clock and ask “where does the time go?” And I have the hardest time remembering what day of the week it is – until I look at a calendar. If not for watching the news and talk shows, each day would almost seem like a repeat of yesterday…Yikes ! Am I stuck inside a Groundhog Day movie?
To clarify- This is what Waxit posted Sunday 04/19/2020 as the introduction to his other thread regarding this topic.
I deleted that post for at least three reasons.
1) it was posted in the Open Forum rather than here in Doctrinal. I could have moved it, BUT...
2) He already had this thread moving lively along here, and
3) Users here at GSC do not get to dictate the comment style of others, or limit responses to those they like. Numerous scriptural replies had been made already at that time, and continue to be presented but rather than discuss why they do not apply, Waxit repeats his own version, (largely) ignoring those which have been posted in response.
Very little has been off topic in this thread, and I applaud those who have responded for being very cordial to our new participant. It has been extremely civil on their end. THANK YOU. It is like flogging a dead horse. The intent in our forums is to discuss, if anyone's intent is to "win" the argument... it simply is not going to happen! Everyone here (some more than others) is quite familiar with the scriptures and we all have our own ideas regarding them. Telling others they do not care about scriptural truths here demonstrates one's lack of familiarity with the other users of this space. I recommend new participants spend some time reading previous threads to get an understanding of the immense depth some of our members have in this regards. That is not to say we cannot learn from someone new. I think that has been stressed several times on this thread and elsewhere in the forums.
It is however, a two way thing. It does not work well to come in and lay claim to an indisputable truth regarding some aspect and then simply expect everyone to gather around your feet as if you have all the answers. We have been there before. It does not play well in these pages. If we truly have made our case others might agree with us. It has not seemed to happen here. Few at GSC have itching ears just waiting to hear each new thing, no matter how poorly it is presented.
I know we are all home with much more time on our hands these days. IT SHOWS! I, for one, have read more of this particular forum section in the last two weeks than in the previous 15 years combined . Be well and stay safe.
Agreed, it's a well beaten horse at this point.
Dialectical thinking moves many of the discussions on GS forward. It can be assumed that if there's interest it will generate questions, inquiry. In fact I think dialectics is one of the stronger methodologies exhibited in online discussion groups like GS. Because it's inherently arbitrary and can allow for resident skepticism it's not always a satisfying way to come to a conclusion, however it is a very useful way for normal and reasonable discussions to take place.
Edited by socks Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk
Mate, Jesus Christ said that "He is the (only)way, the (only)truth, and the l(only) ife" and He is the Lord of the Sabbath
You say we should focus on Jesus Christ- You are absolutely right there
You will obviously agree with me that Jesus Christ is righteous and correct in what He said and practised
So tell me how can someone be Lord of the Sabbath and then consider sabbath keeping insignificant
Forget about TWI - I dont really care what they believe- if there is something good that i learnt
from pfal- it's the keys and principles in rightly dividing the word of God.
In fact there is a lot more than what vpw said- there are 14 rules for enabling one to rightly divide the word of God where there are no errors or contradictions
I also pray to God that He will guide me to all areas of truth
There are no 10,000 ways for everyone to be right. If you belives, yes everybody can be correct with differing opinion and it depends on how you look at it
then go and join the ecumenical movemnent which is very popular, you will be welcomed there
Let's forget about all the character analysis- what i think about you or what you think about e
Give me one bible verse that proves 7th day sabbath is insignificant
Would you please list these “14 rules for enabling one to rightly divide the word of God where there are no errors or contradictions”. I’d like to pin you down on what specific “rules“ you used to arrive at the conclusion that you have rightly-divided the word of God regarding keeping the Sabbath. Is getting “to whom it is written” one of those “rules”? If so, you seemed to have skirted around the issue in a previous post of yours here .
After which I pointed out your equivocation in my post here .
So perhaps you can understand my concern that you might not always go by the “rules” – even though you may think you are. I make mistakes like that myself sometimes – that’s why it’s helpful when I have other folks' eyes & brains take a look at the issue and examine my train of thought – maybe somewhere I got off track …It also might be helpful to think of Grease Spot – NOT as one’s own personal pulpit with a captive audience – but as an open discussion to exchange and analyze ideas.
Sooooo…circling back…please list those “14 rules for enabling one to rightly divide the word of God where there are no errors or contradictions” – so we can all look over your line of thought on the specific “rules“ you used to arrive at the conclusion that you have rightly-divided the word of God regarding keeping the Sabbath.
I'm not interested in winding anyone up. I'm only saying that, in the context of what we know about history, the existence of Moses as a real person may require a bit closer scrutiny. That's not to say there may not be some even greater sort of metaphoric value in the story of Moses. I think it requires an inquisitive approach rather than quick, unbending refutation.
There are some things like the existence of Moses that does not require any "inquisitive" approach
Nothing wrong in searching out the word like the beareans of Acts 17:11 to verify whether somwething tht is taught
is according to the word of God. But this is ridiculous, it's like coming up against God Himself and saying to Him, I dont trust the truth that you have made available
in the word of God. vpw on the other hand was a device that satan used. He had no right to be a teacher of the word right from the start, so dont let him or TWI doubt wthe
integrity of God's word rightly divided. The next thing I know you might even question whether Jesus Christ actually existed?
Why dont you apply for memberhsip to Christian Science- I am sure they would welcome you there?
RE-read all of the comments to this topic. Your demand has already been met.
All of them have got nothing to do with sabbath keeping- I have yet to get one bible verse
(rightly divided- no errors) that shows the insignificance of 7th day sabbath keeping
So No- It's not been met- I am sorry to disappoint you
There are some things like the existence of Moses that does not require any "inquisitive" approach
And you know that Moses, as an actual person, existed Have you looked at any secular historical sources that would support this premise?
12 minutes ago, Waxit said:
Why dont you apply for memberhsip to Christian Science- I am sure they would welcome you there?
When you resort to personal attacks, it diminishes the value of your response.
Edit: It may seem like a discussion of Moses is off topic but it is not. After all, we have to verify the existence of the messenger before we can examine the message.
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Right. The goal of the law is to get to know Jesus, the Christ. Get to know the Man, the King, the Shepherd, the Redeemer. The goal of the law IS NOT to get to observe any specific day, or time
"The thing though with you guys, it looks like in a clique, you are comfortable in protecting yourselves and when a new kid in the block comes is with something you don't like (which is quite clearl
Waxit: "The 7th day Sabbath was universally accepted by all and observed by both Jews,Gentiles and the apostles/leadership Acts 13: 42 And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the
Waxit, this is a strawman argument. You're probably familiar with that term but, if not, please take some time and figure out what it is and why your response to my post fits the definition.
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One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. Romans 14:5 ESV
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Please compile into categories the specific data of the “okay” stuff and the “horse manure” stuff and work out percentages with a pie chart and then post the pie chart here, to validate your assertion.
If you need further help on this project you may check out this You Tube .
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Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath...Colossians 2:16 ESV
Edited by T-Bonerevisions are the spice of life
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If a number of people say something with one voice, they all express the same opinion about something. "This would enable the community to speak with one voice in world affairs."
from Collins Dictionary
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This is strictly amateur hour compared to the Mike Wars. That ran so long I spent more than an hour a week just working up digests of the exchanges. I mainly stopped because nobody commented that they were appreciated or even read. (To me- they quietly told Paw they liked them, but I didn't hear about that for many months.)
Furthermore, Waxit's really not getting much UNKIND posting. a few isolated cheap-shots, IMHO, but the posts overall have been civil or better.
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"You and your group of people that agree with you are entitled to your own opinions."
WordWolf: [Yes we are, and we can-and have- supported it. We're entitled to it either way, and you don't need to keep on posting "well, you're entitled to your opinion, even though it's error and you all walk in darkness" business, things along those lines. It won't convince anyone, and it just looks juvenile.]
"I have just been on gsc for a a few weeksor splinter group- (I dont give a hoot about TWI or any splinter goup)
and you think you know everything about me just by reading a few posts- like i havent spend enough of time away from twi
How do you know that???"
I never said I "know everything about you." You inferred that from my posts. Either you really think I said that- which is error- or you know I didn't and are pretending I did- which is intentional and worse.
I also didn't say you "haven't spend enough time away from twi." Besides, the issue isn't how much time away, but how much THINKING away. If you've spent the last 20 years out of twi but still use all their buzzwords, all their methods, all their paradigms, then you've barely left. If you've been out for a year and divorced from all of that, you've moved on. You're replying far too much on twi methodology for your own good. it leads one from cult to cult, or splinter group to splinter group.]
"I started a newwthread which invited a people to give me a bible scripture verse that shows 7th day sabbath keeping
being insignificant which contracdicts Exodus 20:8-11 and nobody including yourself has done that".
{As was already stated, you, personally, already made this thread specifically FOR that. Opening a second thread for the same exact reason is inappropriate in ANY forum. Furthermore, this thread was in the right place, the other was not. Nobody posted on the other except to say it was unnecessary. All the discussion on YOUR subject should all go here.
BTW, I COULD get into a lengthy discussion on where you went off-track, but you're not even processing the SHORT, SIMPLE posts clearly, and are complaining when posts are lengthy even when they are CLEAR and ON-TOPIC. You're NOT ready for discussion of weighty matters, and you should at least admit it to yourself. Not everyone IS, but not everyone blames everyone ELSE for their inability to keep up, either.]
"and you stand on the sidelines barking away at my heels"
WordWolf: {Sticks and stones, Waxit.]
Waxit: "If you are so insistent in me discussing sabbath with people who are not interested, why dont you
give me one bible verse that does show sabbath keeping to be insignificant."
WordWolf: {A) You are the one who showed up and insisted on discussing it. Don't blame me for your inability to engage the public. B) Someone already beat me to it. In fact, I started a different thread on something you should consider FIRST- whether ANY rules EVER change- and you skipped that one. Your privilege, but you're the one who needs the discusion most.]
Waxit: "I think you are afraid to learn the truth"
WordWolf: [Sticks and stones, Waxit. I'd be offended, but it's amateur hour compared to some other insults I've gotten. Plus, it's far from the reality, and I know that (as do the others.) It's far lazier just to slap labels and insults on us than to see if maybe we see something you don't.]
Waxit: "Listen i am not inerested in long theological debates and wasting time"
WordWolf: It's clear now that you want short, easy-to-digest threads that agree with you. Anything disproving your position is "wasting time." Anything deeper and weightier than what led you astray is a "long theological debate." It's sad you can't see that.]
Waxit:"The bible is very clear about the importance of sabbath keeping in the new covenant relationship with God"
WordWolf:[No, it's very clear it was important to Jews in the Old Testament. It's also clear that's been made insignificant. (Someone else already posted the verses.) It's further clear that some people continued to observe a Sabbath they were not required to follow. That's fine with me, if that's what they WANT to do.]
Waxit:"As i said i have got no hard feelings for those who disagree with me. You can stick to with what you want to believe
one thing for sure - we will learn the trugh when we come before the judgement seat of Christ and it will be too late then"
WordWolf: {I think you're the only one who doesn't see the "hard feelings" you just evidenced there.]
Waxit:"I know that sometimes I repeat stuff but i do that because it's important."
WordWolf: [And that's what people say who distribute propaganda and lies. Just because you repeat stuff, and because you THINK it's important, doesn't make it important. And you never made the case it WAS important- you just declared it was and repeated THAT. You don't get why that doesn't work, and I can't make it any simpler.]
Waxit: "Havent you heard that repitition of vital truths is the mother of learning>"
WordWolf: [Not at all. Do you have a chapter-and-verse for that? If we'd said it, you'd have insisted on those. Don't impose one set of rules on us and a different set on yourself.]
Waxit:"Dont need to comment on what i said- which is what you will continue to do to highlight to everyone that you are right and i am wrong "
WordWolf: [I'm not commenting to inform THEM, not primarily at least. You would get it if you tried, and you'd try if you cared. And the stakes are too high not to care.]
Waxit:"I am not interested in what you think of me because you dont have a clue of who i am and the heart I have for people"
WordWolf; [I know everything of you that your word has revealed. And having great heart and SINCERITY for people is no guarantee you're CORRECT. The flat earthers are sincere. The Pharisees that killed Stephen were sincere.]
Waxit: "Enough of all this mud slinging to and fro, I challenge you to give me one bible that proves the insignificane of sabbath keeping"
WordWolf:[Someone already did it. We can discuss those verses, but I know you're either going to either IGNORE them or DISMISS them without a discussion because otherwise you'd be refuted and shown to be wrong, as you've already done.]
Waxit: "or you can reply on the new thread that i started"
WordWolf:I already replied on that thread to inform you... never mind, you neither understood it on that thread nor will understand it now. After that failure of understanding simple text, why would anyone trust you to explain Scripture?]
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There's no character analysis underway, mate. My comments weren't about what I think about you, they were about this discussion and how you're handling it.
I will say this - so few people seem to really understand what it means to love others, as God loves, irrespective of what others say or do. That way of relating to creation excludes animosity, or in fact anything other than the appreciation for life as our Creator has given. "As He is". My prayer for you and everyone else I don't know is that you enjoy that kind of life, more and more, everyday.
Have a nice day.
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RE-read all of the comments to this topic. Your demand has already been met.
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To clarify- This is what Waxit posted Sunday 04/19/2020 as the introduction to his other thread regarding this topic.
I deleted that post for at least three reasons.
1) it was posted in the Open Forum rather than here in Doctrinal. I could have moved it, BUT...
2) He already had this thread moving lively along here, and
3) Users here at GSC do not get to dictate the comment style of others, or limit responses to those they like. Numerous scriptural replies had been made already at that time, and continue to be presented but rather than discuss why they do not apply, Waxit repeats his own version, (largely) ignoring those which have been posted in response.
Very little has been off topic in this thread, and I applaud those who have responded for being very cordial to our new participant. It has been extremely civil on their end. THANK YOU. It is like flogging a dead horse. The intent in our forums is to discuss, if anyone's intent is to "win" the argument... it simply is not going to happen! Everyone here (some more than others) is quite familiar with the scriptures and we all have our own ideas regarding them. Telling others they do not care about scriptural truths here demonstrates one's lack of familiarity with the other users of this space. I recommend new participants spend some time reading previous threads to get an understanding of the immense depth some of our members have in this regards. That is not to say we cannot learn from someone new. I think that has been stressed several times on this thread and elsewhere in the forums.
It is however, a two way thing. It does not work well to come in and lay claim to an indisputable truth regarding some aspect and then simply expect everyone to gather around your feet as if you have all the answers. We have been there before. It does not play well in these pages. If we truly have made our case others might agree with us. It has not seemed to happen here. Few at GSC have itching ears just waiting to hear each new thing, no matter how poorly it is presented.
I know we are all home with much more time on our hands these days. IT SHOWS! I, for one, have read more of this particular forum section in the last two weeks than in the previous 15 years combined . Be well and stay safe.
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Good post, Modgellan.
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Ditto, with a "Thank You" added.
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that goes triple for me, Modgellan - good post and thanks
good post and thanks
good post and thanks
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I, for one, am actually at home with LESS time on my hands. It doesn't make sense when you say it like that, but there's more to do here, and fewer moments with nobody around to interrupt something, and more cooking to do. (We can order a delivery, but we're waiting for a return to regular take-out, and are taking out from what few places are allowed to do that now.)
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I know what you mean, WordWolf…it takes more time and energy to compensate for the lack of normalcy. Like Zoom meetings and lots of homework to make up for the school being closed…and all kinds of clean-up and organizing projects to keep from going stir-crazy. At the end of the day I look at the clock and ask “where does the time go?” And I have the hardest time remembering what day of the week it is – until I look at a calendar. If not for watching the news and talk shows, each day would almost seem like a repeat of yesterday…Yikes ! Am I stuck inside a Groundhog Day movie?
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Agreed, it's a well beaten horse at this point.
Dialectical thinking moves many of the discussions on GS forward. It can be assumed that if there's interest it will generate questions, inquiry. In fact I think dialectics is one of the stronger methodologies exhibited in online discussion groups like GS. Because it's inherently arbitrary and can allow for resident skepticism it's not always a satisfying way to come to a conclusion, however it is a very useful way for normal and reasonable discussions to take place.
Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk
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Would you please list these “14 rules for enabling one to rightly divide the word of God where there are no errors or contradictions”. I’d like to pin you down on what specific “rules“ you used to arrive at the conclusion that you have rightly-divided the word of God regarding keeping the Sabbath. Is getting “to whom it is written” one of those “rules”? If so, you seemed to have skirted around the issue in a previous post of yours here .
After which I pointed out your equivocation in my post here .
So perhaps you can understand my concern that you might not always go by the “rules” – even though you may think you are. I make mistakes like that myself sometimes – that’s why it’s helpful when I have other folks' eyes & brains take a look at the issue and examine my train of thought – maybe somewhere I got off track
…It also might be helpful to think of Grease Spot – NOT as one’s own personal pulpit with a captive audience – but as an open discussion to exchange and analyze ideas.
Sooooo…circling back…please list those “14 rules for enabling one to rightly divide the word of God where there are no errors or contradictions” – so we can all look over your line of thought on the specific “rules“ you used to arrive at the conclusion that you have rightly-divided the word of God regarding keeping the Sabbath.
Edited by T-Bonerevisions on a shoestring
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The 14 rule restrictions got circumvented by the advanced class.
"...about which it is humanly impossible for you by your five senses to know anything."
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There are some things like the existence of Moses that does not require any "inquisitive" approach
Nothing wrong in searching out the word like the beareans of Acts 17:11 to verify whether somwething tht is taught
is according to the word of God. But this is ridiculous, it's like coming up against God Himself and saying to Him, I dont trust the truth that you have made available
in the word of God. vpw on the other hand was a device that satan used. He had no right to be a teacher of the word right from the start, so dont let him or TWI doubt wthe
integrity of God's word rightly divided. The next thing I know you might even question whether Jesus Christ actually existed?
Why dont you apply for memberhsip to Christian Science- I am sure they would welcome you there?
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All of them have got nothing to do with sabbath keeping- I have yet to get one bible verse
(rightly divided- no errors) that shows the insignificance of 7th day sabbath keeping
So No- It's not been met- I am sorry to disappoint you
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And you know that Moses, as an actual person, existed Have you looked at any secular historical sources that would support this premise?
When you resort to personal attacks, it diminishes the value of your response.
Edit: It may seem like a discussion of Moses is off topic but it is not. After all, we have to verify the existence of the messenger before we can examine the message.
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