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why does this not surprise me ?!


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For the benefit of those playing at home who want to know what it said without clicking blindly on a link...

This Daily Mail link's headline was "Mobster claims he helped Poison Pope John Paul I with cyanide and threatened to kill Pope John Paul II because they both tried to expose a billion dollar stock fraud scam involving cardinals and gangsters in Vatican City."

The links I got for that headline, including the msn link and a direct link for the Daily Mail, were:





The Daily Mail's site included this:


  •  Anthony Raimondi, 68, claims he helped kill John Paul I in 1978 because the pope threatened to expose a billion dollar stock fraud scam
  • The scam took place at the Vatican bank, where criminal cardinals and mobsters allegedly sold fake stock certificates to American companies like Coca-Cola
  • Raimondi was recruited by his cousin Paul Marcinkus to help silence the Pope before he exposed the illegal dealings
  • Raimondi reportedly stood watch as his cousin drugged the John Paul's tea with Valium and force fed the sleeping pope cyanide
  • Mobsters and cardinals also threatened to kill John Paul II for the same reason, but let him live after agreeing to keep the scam a secret
  • The revelations are in Raimondi's new book 'When the Bullet Hits the Bone'

"A mobster from the Colombo mafia family claims he helped poison Pope John Paul I with cyanide 33 days into his reign to stop the pontiff from exposing a billion dollar stock fraud scam. "


Raimondi dismisses those who question his story or say it closely resembles 'The Godfather III.' 

'It was a terrible movie. To tell you the truth I don’t really remember it,' Raimondi told The Post. 

'What I said in the book I stand by till the day I die. If they take [the pope’s body] and do any type of testing, they will still find traces of the poison in his system.' "

It includes a link to the NY Post.


"Meet the mobster who claims he helped whack Pope John Paul I over stock fraud."


I see no reason to take this claim seriously at this time.  It's true he's making that claim, and it's helping to sell his book.   Any death of anyone famous has claims of foul play attached to it.  JP I died rather suddenly, and it's easy to find conspiracy theories whenever that happens.



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or...one could just click on the link ;) ...but seriously, thanks for extrapolating what the article was about WW ! For the life of me, I could not get the link to 'appear as such' (or open) on this forum. My own opinion is that I could easily believe what the guy is claiming.

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I read the article. Maybe its' true and maybe it's not. My personal feeling, though, is that if this guy had any hard evidence to back his claims, he would have accidentally fallen down a flight of stairs and landed on  some bullets a long, long time ago.

Edited by waysider
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  On 10/21/2019 at 8:04 PM, Allan said:

or...one could just click on the link ;) ...but seriously, thanks for extrapolating what the article was about WW ! For the life of me, I could not get the link to 'appear as such' (or open) on this forum. My own opinion is that I could easily believe what the guy is claiming.


The thing is, Allan, it's considered bad form on message boards.  I know you're here to discuss, not advertise. However, that sort of thing is what advertisers do- they make a VAGUE comment, one that says nothing about the contents of a link, then supply the link in an attempt to get people to click on the link.  It's what one ces/stfi guy did on a Christian message board I used to frequent.  His only post there (and some other boards)  was a comment that he "found" this website and wanted to know what people thought- and linked them to the ces/ stfi  website.  It was blatantly dishonest, and I called him on it immediately.   I replied honestly, with what he COULD have said while not trying to mislead anyone- and I wasn't rude to him, either.  It was obvious to the other posters that A) he was advertising,  and B) I knew something about it, especially since I sounded as if I knew the guy personally. 


So, if you're interested in people checking out a link, how about pasting the title of an article, or the subject of an article, so they have some kind of idea of what to expect?   You can just type it out if nothing else.   


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  On 10/21/2019 at 8:42 PM, waysider said:

I read the article. Maybe its' true and maybe it's not. My personal feeling, though, is that if this guy had any hard evidence to back his claims, he would have accidentally fallen down a flight of stairs and landed on  some bullets a long, long time ago.


That seems a lot more likely than his claims being true and him being fine, especially since he's BEEN spilling the beans. 

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  On 10/22/2019 at 6:01 AM, WordWolf said:

The thing is, Allan, it's considered bad form on message boards.  I know you're here to discuss, not advertise. However, that sort of thing is what advertisers do- they make a VAGUE comment, one that says nothing about the contents of a link, then supply the link in an attempt to get people to click on the link.  It's what one ces/stfi guy did on a Christian message board I used to frequent.  His only post there (and some other boards)  was a comment that he "found" this website and wanted to know what people thought- and linked them to the ces/ stfi  website.  It was blatantly dishonest, and I called him on it immediately.   I replied honestly, with what he COULD have said while not trying to mislead anyone- and I wasn't rude to him, either.  It was obvious to the other posters that A) he was advertising,  and B) I knew something about it, especially since I sounded as if I knew the guy personally. 


So, if you're interested in people checking out a link, how about pasting the title of an article, or the subject of an article, so they have some kind of idea of what to expect?   You can just type it out if nothing else.   




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