As top-tier corps/clergy (cough, cough) splinter from twi.......soon thereafter, some of wierwille's hard-core men desire to subjugate others with new, ongoing teachings, classes and weekends that you just can't miss [and the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round]. In the immortal words of The Church Lady from Saturday Night Live................"How Conveeenient."
Subjugate --- 1. to bring under control or subjection; conquer 2. to cause to become subservient; subdue
Looking back at wierwille's ministry and corps program........I believe that subjugating was the core of the corps program...
Are you someone who prefers to be led?
Are you someone who prefers the life of those institutionalized?
Sometimes I forget what the attraction of splinter groups is.
Attraction: the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something. Similar words: appeal, desirability, seductiveness, seduction…I think it comes down to the fact that they (splinter groups) have already been seduced by the counterfeit Christianity and the supposedly spiritual elitism of wierwille – and so leaving TWI to join a splinter group is more or less a lateral move – where there’s a lot of similarities since one is comfortable being “institutionalized”.
Definition 1:
“Institutionalisation (or institutionalization) refers to the process of embedding some conception (for example a belief, norm, social role, particular value or mode of behavior) within an organization, social system, or society as a whole. The term may also be used to refer to committing a particular individual or group to an institution, such as a mental or welfare institution.” (from wikipedia ).
Definition 2:
I also found another definition that references being locked up in prison “Being institutionalized means that a person has been locked up long enough that they have become used to it, and this can create problems upon ones release. Prison has a very different culture and day to day life than life on the outside, and if you spend long on the inside you easily become used to it.” (From Quora )
The first definition made me think of my corps training – embedding a certain set of beliefs, values, behavior and my role in the insulated world of TWI…essentially my commitment to go through the way corps program was being willing to assume a life inside a supposedly protective bubble – something of a portable alternate world within a real world, if you will. The second definition made me think of how difficult it was for me to drum up the courage to escape from the mental imprisonment of an exploitative cult.
The reason it was difficult for me to leave was because of the idea of some “comfort zone” that TWI drummed into my head – as part of the TWI mindset, I believed sticking with the ministry would always be an experience of feeling safe or at ease and without stress…however when the questions and doubts started poking holes in my “bubble” I slowly began to realize that the “air” outside wasn’t toxic or harmful at all – rather it was a breath of fresh air. And perhaps some of the mental and emotional pain, numbness and stiffness of leaving my comfort zone were from engaging the atrophied muscles of suppressed feelings and critical / creative thinking skills.
So what would I say to someone who is already in a splinter group or is thinking of joining one? I’d ask them what can you get there that you can’t get another way – by reading the Bible on your own without the PFAL-colored glasses? Is it such a daunting task to drop the spiritual snobbery you have – that is inherent in wierwille’s teachings - and find a local church, fellowship or even just Christian friends who are not fans of wierwille’s body of work?
As for vpw...... for all his talk about "the manifestations", he wasn't seen to operate the "power" manifestations, I'd like to point out that we KNOW he faked the other 6 at different times.
He PRETENDED to receive "word of knowledge" about things all the time. He didn't say "I'm receiving a word of knowledge right now" - but he pretended he was, and then came out with something from the John Birch Society, or some Christian writer of whom we'd never heard. He claimed to receive word of wisdom....yet, on his deathbed, he told someone that he was desperately trying to remember or figure out where he'd disappointed God and gotten refusals for a miraculous healing at the time.
That was the same man with a laundry list of sins- simony, rape, sexual assault, menacing, addictionS to alcohol and tobacco, etc.
If the man was at all "tuned in", he would have known when he was PLANNING the sins that he was displeasing God.
He didn't even need divine revelation to know it was displeasing to God. Asking afterwards certainly would have gotten him an answer- if he really wanted one. As for discerning of spirits, he was fooled about stage magic charlatan tricks to make things appear- claiming they were supernatural when they were sleight-of-hand and someone CLAIMING they were supernatural.
For that matter, he died a slow death over a few years, with cancer attacking his cells. (Decades of abusing his immune system with alcohol during decades of abusing his cells with tobacco caught up to him.) The man who supposedly taught the gifts of healings wore glasses through the 70s and 80s, certainly, had a stroke, had to have an eye surgically removed, then had cancer spread to organs, killing him slowly. How much would you trust dieting advice from a "diet doctor" who was morbidly obese? If vpw really knew about healing as he claimed, he would have survived. (For that matter, how about word of knowledge or word of wisdom that he had to stop alcohol and tobacco because they were killing him?)
If one only had wierwille's example to go by, it's easy to conclude there's no miraculous healings.
So, all we saw were the utterance manifestations- which he faked also. And did a sloppy job of it, too. The same handful of syllables he spoke in the taped class where the same handful of syllables he spoke whenever he claimed to speak in tongues spontaneously at the microphone. "Lo SHON-ta ma la ka SI-to la SHAWN-ta." The man faked speaking in tongues all the time. If one tries, it's easy to fake interpretation and prophecy. In fact, he admitted he'd faked tongues, earlier in the day that he claimed JE Stiles led him into speaking in tongues.
So, I question whether vpw EVER did anything supernatural. I think it was ALL an act, a fake, a charlatan gulling a crowd.
I think he sometimes spoke correctly ABOUT supernatural occurrences-
when he plagiarized Christian authors who were the real deal.
That's why he SOUNDED legit. He was quoting people who WERE legit and claiming the words were his own.
Yeah about *wierwille’s body of work – I mean piracy – it never had a legitimate leg to stand on in the academic, theological or even literary world - only his biggest fans give him a free pass on plagiarism. Even from a Christian point of view – his lying and stealing (plagiarism), his licentiousness - especially being a sexual predator, and his lack of self-control when it comes to alcohol and cigarettes speaks volumes on hypocrisy – one of the more unsavory topics in the Bible . A hypocrite professes to have a certain moral standard but then in practice ignores that moral norm.
I’d say he was as phony as a three dollar bill – except *wierwille’s counterfeit Christianity was not so obvious to the naïve or those unfamiliar with some of the biblical criteria to spot a false teacher, a religious hypocrite or a bad tree - (and perhaps there's some folks who simply choose to blissfully ignore those tips on discernment) ( see Matthew 7: 15 to 29Matthew 23Luke 6: 39 to 49Titus 1:5 to 16II Peter 2 ).
WordWolf, I appreciate you bringing this up – it gives me another opportunity to get the message out to TWI and splinter groups…to those who’ve joined…to those who are firmly-joined like Krazy Glue…to compulsive joiners…to wanna-joins…to on-the-fence-joiners…now hear this:
*Editor’s note on my spelling of wierwille: For all you grammar-geeks out there , I know I’m supposed to capitalize the first letter of a proper noun but there is nothing proper about wierwille.
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As top-tier corps/clergy (cough, cough) splinter from twi.......soon thereafter, some of wierwille's hard-core men desire to subjugate others with new, ongoing teachings, classes and weekends that yo
Thanks Rocky.......lots of great insight. There are plenty of ways to supplement this *very real human need for belonging* .......besides going to classes and parking one's butt in a chair. Look
For those arriving late, this was a quote from MRS WIERWILLE, at vpw's FUNERAL.
"He was a mean man."
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Sometimes I forget what the attraction of splinter groups is.
Attraction: the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something. Similar words: appeal, desirability, seductiveness, seduction…I think it comes down to the fact that they (splinter groups) have already been seduced by the counterfeit Christianity and the supposedly spiritual elitism of wierwille – and so leaving TWI to join a splinter group is more or less a lateral move – where there’s a lot of similarities since one is comfortable being “institutionalized”.
Definition 1:
“Institutionalisation (or institutionalization) refers to the process of embedding some conception (for example a belief, norm, social role, particular value or mode of behavior) within an organization, social system, or society as a whole. The term may also be used to refer to committing a particular individual or group to an institution, such as a mental or welfare institution.” (from wikipedia ).
Definition 2:
I also found another definition that references being locked up in prison “Being institutionalized means that a person has been locked up long enough that they have become used to it, and this can create problems upon ones release. Prison has a very different culture and day to day life than life on the outside, and if you spend long on the inside you easily become used to it.” (From Quora )
The first definition made me think of my corps training – embedding a certain set of beliefs, values, behavior and my role in the insulated world of TWI…essentially my commitment to go through the way corps program was being willing to assume a life inside a supposedly protective bubble – something of a portable alternate world within a real world, if you will. The second definition made me think of how difficult it was for me to drum up the courage to escape from the mental imprisonment of an exploitative cult.
The reason it was difficult for me to leave was because of the idea of some “comfort zone” that TWI drummed into my head – as part of the TWI mindset, I believed sticking with the ministry would always be an experience of feeling safe or at ease and without stress…however when the questions and doubts started poking holes in my “bubble” I slowly began to realize that the “air” outside wasn’t toxic or harmful at all – rather it was a breath of fresh air. And perhaps some of the mental and emotional pain, numbness and stiffness of leaving my comfort zone were from engaging the atrophied muscles of suppressed feelings and critical / creative thinking skills.
So what would I say to someone who is already in a splinter group or is thinking of joining one? I’d ask them what can you get there that you can’t get another way – by reading the Bible on your own without the PFAL-colored glasses? Is it such a daunting task to drop the spiritual snobbery you have – that is inherent in wierwille’s teachings - and find a local church, fellowship or even just Christian friends who are not fans of wierwille’s body of work?
Edited by T-Boneformatting and typos
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For those arriving late, this was a quote from MRS WIERWILLE, at vpw's FUNERAL.
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Yeah about *wierwille’s body of work – I mean piracy – it never had a legitimate leg to stand on in the academic, theological or even literary world - only his biggest fans give him a free pass on plagiarism. Even from a Christian point of view – his lying and stealing (plagiarism), his licentiousness - especially being a sexual predator, and his lack of self-control when it comes to alcohol and cigarettes speaks volumes on hypocrisy – one of the more unsavory topics in the Bible . A hypocrite professes to have a certain moral standard but then in practice ignores that moral norm.
I’d say he was as phony as a three dollar bill – except *wierwille’s counterfeit Christianity was not so obvious to the naïve or those unfamiliar with some of the biblical criteria to spot a false teacher, a religious hypocrite or a bad tree - (and perhaps there's some folks who simply choose to blissfully ignore those tips on discernment) ( see Matthew 7: 15 to 29 Matthew 23 Luke 6: 39 to 49 Titus 1:5 to 16 II Peter 2 ).
WordWolf, I appreciate you bringing this up – it gives me another opportunity to get the message out to TWI and splinter groups…to those who’ve joined…to those who are firmly-joined like Krazy Glue…to compulsive joiners…to wanna-joins…to on-the-fence-joiners…now hear this:
*Editor’s note on my spelling of wierwille: For all you grammar-geeks out there , I know I’m supposed to capitalize the first letter of a proper noun but there is nothing proper about wierwille.
Edited by T-Boneformatting and typos
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