I had so much waybrain that I refused to accept the gift from my parents of a fully paid, 4-year college education because my twig leader said the college was "devilish"...and, as my twig leader explained to me, the credits from such a college would not be transferrable to a better college like (ta da) The Way College of Emporia...where I could "learn the word like it hadn't been known since the 1st Century!"
I had so much waybrain that I dropped out of high school 12 weeks before graduation to get my GED so that I wouldn't be accepted at most colleges...which meant that I would be a "doulos(sp) doer" in getting my "in fellowship" education.
I had so much waybrain that I didn't even bother to ask anybody if anything that twig leader was telling me was even correct.
I had so much waybrain that for 15 years I raised my daughter "like a WOW"...possessing only the belongings that could fit into the trunk of a car, moving every few months "as led by the spirit", working only part-time so that the rest of my time could be devoted to "moving the word over the world", yada yada yada.
I had so much waybrain that I refused to accept very good job offers from companies whose logos had "devilish" symbolism in them...according to my twig leader(s).
I had so much waybrain that I convinced a diabetic woman to "believe god" and stop taking her insulin because a "devil spirt" was the cause of diabetes, not a lack of insulin. (4 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed diabetic...and my twi offshoot pastor convinced me to stop taking my medicine.)
I shouldn't have gotten started...there's a book in there somewhere. :/
I'd like to advance the possibility that Waybrain is all (or most) of us all believing the same thing and thinking the same thoughts.
Individual experiences vary however. Being advised not to take medication is not necessarily Waybrain, because experiences of others (myself included) may lend credence to having to take medication and there's nothing in Way doctrine that ever prohibited or discouraged medication. If however there's something documented as a standard policy for everyone, then I would think that's fair game to be labelled as Waybrain.
Hmmm, perhaps documented OR verbal, because a lot of "policy" was never documented.
Waybrain is when you are so indoctrinated into TWI's dogma that you shudder when you hear the word "Christmas", you can't bring yourself to use the word "creative", etc.
I was so waybrained that I spent years of my life working for free, ie no salary or compensation of any kind, when I could have been advancing in my profession. :(-->
quote:Waybrain is when you are so indoctrinated into TWI's dogma that you shudder when you hear the word "Christmas", you can't bring yourself to use the word "creative", etc
Yes, and Advanced Waybrain is when you hear someone else (believer or not) use the word "create", you fell compelled if not driven to tell them how "inaccurate" their usage of the word create is.
Advanced Waybrain is when you are lonely and spiritually miserable and go to a fellowship of kind and loving people who demonstrate much spiritual fruit and then feeling superior to them and thinking that you can't fellowship with them becasue they never took the class and don't have the "accuracy of the word".
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
If it makes you feel any better there are so very many people who's lives you and J have touched who love you so. I still think that most of the really important things of life are not measured in jobs and social status but what we give away from our heart.
quote:Advanced Waybrain is when you are lonely and spiritually miserable and go to a fellowship of kind and loving people who demonstrate much spiritual fruit and then feeling superior to them and thinking that you can't fellowship with them becasue they never took the class and don't have the "accuracy of the word".
This is an example of what Waybrain is NOT.
For example, substitute this person with a devout Jehovah's Witness. Or how about a devout Roman Catholic? Same deal, only different group names. They would think they're more connected and accurate because of the religious group they're involved in. That's fairly common with religious groups.
It may not have been official, written policy to advise against medication. However, I saw several circumstances where people were discouraged by leaders from taking medication that were viewed as unnecessary such as hormone therapy for postmenapausal problems. Add to that, anti-depressants ("just read the Word more"), Ritalin (a big one) and ANYTHING prescribed by a psychologist. I met a lot of WC over the years that seem to all have the same opinion of psychologists and it was consistently negative.
All recommendations came from people with NO medical background whatsoever. (Didn't even play one on tv) Apparently, the WC used to get "medical revelation." (I'm kidding. No one ever said that) Great example of people just accepting things without ever thinking it through.
There seems to be a little bit of a shift in TWI III. During LCM's reign, the WC were into everyone's business. Lots of reports on everyone. How much they witness, ABS, attend fellowship, etc. My impression is the examples I saw were done as part of thinking it was ok to stick their nose in peoples lives.
These days, there are so few people, it's probably just not possible. Also, they seem to be afraid of losing what's left in their fellowships.
quote: Hey Oldiesman I do!! It was called THIRD AID REMEMBER??!! God then Believers and last Doctors. And it was not written but It was damn sure the policy, so pick another fight.
Datway, I'm not picking fights just rendering a thoughtful opinion.
Third Aid is something that proves TWI wasn't against doctors and medication. There would have been no third aid if TWI was against doctors and medication. Individual experiences may vary.
Do you know of any way books that promote the idea that doctors, medication, etc. should be discouraged?
Christians Should Be Prosperous,very well hidden but all the policies are in there.
And I might add that after going to God then Believers and not getting healed after a while you feel like your not good enough to get healed. Lets get honest it was mind control, who wants to admit they didn't get an answer to prayer?
I am not picking a fight either but don't give me the"where was that written crap". Where was it written sell your house to get out of debt but give us 10 percent of that debt money.
Where in twi books and other material does it say that people should work for free? Or that the use of the words "Christmas" and "creative" are discouraged? Or that women should "meet the needs" of the reverend mr so-and-so? Or anything else that people on this board have put forth about twi?
VPW taught that diabetes and certain other illnesses/diseases are caused by "devil spirits". He taught that believing=receiving and that if one is "right believing" and "in fellowship", then one will "prosper and be in health". He also taught that what one feared, one would experience.
I believed it because I was waybrained. (In other words, I swallowed vpw's version of "the truth" and applied it to my daily life...because I was afraid of "being out in left field" if I did not. THAT, dear OM, is waybrain.)
So when I came across a situation (in this case, a young woman with diabetes) that I was taught was the direct result of "devil spirit" infestation, I pushed vpw's "rememdy" for the situation.
Ta da! Wasn't a big leap after all, was it?
Also, you did not question any of the other posts on this thread.
I would appreciate it if you would step back from your twi defense mode long enough to see just how damned offensive and belittling your attitude is to me.
Just try for one minute to see that what you have basically said to me is that you never experienced what I experienced, and you can't find any written documentation that would specifically encourage me to do something so dumb as to not take medication, so therefore what I did then and said now is/was invalid.
That's the way what you said feels to me. If that was not your intent, I ask that you express to me what your intent was in that post.
Do you know of any way books that promote the idea that doctors, medication, etc. should be discouraged?
Christians Should Be Prosperous,very well hidden but all the policies are in there.
And I might add that after going to God then Believers and not getting healed after a while you feel like your not good enough to get healed. Lets get honest it was mind control, who wants to admit they didn't get an answer to prayer?
I am not picking a fight either but don't give me the"where was that written crap". Where was it written sell your house to get out of debt but give us 10 percent of that debt money. Waybrain is alive and well in this thread.IMNSHO
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I still pick apart things I hear now about 'teachings', a hard habit to break.
but then you have to pick it apart to understand it and if it's correct or not.
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...that it became impossible to hear other's opinions or ideas. They were simply to be analyzed for weaknesses.
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...that I began to see people as potential registrants in a class and not just people.
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I had so much waybrain that I refused to accept the gift from my parents of a fully paid, 4-year college education because my twig leader said the college was "devilish"...and, as my twig leader explained to me, the credits from such a college would not be transferrable to a better college like (ta da) The Way College of Emporia...where I could "learn the word like it hadn't been known since the 1st Century!"
I had so much waybrain that I dropped out of high school 12 weeks before graduation to get my GED so that I wouldn't be accepted at most colleges...which meant that I would be a "doulos(sp) doer" in getting my "in fellowship" education.
I had so much waybrain that I didn't even bother to ask anybody if anything that twig leader was telling me was even correct.
I had so much waybrain that for 15 years I raised my daughter "like a WOW"...possessing only the belongings that could fit into the trunk of a car, moving every few months "as led by the spirit", working only part-time so that the rest of my time could be devoted to "moving the word over the world", yada yada yada.
I had so much waybrain that I refused to accept very good job offers from companies whose logos had "devilish" symbolism in them...according to my twig leader(s).
I had so much waybrain that I convinced a diabetic woman to "believe god" and stop taking her insulin because a "devil spirt" was the cause of diabetes, not a lack of insulin. (4 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed diabetic...and my twi offshoot pastor convinced me to stop taking my medicine.)
I shouldn't have gotten started...there's a book in there somewhere. :/
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"companies whose logos had 'devilish' symbolism?"
Wow, you win. I thought I had gotten whacky advice.
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What exactly is Waybrain?
I'd like to advance the possibility that Waybrain is all (or most) of us all believing the same thing and thinking the same thoughts.
Individual experiences vary however. Being advised not to take medication is not necessarily Waybrain, because experiences of others (myself included) may lend credence to having to take medication and there's nothing in Way doctrine that ever prohibited or discouraged medication. If however there's something documented as a standard policy for everyone, then I would think that's fair game to be labelled as Waybrain.
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Hmmm, perhaps documented OR verbal, because a lot of "policy" was never documented.
Waybrain is when you are so indoctrinated into TWI's dogma that you shudder when you hear the word "Christmas", you can't bring yourself to use the word "creative", etc.
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I was so waybrained that I spent years of my life working for free, ie no salary or compensation of any kind, when I could have been advancing in my profession.
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Yes, and Advanced Waybrain is when you hear someone else (believer or not) use the word "create", you fell compelled if not driven to tell them how "inaccurate" their usage of the word create is.
Advanced Waybrain is when you are lonely and spiritually miserable and go to a fellowship of kind and loving people who demonstrate much spiritual fruit and then feeling superior to them and thinking that you can't fellowship with them becasue they never took the class and don't have the "accuracy of the word".
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
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If it makes you feel any better there are so very many people who's lives you and J have touched who love you so. I still think that most of the really important things of life are not measured in jobs and social status but what we give away from our heart.
P.S. Not Waybrained but I still work for free.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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Are you serious?
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This is an example of what Waybrain is NOT.
For example, substitute this person with a devout Jehovah's Witness. Or how about a devout Roman Catholic? Same deal, only different group names. They would think they're more connected and accurate because of the religious group they're involved in. That's fairly common with religious groups.
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It may not have been official, written policy to advise against medication. However, I saw several circumstances where people were discouraged by leaders from taking medication that were viewed as unnecessary such as hormone therapy for postmenapausal problems. Add to that, anti-depressants ("just read the Word more"), Ritalin (a big one) and ANYTHING prescribed by a psychologist. I met a lot of WC over the years that seem to all have the same opinion of psychologists and it was consistently negative.
All recommendations came from people with NO medical background whatsoever. (Didn't even play one on tv) Apparently, the WC used to get "medical revelation." (I'm kidding. No one ever said that) Great example of people just accepting things without ever thinking it through.
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Coolwaters, absolutely I'm serious.
I was involved in TWI for 17 years and not once was I ever discouraged from using medication, going to doctors, etc.
Do you know of any way books that promote the idea that doctors, medication, etc. should be discouraged?
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There seems to be a little bit of a shift in TWI III. During LCM's reign, the WC were into everyone's business. Lots of reports on everyone. How much they witness, ABS, attend fellowship, etc. My impression is the examples I saw were done as part of thinking it was ok to stick their nose in peoples lives.
These days, there are so few people, it's probably just not possible. Also, they seem to be afraid of losing what's left in their fellowships.
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Hey Oldiesman I do!! It was called THIRD AID REMEMBER??!! God then Believers and last Doctors.
And it was not written but It was damn sure the policy, so pick another fight.
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Just Thinking, that's definitely Waybrain...
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aw, thanks white dove. I do feel better.
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Ginger Tea
...where one's experiences with the world, thru people, conversations, books, movies, art, etc...all are perceived with this 'filter'.
Does it 'line up' with the way-dogma and it's version of the bible or doesn't it?
If is does ~ make a match ~ it's okay (until someone changes it)
If it doesn't ~ it's demonic, carnal, of this world (until someone comes along and does it).
Just part of the answer I'm thinking about...
Clean your filters! (;
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Datway, I'm not picking fights just rendering a thoughtful opinion.
Third Aid is something that proves TWI wasn't against doctors and medication. There would have been no third aid if TWI was against doctors and medication. Individual experiences may vary.
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Christians Should Be Prosperous,very well hidden but all the policies are in there.
And I might add that after going to God then Believers and not getting healed after a while you feel like your not good enough to get healed. Lets get honest it was mind control, who wants to admit they didn't get an answer to prayer?
I am not picking a fight either but don't give me the"where was that written crap". Where was it written sell your house to get out of debt but give us 10 percent of that debt money.
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Where in twi books and other material does it say that people should work for free? Or that the use of the words "Christmas" and "creative" are discouraged? Or that women should "meet the needs" of the reverend mr so-and-so? Or anything else that people on this board have put forth about twi?
VPW taught that diabetes and certain other illnesses/diseases are caused by "devil spirits". He taught that believing=receiving and that if one is "right believing" and "in fellowship", then one will "prosper and be in health". He also taught that what one feared, one would experience.
I believed it because I was waybrained. (In other words, I swallowed vpw's version of "the truth" and applied it to my daily life...because I was afraid of "being out in left field" if I did not. THAT, dear OM, is waybrain.)
So when I came across a situation (in this case, a young woman with diabetes) that I was taught was the direct result of "devil spirit" infestation, I pushed vpw's "rememdy" for the situation.
Ta da! Wasn't a big leap after all, was it?
Also, you did not question any of the other posts on this thread.
I would appreciate it if you would step back from your twi defense mode long enough to see just how damned offensive and belittling your attitude is to me.
Just try for one minute to see that what you have basically said to me is that you never experienced what I experienced, and you can't find any written documentation that would specifically encourage me to do something so dumb as to not take medication, so therefore what I did then and said now is/was invalid.
That's the way what you said feels to me. If that was not your intent, I ask that you express to me what your intent was in that post.
Thank you.
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