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Way Kid Who Left TWI in 2017


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Hey everyone, I’ve been looking at this site for years and decided to join. I was raised in The Way and just left in 2017, with my husband who was also raised in The Way. 

We left after seeing the deep corruption and evil within the organization, and after becoming Christians within 24 hours of each other. We have found true freedom and healing over the past 2 years in getting to know Jesus as our God, and though our families have rejected us, have found an amazing family within our church community.

Both my husband and I desire to help those who are struggling with leaving The Way, and who are struggling with doing the brain surgery required to unravel all of the lies. We have been able to maintain our faith through this process, and actually understand what “freedom in Christ” means.

Personally, I am still working through a variety of issues resulting from my upbringing (both from TWI and a rough parent situation). Counseling and inner healing ministry have been incredibly helpful, and I am hopeful that with time, I will be completely free.

Our prayer is to see The Way die completely, and we pray for healing to those who have left but still hold onto the harmful beliefs that the cult teaches its followers. So many people leave TWI but are never truly free from it. My husband and I are available if anyone has questions, or if you are hurting and need a friend who understands what you’re going through.

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2 hours ago, WayKid2019 said:

Hey everyone, I’ve been looking at this site for years and decided to join. I was raised in The Way and just left in 2017, with my husband who was also raised in The Way. 

We left after seeing the deep corruption and evil within the organization, and after becoming Christians within 24 hours of each other. We have found true freedom and healing over the past 2 years in getting to know Jesus as our God, and though our families have rejected us, have found an amazing family within our church community.

Both my husband and I desire to help those who are struggling with leaving The Way, and who are struggling with doing the brain surgery required to unravel all of the lies. We have been able to maintain our faith through this process, and actually understand what “freedom in Christ” means.

Personally, I am still working through a variety of issues resulting from my upbringing (both from TWI and a rough parent situation). Counseling and inner healing ministry have been incredibly helpful, and I am hopeful that with time, I will be completely free.

Our prayer is to see The Way die completely, and we pray for healing to those who have left but still hold onto the harmful beliefs that the cult teaches its followers. So many people leave TWI but are never truly free from it. My husband and I are available if anyone has questions, or if you are hurting and need a friend who understands what you’re going through.

Welcome WayKid!

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/9/2019 at 2:22 PM, WayKid2019 said:

Hey everyone, I’ve been looking at this site for years and decided to join. I was raised in The Way and just left in 2017, with my husband who was also raised in The Way. 

We left after seeing the deep corruption and evil within the organization, and after becoming Christians within 24 hours of each other. We have found true freedom and healing over the past 2 years in getting to know Jesus as our God, and though our families have rejected us, have found an amazing family within our church community.

Both my husband and I desire to help those who are struggling with leaving The Way, and who are struggling with doing the brain surgery required to unravel all of the lies. We have been able to maintain our faith through this process, and actually understand what “freedom in Christ” means.

Personally, I am still working through a variety of issues resulting from my upbringing (both from TWI and a rough parent situation). Counseling and inner healing ministry have been incredibly helpful, and I am hopeful that with time, I will be completely free.

Our prayer is to see The Way die completely, and we pray for healing to those who have left but still hold onto the harmful beliefs that the cult teaches its followers. So many people leave TWI but are never truly free from it. My husband and I are available if anyone has questions, or if you are hurting and need a friend who understands what you’re going through.

Hello Waykid.  Hello, and welcome.  I don't know if you, and your husband know Leah, LCM's oldest child. She has posted a few times here, and I find her posts very interesting, and informative.  I joined TWI decades decades ago, and left after 10 years.  At one time, I truly thought kids raised in TWI, were truly blessed.  I thought they didn't have to go through all the S--t I did growing up in an unhappy home.  Wow!!  Was I ever wrong!!!  I know that many of you kids growing up in Way World, had serious issues with drugs, and alcohol, among other problems.  Not all of course, but some did.  I could go on, and list more of the S--t, some of you kids went through, but I think you know about this, than I do.  I am so happy that you, and your husband left TWI, and found a church that works for you!!  God bless both of you!!:wave:

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Hi Waykid and multiple blessings to you and yours. I't's great that you have found 'release from your prisons' and you can look forward to an enjoyable hodos ! ( Bear in mind not everyone here has thrown out all of twi's belief system, i.e. Jesus being Son of God and not God the Son !! ) love n blessings

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  • 3 years later...

Thank you for your post.  I was also raised in TWI since birth and left when I was 20 around 2006.  My parents and two brothers are still very much involved volunteering at hq weekly and a brother ordained and corps working at gunnison (and hq before that).  I’ve done some therapy and am still working on processing my upbringing and relationships with my family still involved.  Would love to connect. 

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  • 2 years later...
On 4/9/2019 at 7:22 PM, WayKid2019 said:

Hey everyone, I’ve been looking at this site for years and decided to join. I was raised in The Way and just left in 2017, with my husband who was also raised in The Way. 

We left after seeing the deep corruption and evil within the organization, and after becoming Christians within 24 hours of each other. We have found true freedom and healing over the past 2 years in getting to know Jesus as our God, and though our families have rejected us, have found an amazing family within our church community.

Both my husband and I desire to help those who are struggling with leaving The Way, and who are struggling with doing the brain surgery required to unravel all of the lies. We have been able to maintain our faith through this process, and actually understand what “freedom in Christ” means.

Personally, I am still working through a variety of issues resulting from my upbringing (both from TWI and a rough parent situation). Counseling and inner healing ministry have been incredibly helpful, and I am hopeful that with time, I will be completely free.

Our prayer is to see The Way die completely, and we pray for healing to those who have left but still hold onto the harmful beliefs that the cult teaches its followers. So many people leave TWI but are never truly free from it. My husband and I are available if anyone has questions, or if you are hurting and need a friend who understands what you’re going through.

We here have pretty much all had to deal with these issues, one way or another, even in not "born into" TWI.  This place is but a shadow of what it used to be, but there is a lot of help and healing in the earlier posts.  I stumbled across GSC - oh my, it must be 20 years ago - and what I read then firstly enraged me ("who would say such things about such a wonderful ministry?!") and then healed me, as I realised that it wasn't me that was so screwed up and useless, it was and is TWI.  The wisdom and help available is immense, if you can seek it out.  We've been there.  We understand, without you having to explain.  ("Why didn't you just walk away?"  "What's the matter with you?"  "You're so weak/stupid/...")

Help, and be helped.  It's why this place is here.  Even after all these long years.

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In fairness, twi is a shadow of what it used to be, and almost 100% of everyone who was ever involved in twi is now out one way or another.  So, not so many people still need help as was the case 20 years ago.

That there are still people who need help is the reason this place is still around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to GSC, WayKid2019. I hope you find lots of helpful info here to add to your healing journey!

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  • 4 months later...
On 7/4/2024 at 12:09 PM, WordWolf said:

That there are still people who need help is the reason this place is still around.

For many people, recovery is an on-going process. Think in terms of something like weight loss. You don't reach your target weight and suddenly abandon the effort. I think there's a bit of a parallel in the comparison, but maybe that's just me. 

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