Invite all those “titled” folk over here to the GSC for a chat?? I’m sure there are some here who would love to hear DIRECTLY from them. Let us know their response, if you would be so kind, Taxidev. Thanks.
Interesting that you say this. They have all - those that have them - kept their "Reverend" titles. I don't understand that.
Because they are a "gift" to the body of Christ, donchaknow.
Which body of Christ? You may ask. Fair question. Was it the body of Christ that awarded them the title? (that body would not be an accredited body, by the way LOL) No, not that one. They split off from that one and started a new one.
Would it be the new one? How would we know? The only "gifting" in evidence seems to be that panel of dullards that we evidenced on a video. If that was a gift, can I exchange it at K-Mart? Oh, that must be the meaning of which why we need to go to meetings where they teach and listen to teachings from them. N - to - the - hizzou.
So hence this is the new meaning of outreach. All of those revivers and resurrectioners were in their little positions of holiness in the body of Christ. not the head, but up the neck, like. Then, we have a cutting off. You see the body of Christ apparently like in Terminator movies regenerates upon splintering, where a small droplet from the former body of Christ now forms a large puddle on the landscape and formulates a full integral little body of Christ. * Note the little "b" as opposed to the big "B" ....
In this little body of Christ formulated from a puddle on the landscape, now we have the same members in particular as we did in the big "Body of Christ" big "B". Thus the same "Reverend" members in particular who were, up the neck like, in the Body of Christ (big "B") now are also up the neck in the replicant splinter, the body of Christ (small "b").
Rise and Replication. Like the Arrow Worm.
So now we have established a spiritual and exegetical understanding of why the R&R leadership still retains their "Reverend" titles.
Invite all those “titled” folk over here to the GSC for a chat?? I’m sure there are some here who would love to hear DIRECTLY from them. Let us know their response, if you would be so kind, Taxidev. Thanks.
DWBH, I would love to "chat" with them, as long as they are truthful.
On 4/25/2018 at 12:21 PM, DontWorryBeHappy said:
(SNIP)...I contacted Boob and Doody MoneyHands the day of their Emancipation Proclamation last May. I wrote them a fairly lengthy letter. MoneyHands officiated at my wedding in July, 1973, just before we all entered the corpse. I’ve known them since 1971.
I asked in that letter, if Boob and Doody were going to look up the families of the people they drove to suicide with their fake “counseling”, and ask their forgiveness. I asked if they were going to look up all the scores of Corpse and WOW girls they told to get abortions so they could remain in the Corpse or on the WOW “field”. I asked them if they wanted to apologize to my family and me for the lies, libel, and slander they spread worldwide about us when we left in 1986. I asked if they were going to go to Toledo and confront da forehead for the 48 years of their lives devoted to anti-Christ doctrine and practice which he and dictor paul ordered them to carry out to the destruction, ruination, and even death of hundreds of innocent Christians. I asked a couple more questions. I got a response about 5 days later. It read, in its totality, “Hi Ralph.” That’s it. Nothing else in response....(SNIP)
Taxidev was kind enough to PM me and check with me if it was okay to send my symbiotic arrangement post to the R&R group. I told him I appreciated him asking, and that it didn’t matter to me – but he may want to think about the reaction Don’t Worry received after contacting the MoneyHands…(see the above section of Don’t Worry’s post I quoted here).
I think the only reaction he may get from anyone in that group over my little 2-bit cult analysis will be similar to the one in Acts 19:15 “Don’t Worry I know, and Penworks I know about, but who the fvck is T-Bone?!?!”
Let us know their response, if you would be so kind, Taxidev. Thanks.
I will absolutely.
Would you like me to include your incredible description of the past also? The one that includes that incredibly lengthy reply, "Hi Ralph"? I would be emailing it to the entire inner circle.
Sure! Go right ahead. They’ll NEVER discuss anything with me until they genuinely REPENT as their “Word” repeatedly instructs them to, in both “Testaments”, and however many “administrations, dispensations, or stewardships” they want to add or subtract. Why? Because until they do so, their seared consciences will continue to rule that nest of vipers.
They know I know what they are guilty of. As long as they deny the very behaviors and actions that cause their guilt, and do not summon up the humility required to not pridefully resist the Lord Jesus Christ, I know they will NEVER have the character or courage to do what Jesus would do! Jesus is not known to them. He is ABSENT in their false doctrine, and in their attempt at living as He taught us we can and should. Their God is a collection of ancient books, scrolls, papyri, manuscripts, texts, interpretations, and fantasies which, when jumbled together by an intellectually vapid and incoherent drunk, form the entire basis of their anti(against)-Christ doctrine, practice, and fellowship. Their VERSION of a non-existent “Word” with a capital “W”. LOL! That “Word” is their source of righteousness. That “Word” usurps the word made flesh by God Almighty, for the salvation of ALL human beings. That “Word” is their false idol, and they worship it more than they worship Jesus Christ. He is just a name for them, by which they can “claim” their own lusts and greeds in false prayer, or the name by which they seem completely unable to cast out devils, or bring about miracles and gifts of healing. How much of what Jesus taught is part of their daily lives? None of it was TO them so why bother??
Their “bema” won’t be some golden Olympic throne of “rewards”. Their brief time will be spent hearing “I never knew you”, over and over again. What works of Christ and greater have they done that you’ve witnessed since 1995? How much of their precious money has gone to help the homeless, feed the hungry, help their local communities without the ulterior motive of sucking them into some deranged bible teaching? How many have their glorious “gift ministries” healed, fed, clothed, and loved with the love of Christ? How many scholarships do they give their “living on a needs basis” young people to go to college? How many food drives, or clothing drives, or Thanksgiving Dinners, or Christmas gifts, have they collected and blessed their communities with? How much of THEIR “abundant lives” have they freely given to anyone besides each other??
Feel free to send them this missive also! It’ll give them something to feed on like rats in a subway of corpses of other rats. They can make themselves feel all superior to those of us who know and have witnessed their evil deeds and words, and have rejected their version of their “Word”. They’ll tell you how we’re all “bitter” or “angry” or “evil speaking” enemies of their “Word and Way”. Since they don’t have the courage or the character to come here and dialogue directly, maybe you can ask them if you can post their replies here at the GSC? That way you don’t have to be their mouthpiece either. Can’t wait to hear their response! Good luck, Taxidev!
Easy to say it's not the money (it's a good sales technique - and trust me, I know.) Doesn't mean that it isn't. Maybe try thinking about it another way.
It's the power they're addicted to. And, money is a relatively tangible proof of power.
('cause money can gets chit done... lol.)
Right. vpw claimed he didn't care about the money lots of times- when the microphone was on. When it was off, you'd better have all your payments current- and he lived with twi's budget as his slush fund. He didn't live strictly off his salary, he used twi resources and called them "MY STUFF", he called for cash when he wanted to spend some, and he was given a donation in untraceable dollars when he visited places because they passed the hat around. But OFFICIALLY, he didn't care about the money.
As for these people, they stayed when all the chickens came home to roost, they stayed when all the exodi occurred, and they only jumped ship NOW as they approached the twilight of their years with no retirement fund or security, while knowing twi kicked out Mrs W and she spent her final years in a nursing home rather than be cared for in her home at twi expense. They knew it was only a matter of time before it was their turn. So THIS triggered their leaving. They were well aware of many old-time leaders who pointed out corruption and problems and were kicked out- they helped do some of the kicking rather than join those leaving. They could even have slipped out quietly, Their actions-and the timing thereof- speak very loudly. I can't hear their sincere-sounding apologies over them, in fact.
Sure! Go right ahead. They’ll NEVER discuss anything with me until they genuinely REPENT as their “Word” repeatedly instructs them to, in both “Testaments”, and however many “administrations, dispensations, or stewardships” they want to add or subtract. Why? Because until they do so, their seared consciences will continue to rule that nest of vipers.
They know I know what they are guilty of. As long as they deny the very behaviors and actions that cause their guilt, and do not summon up the humility required to not pridefully resist the Lord Jesus Christ, I know they will NEVER have the character or courage to do what Jesus would do! Jesus is not known to them. He is ABSENT in their false doctrine, and in their attempt at living as He taught us we can and should. Their God is a collection of ancient books, scrolls, papyri, manuscripts, texts, interpretations, and fantasies which, when jumbled together by an intellectually vapid and incoherent drunk, form the entire basis of their anti(against)-Christ doctrine, practice, and fellowship. Their VERSION of a non-existent “Word” with a capital “W”. LOL! That “Word” is their source of righteousness. That “Word” usurps the word made flesh by God Almighty, for the salvation of ALL human beings. That “Word” is their false idol, and they worship it more than they worship Jesus Christ. He is just a name for them, by which they can “claim” their own lusts and greeds in false prayer, or the name by which they seem completely unable to cast out devils, or bring about miracles and gifts of healing. How much of what Jesus taught is part of their daily lives? None of it was TO them so why bother??
Their “bema” won’t be some golden Olympic throne of “rewards”. Their brief time will be spent hearing “I never knew you”, over and over again. What works of Christ and greater have they done that you’ve witnessed since 1995? How much of their precious money has gone to help the homeless, feed the hungry, help their local communities without the ulterior motive of sucking them into some deranged bible teaching? How many have their glorious “gift ministries” healed, fed, clothed, and loved with the love of Christ? How many scholarships do they give their “living on a needs basis” young people to go to college? How many food drives, or clothing drives, or Thanksgiving Dinners, or Christmas gifts, have they collected and blessed their communities with? How much of THEIR “abundant lives” have they freely given to anyone besides each other??
Feel free to send them this missive also! It’ll give them something to feed on like rats in a subway of corpses of other rats. They can make themselves feel all superior to those of us who know and have witnessed their evil deeds and words, and have rejected their version of their “Word”. They’ll tell you how we’re all “bitter” or “angry” or “evil speaking” enemies of their “Word and Way”. Since they don’t have the courage or the character to come here and dialogue directly, maybe you can ask them if you can post their replies here at the GSC? That way you don’t have to be their mouthpiece either. Can’t wait to hear their response! Good luck, Taxidev!
Started in London in response to fears of locals in Brixton about knife crime. Has since widely expanded, both in remit and location. There are around 300 groups in Britain, some in Trinidad, some in Australia - in fact, in 7 countries including 3 teams in the USA (Chico, California; Bangor and Portland, Maine).
In my city, we get heaps of people rushing up to hug us and to thank us for looking out for them. Homeless people know we don't judge, but offer kind words, a hot drink, and blankets etc in cold weather. Sometimes, homeless people tell us about someone (not usually a homeless person) whom they've noticed huddled in a doorway or alley, that they are concerned about. Parents are thankful we get their very drunk kids home safely. Security staff throw drunks out but then call us to ensure the drunks are warm and safe. Our universities have gained a good reputation as being in a safe city. The homosexual community welcomes us and some of them love to talk - they often have had horrendous times in churches.
And EVERYONE knows we are volunteers - and volunteer CHRISTIANS. Our actions are a much better way of witnessing than door knocking!!!
A bit off topic now, given the (predictable) way this thread has gone, but I'm out tonight, beating the feet on the streets from about 9.30pm to about 3.30am. You folks here will easily be awake in those hours, given the time differences. So, if you think of it, please pray for -- the safety of our team and city (and the other teams out within the UK); the wisdom for us to deal with whatever we encounter; and for our tongues to speak words of peace and blessing to those we encounter. We as a team know we'll have a good time in each others' company.
Their God is a collection of ancient books, scrolls, papyri, manuscripts, texts, interpretations, and fantasies which, when jumbled together by an intellectually vapid and incoherent drunk, form the entire basis of their anti(against)-Christ doctrine, practice, and fellowship. Their VERSION of a non-existent “Word” with a capital “W”. LOL! That “Word” is their source of righteousness. That “Word” usurps the word made flesh by God Almighty, for the salvation of ALL human beings. That “Word” is their false idol, and they worship it more than they worship Jesus Christ. He is just a name for them, by which they can “claim” their own lusts and greeds in false prayer, or the name by which they seem completely unable to cast out devils, or bring about miracles and gifts of healing. How much of what Jesus taught is part of their daily lives? None of it was TO them so why bother??
Nice insight here DWBH. I believe what they think is "the Word" in their minds is not much that God is involved with, and more of the consistency of "doing what they always have done" and trusting God to sort it out.
Which is akin to the definition of stupidity. Doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result.
Some of them have been doing this stuff for almost 50 years. Realistically, what are the chances they will have a sudden realization they've been hoodwinked??
Some of them have been doing this stuff for almost 50 years. Realistically, what are the chances they will have a sudden realization they've been hoodwinked??
That’s their problem. They think they’re right and everybody else is wrong. Same old nonsense. They talk about getting back to veepee’s original teachings/doctrine. They don’t realize that’s what got them in trouble to begin with.
I know most of us here would love to see them repent according to the standard Jesus Christ spoke of. Sorry to say I don’t see it happening. I’d like to be wrong. I’m not holding my breath.
Some of them have been doing this stuff for almost 50 years. Realistically, what are the chances they will have a sudden realization they've been hoodwinked??
You made me think of that old proverb of a dog returning to its which I have to ask - what if the dog never walked away from its own vomit?....another thing they like to do is roll on dead things and $hit...
Hmmm ...we’re not just talking about dogs here, are we?
I mean, they could come to that realization. I just don't see it happening suddenly. For me, it evolved over quite some period of time and took willingness and effort on my part.
I mean, they could come to that realization. I just don't see it happening suddenly. For me, it evolved over quite some period of time and took willingness and effort on my part.
Yeah that’s about the same for me...and I think in some ways it was probably one of the loneliest times in my life - in terms of realizing it was something I had to figure out for myself...and I say loneliest, even though my wife was right there with me going through the same “extrication” process - maybe we would occasionally discuss doctrine, issues or the change in our social life - but we tended to give each other some space...
you just can’t get there if you’re still in a group-think setting - which has gotta be like the blind leading the blind in my humble opinion...ya know, after Paul’s conversion he did drop out of the “main scene” for awhile - some commentaries speculate it could have been years...I think he was extricating himself from the confines of his old Pharisee mindset.
I just sent your correspondence as three attachments with my own introduction in the body of the email. It might take a while for any responses. It went to twelve couples. I just realized I didn't ask them to forward it to anyone that was missing from the list - I know of one in particular. Sorry.
I also invited them here to engage with all of you directly. Like JayDee said, I'm not holding my breath.
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How presumptuous of "them." "Our days are too precious to squander on the negatives." "Thank God, Paul did not spend time engaging in word battles about concerns that were decades old."
An interesting thing about The Way International is its symbiotic arrangement - where you have two different lifestyles mingling and interacting by the members of the group: 1. There is the Chri
Started in London in response to fears of locals in Brixton about knife crime. Has since widely expanded, both in remit and location. There are around 300 groups in Britain, some in Trinidad, some i
Interesting that you say this. They have all - those that have them - kept their "Reverend" titles. I don't understand that.
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Invite all those “titled” folk over here to the GSC for a chat?? I’m sure there are some here who would love to hear DIRECTLY from them. Let us know their response, if you would be so kind, Taxidev. Thanks.
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Because they are a "gift" to the body of Christ, donchaknow.
Which body of Christ? You may ask. Fair question. Was it the body of Christ that awarded them the title? (that body would not be an accredited body, by the way LOL) No, not that one. They split off from that one and started a new one.
Would it be the new one? How would we know? The only "gifting" in evidence seems to be that panel of dullards that we evidenced on a video. If that was a gift, can I exchange it at K-Mart? Oh, that must be the meaning of which why we need to go to meetings where they teach and listen to teachings from them. N - to - the - hizzou.
So hence this is the new meaning of outreach. All of those revivers and resurrectioners were in their little positions of holiness in the body of Christ. not the head, but up the neck, like. Then, we have a cutting off. You see the body of Christ apparently like in Terminator movies regenerates upon splintering, where a small droplet from the former body of Christ now forms a large puddle on the landscape and formulates a full integral little body of Christ. * Note the little "b" as opposed to the big "B" ....
In this little body of Christ formulated from a puddle on the landscape, now we have the same members in particular as we did in the big "Body of Christ" big "B". Thus the same "Reverend" members in particular who were, up the neck like, in the Body of Christ (big "B") now are also up the neck in the replicant splinter, the body of Christ (small "b").
Rise and Replication. Like the Arrow Worm.
So now we have established a spiritual and exegetical understanding of why the R&R leadership still retains their "Reverend" titles.
How big "B"s became little "b"s.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, I would love to "chat" with them, as long as they are truthful.
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Taxidev was kind enough to PM me and check with me if it was okay to send my symbiotic arrangement post to the R&R group. I told him I appreciated him asking, and that it didn’t matter to me – but he may want to think about the reaction Don’t Worry received after contacting the MoneyHands…(see the above section of Don’t Worry’s post I quoted here).
I think the only reaction he may get from anyone in that group over my little 2-bit cult analysis will be similar to the one in Acts 19:15 “Don’t Worry I know, and Penworks I know about, but who the fvck is T-Bone?!?!”
Edited by T-Boneformatting and clarity
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LOL T-Bone!
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Actually, I'm very interested in doing this BECAUSE of that reaction.
I have saved your entire post, and I will be presenting it to them tomorrow. And I will share every detail with you here.
Edited by Taxidevclarification
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I will absolutely.
Would you like me to include your incredible description of the past also? The one that includes that incredibly lengthy reply, "Hi Ralph"? I would be emailing it to the entire inner circle.
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Sure! Go right ahead. They’ll NEVER discuss anything with me until they genuinely REPENT as their “Word” repeatedly instructs them to, in both “Testaments”, and however many “administrations, dispensations, or stewardships” they want to add or subtract. Why? Because until they do so, their seared consciences will continue to rule that nest of vipers.
They know I know what they are guilty of. As long as they deny the very behaviors and actions that cause their guilt, and do not summon up the humility required to not pridefully resist the Lord Jesus Christ, I know they will NEVER have the character or courage to do what Jesus would do! Jesus is not known to them. He is ABSENT in their false doctrine, and in their attempt at living as He taught us we can and should. Their God is a collection of ancient books, scrolls, papyri, manuscripts, texts, interpretations, and fantasies which, when jumbled together by an intellectually vapid and incoherent drunk, form the entire basis of their anti(against)-Christ doctrine, practice, and fellowship. Their VERSION of a non-existent “Word” with a capital “W”. LOL! That “Word” is their source of righteousness. That “Word” usurps the word made flesh by God Almighty, for the salvation of ALL human beings. That “Word” is their false idol, and they worship it more than they worship Jesus Christ. He is just a name for them, by which they can “claim” their own lusts and greeds in false prayer, or the name by which they seem completely unable to cast out devils, or bring about miracles and gifts of healing. How much of what Jesus taught is part of their daily lives? None of it was TO them so why bother??
Their “bema” won’t be some golden Olympic throne of “rewards”. Their brief time will be spent hearing “I never knew you”, over and over again. What works of Christ and greater have they done that you’ve witnessed since 1995? How much of their precious money has gone to help the homeless, feed the hungry, help their local communities without the ulterior motive of sucking them into some deranged bible teaching? How many have their glorious “gift ministries” healed, fed, clothed, and loved with the love of Christ? How many scholarships do they give their “living on a needs basis” young people to go to college? How many food drives, or clothing drives, or Thanksgiving Dinners, or Christmas gifts, have they collected and blessed their communities with? How much of THEIR “abundant lives” have they freely given to anyone besides each other??
Feel free to send them this missive also! It’ll give them something to feed on like rats in a subway of corpses of other rats. They can make themselves feel all superior to those of us who know and have witnessed their evil deeds and words, and have rejected their version of their “Word”. They’ll tell you how we’re all “bitter” or “angry” or “evil speaking” enemies of their “Word and Way”. Since they don’t have the courage or the character to come here and dialogue directly, maybe you can ask them if you can post their replies here at the GSC? That way you don’t have to be their mouthpiece either. Can’t wait to hear their response! Good luck, Taxidev!
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Right. vpw claimed he didn't care about the money lots of times- when the microphone was on. When it was off, you'd better have all your payments current- and he lived with twi's budget as his slush fund. He didn't live strictly off his salary, he used twi resources and called them "MY STUFF", he called for cash when he wanted to spend some, and he was given a donation in untraceable dollars when he visited places because they passed the hat around. But OFFICIALLY, he didn't care about the money.
As for these people, they stayed when all the chickens came home to roost, they stayed when all the exodi occurred, and they only jumped ship NOW as they approached the twilight of their years with no retirement fund or security, while knowing twi kicked out Mrs W and she spent her final years in a nursing home rather than be cared for in her home at twi expense. They knew it was only a matter of time before it was their turn. So THIS triggered their leaving. They were well aware of many old-time leaders who pointed out corruption and problems and were kicked out- they helped do some of the kicking rather than join those leaving. They could even have slipped out quietly, Their actions-and the timing thereof- speak very loudly. I can't hear their sincere-sounding apologies over them, in fact.
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Grace Valerie Claire
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Grace Valerie Claire
Taxi, thanks!!
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A bit off topic now, given the (predictable) way this thread has gone, but I'm out tonight, beating the feet on the streets from about 9.30pm to about 3.30am. You folks here will easily be awake in those hours, given the time differences. So, if you think of it, please pray for -- the safety of our team and city (and the other teams out within the UK); the wisdom for us to deal with whatever we encounter; and for our tongues to speak words of peace and blessing to those we encounter. We as a team know we'll have a good time in each others' company.
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You got it!
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First they have to be truthful with themselves.
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Nice insight here DWBH. I believe what they think is "the Word" in their minds is not much that God is involved with, and more of the consistency of "doing what they always have done" and trusting God to sort it out.
Which is akin to the definition of stupidity. Doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Chock, that is true.
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Some of them have been doing this stuff for almost 50 years. Realistically, what are the chances they will have a sudden realization they've been hoodwinked??
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That’s their problem. They think they’re right and everybody else is wrong. Same old nonsense. They talk about getting back to veepee’s original teachings/doctrine. They don’t realize that’s what got them in trouble to begin with.
I know most of us here would love to see them repent according to the standard Jesus Christ spoke of. Sorry to say I don’t see it happening. I’d like to be wrong. I’m not holding my breath.
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You made me think of that old proverb of a dog returning to its which I have to ask - what if the dog never walked away from its own vomit?....another thing they like to do is roll on dead things and $hit...
Hmmm ...we’re not just talking about dogs here, are we?
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Oh, sorry. Were we talking about dogs? heh.
I mean, they could come to that realization. I just don't see it happening suddenly. For me, it evolved over quite some period of time and took willingness and effort on my part.
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Yeah that’s about the same for me...and I think in some ways it was probably one of the loneliest times in my life - in terms of realizing it was something I had to figure out for myself...and I say loneliest, even though my wife was right there with me going through the same “extrication” process - maybe we would occasionally discuss doctrine, issues or the change in our social life - but we tended to give each other some space...
you just can’t get there if you’re still in a group-think setting - which has gotta be like the blind leading the blind in my humble opinion...ya know, after Paul’s conversion he did drop out of the “main scene” for awhile - some commentaries speculate it could have been years...I think he was extricating himself from the confines of his old Pharisee mindset.
Edited by T-BoneClarity
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I agree T-Bone. Unless proven otherwise of course.
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Grace, DWBH, and T-Bone,
I just sent your correspondence as three attachments with my own introduction in the body of the email. It might take a while for any responses. It went to twelve couples. I just realized I didn't ask them to forward it to anyone that was missing from the list - I know of one in particular. Sorry.
I also invited them here to engage with all of you directly. Like JayDee said, I'm not holding my breath.
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