Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight makes twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seas, and there were fish in the seas, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the Russians are red, and fire trucks are always “Russian" around, so that's why fire trucks are red!
Do you mean big red truck as in big red planet Mars, the next fake NASA mission hoax ?
They sound exactly like the Board of Trustees purposefully evading answering any questions with straight answers....why? Because they are hiding something.....the truth
I completely agree with you Rocky, NASA staging the moon landing in a TV studio is an incredible con
Just like the Arizona State University diploma-fatory degree-mill conned Starbucks employees into thinking they would get free tuition, and Arizona State University also protected their professor who plagiarized several times, alot of conning going on there, since you live close by, you might want to take a little walk over there and ask them about all their bull$hit cons
By the way, I only used the word bull$hit since you used it first in your reply to me, but I would like to very kindly ask you not to use crude words like bull$hit anymore in your replies to me as those words only serve to degrade the conversation to sewer level, thanks
Glad to hear your friend married an actornaut, maybe you can ask her to set up up a free ride on their fake weightlessness-simulating wire harness system to you can make your own fake weightlessness video too just like NASA does, there are too many official NASA videos that expose their fake weightlessness-simulating wire harness cons to list all of them here, but just to get you started on your search, here is just one of those many fake NASA 'weightlessness' ideos:
It's very easy and lazy to slap a conspiracy theory label on true things that one refuses to accept, and one should be careful how they sloppily slap those labels on anything that they can't refute with evidence and proof, because they will stick just as easily to the fake things they believe in, and that darn adhesive is very hard to get off their hands
Thanks for making my argument for me, and be happy believing in your own conspiracies, no one can take those away from you
Please no more bull$hit please, ok? Let's continue being civil, ok?
Thanks, Rocky
P.S. - I noticed that you didn't say anything about the other video I posted showing no rocket engine burn marks on the moon's surface right under the supposed Lunar Lander?
And no tire tread marks on the moondust where the Lunar Rover was supposedly unloaded onto the moon's surface from the Lunar Landar?
Too much good, hard evidence to keep believing NASA's lies
May I offer you this insight. You can only control you.
If you have something you believe you don't want to read, your only socially responsible recourse is to ignore it.
This is but I offer it to you in a spirit of cooperation, in hopes that you might find it helpful.
“You can’t change other people; you can only change yourself” is one of those lessons I’ve had to learn over and over again. And then sometimes I forget it and have to learn it again.
You don’t get very far in a family business, for example, without learning this lesson. I am very thankful that my siblings and I learned it early and often. Think about a sibling for a minute. Can you change even one of his or her possibly annoying behaviors? No. You can’t. Siblings are who they are, and you can only change your own reaction, response, and behavior. Some people do this by moving to other states, or even countries. Some people do this by never speaking to their siblings again. But in a family business that’s committed to staying a family business, you learn to change yourself. It does work! (continued)
Edited by Rocky no need to duplicate post of silly video :)
And on the topic of whether or not there has been manned (and womanned) space flight, moon landings, Mars rover landings, exploration of distant planets and other wondrous things, I disagree with your entire concept that NASA has been staging huge deceptions.
Further, I find your claims in that regard so absurd that I have no intention of addressing the minutia. Your inference, "too much good, hard evidence... etc." Only reflects how you see the situation and bears no relation to how I view any of it.
Consider for a moment the incredibly massive number of individuals that would need to be sworn to secrecy to pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude.
That's been the focus of one line of reasoning to debunk bull$hit like what Mr. Goldstar is trying to hoist onto what he hopes are gullible GSC readers. While I generally abhor declarations of what people are thinking (including "hoping") and prefer sticking to addressing what they write in posts, weeks ago I caught some contradictions on Mr. GS's posts. He tried to explain them away, IIRC.
However, I just caught another one. He started this thread to bait people into debating details of what he claims is a non-existent space program operated by the US government.
But he also posted about Elon Musk's launch of a Tesla automobile, mocking the miscalculated trajectory BUT NOT claiming the event never happened.
We've had people act like that before here at GSC...
The bottom line is that it's getting more and more difficult to take Goldstar seriously.
On 3/13/2018 at 8:00 AM, GoldStar said:
I see SpaceX is on that list
That's the company that used their FakeCon rocket to launch a Tesla Fraudster into 'space' lol
Oops, sorry, I meant Tesla Roadster
Of course, they miscalculated again like so many times before, and the Roadster is going to overshoot Mars and end up crashing and burning somewhere in the asteroid belt, lol
Bol’s post looks very on topic to me. Flat earther’s are the core of the anti-science nuts who think NASA faked this stuff.
TWI had a lot of these disgusting theories. No doubt next we will hear about Masons. What comes after that? The holocaust didn’t happen? Maybe John Birch next month? What a bunch of horse manure
I am trying to take as much of a hands off approach as possible. Modgellan and I both have lives.
There is a difference between attacking someone's position and attacking the person. If you don't know where the line is, take a few steps back until you know for a fact you haven't crossed it.
I just deleted a string of comments that began with a flagrant example of namecalling. That does not mean we have examined everything or signed off on other violations in other posts. Frankly, we're waiting for the grown-up gene to kick in so that we have to intervene as little as possible.
I don't know that we've had to deal with a conspiracy theory type of thread in the past, and I'm pretty sure there's no rule governing them, so the mods have to discuss whether to intervene and, if so, how.
For the record:
There is no pedopjhile ring being run out of a pizza shop in D.C.
Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
This planet it a sphere (not perfectly spherical, but as distinguished from being a flat disk covered by a dome).
Vaccines don't cause autism.
Obama was born in Hawaii.
To an American citizen.
And is Christian (nominally).
9/11 was not an inside job.
Burning jet fuel does not need to melt steel to compromise the structural integrity of a building.
A plane crashed into the Pentagon. There were people on it. They are dead now. Show some respect.
If you want to post a conspiracy theory, people are entitled to laugh at you. It comes with the territory. There's a fine line between attacking a person and attacking the absolute nonsense that the person believes and promotes. But calling it absolute nonsense is not a personal attack.
For those who have forgotten, I am in the media in south Florida. I do not have time to police your squabbles. I spent Wednesday afternoon trying to describe the heartbreak on the faces of a dozen or more family members who came face to face for the first time with the maniac who decided to shatter their lives by gunning down schoolchildren on Valentine's Day. THEY are hurting. You guys are irritated by a pest whose face you may never see. And for what?
I apologize for playing the dead kids card, but this squabble has overtaken GSC and has jumped across multiple threads.
If you can't play nice, take a break. If you think the OTHER guy is not playing nice, take a break. Put him on ignore. It's not hard. But stop derailing threads, and stop participating in threads whose content you find ridiculous.
Ok, here's the deal: I just spent WAY more time than I wanted to reviewing this thread and watching the videos.
I commend everyone on the amount of restraint you have shown in replying to this utter nonsense.
I am obliged to ask you all to please restrict your comments to the argument, and not say things like "it's hard to take so-and-so seriously," which may not be namecalling, but resides in the same zip code.
It is fair game to call the topic of this thread B.S. It is not fair game to call the person who posted it a.... an artist.
I did not watch the full freemasonry video because I just had lunch. If someone would like to draw a link between the existence of freemasons and his or her own propensity to believe and promote nonsense, feel free to do so.
No one is compelled to read it.
No one is compelled to take it seriously.
No one is compelled to respond to it.
Each of us is free to discern the quality of a post or argument. That is not namecalling and is not a personal attack.
As moderators, we are not going to take action against threads or topics just because we find them laughably preposterous on their face. The slippery slope, if we were to adopt such a policy, would be way too real.
I don't see where he wants to "take over" GSC. I will therefore chastise Rocky in a manner proportionate to his infraction by making him read this post until the very end.
Mods here do a pretty good job of keeping conversations contained, and behavior civil. There are relatively few rules on this forum site, compared to others (Ex. I included the rules from one website I read for humor sake below comments in this post).
Online engagement in a forum setting is a particular kind of interaction where you are missing 70% of the context of the conversation you would have normally. On that funny site I read people get so mad they do like fight challenges - they get made fun of calling them "death matches" after this one guy Frank Dux who faked being the victor of several of those underground.
Anyways I thought everybody might have some fun reading the FAQ and Rules for The main author of it Sam Browning is a lawyer with a sense of humor.
In order to help lessen your initial Bullshido reaming, it may be healthful for you to follow some basic guidelines when you decide to post for the first time.
1. Please do not think you are enlightening the community by creating a post entitled, “TMA(Traditional Martial Arts) versus MMA(Mixed Martial Arts)” or some style versus another style in a theoretical death match post. Styles don't beat people, people beat people. Do a search and add to an existing thread on the topic, unless you have a completely new angle to provide. This includes "striking verses grappling". We all know who would win that anyway.
3. Do not start an anti-SCARSthread unless you really have something new to say. Also on a SCARS note, teasing KungFoolss maybe fun, but it does absolutely nothing.
4. If you practice a relatively unknown style, please DO post about it. Most of us here enjoy learning about the more obscure styles, if only to raise new comparisons and broaden our horizons.
5. We all know Bruce Lee could kick foot. We don’t care what H. Gracie would have, could have or should have done to him. Chances are they would have trained together anyway.
6. Please no more threads on your favorite training music.
7. NoWT/VT/WClineage wars. No-one cares who has the “real” kung fu. Only Pizdoff and Das Moose know who has it anyway. Also, if you want to know if WT/WC/VT works, use the search function and pick the first 10,000 threads covering the subject instead of starting a new one.
8. No using the word Chi or Qi or anything else like it without explaining what the hell you are talking about. Please search for the previous thread detailing this. Definitions such as, “It comes from a musculature a normal martial artist can't use!!! It's a special kind of rotating musculature”, are unacceptable. All threads discussing Chi/Ki/Qi/WTF must first pass through a review board consisting of The Wastrel, Dochter, and KuntaoKid (for an opposing view). If arguments are deemed poorly structered, existing in the absence of a logical framework or otherwise faulty the postee will have a baseball bat inserted into a place of our choosing. This is a retroactively effective process as well.
9. Tae Kwon Do bashing is acceptable, but only if you can bring some new analysis to the table.
10. Any review of an MA(Martial Art) school or MA related event is encouraged. Many members also enjoy reading knowledgeable reviews of books or training videos as well. Movie reviews are cool too.
11. Please, no Gracie nutriding.
nutrider - noun.
def. The follower of a particular personage/object who is unable to see any fault in his/her diety.
12. Conversely, grappling=sex jokes are no longer funny.
As are any of of the following, or their derivatives: plays on the word kung fu (slap-fu, crip-fu, etc.), "all your base are belong to us", jew-jitsu, blowjob-jitsu, and references.
This is vividly illustrated in the following reenactment, by boyd and myself:
Aaronboyd2: OH MAN
You can make these jokes, but they have certainly been done before, and you're likely to violate rules 19 and 20.
13. No posting links, pictures, etc without bringing some analysis or commentary to the table. A huge picture with the caption, "Discuss", or, "What do you think?" is unacceptable. Any monkey can find MA stuff on the web and post it.
An example of something more acceptable would be, "Could someone please explain what this guy is doing at 1:25 of this video". Or, "This guy gets completely destroyed. What do you all think he could have done differently?".
This rule also applies to posting links. Most of us have a real life outside Bullshido. So don't post a whole bunch of links without at least briefly explaining why we should visit each site, for example "For Frank Dux's latest claim that he earned the Medal of Honor see . . ." Otherwise the poster is obscuring facts not illuminating them.
14. Do not put attempts to be funny unrelated to the martial arts in General Discussion, they belong in General BS or Current Events, Politics, Social Issues. Similarly if you wish to post a thread directly insulting someone else, go directly to Trollshido. Posts that would be funny in the right section are annoying and trollsome in others. If you do not know the difference do not post.
15. Do not write in trashing some instructor or school without providing a link to their website, and if possible you should provide a link to an on-line newspaper article establishing prior misdeeds that you make reference to.
16. Be prepared to specify what your experiences with this instructor have been, whether you are, or study under a rival instructor, and if you can, or have, visited their dojo to report on what their actual teaching skills may be.
17. Do not open with a claim that a person is a fake or a fraud without offering proof. For example Frank Dux's Ninja claims were destroyed by a well known Los Angeles Times article in the late 1980s showing that he couldn't tell a consistant story about his past linage or the 'blood sport' tourney. See a nice example of such proof, Busman actually reproduces the relevant L.A. Times article. Similarly, do not call a place a McDojo without providing your reasons for reaching this conclusion.
18. Remember, the amount of posts and level of intelligence do not necessarily correspond. Not all products contain approved ingredients.
19. In certain circumstances posters can be banned for stupidity if they are posting material so dumb that it drives the average reader to want to gouge his or her own eyes out. Repeatedly derailing, or clogging threads though trolling can lead to banning. Spamming by creating multiple stupid threads at the same time can also lead to banning.
Trolling is writing annoying, attention seeking posts that detract from the issue at hand and have no value. Posting that Royce Gracie is a fag in the midst of a discussion of traditional karate techniques would be an example of trolling. Whereas saying Royce Gracie is a highly over-rated fighter in a thread on MMA competitions is a perfectly appropriate post regardless of whether you happen to be right or wrong.
Banning typically takes place after warnings and the poster has shown that they are incapable of contributing posts of value to this site. A valuable post is defined as one that provides new information or reasoned commentary to others. Not "X is such a romo, that's why Kung Fu sucks".
Previous stupid actions that have lead to warning or banning have included:
* Whining about how one's stepfather beat you and how you now want to kill yourself.
* Attempting to repeatedly discuss your facination with, and use of, illegal drugs in martial arts sections of this board and then posting links to instructions on how to operate a crack pipe.
* Volunteering explicit details about sexual acts you have performed with your underage girlfriend which would earn you time on a statutory rape charge. Dr. Ruth does not reside at Bullshido, and we're not set up to deal with such personal issues and problems.
* Posting irrelevant and stupid comments in every thread currently on the front page of a section and starting multiple new oxygen stealing threads.
* Disregarding these guidlelines and ignoring helpful suggestions by other members to get a grip and to stop making an foot out yourself.
20. Use the search function before starting your first thread Newbie. The Search function can be located here.Image by WhiteShark.
21. Do not post porno or very graphic pictures in the public threads. Instead post a link and properly label it NSFW. This stands for Not Safe For Work. Please don't get a fellow poster in trouble because he simply logged in from work and someone looked over his shoulder.
22. Do not register more then one account on Bullshido. If you do so accidently please contact an administrator to correct the situation. We have found that such multiple accounts are typically created so that one person can argue as a 'crowd' or to make comments that they wouldn't dare say using their regular identity. Multiple accounts using the same IP number are presumed to violate this rule, unless prior permission is obtained from an administrator by proving that there are separate, real people using the same computer. Violation of this rule typically will lead to banning.
23. Do not spam non-martial arts related products or services on this board. If you want to advertise here, please contact Phrost and buy some space. Violation of this rule will typically lead to banning.
24. And one last thing- welcome to Bullshido, the first time HURTS . . .
I wanted to submit this a long overdue improvement to Bullshido. What does everything think? Is it too restrictive? Does anything need to be added? Thoughts in general?
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And on the topic of whether or not there has been manned (and womanned) space flight, moon landings, Mars rover landings, exploration of distant planets and other wondrous things, I disagree with your
So, the judicial system is one big con as well?
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That's a funny joke, lol
Probably should go in the Humor section so we can stay on topic here
But since you opened the door:
Blonde calls 911 to report a fire in her apartment
911 operator asks her, "How do we get to your apartment?"
Blonde replies, "Duh, big red truck!"
I hope we can stay on topic now, thanks
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I dunno, I thought it was rather applicable to the topic at hand.
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Do you mean big red truck as in big red planet Mars, the next fake NASA mission hoax ?
They sound exactly like the Board of Trustees purposefully evading answering any questions with straight answers....why? Because they are hiding something.....the truth
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Listen to the very last statement the 'astro-not" says on this video where he gives away the location of the video studio they are in
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Great song, DWBH, thanks for that!
Had never heard it before...
<< GoldStar dancing
And it's almost on topic too !!
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May I offer you this insight. You can only control you.
but I offer it to you in a spirit of cooperation, in hopes that you might find it helpful.
Edited by RockyIf you have something you believe you don't want to read, your only socially responsible recourse is to ignore it.
This is
no need to duplicate post of silly video :)
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And on the topic of whether or not there has been manned (and womanned) space flight, moon landings, Mars rover landings, exploration of distant planets and other wondrous things, I disagree with your entire concept that NASA has been staging huge deceptions.

Further, I find your claims in that regard so absurd that I have no intention of addressing the minutia. Your inference, "too much good, hard evidence... etc." Only reflects how you see the situation and bears no relation to how I view any of it.
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That's been the focus of one line of reasoning to debunk bull$hit like what Mr. Goldstar is trying to hoist onto what he hopes are gullible GSC readers. While I generally abhor declarations of what people are thinking (including "hoping") and prefer sticking to addressing what they write in posts, weeks ago I caught some contradictions on Mr. GS's posts. He tried to explain them away, IIRC.
However, I just caught another one. He started this thread to bait people into debating details of what he claims is a non-existent space program operated by the US government.
But he also posted about Elon Musk's launch of a Tesla automobile, mocking the miscalculated trajectory BUT NOT claiming the event never happened.
We've had people act like that before here at GSC...
The bottom line is that it's getting more and more difficult to take Goldstar seriously.
Where's that scripture that addresses vain babblings?
Please don't take his bait.
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Bollshevik added:
Sorry, the flat earth idea is not true
The earth has mountains
just more Off-Topic click bait full of vain babblings
Please don't take his bait.
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Great insight at that link. Thanks Bolshevik, I just now read it. It gots into the psychology of conspiracy theories. That's insightful.
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Bol’s post looks very on topic to me. Flat earther’s are the core of the anti-science nuts who think NASA faked this stuff.
TWI had a lot of these disgusting theories. No doubt next we will hear about Masons. What comes after that? The holocaust didn’t happen? Maybe John Birch next month? What a bunch of horse manure
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Back on topic:
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We had a discussion a while ago, about how ex-TWI people seem to be inordinately attracted to unusual theories. I can't seem to find it at the moment.
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I thank God that I am neither TWI nor ex-TWI nor attracted to unusual theories, only the usual ones
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I am trying to take as much of a hands off approach as possible. Modgellan and I both have lives.
There is a difference between attacking someone's position and attacking the person. If you don't know where the line is, take a few steps back until you know for a fact you haven't crossed it.
I just deleted a string of comments that began with a flagrant example of namecalling. That does not mean we have examined everything or signed off on other violations in other posts. Frankly, we're waiting for the grown-up gene to kick in so that we have to intervene as little as possible.
I don't know that we've had to deal with a conspiracy theory type of thread in the past, and I'm pretty sure there's no rule governing them, so the mods have to discuss whether to intervene and, if so, how.
For the record:
There is no pedopjhile ring being run out of a pizza shop in D.C.
Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
This planet it a sphere (not perfectly spherical, but as distinguished from being a flat disk covered by a dome).
Vaccines don't cause autism.
Obama was born in Hawaii.
To an American citizen.
And is Christian (nominally).
9/11 was not an inside job.
Burning jet fuel does not need to melt steel to compromise the structural integrity of a building.
A plane crashed into the Pentagon. There were people on it. They are dead now. Show some respect.
If you want to post a conspiracy theory, people are entitled to laugh at you. It comes with the territory. There's a fine line between attacking a person and attacking the absolute nonsense that the person believes and promotes. But calling it absolute nonsense is not a personal attack.
For those who have forgotten, I am in the media in south Florida. I do not have time to police your squabbles. I spent Wednesday afternoon trying to describe the heartbreak on the faces of a dozen or more family members who came face to face for the first time with the maniac who decided to shatter their lives by gunning down schoolchildren on Valentine's Day. THEY are hurting. You guys are irritated by a pest whose face you may never see. And for what?
I apologize for playing the dead kids card, but this squabble has overtaken GSC and has jumped across multiple threads.
If you can't play nice, take a break. If you think the OTHER guy is not playing nice, take a break. Put him on ignore. It's not hard. But stop derailing threads, and stop participating in threads whose content you find ridiculous.
End rant.
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Ok, here's the deal: I just spent WAY more time than I wanted to reviewing this thread and watching the videos.
I commend everyone on the amount of restraint you have shown in replying to this utter nonsense.
I am obliged to ask you all to please restrict your comments to the argument, and not say things like "it's hard to take so-and-so seriously," which may not be namecalling, but resides in the same zip code.
It is fair game to call the topic of this thread B.S. It is not fair game to call the person who posted it a.... an artist.
I did not watch the full freemasonry video because I just had lunch. If someone would like to draw a link between the existence of freemasons and his or her own propensity to believe and promote nonsense, feel free to do so.
No one is compelled to read it.
No one is compelled to take it seriously.
No one is compelled to respond to it.
Each of us is free to discern the quality of a post or argument. That is not namecalling and is not a personal attack.
As moderators, we are not going to take action against threads or topics just because we find them laughably preposterous on their face. The slippery slope, if we were to adopt such a policy, would be way too real.
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That makes me wonder why you want to take over GSC with superstitious conspiracy theories.
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I don't see where he wants to "take over" GSC. I will therefore chastise Rocky in a manner proportionate to his infraction by making him read this post until the very end.
Let that be a lesson to you.
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Mods here do a pretty good job of keeping conversations contained, and behavior civil. There are relatively few rules on this forum site, compared to others (Ex. I included the rules from one website I read for humor sake below comments in this post).
Online engagement in a forum setting is a particular kind of interaction where you are missing 70% of the context of the conversation you would have normally. On that funny site I read people get so mad they do like fight challenges - they get made fun of calling them "death matches" after this one guy Frank Dux who faked being the victor of several of those underground.
Anyways I thought everybody might have some fun reading the FAQ and Rules for The main author of it Sam Browning is a lawyer with a sense of humor.
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Thank you Chockfull for that very interesting post
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